CT in Computing Meaning

The CT meaning in Computing terms is "Computed Tomography". There are 31 related meanings of the CT Computing abbreviation.

CT on Computing Full Forms

  1. Computed Tomography Computed tomography is an imaging procedure that uses special x-ray equipment to create detailed pictures, or scans, of areas inside the body. It is also called computerized tomography and computerized axial tomography (CAT).
  2. Computerized Tomography Tomography in which transverse planes of tissue are swept by a pinpoint radiographic beam (e.g. X-rays) and a computerized analysis of the variance in absorption produces a precise reconstructed image of that area.
  3. Currentktransformer
  4. Central African Republic
  5. Comfort Technology
  6. Certification Training
  7. Computer-Tomography
  8. Computer Terminal
  9. Cbmputational Thinking
  10. Computerised Axial Tomography
  11. Computed Technology
  12. Color Touchscreen
  13. Convergence Technology
  14. Circres Technologies
  15. Control Terminal
  16. Current Transformer A transformer used to measure the amount of current flowing in a circuit by sending a lower representative current to a measuring device such as a meter. An instrument transformer specifically designed to give an accurate current ratio for measurement and/or control purposes. They are always connected in series with the circuit and hence should never be allowed to have their secondary to be on open circuit to avoid saturation
  17. Controller A name commonly used to describe a computer or an electronic control module. Or In Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS, the component that runs on the controlling system and contains the tasks that manage the plans and databases.or node canister. or A component or a set of virtual storage processes that schedules or manages shared resources. or The functional component responsible for resource management (load balancing and admission control).
  18. Cycle Time The time required by an injection molding system to mold a part and return to its original position. The time it takes to make one part including the closing of the mold, the injection of the resin, the solidification of the part, the opening of the mold and the ejection of the part. In a molding operation, cycle time is the time elapsing between a particular point in one cycle and the same point in the next cycle. OR The time required by an injection molding system to mold a part and return to its original position/state.
  19. Channel Termination
  20. Chrono Trigger
  21. Capital Trust, Inc., of Maryland
  22. Cellular Telephone
  23. China Telecom
  24. Cordless Telecommunications
  25. Continuous Tone
  26. Cheat Engine Cheat Table
  27. Scitex CT Bitmap 32bit CMYK Bitmap graphics (Scitex scanners)
  28. Scitex Continuous Tone File
  29. Control A device for regulation of a system or component in normal operation, manual or automatic. If automatic, the implication is that it is responsive to changes of pressure, temperature or other property whose magnitude is to be regulated.or In WebSphere MQ and VisualAge RPG, the result of selecting a part from the parts palette and placing it on the design window. An example of a control is an entry field.
  30. Center-Tapped
  31. Computer Telephony

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CT stand for Computing?

    CT stands for Scitex CT Bitmap 32bit CMYK Bitmap graphics (Scitex scanners) in Computing terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Chrono Trigger in Computing?

    The short form of "Chrono Trigger" is CT for Computing.


CT in Computing. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 30). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ct-meaning-in-computing/

Last updated