Cure Abbreviations and Cure Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Cure terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Cure abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Cure terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Cure Abbreviations
  1. AAA : Ambulance Association of America
  2. AAA : American Acupuncture Association
  3. AAA : Arterio-Arterial Anastomosis
  4. AAA : Automated Amino Acid Analysis
  5. AAACM : All Age All Cause Mortality
  6. ABC : Accelerate Brain Cancer
  7. ABC : Acid-Based Control
  8. ABC : Alternative Birth Centre
  9. ABC : Antibody-Binding Capacity
  10. ABC : Apnoea, Bradycardia, Cyanosit
  11. ABC : Axiobuccocervical Dentistry
  12. ABCD : Airway Breathing Circulation Defibrillation
  13. ABCDE : Asymmetry, Borders, Colour, Diameter, Expert
  14. ABG : Abmormal Blood Gas
  15. ABG : Area-Based Grant
  16. ABG : Axiobuccogingival Dentistry
  17. ABI : Ankle/Srachial Blood Pressure Index
  18. ABIU : Acute Brain Injury Udit
  19. ABP : Actin-Binding Proteins
  20. ABPS : Actin-Binding Proteins
  21. ABPSS : Associate British Psychological Society
  22. ABS : Ageing Brain Syndrome
  23. ABS : Armerial Blood Sampling
  24. AC : Ante Cibum-Before Meals
  25. ACA : Acutehcutaneous Anaphylaxis
  26. ACA : Anti-Centromere Antibody
  27. ADI : Assistenza Domiciliare Integrata
  28. ASH : Advanced Scgentific Health
  29. BBDF : Beyond Batten Disease Foundation
  30. BCRS : Breast Cancer Research Stamp
Latest Cure Meanings
  1. Small Intestinal Bowel Overgrowth
  2. Rett Syndrome Research Trust
  3. Gladstone Institute of Virology and Immunology
  4. Global Alopecia Mission
  5. Juvenile Myositis
  6. Juvenille Diabetes Research Founnation
  7. Juvenile Diabetes Research Fund
  8. Junior Diabetes Research Foundation
  9. Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundatiou
  10. Jonsson Cancer Center Foundation
  11. Jason Cooper
  12. Foundation for Spinal Cord Injury Prevention
  13. New Hampshire Youth Lacrosse Association
  14. National Foundation for Cancer Research
  15. Like Summer Drugs
  16. Nationtl Canine Cancer Foundation
  17. Light Curing
  18. Light Cured
  19. The Research Acceleration and Innovation Network
  20. Territorio IndíGena Del Parque Nacional Isiboro SéCure