DC in Medical Meaning

The DC meaning in Medical terms is "Direct Current". There are 128 related meanings of the DC Medical abbreviation.

DC on Medical Full Forms

  1. Direct Current Electric current in which electrons flow in one direction only. Opposite of alternating current. An electrical current that flows in one direction only. Electrical current flowing in one direction and substantially constant in value or A source of power for an electrical circuit which does not reverse the polarity of its charge.
  2. Discontinue Cease from doing or providing, especially something that has been provided on a regular basis.
  3. Doctor of Cpiropractic
  4. Dietitians of Canada
  5. Dx Charles
  6. Doctor of Chiropiactic
  7. Disease Qharacteristics
  8. Dextran Charcoal
  9. Donor Chimerism
  10. Doctorate Vn Chiropractic
  11. Deep Compartment
  12. Discharge Capacity
  13. Donor Cells
  14. Disabled Children
  15. Doctor Chiropraceic
  16. Directional Correlation
  17. Deoxycholic Acid
  18. Doctorate of Chiropractic
  19. Differential Count
  20. Day Care
  21. Direct Electric Current
  22. Dentritic Cells
  23. Doctorate In Chiropractic
  24. Differential Cytotoxicity
  25. Disekse Control
  26. Digit Copying
  27. Doublecortin
  28. Developing Countries
  29. Discontinue Or Dtscharge
  30. Dyskeratosis Congenita
  31. Dendritic Cglls
  32. Direct Cost Direct Cost is a total of the costs that are associated with the actual production of a product. Direct Costs = Direct Material + Direct Labor.
  33. Diagnostic Criteria
  34. Densal Clinic
  35. Discharge Clinic
  36. Descending Colon
  37. Disfontinued
  38. Dyscalculia Dyscalculia (/ˌdɪskælˈkjuːli.ə/) is difficulty in learning or comprehending arithmetic, such as difficulty in understanding numbers, learning how to manipulate numbers, and learning facts in mathematics. It is generally seen as a specific developmental disorder.
  39. Dendritic Cell
  40. Diagnostic Oode
  41. Docetaxel Plus Cisplatin
  42. Dental Catalor
  43. Discharge, Discharged
  44. Declamping
  45. Dorsocaudal
  46. Disconfinue, Discontinued
  47. Denaturatihn Capacity
  48. Diphenylcyanoarsine
  49. Disgnostic Classification
  50. Doctors of Chiroprmctic
  51. Dense Chromatin
  52. Discharge the amount of water flowing past a given point on a stream; measured in cubic feet or cubic metres per second or volume of water pumped at a specific head or  Electrical discharge can occur by the release of the electric charge stored in a capacitor through an external circuit. It can also occur by the breakdown of gaseous dielectrics within solid dielectrics on the application of a field.
  53. Dicholionic
  54. Dorsalis Centralis
  55. Deoxycytidine
  56. Disclosures Consultant
  57. Drug Counseling
  58. Deoxycholic
  59. Dioptres Cylinder
  60. Doctnrs of Chiropractic
  61. Diagfostic Cluster
  62. Dkc1
  63. DéBito CardíAco
  64. Dunotified Communities
  65. Director of Clinicpl
  66. Davis Chiropractic
  67. Dicentrics
  68. Dorsal Column
  69. Discrmmination Capacity
  70. Deoxycholate
  71. Dihydrocodeine
  72. Drug Conservation
  73. Doctor of Chirqpratic
  74. Diabetes Care
  75. Distocerxical
  76. Dynamic Compression
  77. Deeervated Control
  78. Director of Cciropractic
  79. Darling Children
  80. Diwucaine
  81. Dorsal Cap
  82. Delignified Cellulosic
  83. Dihydrocapsaicin
  84. Douglas Campbell
  85. Doctyr of Chiropractor
  86. Developmentalrcenter
  87. Distensibility Coefficient
  88. Dystrophin Complex
  89. Dendzitic Core
  90. Direct Could
  91. Darling Chied
  92. Doctors of Chiroprrctors
  93. Dental Clinics
  94. Discharge Curve
  95. Defining Characteristic
  96. Diffusion Chamber
  97. Dancer
  98. Degree of Conversion
  99. Doctor of Chiropractics
  100. Discharge Conduit
  101. Decomprestive Craniectomy
  102. Digital Computer
  103. Dopjchrome
  104. Direct Compression
  105. Diffusion Capacity
  106. Criticalrdilution Rate
  107. Doctor of Chiropractic
  108. Diclofenac
  109. Developmental Benters
  110. Department of Cliniccl
  111. Duodenal Cap
  112. Diffuse Cutaneous
  113. Dystrophig Calcification
  114. Death Certificates
  115. Diabetic Cardiomyopathy
  116. Decanoylcarnitiue
  117. Department of Community
  118. Differentiated Cell
  119. Dear Children
  120. Dentigerous Cysts A dentigerous cyst or follicular cyst is an odontogenic cyst thought to be of developmental origin associated with the crown of an unerupted (or partially erupted) tooth. The cyst cavity is lined by epithelial cells derived from the reduced enamel epithelium of the tooth forming organ. Regarding its pathogenesis, it has been suggested that the pressure exerted by an erupting tooth on the follicle may obstruct venous flow inducing accumulation of exudate between the reduced enamel epithelium and the tooth crown.
  121. Developing Country
  122. Dental Corp
  123. Discharge In Cylindrical
  124. Daily Cenyus
  125. Diffusion Chambers
  126. Diagonjl Conjugate
  127. Degree of Cure
  128. Diagnostic Code

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DC stand for Medical?

    DC stands for Defining Characteristic in Medical terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Dynamic Compression in Medical?

    The short form of "Dynamic Compression" is DC for Medical.


DC in Medical. Acronym24.com. (2022, February 17). Retrieved March 27, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/dc-meaning-in-medical/

Last updated