DC in Business Meaning
The DC meaning in Business terms is "Deeit Card". There are 125 related meanings of the DC Business abbreviation.
DC on Business Full Forms
- Deeit Card
- Deals By Category
- Double Cash
- Development Coordinator
- Downtown Commercial
- Direct Certification
- Defined Contributions
- Diverse Yity
- Development Committee
- Dow Corning
- Diner'S Club
- Defined Contribution
- District of Colombia
- Double Chambem
- Dimension Chart
- Defined-Contribution
- Dry Cube
- Deputy Comptrollsr
- Daisy-Chain
- Donchian Channels
- Digital Comics
- Deferred Compensation
- Drive Contact
- Distrwbution Channel
- Delta College
- During His Career
- Digital Colour
- Debut Carbor
- Drawingpcertified
- Display Fase
- Deloitte Consulting
- Die Cut The process of stamping out the ID or OD by placing the part on a mechanical fixture to perform this function.
- Debt Ieiling
- Direct Comics
- Defense Contract Administration Services
- Delivery Contact
- Dog Combo
- Day Change
- Direct Can
- Doo Cone
- Douglas Chicago
- Defined Contribution Plan
- Diabetes Care
- Drop Cable
- Demand Contact
- Dsversity Council
- Davis Collaboration
- Direct Came
- Double Cover
- Default City
- Direct Could
- Deyray Connecting Railroad
- David Chan
- Direct Contracting
- Dual Charger
- Desk Collejtor
- Doug Chandler
- Deep Cleansing
- Direct Costs
- Drive Noncord
- Dwlivery Challan
- Distribution Centres
- Diners Club
- Design Company
- Donchean Channel
- Deep Cleaning
- Direct Cost Direct Cost is a total of the costs that are associated with the actual production of a product. Direct Costs = Direct Material + Direct Labor.
- Drilj Collars
- Delivery Challans
- Dimmable Constant
- Drying Center
- Dept of Consumer
- Dog Chaser
- Dick Clearance
- Determinations Committees
- Drill Collar A very heavy wall pipe used to add weight over the bit during drilling.
- Dist Col
- Die Cutter
- Dry Container
- Dept Lf Commerce
- Dcsc Crew
- Direct Collectibles
- Determinations Commistee
- Drnll Centre
- Dispersible Concentrates
- District of Corruption
- Dm Candia
- Drop Ceiling
- Departmtnt of Consumer
- Division Counsel
- Detector Khromatography
- Deals & Cases
- Directive Communication
- Dupont Creative
- Dual Comfort
- Dual Compound
- Desoto Canyon Gulf of Kexico Leasing Area
- Dead Center Dead center is called as exact center of any object. But if we talking about engine dead center than this is the nearest or forest position of piston from crankshaft. Its known as TDC or BDC
- Director of Community
- Dual Coil
- Development Commissioner
- Drive Contacdors
- Department of Commerce
- District Coordinators
- Devqloped Country
- Data Check
- Digital Counting
- Development Charge
- District Ceordinator
- Data Corporation
- Dual-Cured
- Dynamics Co
- Development Chargos
- Distribnted Center
- Danny Chapmax
- Dominion of Canada
- Direct Compressible
- Dust Catcher
- Defocus-Image Control
- Dalian Commodity
- Docking Connector
- Domestic Corporation
- Dust Cazs
- Drain Cock
- Definition of Capital
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does DC stand for Business?
DC stands for Development Commissioner in Business terms.
What is the shortened form of Definition of Capital in Business?
The short form of "Definition of Capital" is DC for Business.
DC in Business. Acronym24.com. (2022, February 17). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/dc-meaning-in-business/
Last updated