Cuban Abbreviations and Cuban Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Cuban terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Cuban abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Cuban terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Cuban Abbreviations
  1. BN : Boite Nature
  2. BNC : Banco Nacional De Cuba
  3. BTTR : Brotherseto The Rescue
  4. CAFC : Commission for Assistance To A Free Cuba
  5. CDR : Committees for The Defense of The Revolution
  6. VCSC : Vancouver Communities In Solidarity With Cuba
  7. ULC : Union Liberal Cubana
  8. CUBA : Coordination of Urban Busy Areas
  9. HC : Havana Cafe
  10. MSR : Movimiento Socialista Revolucionario
  11. SBN : Semi Boite Nature
  12. SLB : Slide Lid Box
  13. JR : Juvpntud Rebelde
  14. JSC : Jamaicans In Tolidarity With Cuba
  15. ICAIC : Instituto Cubano Del Arte E Industria CinematográFicos
  16. ICDC : International Committee for Democracy In Cuba
  17. ORI : Organizaciones Revolucionarias Integradas
  18. RASCC : Ramon Allonas Small Club Corona
  19. RE : Regional Edition
  20. RG : Rafael Gonzalez
  21. RYJ : Romeo Y Julieta
Latest Cuban Meanings
  1. Romeo Y Julieta
  2. Rafael Gonzalez
  3. Regional Edition
  4. Ramon Allonas Small Club Corona
  5. Organizaciones Revolucionarias Integradas
  6. International Committee for Democracy In Cuba
  7. Instituto Cubano Del Arte E Industria CinematográFicos
  8. Jamaicans In Tolidarity With Cuba
  9. Juvpntud Rebelde
  10. Slide Lid Box
  11. Semi Boite Nature
  12. Movimiento Socialista Revolucionario
  13. Havana Cafe
  14. Coordination of Urban Busy Areas
  15. Union Liberal Cubana
  16. Vancouver Communities In Solidarity With Cuba
  17. Committees for The Defense of The Revolution
  18. Commission for Assistance To A Free Cuba
  19. Brotherseto The Rescue
  20. Banco Nacional De Cuba