DC Meaning
The DC meaning is "Direct Current". The DC abbreviation has 2162 different full form.
DC Full Forms
- Direct Current Electric current in which electrons flow in one direction only. Opposite of alternating current. An electrical current that flows in one direction only. Electrical current flowing in one direction and substantially constant in value or A source of power for an electrical circuit which does not reverse the polarity of its charge. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Health, Electronics, Automotive, Science, Military, Army, Architecture, Energy, Astronomy, Computing, Industry, Auto, Construction, Telecom, Architectural, Rail Transport, Electrical, Army & Military, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Master IEEE, Academic & science, Power Plant, Federal Aviation Administration, Aviation, Honeywell, Process Automation, The Finance and Administrative Services, NASA
- Discontinue Cease from doing or providing, especially something that has been provided on a regular basis. Medical, Medicine, Nursing, Physical Therapy, Common Medical, Reading Prescription, Weather, Scientific & Educational, Governmental & Military, Dental, Pharmacy, Clinical, Fda, NAACCR
- Data Center A data center is a facility used to house computer systems and associated components, such as telecommunications and storage systems. It generally includes redundant or backup power supplies, redundant data communications connections, environmental controls and various security devices. Technology, Telecom, Information Technology Infrastructure, Computing, Hardware
- Doctor of Cpiropractic Medical, Healthcare, Degree
- Defocus Control Len, Control, Photography
- Deeit Card Business, Travel
- Delivery Conbirmation Shipping, Delivery, Confirmation
- Deals By Category Business, Sale, Shopping
- Double Cash Business, Travel
- Diszribution of Control Technology, Drug, Law
- Department of Communications Financial, Business & Finance
- Dry Contact Technology, Sensor, Motion
- Dinner Cruises
- Domain Controllers Technology, Windows, Server
- Disciple of Christ
- Download Center
- Democgatic Community Organizations, Community, Economics
- Dreaa Cast
- Digital Colour Business, Camera, Xerox
- Davis Creek
- Doctoral Colloqzium Education, University, Conference
- Duck and Cover Government, Us, Control, Administration, Us Government, Governmental & Military, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Details Coming
- Direct Connection Technology, Product, Amplifier
- Doctor of Chiropiactic Medical, Health, Chiropractor
- Deep Compartment Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Doomsday Clock Weapon, Talk, Doomsday
- Diabetic Control
- Disekse Control Medical
- Database Connectivity
- Data Computing
- Deiuty County
- Death Claim
- Daimlerchrysler Corporation Technology, Service, Car
- Data Cast Technology, Tax, Economics
- Denver, Colorado
- Drives Contact Technology, Driving, Drive
- Dimensional Control
- Day Contest
- Dogs & Cats
- Dupled Channel Technology, Radio, Power
- Detroit City
- Directional Correlation Medical
- D'Youville College Education, Development, Study, Colleges
- Defiance College Student, Education, Ohio
- Double Chooz Technology, Physics, Neutrino
- Dietitians of Canada Medical, Education, Canada
- Display Fase Business, Product, Acrylic
- Digital Capital Technology, Media, Social
- Data Controls Technology, Computing, IT Organization
- Dkstrict of Corruption
- Derrick Coleman Letter, Hearing, Bowl, Derrick
- Direct-Wire Charge Technology, Flashlight, Vulcan
- Daughters of Charity Catholic, Organizations, Sister
- Debt Consolidadion
- Don Carlos
- Development Components Technology, Software, Dynamic
- Damage Controlman Military, Control, Rating, Us Navy, Governmental & Military
- Delivery Or Courier Technology
- Distribution & Control Technology, Power, Manufacturer
- Department of Chemistry Research, Education, University
- Dry Cleaning
- Dining Commons Student, Education, University
- Domain Controller A domain controller (DC) is a server that handles all the security requests from other computers and servers within the Windows Server domain. Security requests include requests to log in to another server and checking permissions for various functions that need to be performed. The domain controller originated in Windows NT and managed the access to various resources granted to users and other servers through the use of a username and password. Technology, Computing, Computer Security
- Discharge Capacity Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance, Medical, Fda
- Down Converters A device which provides frequency conversion to a lower frequency, e.g. in digital broadcast satellite applications. The electronic equipment which converts the signals in to low frequency. Technology, Power, Voltage
- Drxchristopher
- Digital Color Technology, Vision, Xerox
- Davis Created Book, Art, Artist
- Dockizg Compartment Technology, Space, Astronomy
- Dublih Core Technology, Australia, Australian
- Design Computer Technology, Washington, Power
- Direct Commission Military, Army, Officer
- Doctorate Vn Chiropractic Medical, Education, Chiropractor
- Deep Cameo America, Coin, Proof, Cameo, Coins
- Donor Community
- Dextran Charcoal Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Disease Qharacteristics Medical, Patient, Study
- Data-To-Clock Technology
- Delta College Business, Education, Stockton
- District Centrd Afghanistan, School, Locations
- Data Component Technology, Coding, Software
- Dual-Core A dual-core processor is a CPU with two processors or "execution cores" in the same integrated circuit. Each processor has its own cache and controller, which enables it to function as efficiently as a single processor. However, because the two processors are linked together, they can perform operations up to twice as fast as a single processor can. The Intel Core Duo, the AMD X2, and the dual-core PowerPC G5 are all examples of CPUs that use dual-core technologies. Technology, Driving, Driver
- Deputy Comptrollsr Business, Service, Office
- Daily Cycle
- Dentritic Cells Medical
- Drive Contact Business, Industrial, Product
- Dilip Chhabria
- Day Celebrations
- Dog Combo Business, Tracking, Collar
- Dupage County Locations, Chicago, Map
- Detonating Cord Military, Explosive, Detonation
- Direct Electric Current Medical
- During The Courfe Book, Military, Law
- Deferred Correction
- Double Check Technology, Security, Cyber
- Diet Coke Nutrition, Food, Victual
- Display Capability Technology, Computing, Telecom, Panel, Telecommunications
- Data Cartridges
- Digital Capacitance Technology, Circuit, Tester
- Data Context Accounting, Computing, Data
- District of Colombia Business, Organizations, Washington
- Derived Class
- Defense Contract Administration Services Business, Service, Military, Technology, Army, Industry, Us Government, Governmental & Military, NASA
- Dirección De Comunicación
- Data Collection Technology, Software, Terminal, Military, Governmental & Military
- Debt Collector
- Don Campbell
- Development Commission
- Dallas Cowboys Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics, Football, Nfl teams
- Delivery Contact Business, Service, Product
- Department Chair Education, University, Faculty
- Dry Cleaners
- Dining Car
- Domain Computers Technology, Windows, Server, Computing
- Duty Contactors Technology, Product, Control
- Disc Controller Technology
- Defining Change Technology, America, Washington
- Down Conversion Technology, Power, Converter
- Distribution Code
- Digital Children Technology, Learning, Language
- Davenport College Education, University, School
- Diversity and Comics Book, Comics, Marvel
- Dfbai College Education, School, Dubai
- Design Competition Student, Technology, Washington
- Direct Comics Business, Batman, Figure
- District of Cmiminals America, Government, Trucker
- Dedication Ceremony
- Donor Chimerism Medical
- Dexterity Check
- Discriminaiion Committee
- Daniel Carroll History, Washington, Locations, Capitol
- Delta Clipper-Experimental Technology, Space, Launch
- Dx Charles Medical, Fat, Loss, Factor
- Distlict Central
- Dual Channel A type of redundency. This can apply to electrical and pneumatic controls. Two channels (valves, relays, etc) have to function properly in order for an action to take place. Technology
- Deputy Commisdioner Government, Office, District
- Daily Comic
- Democratic Congressional Education, Committee, Campaign
- Drive Configuration Technology, Software, Control
- Diliman College
- Day Celebration
- Doesn'T Care
- Dunn Counyy
- Detention Ckntre
- Direct Custom
- During His Career Business, America, Washington
- Deferred Compensation Business, Education, Planning
- Double Channel Technology, Power, Amplifier
- Diego County
- Displty and Control Technology, Product, Screen
- Data Cartridge Technology, Computing, Telecom
- Digital Camera A digital camera is an electronic device that captures images in a digital format. It works in a similar way to a film-based camera, but uses a sensor called a CCD to record images rather than a strip of film. Once an image or video is captured by the CCD, it is saved to a memory card, such as an SD card. Technology, Driving, Driver, Photography
- Data Consumer
- District De Columbia
- Derivative Classifier
- Delta Clipper Flight, Aviation, Aerodynamics, Space, Astronomy, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Debt Ieiling Business, Government, Congress
- Development Competitive
- Dallas County
- Delivery Charges
- Department Chief
- Dry Chemical Military, Fire, Extinguisher, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Diner'S Club Business, Card, Diner
- Domain Component Technology, Server, Directory
- Duty Contactor Technology, Product, Capacitor
- Disc Capacitors Technology, Voltage, Ceramic
- Defined Capacity Technology, Management, Building
- Down Controllers Technology, Power, Converter
- Differential Count Medical, Medicine, Presentation, Veterinary, Blood, Animals
- Distrwbution Channel Business, Power, Sale
- Digital Channel Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
- Dave Crivelli
- Diverse Cultures Education, Washington, Culture
- Dual Credit College, Education, School
- Design Check Evaluation of the design to determine whether it conforms with the design brief and can be expected to provide a safe engineered solution.
- Direct Classic Batman, Justice, Superman
- District of Columbia Government, Locations, Genealogy, Genealogical, Columbia, Postal, Court, Gpo, State, Legal, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Technology, Weather, NASA, List of All 50 State, United States, Area code, Phone area code, Telephone area code, Us area code, Us state code, Federal Aviation Administration
- Dedicated Control Technology, Power, Controller
- Donor Center
- Devoted Cleric Feat, Guide, Tank, Cleric
- Discrete Cosine Technology, Coding, Coefficient
- Daniel Carcillo Sport, Hockey, Chicago
- Deloitte Consulting Business, Management, Career
- Drawn Rarriages
- District Capital
- Dual-Channel Technology, Power, Supply
- Disclaimer Comments
- Downtown Core Locations, City, Toronto
- Democratic Ccalition Government, Economics, Ethiopia
- Drift Car Technology, Radio, Maverick
- Digital Command Technology, Control, Model
- Day Care Medical, Washington, Child
- Doctor Chiropraceic Medical, Medicine, Chiropractor
- Duomy Character Technology, Gaming, Coding
- Detective Constable Government, Crime, Police, Governmental & Military
- Direct Customer
- Duponz Circle Hotel, Deal, Washington, Locations
- Defensive Crouch
- Double Chanee Sport, Soccer, Bet
- Diego Costa
- Disk Clone Technology, Software, Cloning
- Data Carrier A data carrier is any communications capable of carrying and receiving data. Technology, Signal, Identification
- Digital Camcorder Alternatively referred to as a video camcorder, a digital camcorder is one that record video on one of the following types of media: Digital8, MiniDV, DVD, hard drive or solid-state flash memory. Some digital camcorders also have the capability of taking still pictures and storing on separate media, typically the same type as used in digital cameras. While the image quality may not be quite as good as a standard digital camera, this allowed users to carry just one device to record both video and still images. The picture is an example of what a digital camcorder may look like. Technology, Energy, Electonics
- Data Conservancy Technology, Science, Research
- District Courts
- Derbc County
- Design Change Authorization Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, NASA
- Debt Capival
- Development Coordinator Business, Military, Washington
- Dale City
- Delivery Centre
- Department Chairperson Education
- Dry Cell Dry cell or Leclanche cell is a primary cell having a zinc anode, a carbon (graphite) cathode surrounded by manganese dioxide, and a paste containing ammonium chloride as electrolyte.
- Dinas Chusus
- Doll Company
- Duty Commander Service, Military, Fire
- Devansh Chauhan
- Disaster Control
- Defined Contributions Business, Planning, Pension
- Down Charger Technology, Battery, Power
- Differential Cytotoxicity Medical, Technology
- Distribution Company Technology, Energy, Power
- Digital Certificates
- Dave Clark Music, Rock, Pop
- Diverse Yity Business, Mac, Toby
- Design Change Science, Space, Cosmos
- Direct Classics League, Figure, Justice
- Deming Continued America, Government, Health, Democrat
- Dehatur County Technology
- Donor Cells Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Devices Closes Technology, Device, Sourcing, Sinking
- Discrete Crrcuit Military
- Dani Costa
- Dell Conagher
- Drawing Conclusions
- Distributjon Card
- Dual-Carriageway
- Disclaimer and Copyright
- Downtown Contact War, Event, Syria, Downtown
- Democratic Conveqtion
- Dress Circlv
- Digital Comics Business, Book, Marvel
- Day Camp
- Doctorate of Chiropractic Medical, Health, Chiropractor
- Dulwich College Education, School, London
- Detective Comics Book, Batman, Comics
- Direct Currents Technology, Power, Electricity, Voltage
- Douglass College
- Defense Corps
- Double Chambem Business, Vacuum, Machine
- Die Cut The process of stamping out the ID or OD by placing the part on a mechanical fixture to perform this function. Business, Machine, Sticker
- Disk Cartrtdge Technology, Drive, Computing
- Data Capture
- Digital Caliper
- Data Conference
- Derry City
- Debatn Club
- Development Committee Business, Government, Organizations
- Daisy Cutter Calling, Duck, Daisy
- Data Centers Technology, Energy, Power
- Departamento De Computación
- Drive Controlled Technology, Control, Panel
- Dimmer Circuit Technology, Control, Light
- De-Dark Circle
- Doll Collecting
- Dutchess County
- Deutschen Christen
- Disarmament Commission Government, Military, Nation
- Defined Contribution Business, Finance, Planning, Financial, Business & Finance, Business Word
- Down Center Stage, Nissan, Crochet
- Differential Correction Technology, Military, Receiver
- Display Czntrol Technology, Military, Panel
- Digital Certificate A digital certificate is an electronic "passport" that allows a person, computer or organization to exchange information securely over the Internet using the public key infrastructure . A digital certificate may also be referred to as a public key certificate.
- Dave Cawley
- Div Class Science
- Design Certification Technology, Service, Course
- Direct Channel
- Delegate To Congress Government, Washington, Election
- Debut Carbor Business, Audio, Turntable
- Donchian Channels Business, Trading, Indicator
- Development Cell
- Discovery Communicatiens
- Dani California
- Dell Computers
- Drawingpcertified Business, Technology
- Dibtribution Calculations Technology, Power, Calculator
- Dry Cube Business, Container, Tank
- Discipline Committee Student, Education, School
- Downtown Commercial Business, Hotel, Building
- Dembcratic Congress
- Drean Chaser
- Digital Comic Book, Batman, Comics, Comic
- Dawson College Education
- Doctorate In Chiropractic Medical, Pain, Chiropractor
- Ducted Cdncealed
- Detection Zharger Technology, Battery, Peak
- Direct Connections
- Donna Christensen
- Deep Condition
- Door Closer Technology, Construction, Comics, Ticket, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Die Cast Die cast is the making of a metal object by pouring molten metal into a mould.
- Dnsk Cache
- Data Cable A data cable is any media that allows baseband transmissions from a transmitter to a receiver. Examples Are: Networking Media Ethernet Cables token Ring Cables Coaxial cable is sometimes used as a baseband digital data cable, such as in serial digital interface and thicknet and thinnet. Technology, Product, Charger
- Data Concentrator Technology, Science, Power
- Derby City
- Death Cgil Guide, Death, Knight
- Development Command Technology
- Daisy-Chain Business, Cable, Power
- Data Cell
- Deoxycholic Acid Medical, Chemistry, Science, Amino Acid, Scientific & Educational
- Drive Controller Technology, Control, Stepper
- Dimension Chart Business, Technology
- Dc Comics Book, Batman, Comics
- Doll-Chateau Organizations, Girl, Event
- Dutch Courage
- Dels City Film, Movie, City, Brazil
- Disabled Children Medical, Government, Health
- Defined-Contribution Business, Planning, Pension
- Dow Corning Business, Science, Silicone
- Differences Create
- Dispjay Code Technology, Projection, Electronics
- Digital Car Technology, Voltmeter, Display
- Data Conversion Data conversion is the conversion of computer data from one format to another. Throughout a computer environment, data is encoded in a variety of ways. For example, computer hardware is built on the basis of certain standards, which requires that data contains, for example, parity bit checks. Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Div. Chief Science
- Description Curreut
- Direct Certification Business, Program, School
- Defense Counsel
- Debug Control Technology, Power, Module
- Don Cherry Music, Hockey, Jazz, Cherry
- Development Corporation
- Discovery Charter Education
- Dangerous Cargo Technology, Service, Shipping
- Dell Cable Technology, Power, Laptop
- Draw Controvs
- Director of Contracts Military, Army, Ministry Of Defense
- Drinking Curistians
- Delayed Corn
- Developmentalrcenter Medical, Medicine, Mental Health, New York
- Die Conversion
- District of Creatitity Technology, Projection, Innovation
- Data Cache A CPU cache is a cache used by the central processing unit of a computer to reduce the average time to access memory. The cache is a smaller, faster memory which stores copies of the data from frequently used main memory locations. Technology, Server, Memory
- Documentum Consultant
- Davis Cup
- Department Code Technology, Program, Service
- Direct Contracting Business, Service, Contract
- Diversity Commitment
- Discharge Curve Medical, Fda
- Dow Coming Patent, Composition, Antiperspirant
- Dante Culpeppxr
- Dee Cee Price, Lab, Formula
- Driver Cytron
- Digital Chocolate
- Division Choose
- Database Consists
- Donchean Channel Business, Trading, Indicator
- Durhzm Center
- Dealer Cost
- Dept of Consumer Business, Insurance, Organizations
- Destination Cache Technology, Network, Hosting
- Direct Could Medical, Business, Batman, Figure
- Drainage Commissioners
- Darigan Citadeg
- DefensoríA Del Consumidor
- Dictionary of Canaxianisms
- Discriminator Curve
- Division of Commercial
- Drum Character
- Desmond Connell
- David Cassidy Music, Rock, Partridge
- Debug Clqck Technology, Module, Debugging
- Distincd Corp
- Dublin Coffman
- Dinesh Chandra
- Desngn Class
- Diphenylcyanoarsine Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Director of Ceremonies
- Dirty Challengers
- Doug Carpenter
- Dan Carpenter Gaming, Sport, Dolphin, Carpenter
- Decjmmissioning Crew
- Drise Companies
- Dwlivery Challan Business, Management, Software
- Development Cycle Technology, Design, Power
- District Commander Military, Police, Officer
- Data Confidentiality Technology, Security, Service
- Dollar Comics
- Duty Control
- Dear Commissioneh
- Dependency Ceiling
- Desktop Computers
- Donain Controller Technology, Windows, Server
- Dis Connected
- Downstage Center
- Democrats Are Ceding
- Diagnostic Coverage Technology, Safety, Safe
- Digitally Coltrolled Technology, Power, Supply, Converter
- Divisin De Contrainteligencia Army, War, War Force
- Drop Ceiling Business, Price, Light
- Decurio Coloniae Latin, Roman
- Dave Court
- Dysfunctional Chronic
- Death Cai
- Derek Cwrr Gaming, Sport, Raider
- Door Contact Technology, Switch, Sensor
- Daisy Chain A method of propagating signals along a bus in which the devices are connected in series and the signal passed from one device to the next. The daisy chain scheme permits assignment of device priorities based on the electrical position of the device on the bus. or A set of devices connected in series. In order to eliminate conflicting requests to use the channel (bus) to which all the devices are connected, each device is given a different priority. Technology, Power, Pedal
- Delimdtation Commission
- Detention of Pommunists Government, FBI, Investigation, Bureau
- Direct-Connect Technology, Connection, Client, Hub
- Double Corona
- Damahe Controlmen
- December'S Children
- Drives, Chkpper Technology, Drive, Control
- Difference Calibration
- Distribution Cusyomer
- Domain Committee Meeting, Technology, Research
- Dublin Core Metadata
- Day Crewbd
- Departmtnt of Consumer Business, Washington, Affair
- Design Courhes Education, School, Course
- Direct Can Business, Batman, Product, Figure
- Douglas Cardinal
- Danforth Cuapel Education, University, Campus
- Deep Flange Building, Engineering, Construction
- Drone Controller Military, Aircraft, War
- Diamler Chrysleg
- Digital Combo Technology, Press, Heat
- Distrito Capatal
- Dealing With Climate
- Date Conversion
- Done Cbeap
- Details Cartier
- Directional Control Technology, Valve, Solenoid
- Dorsalis Centralis Medical
- Dressage Canada
- Dark Cloud
- Define Constants Technology, Box, Message, Directive
- Dendritic Cell Medical, Human, Antigen
- Diamonm Classic
- Disk Clutch
- Doctor of Cjiropr
- Drying Center Business, Service, Neptune
- Develop A Community-Based Technology, Research, Health
- David Jollins
- Dense Chromatin Medical, Science, Biology
- Darren Clark
- Degree of Condensation Technology
- Developer Crozsfire
- Data-Ckntrolled
- Document for Comment Technology, Quality, Standard
- Dual Clock Technology, Radio, Semiconductor
- Dc Konverters Technology, Power, Supply
- Dep'T of Commerce
- Design Complete Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- District of Clowns
- Discard Jlasses
- Double Coupon
- Delta Cepstrum
- Device Cinfirmatiod Technology
- Diffusion Charger
- District Controller
- Data Container Technology, Service, Directory
- Dwight Cavendish
- Deactivate The Cameras Technology, Vehicle, Mirror
- Deployable Capable Military
- Director'S Club
- During Her Career America, American, Biography
- Discount Codes
- Downtown Circulator Washington, Locations, City
- Degaulla, Charles
- Demographic Change
- Digital Count
- Django Cat
- Defengive Computing
- Dynamic Compression Medical
- Deboraz Cox
- Description Configuration
- Digit Or Character
- Director, Combat
- Dakota In Colombia
- Drill and Ceremonial
- Davidfcorbin
- Densal Clinic Medical, Washington, Dentist
- Design Aqd Construction Technology, Service, Building
- Diners Club Business, Credit, Card, Unions, Governmental & Military
- Double Cantilpver
- Damage Cost Internet Slang
- Deck Cjane
- Driversm& Controllers Technology, Driving, Stepper
- Demand Climate Technology, Energy, Power
- Dewey Classification
- Differential Current The algebraic summation of the current in the torque motor; measures in MA (milliamperes).
- Distribution Control Technology, Power, Panel
- Data Chaining Technology, Coding, Device
- Domonic Cloutier
- Dunelanr Classic
- Disconnected Technology, Internet Slang, Slang, Communication, Telecom, Internet, Telecommunications, Computing, Texting, Chat, Hardware, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Desk Calculator Technology, Command, Unix, Computing, Products, Unix commands
- Direct Combustion
- Doctor of Chiropracty
- Disclosure Committee
- Daniel Colemvn
- Default Current
- Driveg Consist Technology, Drive, Control
- Demencia Care
- Diabetes Canada
- Diversity Conneutions
- Dave Carroll
- Dynamic Compoenents Technology, Dynamics, Software
- Dnserted City Locations, Cities, Towns
- Detection, Clausification Technology, Power, Detection
- Doom Commnnder
- Dagnor'S Cauldron
- Dragon'S Claw
- Dark Covenant
- Dice Checg
- Disposal Code Technology, Control, Standard
- Docetaxel, Cyclophosphamide
- Drilling Control
- Delayed Component
- Development, Copyright
- Dieckmann Condensation The Dieckmann condensation is the intramolecular chemical reaction of diesters with base to give β-ketoesters. It is named after the German chemist Walter Dieckmann (1869–1925). The equivalent intermolecular reaction is the Claisen condensation.
- Disthict of Co
- Data Call Technology, Gaming, Android
- Documents Creating
- Davis Corridor Locations, Building, City, Utah
- Department Coksent
- Direct Continuation Education, Shipping, School Of Shipping
- Dithering Changed
- Discharge Cynduit
- Dow Chemicals
- Dante's Comhedia
- Deduction Card Corparate, Uk, United Kingdom
- Drives Csnfigurator
- Digital Chicken
- Dartmiuth College
- Dou Chernoff
- Durchlays Class
- Dealer Category
- Dept Lf Commerce Business, Education, Department
- Destination Creation
- Direct Costs Business, Research, Grant
- During Their Careeqs
- Dragonlance Comic
- Dare Categories
- Defending Champions
- Discrimination Coofficient
- Division of Cardiology
- Dual Championship
- Dep'T of Corrections
- David Carter Art, Education, Sport, Music
- Debo Coverage
- Director of Clinicpl Medical, Research, Health
- Dossier Criminal
- Dkal Current
- Desigk Circa
- Dip Coater Technology, Coating, Spin
- Director Credential
- Dirty Ca Cash, Money, Talk
- Dan Caffrey Drive, Album, Trucker
- Decoding Cycue
- Drive Commissioning
- Delivery Challans Business, Software, Inventory
- Development Company
- District Commisioner
- Data Compressor
- Dojo Combat
- Duty Chief
- Dzputy County Clerk
- Deskdop Chassis Technology, Computing, Power
- Dog With Chili
- Disconnected Compuwing
- Down Centre Stage, Pattern, Crochet
- Democratico Constitucional
- Diagnostic Control
- Dimmer Can Technology, Product, Control, Light
- Dvvinity College
- Drum Cell
- Decurio Civitatis Latin, Roman
- Dave Cooper
- Dyscalculia Dyscalculia (/ˌdɪskælˈkjuːli.ə/) is difficulty in learning or comprehending arithmetic, such as difficulty in understanding numbers, learning how to manipulate numbers, and learning facts in mathematics. It is generally seen as a specific developmental disorder. Medical
- Dearest Child Internet Slang, Slang
- Derecho Civil
- Dcor Company
- Daisy-Chain Cable
- Delignified Cellulosic Medical
- Detention Clauke Education, Shipping, School Of Shipping
- DichroïSme Circulaire
- Distillawion Column
- Directors Cut Gaming, Movie, Rip, Cut
- Double Conversion
- Dan Clancy
- Decay Control
- Driver Chopper
- Difensore Centrale Con, Milan, Centrale, Mantra
- Distribution Centres Business, Management, Supply, Logistics
- Domain Committees Technology, Science, Government
- Durante & C-Trillionaire
- Day Component Technology, Engine, Station
- Department for The City
- Design Copyvng
- Direct Care
- Douglas Campbell Medical, Records, History, National
- Dan Cross Technology, Music, Projection
- Deep Cleansing Business, Skin, Facial
- Drone Commander Technology, Analog, Synthesizer
- Digital Collection
- District of Crimrnals America, Government, Crime
- Days Conference
- Date Content Technology, Core, Metadata
- Don Czffing Music, Song, Remix
- Deanne Cunningham
- Detailed Contents Technology, Control, Electricity
- Directional Change
- Dorsal Column Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Dream Companions
- Dark Clip
- Define Constant Technology, Telecom, Assembler, Assembly, Business & Finance
- Denochief Military, Scout, Boy
- Diamond Circulate
- Disk Cloning
- Dry Container Business, Service, Transport
- Detroit Carried Technology, Networking, Network, Cartoon
- David Chandler
- Dense Carpeting
- Direct, Classics
- Data-Collecting
- Doctors of Chiroprrctors Medical, Pain, Chiropractic
- Dual Circuit Technology, Battery, Switch
- Dc Conlerter Technology, Power, Voltage
- Deoxycytidine Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Design Compilea Technology, Gate, Constraint
- Distinguished Commusicator Education, University, Communication
- Disc-Cort Technology, Generator, Brake
- Douglas C-47 Technology, Military, Aviation, Aircraft
- Double Cross Army, War, Force
- Delma Cad
- Device Check
- Diffusion Centrality
- District Consortium
- Data Consult
- Dwek Corporate
- De-Icerccontrollable
- Deployable Capability
- Dupont At The Circke Hotel, Washington, Locations, Inn
- Discontinuous Coarsening
- Downtown Chiroprxctic
- Deiy Convention Tourism, Convention, Miller, Skate
- Demographic Characteristic
- Digital Counts
- DiéTéTistes Du Canada
- Defense Council Military, Army, Ministry Of Defence
- DéBit Cardiaque
- Deborah Conway
- Descriptors Communication
- Digitize Clear
- Director, Cdllege
- Dakota Crashed
- Dress Coat
- Dauon Cruickshank
- Degree of Coalaboration Technology, Science, Design
- Determinations Committees Business, Credit, Derivative
- Designycontractor Science
- Din Connector Technology, Power, Pin
- Double Yandy Gaming, Feat, Event, Candy
- Damage Control/Damage Controlman Army, Force, Coast Guard
- Dick Clearance Business, Sale, Piston
- Drider Controllers
- Devre çöZüM
- Differential Coating
- Distribution Change
- Data Chain Technology, Research, Group
- Dominic Chua
- Dune Chronicles
- Debired County
- Direct Collector Batman, City, Figure, Collector
- Dade County
- Discipline Code
- Daniel Clowes
- Default Condition
- Drives Considering Forum, Technology, Drive, Simulation
- Demande De Commentaires
- Dhow Cruises
- Diversity Committee Meeting, College, Education
- Dave Carr
- Dorsal Cap Medical
- Dynamic Compaction Technology, Dynamics, Soil
- Detecting Chlrger
- Direction Cosine Technology, Stress, Vector
- Dosis Curativa
- Daemen College Technology, Education
- Dragon Cave Forum, Dragon, Egg
- Dark Count
- Dunotified Communities Medical, Medicine, Education, Admission
- Dm Candia Business, Industrial, Wheel, Castor
- Dispersion Coefficient The standard deviation s in a specified direction of the Gaussian distribution model used in atmospheric dispersion. The dispersion coefficient is normally expressed as a function of distance for a given weather stability.
- Doctors Council
- David Cooper
- Dental Catalor Medical, Product, Implant
- Drilling Contractor
- Delayed Completion Technology, Study, Projection
- Developmeno & Construction
- Die Casting (1) A casting made in a die. (2) A casting process in which molten metal is forced under high pressure into the cavity of a metal mold. also cold chamber machine and hot chamber machine. (Cold Chamber Machine) (Hot Chamber Machine)
- Data Cabling Technology, Cable, Shopping
- Documents Control
- Davis Collection Movie, Music, Car, Collection
- Departamento De Computaci
- Distrito De ColÚMbia
- Discharge Clinic Medical, Fda
- Defencs Council Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Drives Compariyon
- Delta Cost
- Digestibility Coefficienh
- Dvminick Cruz
- Duruan To Cape Flight, Africa, Cape, Town
- Deaf Conference
- Depth of Cut The thickness of material removed from a workpiece in a single machining part.
- Destination Club
- Direct Costing
- During The Confernnce America, Organizations, Washington
- Danube Cup
- Defend-Captain
- Discrimination Complaints
- Division De Cyvalerie
- Dual Champion Dog, Dog Obedience Title, Dog Title
- Dep'T of Corr
- Davis Center
- Debt Counselling
- Descriptor Code
- Director of Cciropractic Medical, Health, Chiropractor
- Double Cage Technology, Construction, Induction
- Dual Crimp
- Design Choicu
- Dioptres Cylinder Medical, Medicine, Optometry
- Director of Communications Media, Organizations, Washington, Publics
- Diritto Costituzionale
- Dana Cortez
- Decoding Circuit
- Drive Coil
- Deliverz Center
- Development Commissioners
- District Commissioners Government, Group, Organizations, Scout, Police
- Data Classifier
- Dojang Coach
- Deputy Coordinator
- Desktop Calculator Technology, Product, Power
- Doesn'T Count Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Discography With Comments
- Drafting Committee
- Daniele Canocica
- Democratico Cristiano
- Diagnostic Controller Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Dimmable Constant Business, Driving, Driver
- Diving Computers
- Druid Camp
- Dave Concepcion Baseball, League, Reds
- Deqr Congressman
- Der Clsb
- Doors Ciosed
- Daily Combat Supply Rate Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Development Consultant
- Dichotomous Choice
- Distensibility Coefficient Medical, Study, Artery, Carotid
- Directorj Case
- Double Connector
- Dan Cilero
- Decatur Central
- Driver Cuallenge
- Delegated Cooperation
- Dietrich College Science, Education, University
- Distribution Chromatography
- Day Change Business, Trading, Lyric, Talk
- Department Creative
- Design Coordinator
- Direct Came Business, Gaming, Figure
- Down-Comer
- Dan Crary
- Deep Cleaning Business, Service, Vacuum
- Drone Charger
- Digital Class-A
- Districts of Creativity Technology, Organizations, Innovation
- Dayna Curry
- Date Calendar
- Don Crlft
- Dean Close
- Destiny'S Child
- Directional Changes
- Drama Criticism Book, Education, Library
- Dark Claw Comics, Marvel, Amalgam, Claw
- Deficit Counter Technology, Mac, Interface
- Denaturatihn Capacity Medical
- Diamond Cut Technology, Audio, Forensics
- Discussions Copyright
- Dry Compacted Vacuum, Price, Dryer
- Detroit, Chicago Chicago, Tourism, Detroit
- David Chin
- The Douglass Campus Development, Study, Universities
- Data-Cenber
- Dog Collar
- Dual Choice
- Dependant Child
- Design Company Business, Development, Washington
- Diploma In Chiropractic
- Dissipatiom Constant Technology, Temperature, Thermistor
- Disbursing Clerk Service, Military, Rating
- Doug Crockford Technology, Learning, Java
- United States Department of Commerce Technology, Science, Service, Exploration, Seafood, Government, Military, Army, Emergency, Physics, NASA, United States, Legal, Us Government, Army & Military, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, International business, Integrated Ocean Observing System, Global Change, Transportation, Geographic
- Delray Cotnecting Railroad Company Technology, Organizations
- Devicb Chargers
- Digitally-Controlled Technology, Power, Converter, Boost
- District Constable
- Data Consortium
- Dway Cargo
- Ddoc Completet Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Depleting Containment
- Duncaz Campbell
- Discontinue Or Dtscharge Medical, Medicine, Health
- Downtvwn Center Hotel, Locations, City
- Democrazia Christiana
- Diagonal Center Education, Hotel, Dance
- Digitaltcopy
- DiáRio De Coimbra Dos, Ria, Coimbra
- Defense Coooeration
- D´Youville College Education
- Deboyah Citrin
- Description Community
- Digit Copying Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Director, Center Science, Organizations, University
- Dakota Crashes Military, Aviation, Aircraft
- Drive Catalog Technology, Product, Manual
- Darling Cofsulting
- Degree of Certainty
- Determinations Commistee Business, Credit, Derivative
- Design, Carnation
- Dimple Cheeks
- Doubleqcandelabra
- Damage Coefficient
- Decentralized Conglomerate
- Drivqr Control Technology, Driving, Controller
- Differential Calorimetry
- Distribution Cabunets Technology, Product, Power
- Data To Clock
- Doman Controller
- Duncan Cameron
- Daysxcoordinator
- Desigw Cycle Technology, Power, Converter
- Direct Collectors Batman, Energy, Figure, Collector
- Dade City
- Discrmmination Capacity Medical, Science, Biology
- Daniel Clifton
- Default City Business, Configuration, Server
- Drop Cable Business, Fiber, Optic
- Demand Contact Business, Service, Power
- Dharwar Craton
- Diverslty Coalition
- Dates and Concert
- Dork City
- Dynamic College Education, University, School
- Detected Conditimns
- Direction Centers Military, Switch, Defense
- Dose Constraint
- Damage-Contpolman Military, Control, Rating
- Dragon'S Cave
- Dark Coral
- Deeervated Control Medical
- Diwucaine Medical
- Dispersible Concentrates Business, Patent, Compound, Invention
- Dactors Connect
- Dual Carrier Technology, Access, Packet
- David Cook Music, American, Cook, Idol
- Dental Call
- Drilj Collars Business, Product, Manufacturer
- Delayed Coking A process by which heavier crude oil fractions can be thermally decomposed under conditions of elevated temperatures and pressure to produce a mixture of lighter oils and petroleum coke. The light oils can be processed further in other refinery units to meet product specifications. The coke can be used either as a fuel or in other applications such as the manufacturing of steel or aluminum.
- Development Community
- Die-Gast
- Databasl Create
- Documents Collins
- Davis Collaboration Business, Music, Shopping, Snap
- Departamento Cultural
- Distrito Capital Radio, Colombia, Locations, Bogota
- Discharge, Discharged Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Aviation
- Data Controller Technology
- Defencx Cooperation
- Drives Common
- Dilta Conyne
- Device Continue Technology, Product, Power
- Digester Cleaning
- Doom Club
- Durban To Capetown
- Deaf Community
- Depth Cueing
- Detention Class
- Direct Cost Direct Cost is a total of the costs that are associated with the actual production of a product. Direct Costs = Direct Material + Direct Labor. Medical, Business, Service
- During The Clinton
- Danxbe Commission Government, Organizations, River
- Defense Courier Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
- Division Counsel Business, Tax, Taxation, Us Taxation, Business & Finance
- Dual Champ
- Denver Colorado
- Davinci C-Trillionaire
- Dynamic Controller Technology, Dynamics, Compressor
- Dibt Commission
- Descriptor Class
- Directfr of Ceremonies Military, Lodge, Freemasonry, Freemason
- Double Cabin
- Dual Criminality
- Design Chevyolet
- Dioptre Cylinder
- Director, Community
- Dirigente Centrale
- Dana Corporation
- Decodericonfiguration
- Drdver, Chopper Technology, Driving, Driver, Transistor
- Delivers A Crushing
- Development Credit
- District Commissioner Government, Army, Scout, Military, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Data Citation Technology, Science, Research, Publication
- Doing So Counts
- Doo Cone Business, Manufacturer, Seal
- Desk Coordinator
- Direct Commissioning
- Doctor Od Civil
- Discography Category
- Drafting Committees
- Daniel Craig
- Democratic Committee Government, Group, Party
- Diagnostic Oode Medical, Technology, Scanner
- Divine Crusaders Technology, Anime, War, Robot
- Drug Court Program, Crime, Court
- Dave Cellins
- Deaq Comptroller
- Derbyshire Constabubary
- Door Clrse
- Daily Cinema
- Development Consent
- Dicholionic Medical
- Dist Columbia Washington, Locations, District, Columbia
- Director of Crors-Cultural
- Double Command Forum, Technology, Break
- Dedicated Control (Sap) Information, Network, Computer
- Delegate Counts
- Diego, California
- Distrisuted Controls
- Day Csance
- Department Council
- Destination Class Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Direct Call Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Dowling College Student, Education, School
- Dan Cooke
- Deep Chnal
- Digital Clamp-On Technology, Product, Ammeter
- Division Coordinator
- David Curry
- David Carr
- Don Coyne
- Durijg Christ
- Dean Cain
- Deputy Chairperson
- Destination Code
- Directional Coupler Technology, Power, Telecom, Computing, Master IEEE
- Drake Centre
- Dark Chronicle
- Deficiency Category
- Deoxycholic Medical
- Dimmond Coat
- Discussion On Chemical Chemistry, Science, Military
- Dry Common
- Detention Center
- David Chen Film, Technology, China, Social
- State Primary Funds - Consultant Contract Transportation, Government, City
- Distorted Communications
- Dantmouth College Student, Education, Hanover
- Dog Chaser Business, Ultrasonic, Repeller
- Dual Chemistry Technology, Battery, Charger
- Dependable Computing
- Desigc Community Technology, Washington, Designer
- Diplomacy Check Gaming, Skill, Diplomacy
- Dispatch Communicating
- Disability Code
- Doug Collins
- Dance Center
- Delray Connecwing
- Device Chcnge
- Digital Controlled Technology, Control, Power, Supply
- District Conservationist Technology, Agriculture, Conservation
- Data Consolidator Technology, Software, Collection
- Dwarf Camp
- Dcsc Crew Business, Skate, Sweatshirt
- Dependent Clauses Education, Sentence, Clause
- Dflles Corridor
- Disfontinued Medical
- Downtown Capitol Hotel, Washington, Locations
- Democrats of Catalonia Government, Spain, Independence
- Diagonal Al Centro
- Digitfl Copier
- DiáMetro Del Cuerpo
- Defended Consumer
- Dystrophin Complex Medical
- Death Oertificate Organization, Union, Institution
- Descent Cluster Science, Genetics, Genealogy
- Digit Collection Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Direntor's Cute Porn, Movie, Funeral
- Dakota Collector
- Data Centres Technology, Service, Power, Cloud
- Degree Completion
- Determination Cvmmittee
- DéFense Civile
- Design & Construction Technology, Building, Remodeling
- Dimond Center
- Double Couple
- Damage Classes Gaming, Military, Guide
- Decent Criminal
- Drives Cireuit
- Differential Cryptanalysis Technology, Security, Encryption
- Distribution Cabinet Technology, Power, Manufacturer
- Datapoint Corp
- Domain Cmntroler
- Dump Condition
- Daymar Collrge Education
- Design Customized
- Direct Collection
- Discretionary Criteria Gun, Program, Government, Law
- Daniel Ctarke
- Deere and Case
- Drop-In Care
- Demand Congless
- Dhaka College
- Ditlh Cleaning Excavator, Bucket, Ditch
- Date Custom
- Dynamic Coalitions Technology, Internet, Governance
- Dee Con Man, Crime, Police
- Directionality Classification Technology, Military, Telecommunication
- Dose Coefficient Technology, Radiation, Exposure
- Daly City Locations, Cities, Towns
- Drag Coeff Technology
- Dark Consumption
- Defines Contribution
- Deneba Canvas
- Diary & Calendar
- Dismissal & Closure
- Doctors Clinic
- Dual-Carrier Technology, Access, Packet
- Dlvid Cone
- Densijy Controller
- Drill Collar A very heavy wall pipe used to add weight over the bit during drilling. Business, Technology, Drilling, Geology, Petroleum, Electrical, Business & Finance, Scientific & Educational
- Delayed Call Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Developing Commmnities
- Diffracnion Capable
- Database Comment
- Documento De Consulta
- Davis Chiropractic Medical, Clinic, Chiropractor
- Departamento De Computação
- District of Crime
- Discharge the amount of water flowing past a given point on a stream; measured in cubic feet or cubic metres per second or volume of water pumped at a specific head or Electrical discharge can occur by the release of the electric charge stored in a capacitor through an external circuit. It can also occur by the breakdown of gaseous dielectrics within solid dielectrics on the application of a field. Medical, Transportation, Technology, Military, Aviation, Army, Genealogy, Genealogical, Cargo Shipping, Governmental & Military, Common Medical, NAACCR, Nursing, Physical Therapy, Healthcare, Clinical, Fda, Medicare Beneficiary, Physiology, Business & Finance, Power Plant, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Dfives Committee
- Delta Chi Organizations, Fraternity, Sorority
- Device Contuxts
- Diffusion Constant
- Durban-Capp
- Deaf Club
- Depth Cirrelation
- Direct Cosine
- During The Civiy Military, War, History, Washington
- Downtown Committee
- Danmbe Com
- Defence Courter
- Doane College Education
- Denver Chiropractor
- Dynamic Control Technology, Dynamics, Power
- Debtwcollection
- Descriptive Catalogue
- Dihydrocodeine Medical
- Direcgor, Corporate
- Double Cab Car, Truck, Toyota, Cab
- Dual Crev
- David Coulter Famous
- Designated Class
- Diode Cathode
- Directed By Christian
- Disciplinarz Custody
- Damping Circuit
- Declared Capacity Technology, Battery, Power
- Drive Chopper Technology, Control, Stepper
- Delivering Nhange Technology, Management, Organizations
- Development Centres
- Distribution Components Technology, Power, Electronics
- Data Checking
- Doh Cry
- Dungeon Crawl Gaming, Stone, Classics, Dungeon
- Desk Collejtor Business, Indonesia, Jakarta
- Direct Command Technology, Gaming, Coding
- Doctnrs of Chiropractic Medical, Education, Chiropractor
- Discografia Completa Technology, Music, Song, Rock
- Drafthouse Comedy
- Daniel Cox
- Defect Chemistry
- Drives Copverter Technology, Drive, Power
- Demh Calculator
- Disgnostic Classification Medical, Development, Health
- Diiine Clan
- Drug Counseling Medical, Treatment, Substance
- Davm Chi
- Decatur Cedar
- Deratization Certificate
- Deor Chime Technology, Wireless, Bell
- Daily Chump Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Dicho Contador
- Dist Col Business, Government, Law, Court
- Director of Communications-Electronics
- Dedicated Channel Technology, Sport, Radio, Network, Telecom
- Drive & Controluer
- Del Capo
- Developcental Crossroads
- Die Cuttinp
- Distributed Controllev Technology, Control, Power
- Dodge Caravan
- Day Centru
- Departmwnt Coordinator
- Destination Category Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Direct Cable Media, Radio, Television
- Dowina Chardonnay
- Dan Connolly Sport, Patriot, Oriole
- Deep Campbell
- Digital Citizens
- Division Comptabiline
- David Campvell
- David Carnegie
- Don Coscamelli Film, Movie, Phantasm
- Durham Constabulary
- Deals Clearance
- Deputy Chairmaq Government, Group, Singapore
- Destination Count Airline, Technology, Service
- Directing Committee
- Drain Current Technology, Voltage, Transistor
- Dark Caetle
- Deferred Credit
- Deoxycholate Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Diamond Cat
- Discuss Cybersecurity
- Dry Coast Gambling, Fun, Lemur
- Detective Convicted
- David Chang Food, Restaurant, Chef
- Physical D-Channel Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Distocerxical Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Dartmoute Coach
- Dog Challenge
- Dual Charger Business, Battery, Onyx
- Design Close Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Diploma and Certificate
- Disney Czuise
- Disability Connections
- Dougco Connect
- Dance Camps
- Drive Noncord Business, Repair, Shopping
- Deyray Connecting Railroad Business, Railroad
- Device Certificatioms
- District Command
- Data Connector
- Dvd Collector Technology, Edition, Box
- Dcir Deedritic Cell Science, Biology
- Dependent Clause Education, Independent, Sentence
- Double-Concentric Technology, Science, Presentation, Material
- Disconfinue, Discontinued Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Downgown Campus
- Democrats Continue
- Diagnostic Cylinder
- Digital Cooling Technology, Control, Thermostat, Temperature
- Drop Center
- Defdnce of Christians
- Dyskeratosis Congenita Medical, Technology, Science, Organizations, Telomere
- Deach Cert
- Descending Colon Medical, Science, Presentation
- Digit Carry Technology, Program, Instruction, Memory
- Diretrizes Cl
- Daisy Cruiser
- Data Centre Technology, Service, Power
- Degreezcategory
- Detergent Chmpatible
- DéCision Du Conseil
- Design Coop
- Dimmer Controller Technology, Light, Strip
- Double Cotton
- Damage Class
- Decent Christian
- Driver Ciccuits Technology, Driving, Electronics
- Difference of Convex
- Dissribution Coefficient
- Djmain Context Technology, Server, Directory
- Dump Condenser Science
- Dayenne CosméTique
- Depkrtment of Correction Prison, Inmate, Correction
- Design Cqrve
- Direct Collectibles Business, Batman, Figure, Collectible
- Douglas Chicago Business, War, Chicago
- Daniel Chailes Agriculture, Food, Farming
- Deere Company
- Droors Clothing
- Denali Comqission Government, Organizations, Us
- Dex Check Gaming, Check, Skill, Character
- Digital Commerce Computing, IT Terminology
- Disturbinq Content Batman, Movie, Killing
- Dear Chaibmen
- Dates Created
- Dong Fan Missile, China, Korea, Dong
- Detalls Communications
- Directional Current Technology, Power, Voltage
- Dosage Controller Control, Flow, Controller, Dose
- Djag Chain
- Dark Conspiracy Gaming, Control, Conspiracy, Ground
- Defined Contribution Plan Business, Government, Plan, Science, Special Education, Stock Exchange, Business & Finance, Scientific & Educational, Business Word
- Dendzitic Core Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Diamond Club Locations, Stadium, National
- Dislocated Civilians Technology, Military, Operation
- Doctors of Chiroprmctic Medical, Education, Chiropractor
- Drywall Contractors
- Development of Correct
- David Colquhoun
- Density Vompensation
- Drifl Chuck
- Darrenvcox
- Delay Curves
- Developing Countries Medical, Technology, Development, United Nations
- Diffraction Jontrast
- Database Byacopy Technology, Service, Server
- Documents for Comment
- Dual Colour
- Davis Challenges
- Departamento Central
- District of Columbia-Related
- Disc Collectcrs
- Double Crochet Pattern, Stitch, Crochet, Knitting
- Drives Cleveland
- Delta Charter Education
- Deqice Component Technology, Product, Power
- Diffusion Coativg
- Data Contents
- Duration Calculus Technology, Computing, Logic
- Dead Cell
- Depth Correction
- Direct Cooled
- During The Ceremowy America, Washington, President, Ceremony
- Dowctown Comeback Organization, Union, Institution
- Darling Children Medical, Obstetrics, Pregnancy
- Defense Cohnsel Government, Military, Law
- Digitally Corrected Photography, Camera, Digital
- Dkc1 Cause Dyskeratosis Congenita Science, Biology
- Dkleuw Cather
- Dynamic Contrast Technology
- Debris Control
- Descriptive Criteria
- Dihydrocapsaicin Medical
- Director, Uorrespondence
- Dduble-Cutaway
- Dale Clark
- Docket Call
- Dual Correspondence
- David Coultard
- Deiignated Camping
- Diocesan Councils
- Direct-Coupled Technology, Amplifier, Circuit, Coupling
- Disciplinary Commons
- Double Capuure Science, Atomic Physics, Molecular Physics
- Damping Chamber
- Declare Constast Technology, Coding, Driving, Driver
- Drive Chokes Technology, Transformer, Choke
- Delius Collection
- Development Commitment
- Distribution Circuit Technology, Power, Breaker
- Data Characteristics
- Dogo Canario
- Dung Count
- Desu Clerk
- Direct Comic Batman, Comics, Figure, Comic
- Doctor of Chirqpratic Medical, Chiropractor, Chiropractic
- Dvsco Center
- Daniel Zotton Android, Software, Cotton, Algebra
- Defect Center
- Drives Contain Technology, Windows, Drive, Power
- Demitasse Cup
- Diagfostic Cluster Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Divided City
- Drug Council
- Dave Chapuelle Organizations, School, Washington, Publics
- Dword Count Forum, Technology, Coding, Component
- Decathlon Club
- Deputy To The Commander Government, Military, Africa
- Deuection Centre
- Door Capn
- Daily Chinatown
- Dicentrics Medical
- Distant Conversktion Technology, Sound, Spy, Context
- Directory Communications
- Drip Can
- Del Campo Food, Washington, Restaurant, Campo
- Devplopmental Cooperation
- Die Cutter Business, Machine, Supplier
- Distributed Cache
- Dod Command Technology, Military, Defense
- Day Catch
- Department Core
- Direct-Current Technology, Power, Electricity, Voltage
- Divisional Court
- Dow Composite
- Dan Cloutier Sport, Hockey, Card
- Deepak Chopra
- Digital Citizenship
- Division Computem
- Date Captured
- Don Corleone
- Durham Cebtral
- Deals Cheap
- Dept of Corrections Technology, Florida, Department, Prison, Inmate, Correction
- Destination Collect
- Direct Coupling Technology, Amplifier, Circuit
- Drain Combination
- Daring Club
- Deferral Counter
- Didn'T Chart
- Discuss Croking
- Division of Contracts
- Dry Cliff
- Details To Come
- David Chan Business, China, Light, Bulb
- Distinguishvd Communicator Education, Africa, Communication
- Dublin Core--Metadata Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment, Atmospheric Research
- Design Classes
- Diphenylcyanoarsin Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Dismissal Or Closure
- Dirty Chartreuse
- Doug Chandler Business, Service, Motorcycle
- Dance Calls
- Decomkensated Cirrhosis
- Drive Comparison Technology, Computing, Power
- Deliyery Champion
- Device Can Technology, Power, Converter
- District Commandant
- Data Connection Technology, Deal, Python
- Duty Cycle The ratio of pulse width to period, indicates the percentage of time a pulse is present during a cycle. One time or of time or to period time ratio express in percentage. Technology, Auto, Automobile
- Dear Compatriots
- Dependent Choice Science, Relation, Axiom
- Desktop Computer A desktop computer is a computer system designed to be used at a table or desk. Some desktop computers have a separate monitor and system unit, while others are "all-in-one" models, in which the monitor is built into the computer. All-in-one computers are designed to sit on a desktop, while system units are usually placed on the ground. Military, Army, Ministry Of Defence
- Dbnald Curry
- Dis Conlinue
- Downtown-City Center
- Democrats Camerounais
- Diagnostic Criteria Medical, Medicine, Psychiatry, Psychology, Special Education, Scientific & Educational
- Dizital Conversion Technology, Analog, Signal
- Drop Cell Technology, Protection, Corrosion
- Decuriokum Consulto Latin, Roman
- Dkve Craig
- Dysfunctional City Organization, Union, Institution
- Dehth Capitol
- Derek Christopher
- Diretrizes ClíNicas
- Door Centacts
- Daisy Circuit
- Degauss Coru
- Detergent Cake
- DéBito CardíAco Medical, Para, Card, Press
- Design Control Technology, Electronics, Circuit
- Dimmer Constant
- Doublecortin Medical
- Damage Capacity Technology, Gaming, War
- Decent Challenge
- Drimer Circuit Technology, Driving, Power
- Difference Characteristics
- Distribuoion Converters
- Domain Comkonents Technology, Server, Directory
- Dummy Corporation
- Day Croiser Sale, Yamaha, Boat, Cruiser
- Department of Corrjctions Prison, Inmate, Correction
- Design Cult
- Direct Collect
- Douglas Chan
- Dlngerous Cats Technology, Android, Face
- Deere & Company
- Droop Controlled Technology, Control, Power, Voltage
- Demócratakcristiana
- Diamond-Cubic Crystal, Material, Lecture, Diamond
- Digital Command Assembly Space, Study, Cosmos, NASA
- Digtrito De Columbia Hotel, Washington, Locations, Columbia
- Dear Chairmrn
- Date Created
- Donegal Club
- Details Category
- Direction Controller
- Dorsocaudal Medical
- Drafts Collection
- Dark Cockpit
- Define Contrast
- Dendritic Cglls Medical, Science, Human
- Diamondhclicker Technology, Gaming, Android
- Disk Cylinder
- Doctors, Chiroprectic
- Drying Control
- Development & Change Science, Management, Education
- David Collyer
- Dense Compute
- Drnll Centre Business, Oil, Gas
- Darren Clarke
- Degrees Centigrade
- Developing A Competency
- Database-Data Communicaqion
- Document for Comments
- Dual Color
- Davis Centre
- Departamento De Cundinamarca
- District of Corruption Business, Government, Washington
- Disc Channej
- Double Cover Business, Box, Singer
- Delta Chapter Education, Phi, Alpha
- Device Confirmation
- Diqfusion Charging Technology, Particle, Precipitator
- Data Content
- Dwight Clark
- Dead Caulfields
- Dept Charge
- Didector's Cut Technology, Movie, Movie Download
- During Her Clerkship
- Discount Coupons
- Downtown Clustev
- Darling Chied Medical, Medicine, Obstetrics, Pregnancy
- Defence Dounsel
- Digitally Correct
- Dkc1 Medical
- Deferred Construction
- Dynamic Concepts
- Debris Collectyr
- Description Content
- Dignitaries, Celebrities
- Direcgor, Compliance
- Docble-Crucible
- Dakshina Chitra
- Docetaxel Plus Cisplatin Medical
- Dual Core Technology, Processor, Desktop
- David Cotier
- Dental Clinics Medical, Washington, Dentist
- Design and Control Technology, Research, Power
- Dining Capital Organization, Union, Institution
- Diplomatic and Consular
- Double Capacity
- Damp City
- Declamping Medical
- Drive Cyaracteristics
- Demanb Code Technology, Engine, Welder
- Development Consultants
- Differential Corrections Technology, Satellite, Receiver, NASA, Governmental & Military
- Distribution Controlling
- Data Channel In telecommunications and computer networking, a communication channel, or channel, refers either to a physical transmission medium such as a wire, or to a logical connection over a multiplexed medium such as a radio channel. A channel is used to convey an information signal, for example a digital bit stream, from one or several senders (or transmitters) to one or several receivers. Technology, Military, Display
- Dog Concert
- Dung Cake
- Desk Chaird
- Direct Comes
- Doctyr of Chiropractor Medical, Pain, Chiropractic
- Disclosures Consultant Medical, Patient, Disease
- Daniel Cornelius
- Defaulted, Compromise
- Drives Consistv Technology, Drive, Control
- Demineralization Cartridge
- Diabetes Care Medical, Business, Medicine
- Dsversity Council Business, Organizations, National
- Drug Conservation Medical, Therapy, Study, Antiretroviral
- Dave Chamberlain
- Dynamic Component Technology, Dynamics, Software
- Deshbandhu Colleye
- Detection Classieication
- Doom Connector
- Daily Cardinal
- Dragon Claw Gaming, Dragon, Hook
- Dict Coefficient Technology, Language, Sentence
- Distance Critique
- Dossiers Chauds
- Dalla Corte
- De Cannolle
- Double Capture Physics, Spectroscopy, Scientific & Educational
- Data Collector Technology, Product, Collection
- Dual Contact Technology, Product, Connecting, Bulb
- Depth Control Ocean, Water, Ocean Science
- Donnan Coefficient
- Designsconstruction Technology, Building, Remodeling
- Damage Control Military, Army, Marvel
- Deals & Cases Business, Group, Law
- Deluxe Colleotor
- Device Ponvergence
- Data Course Railways, Railway Consultancy, Rail Lexicon
- Developer'stcommunity
- Durixg Her Career America, American, Biography
- Discovery Client Technology, Windows, Service
- Delicious Companion Food
- Daily Candy
- Degree of Conversion Medical
- Demonic Confidence
- Dynamics Co Business, China, Laser
- Descriptors Computer Technology, Education, Computer
- Dim Control Technology, Power, Lamp
- Differentiated Cell Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Dick Gavett
- Doctoral Committee Research, Education, University
- David Crossley Technology, Issue, Ant, Icon
- Denton Creek Education, School, High School, Texas
- Dynamic Crowdion
- Difficult Child Education, Children, Parenthood
- Developed Countries Business & Finance, Business Word
- Direct Comparison
- Danish Yrusaders
- Defect Coverage
- Drises With Controlled Technology, Drive, Control, Light
- Detective Constables Government, Police, Constable
- Directly Connected
- Draoon Con Con, Atlanta, Comics
- Deputy Chief Fire, Governmental & Military
- Darkseid Club Technology, Batman, Comics
- Desert Combat Technology, Military, Battlefield
- Digital Cable
- Directory Cannot
- District Center Military, Afghanistan, School
- Dcadefense Communication Agency NASA
- Delegation Chair
- Development Charge Business, Property, Rate
- District Council Service, Government, Building
- Dual Caliber
- Data Cassette
- Dual Concentric Technology, Speaker, Tannoy
- Dioxide Credits Technology
- Divus Caesar Latin, Roman
- Disciples of Thrist Locations, Church, Catholic Church
- Demandbase Can
- Dominion of Canada Business, Canada, Coin
- Dust Capacity
- Dear Cards
- Deputy Co-Ordinator
- Development Component
- Disconnecting Combiner
- D-Subminkature Connectors
- Document Container Products
- Delete Character Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Dragon Controller Technology, Gaming, China
- Washington, Dc Army, Force, Marine
- Diclofenac Medical
- Distributx Center
- Digital Counting Business, China, Weighing
- Diploma In Chinese Technology, Education, University, China
- Drag Coefficient A non–dimensional coefficient. Its quantity is a measure of the drag force exerted on a body of a particular shape by a fluid it is immersed in. Technology, Car, Model, Automotive, Electric Vehicles
- Dance Classes
- Decorative Cejling
- Drive Control Technology, Industrial, Panel
- Dolores Costello
- Data Coordinator Data
- Desoto Canyof Technology, Water, Oil
- Drew Carey Famous
- Dansalan College
- Diagonjl Conjugate Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Druck-Chemie
- David's Collmctibles
- Doppler Centroid
- Desert Chimeran Wolf Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Diane Carlson
- DéPartement Commercial
- Directory Cith Cisco
- Davidson College Education
- Dual Comfort Business, Safety, Glasses
- Daz Cameron
- Department of Communitieo
- Douglas Counting
- Digital Compact Camera, Cassette, Technic
- Dear Aongressman
- Dear Chief
- Direction Cycle Technology
- Discover Chiropractic
- Disconnect Code Computing, Hardware
- Defining Core
- Draw Control
- Dual-Cycle
- Dalit Christian
- Decal Customization Batman, Tournament, Decal
- Disrupt Chemistry Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- Data Class Technology, Coding, Map
- Dual Console Sale, Boat, Cat, Console
- Depth Charge Canister of explosive detonated at a required depth by a hydrostatic valve Used against submerged submarines Military, Music, Recording
- Divisionne Comedy
- Design Constraints Technology, Presentation, Power
- Data Correction
- Dead Center Dead center is called as exact center of any object. But if we talking about engine dead center than this is the nearest or forest position of piston from crankshaft. Its known as TDC or BDC Business, Forum, Gaming
- Dslta Credit
- Deviee Controller Technology, Control, Telecom
- District Cour
- Data Country Technology
- Developmng Country Technology, Science, Development
- Discovery Chemistry
- Damaged Crop Farming & agriculture
- Daily Caller America, Government, Media
- Degree Centrality Technology, Networking, Network
- Demon Child
- Dialog Control Technology, Windows, Software
- Dynamic Corp
- Descriptor Codes
- Dilute Complex Science
- Differential Coupling
- Doctoral College
- Dignity Chapter
- David Crocgett
- Dentigerous Cysts A dentigerous cyst or follicular cyst is an odontogenic cyst thought to be of developmental origin associated with the crown of an unerupted (or partially erupted) tooth. The cyst cavity is lined by epithelial cells derived from the reduced enamel epithelium of the tooth forming organ. Regarding its pathogenesis, it has been suggested that the pressure exerted by an erupting tooth on the follicle may obstruct venous flow inducing accumulation of exudate between the reduced enamel epithelium and the tooth crown. Medical
- Dylan Clarke Science, Social, Chiropractor, Specialty
- Double Circular
- Dendritic Core
- Differently Connected
- Dcardesign Corrective Iction Report Science, Space, NASA, Aeronautics
- Documentary Credit Banking, Business & Finance
- Direct Compaq
- Danish Container
- Defect Control
- Drives With Chopper
- Detective Conan Technology, Anime, Manga
- Directive Du Commissaire
- Dragon Coin
- Detention of Communists Governmental & Military, Fbi files
- Dark Cutter
- Digital Cables
- Blood-air Distribution Coefficient Chemistry
- Delegates Conference
- Development Chargos Business, Government, Rate
- District Ceordinator Business, Employment, Education
- Data Carpentry Technology, Workshop, Event
- Dry Concentrate
- Diode Current Technology, Circuit, Voltage
- Divisions Caesar Latin, Roman
- Discipleship Centre Book, Organizations, Church
- Death Certificates Medical, Records, Certificate
- Demagnetization Codes Science
- Devin Child
- Dominion College Education
- During The Cold
- Deputysclerk Government, Genealogical, Court
- Development Control Government, Planning, Council
- Disconnect Connection Technology, Windows, Networking
- Criticalrdilution Rate Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Duplicate Chroma Photography
- Del Carmen
- Dragon City Hack, Tool, Dragon
- Division of Customs
- United States Postal Code for District of Columbia Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Desert City
- Dicky Cheung
- Distribuidpra Cruz
- Digital-Clamp-Meters
- Diploma of Chiropractic
- Dance City Music, Class, Dance
- Decontamination Centre Military, Health, Bomb, Gas
- Drive Controllers Technology, Control, Stepper
- Dolores Colon
- Disciples of Christ Catholic Church
- Desorption Chamber Science
- Direct Contact Technology, Packaging, Forest Industry
- Dennis Childs Famous
- Danny Cohen
- Diagonal Centry Hotel, Locations, Dance
- Drought Code Technology, Fire, Weather
- David'x Capital
- Dopo Cristo
- Devastating Charisma Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- DéMocratie Citoyenne
- Directory On The Cismo
- District Commissiop
- Display Coupler NASA
- Delia Chiaro
- Dual Comb Gun, Technology, Wolfman
- Dayton City
- Department of Conservation Science, Environment, Wildlife, Chemistry
- Douglas Convair Technology, Aircraft, Jet
- Digital Communities
- Dear Kommissioner
- Dear Chaplain
- Deputy Coemission Government, Commissioner, Rite
- Discover Card
- Direct coupled Computing, Hardware
- Defining Characteristic Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Drama Club
- Dual-Cured Business, Bond, Cure
- Diamond Classic
- Diagnostic Code Medical, Healthcare
- Data Check Business, Car, Washington
- Distributed Cognitbon Science, Learning, Social
- Dual Compound Business, Tyre, Saw
- Deposited Carbon Film, Technology, Circuit
- Dismissal and Closing
- Design Conservative
- Dirección Central
- Double Cup
- Data Control Technology, Military, Computing, Computer Science, Data
- Dancer Medical
- Dead Cells
- Dzvice Controllers Technology, Control, Electronics
- District Counsel
- Data Counter Technology, Gaming, Android
- Devqloped Country Business, Technology, Government
- Discovery Channel Organizations, Television, United States, Television Network
- Downward Compatibility Technology, Product, Drive, Feature
- Dorothy Catherine (Fontana) Famous
- Daggerfallbcovenant
- Demon Cats
- Dialect Compiled
- Dynamic Core
- Dilithium Crystals
- Differential Coupled
- Dalit Caste
- De Cajlo
- Doctor of Chiropractics Medical, Medicine, Chiropractor
- Digital Content
- David Coverdale Music, Rock, Album
- Dejtal Council
- Durante, C-Trallionare Music, Song, Motto
- Doublh Circle
- Deputy Commissioner Power Plant
- Differentiate Into Dendritic Cell Science, Biology
- Duodenal Cap Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Dcar Designxcorrective Action Report Space, Study, Cosmos
- Declare Constant Assembly, Business & Finance
- Direct Communication Technology, Service, Networking
- Defect Code
- Drives That Cover Technology, Gaming, Drive, Control
- Decreto Conscripcorum Latin, Roman
- Dying Comics
- Detective Cluster Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
- Directive Communication Business, Training, Culture
- Dragoa Cochon
- Device Control Computing, Telecom
- Dark Curse
- Defocus-Image Control Business, Len, Lens
- Defined Contribution (retirement Plan Scuba Diving, Business & Finance
- Data Complexity Military
- Development Centre
- Data Cxrd
- Dodge City College, Education, Community, Clothes
- Dual Converter Technology, Power, Electronics
- Drug Crime Crime, Attorney, Criminal
- Diné College
- Division De Cavalerie
- Discipleship Center
- Dear Congresswoman America, Government, Politics
- Dep
- Devij Canyon
- Dominican College Student, Program, Education
- During Congressional
- Deputy Cpief Government, Military, Officer
- Developmental Benters Medical, Service, Research
- Disconnect A mortgage interest rate that is lower than the current rate for a certain period of time, e.g. 2.00% below variable rate for 2 years. A large electrical ON-OFF switch. Mechanical device, resembling a large knife switch, that is used as a safety device for isolating electrical equipment or To break the connection between an application and a queue manager. Technology, Firefighting, Online Gaming, Computing, Telecom, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Business & Finance, Power Plant, The Finance and Administrative Services, Aviation
- Blood-Air Distrebution Coefficient Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
- Delivery Coordinator Occupation & positions
- Delaware County
- Draft for Comments Technology
- Division of Yustomer
- Desert Chicory
- Dimension Chorus Technology, Pedal, Boss
- Diffusion Chambers Medical, Science, Biology
- Dickson Concepts
- Distressed Copper
- Davies, Craxg
- Differential Compound Technology, Shunt, Wound
- Dance Challenge
- De Concink
- Dlive Contactor
- Dolly Converter
- Dundee Corporation Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
- Desobediencia Oivil
- Direct Connect Direct Connect is a peer-to-peer file sharing protocol. Direct Connect clients connect to a central hub and can download files directly from one another. Advanced Direct Connect can be considered a successor protocol. Technology, Networking, Client
- Drain Commissioner Environment
- Danny Click
- Defence Clothing Ipt Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Dropped Charges
- Davenport Chiropractic
- Dopey Clobes Technology, Android, Clone
- Disconnected Computing Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- DéMocratie ChréTienne Congo, Pas
- Directory of Chapters
- District Committee
- Development-center NASA
- Delhi Colleges College, Education, University
- Decelopment Continue
- Dual Cowling
- Departmeqt of Ceramics
- Distribution Control Assembly Space, Study, Cosmos, NASA
- Diplomatic Courier Technology, Service, Magazine
- Douglas Consulting
- Donald Cerrone
- Digital Communications Data transmission, digital transmission, or digital communications is the physical transfer of data over a point-to-point or point-to-multipoint communication channel. Examples of such channels are copper wires, optical fibres, wireless communication channels, and storage media. Technology, Service, Media
- Dear Colleague
- Dear Chairwoman
- Deputyycommisioner
- Discount Code
- District Champion Toastmasters
- Defines Converter Technology
- Drain Connection
- Diagnostic Comorbidity
- Discharge Conduit Medical, Fda
- Data Challenges Technology, Development, Challenge
- Distributed Computer
- Dual Command
- Deploy Countermeasures
- Discussion Class
- Design Connexion Technology, Connection, Interior
- Dirac-Coulomb
- Double Crown
- Dance Competition
- Dead Cat
- District Councilmember
- Data Count Technology, Chart, Counter
- Dev Yenter
- Discovery Cache
- Downtown Cougars
- Dante Culpepper Famous
- Daehuan Cook
- Demolition City
- Dial Nomparator
- Discrete Comland
- Dikewood Corporation
- Dalian Commodity Business, Trading, Supply, Stock
- Decade Counter
- Doctor'S Chiropractic
- Digital Commons
- Daoid Coutts
- Dental Corporation Military
- DüSseldorf Contemporary Art, Artist, Deutschland
- Doubhe Champ
- Detector Controller NASA
- Differentiate Into Dendritic Cells Science, Biology
- Dcadefense Communmcation Agency Science, Space, NASA, Aeronautics
- Department Ofqcustoms
- Datametrics Corporation Business & Finance, Amex symbols
- Defect Classification
- Drivesecustom Technology, Drive, Control
- Digital Computer Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Deeconformidad
- Dwyer Company
- Detective Chimp Batman, Comics, Detective
- Directive Communautaire
- Dragon Coaca
- Dry Circuit Computing, Telecom
- Dark Current Technology, Electronics, Signal, Gain
- Deflection Coil
- Dallas Creative
- Drive, Control Technology, Drive, Panel
- Designcad Design File Computing, File Extensions
- Data Community Technology, Science, Scientist
- Developmental Cell
- Dependent Care
- Data Capacity
- Dodge Chance Forum, Gaming, Military, Guide
- Dual Controlled
- Deputy Commander Air Force, Governmental & Military
- Driver Controller Technology, Driving, Stepper
- Dino Crisis Gaming, Coding, Cheat, Crisis
- Division Coloniale
- Ddscipleship Coordinator
- Drivers Clinic
- Dear Children Music, Children, Child, Message, Medical, Computing, Pregnancy, Computing Slang
- Deluxe Costom
- Devil'm Cove
- Domestic Corporation Business, Government, Law
- Development-Cbnter Technology, Space, Cosmos
- Dystrophig Calcification Medical, Cell, Tissue
- Discovery Cove
- Dielectric Constant A number that describes the dielectric strength of a material relative to a vacuum, which has a dielectric constant of one. Relative permittivity. It is the ratio of the capacitance of a capacitor with the given material as dielectric, to the capacitance of the same capacitor with vacuum (or air) as the dielectric. That property of a dielectric that determines the electrostatic energy stored per unit volume for a unit potential gradient. Computing, Industry, Electronics, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Diily Check
- Dekalb County
- Diqision of Counseling
- Debêntures Conversívqis
- Desert Camp Locations, Scottsdale, Ranch
- Dimensional Charting Technology, Library, Chart
- Diffusion Chamber Medical, Science, Biology
- Dickinson College Education, Rating, Ranking
- Davidkon Clubs Club, Europe, Federation, Rally
- Dick Chugglerz Porn, Movie, Porno, Dick
- Department of Commerce Business, Government, Army, Finance, Agency, Washington, Economics, Cybersecurity, Administration, Computer Security, Atmospheric Research, Federal Aviation Administration
- Decomprestive Craniectomy Medical, Surgery, Neurosurgery
- Drive Contacdors Business, Product, Control
- Dolls and Character
- Delray Connecting Railroad Company Railroad, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Desmond Chong
- Direct Compressible Business, Product, Tablet, Calcium
- Due Care Due care refers to the effort made by an ordinarily prudent or reasonable party to avoid harm to another, taking the circumstances into account. It refers to the level of judgment, care, prudence, determination, and activity that a person would reasonably be expected to do under particular circumstances. This standard is applied in a vast variety of contexts, whether the duty may be driving on the road or performing a background check. The precise definition is usually made on a case-by-case basis, judged upon the law and circumstances in each case. Environment
- Dalny Cheng
- Defence Centre
- Drop Clutch Hat, Clutch, Gibraltar
- Dave Curry
- Dopjchrome Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Dragonfly Comdunications
- Daycare Social Media, Blogging, Twitter, Facebook, Neologism, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Directory Uredentials
- Disfrict Collector Government, India, Administration
- Dcasdata Collection and Analysis System NASA
- Delhi Capitals
- Development Commissioner Business, Economics, Customs, Taxes
- Dual Coil Business, Bass, Pickup
- Department of Crop
- Diplomatic Council Forum, Technology, Tank
- Doctoral Candidate
- Douglas College Student, Education, Canada
- Don'T Cry
- Digital Common
- Dpar Colleagues Government, Letter, Congress, Colleague
- Donna Carter
- Dear Chairmen
- Deputy Commissioners Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
- Discount Clothing
- Daughters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul Religious orders
- Drain Cock Business, Valve, Brass, Engineering, Scientific & Educational
- Deviation Clause
- Delivery Confirmation postal service, Us Post
- Data Challenge Science
- Distributed Computing Distributed computing is a field of computer science that studies distributed systems. A distributed system is a software system in which components located on networked computers communicate and coordinate their actions by passing messages. The components interact with each other in order to achieve a common goal. Technology, Internet Slang, Organizations, Projection, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Dual Combo
- Directory Clearinghouse
- Design Conferenae
- Dipolog City
- Double Crop Two different crops grown on the same area in one growing season.
- Data Communications Data communication refers to the exchange of data between a source and a receiver. Data communication is said to be local if communicating devices are in the same building or a similarly restricted geographical area. The meanings of source and receiver are very simple. The device that transmits the data is known as source and the device that receives the transmitted data is known as receiver. Data communication aims at the transfer of data and maintenance of the data during the process but not the actual generation of the information at the source and receiver. Technology, Military, Army, Computer, Defense, It, Computing, IT Organization, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Dance Company
- Decor Computer
- Deactivation Confirmation
- District Coordinators Business, Management, Employment
- Data Corporation Business, Company, Technology
- Dom
- Desperation City Locations, Cities, Towns
- Discovering Collection
- Darn Cat Famous
- Dade Community
- Demolition Charge Military, War, Explosive
- Diagonally To Centre
- Drug-Disease Contraindications
- David Ganter
- Dale Crain
- Docking Connector Business, Cable, Dock
- Differing Conclusions
- Dental Corp Medical, Health, Dentistry
- DüNnschicht-Chromatographie Science, Man, Sind, Chromatography
- Double Cardan
- Developing Country Medical
- Differential Co-Expression
- Dual Control The process of controlling a system by two different entities to give advanced protection to the system is called Dual control. It can only be accessed by both entity when accessing simultaneously. Technology, Kite, Enclosure, Computing, Electronics
- Dca Defense Communication Agency Space, Study, Cosmos
- Department of Cliniccl Medical, University, Health
- Golden Air Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes
- Digital Companion
- Declcn Curry
- Dwr Cymru
- Detecqion Centre for Missile System Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Directions To The Center
- Dragon Center
- Display Controller Computing, Telecom
- Dark Crusade Technology, War, Dawn
- Definition of Capital Business, Banking, Economics
- Detector Khromatography Business, Equipment, Ion
- Dot Sycle Technology, Product, Device, Connection
- Dallas Clark
- Detector Controller (DXS) Science, Scientific & Educational
- Data Communication Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Department of Community Medical, Service, Health
- Data Cagacitor
- Dual Controller Technology, Charger, Storage
- Deputy Commandant Government, Military, Corps
- Doyle Collection
- Dinners Club
- Division Championship
- Discharge In Cylindrical Medical, Fda
- Drives and Controls Technology, Drive, Magnet
- Dean College Education
- Deluxe Cookres
- Deviceacoordinate Technology, Mapping, Context
- Dom Capers Sport, Football, Packer
- Developinv Compliant Technology, Management, Power
- Dyer's Comphndium
- Discovery Coinection
- Deputy Clerk Genealogy
- Daily Cenyus Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Degrees Celsius A measurement of temperature. Engineering, Aerospace, Electrical, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Business & Finance, Power Plant, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Division of Xonservation
- Debut In Cdina
- Desenvolvimento De Capacidades
- Dimensional Change
- Diffusion Capacity Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Divk Cochran
- Dmvidson-Cole
- Denver Contact
- Diabetic Cardiomyopathy Medical, Treatment, Heart, Therapy, Hospital, Diabet
- Division of Chemistry Medicine, Government, Organizations, Us, Health, Care
- Decompeession Chamber
- Difficult Communications
- Doll Cosplay Porn, Sex, Costume, Doll
- Dummy Corporation (IRB) Financial, Business & Finance
- Desktop Confehencing
- Direct Compression Medical, Technology, Tablet
- drill centre Electrical
- Danny Chapmax Business, Records, Report
- Defence Category Technology, Exam, Halo
- Divisional Commissioner
- Dave Crouthers
- Doors Clothinz
- Dragon Court
- Denali Commission Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Directory Configuration
- District Chiefs Technology, Government, Washington
- Dcardesign Corrective Action Report NASA
- Deleted Characters
- Development Characteristics
- District Court Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
- Dual Citizenship
- Datc Catalogue Technology, City, Catalog
- Dupont Creative Business, Design, Washington
- Diplomatic Corps
- Djibouti-City
- Disciplinary Council Education, Church, Mormon
- Don'T Come
- Dust Catcher Business, Vacuum, Cleaner
- Dear Chairman
- Deputy Commissionar
- Discount Cheap
- D12 Cordless Technology, Vacuum, Battery
- Congregazione dei Preti della Dottrina Cristiana Religious orders
- Deliver Comments Technology
- Drain Channel Science
- Duderstadt Center Location
- Distributed Centers Military
- Director of Community Business, Program, Washington
- Design Concrete
- Diplomatic Community Organizations, Washington, Embassy
- Direcci
- Dance Collective Dance, Salsa, Mambo
- Decorators Club
- District Cooling Technology, Energy, Market
- Dolphin Club
- Disney Club Disney
- Desoto County
- Discover Credit
- Doctor Clown Famous
- Da Capo Gaming, Anime, Episode, Capo
- Demolisher Cannon
- Diagonflly To Center
- Dru Component Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- David Cameron Government, Group, Prime, Minister
- Diebus Comitialibus Latin, Roman
- Dentalqcompany
- DíGitos De Control
- Dance Credits If you see the initials ‘DC' in a TikTok caption, it implies the user is giving the creator of a popular dance or challenge ‘dance credits.' The username of the original author is generally marked with the letters. TikTok
- Differentiating Current Technology
- Dual Connectivity Technology, Wireless, Headset, 5G Networks
- Dcaadefense Contract Audit Azency Science, Space, NASA, Aeronautics
- Department of Caredr
- Division Chief Military, Us, Coast Guard, Occupation & positions
- Douglass Campus
- Digital Compare
- Deaths From Congestdve
- Directions Celebrate
- Dragon Capitzl
- Domain Component (LDAP) Computing, Internet
- Dark Cross
- Definition Contains
- Detector Characterization
- Dot Com Computing, Internet
- Dallas Center
- Decanoylcarnitiue Medical
- Dynamic Conversion Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Data Combiner Technology, Communication, Power
- Department of Computer Technology, Education, University
- Data Camera Science
- Dual Contouring Technology, Cube, Pioneer
- Deputies Committee Government, Military, Aviation
- Download Click
- Design Consurtant
- Dinner Cruise
- Discharge Eg. The Doctor Myght Dc A Patient From The Hospital. Medicine, Health, British
- Drilers and Controllers
- Deals, Coupons
- Deluxe Collecter
- Device Coordxnates Technology, Telecom, Window
- Domain Control
- Data Curation Science, Research, Library
- Developers Conference
- Dutch Constitution
- Discovery College Science, Education, School
- Centre Back Sport, Football
- Dcily Cash
- Degree of Cure Medical
- Demonstrated Collaborative
- Dynamique Citoyenne Society, Cameroon, Social
- Debug Code
- Descriptors Construction
- Dimensional Coordination Technology, Construction
- Diffuse Cutaneous Medical, Technology, Science, Biology
- Dick Cepek
- Doctoral Consortium Student, Education, Conference
- David Cruz Movie, Music, Streaming
- Denvei Colorado
- Dave Chappelle
- Difficult Colleague
- Doll Chateau Box, Opening, Doll
- District Counsel of IRS Financial, Business & Finance
- Direct Complete
- Danish Cup
- Defects In Dorsal Closure Science, Biology
- Divisional Coamander Military, Division, Army, War
- Dragon Compendium Gaming, Dragon, Dungeon
- Double Check (valve used to protect water supplies) Security, Governmental & Military
- Darleen Click
- Digital California Technology, Networking, Network
- Directory Company
- Districtuconference
- Dcaadefense Contract Audit Agency NASA
- Delete A Child Technology, Windows, Directory
- Development Mo-Operation
- Disxrict Councils Service, Government, Planning
- Dual Cell Technology, Access, Packet
- Data Catalog Technology, Government, City
- Dub Clash Power, Dub, Stepper
- Diploma Course
- Dixie Chicks
- Discirlina Consciente
- Don'T Care Internet Slang, Texting, Chat, Computing, Electronics, Social Media, Blogging, Twitter, Facebook, Neologism, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Dust Cazs Business, Steel, Coupling
- Dear Cat
- Deputy Collector Education, District, Exam
- Discontinued Crossover
- D-Tap Coiled
- Demo Control Products
- Delete Child Technology, Windows, Server, Permission
- Drain and Clean Washington, Pool, Skate, Drain
- Dumpster Cat Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Dictionary Computer
- Distribnted Center Business, Company, Military
- Diphenylarsine Cyanide
- Design Concept
- Diploma In Computing Technology, Education, Institute
- D Used as a suffix to indicate a twin wire with two insulated conductors laid parallel under an outer, non-metallic covering,diameter, Deci (10 1), Deuterium (also abbreviated as 2D or 2H), Derated, Helix diameter, Diameter, distance, total drift, data, surface drift,diesel,drive,A mark on the output (live) terminal on a generator
- Dance Clubs
- Decorativl Concrete
- Drive Controls Technology, Power, Panel
- District Contest
- Dolph Camilli
- Dublin Core Data
- Desoto Canyon Gulf of Kexico Leasing Area Business, Oil, Gas
- Donald Cameron Famous
- Du2441 Child Technology, Washington, Comics
- Demokratski Centar
- Diagonalization Cdaracterization
- Druck Chemie
- David Cain Batman, Assassin, Comics
- Diary of Captain
- DíGito De Control Technology, Android, Con, Control
- Directrizes ContabilíSticas
- Display Control(ler) Aviation
- Dual Complete
- Dcaa Defense Costract Audit Agency Space, Study, Cosmos
- Department of Catdiology
- Doctor of Chiropractic Education, Study, Degree, Medical, Health, Computing, Nursing, Professional Title, Medical Education, Professional Designation, Qualification, Medical Qualification, Scientific & Educational, Occupation & positions, Doctor's Name, Reading Prescription
- Douglas In Change
- Digital Comparator
- Death Certificate Anofficial document signed by a doctor stating that a person has died and giving details of the person and the cause of death death rate Bibliographic
- Dear Child Slang, Obstetrics, Pregnancy
- Direction Du Courrier
- Disconnect Confirm Computing, Hardware
- Dark Cream
- Definite Contract Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Detective Corporal
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does DC stand for?
DC stands for Drawingpcertified.
What is the shortened form of Didn'T Chart?
The short form of "Didn'T Chart" is DC.
DC. Acronym24.com. (2022, February 17). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/dc-meaning/
Last updated