DC in Power Meaning

The DC meaning in Power terms is "Dual-Channel". There are 62 related meanings of the DC Power abbreviation.

DC on Power Full Forms

  1. Dual-Channel
  2. Dell Cable
  3. Distribution & Control
  4. Down Converters A device which provides frequency conversion to a lower frequency, e.g. in digital broadcast satellite applications. The electronic equipment which converts the signals in to low frequency.
  5. Dedicated Control
  6. Distrwbution Channel
  7. Down Conversion
  8. Debug Control
  9. Distribution Company
  10. Down Controllers
  11. Data Concentrator
  12. Direct Currents
  13. Down Charger
  14. Double Channel
  15. Data Centers
  16. Dupled Channel
  17. Design Computer
  18. Dibtribution Calculations
  19. Daisy-Chain
  20. Distribution Circuit
  21. Device Continue
  22. Dc Konverters
  23. Drives Contain
  24. Direct-Current
  25. Desigw Cycle
  26. Distribution Control
  27. Deqice Component
  28. Dc Conlerter
  29. Droop Controlled
  30. Din Connector
  31. Distribution Cabunets
  32. Device Can
  33. Data Centres
  34. Design and Control
  35. Distribution Cabinet
  36. Development Cycle
  37. Data Centre
  38. Drive Comparison
  39. Digitally Coltrolled
  40. Demand Contact
  41. Dynamic Control
  42. Distributed Controllev
  43. Detection, Clausification
  44. Daisy Chain A method of propagating signals along a bus in which the devices are connected in series and the signal passed from one device to the next. The daisy chain scheme permits assignment of device priorities based on the electrical position of the device on the bus. or A set of devices connected in series. In order to eliminate conflicting requests to use the channel (bus) to which all the devices are connected, each device is given a different priority.
  45. Drimer Circuit
  46. Digitally-Controlled
  47. Demand Climate
  48. Directional Current
  49. Deskdop Chassis
  50. Distribution Components
  51. Digital Controlled
  52. Declared Capacity
  53. Drives Copverter
  54. Directional Coupler
  55. Desktop Calculator
  56. Design Constraints
  57. Drive Controls
  58. Dim Control
  59. Dub Clash
  60. Data Combiner
  61. Developinv Compliant
  62. Dual Converter

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DC stand for Power?

    DC stands for Data Centres in Power terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Dim Control in Power?

    The short form of "Dim Control" is DC for Power.


DC in Power. Acronym24.com. (2022, February 17). Retrieved March 27, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/dc-meaning-in-power/

Last updated