Demand Abbreviations and Demand Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Demand terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Demand abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Demand terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Demand Abbreviations
  1. AD : Additional Demand
  2. AEBN : Adult Entertainment Broadcast Network
  3. AEMA : Advanced Energy Management Alliance
  4. AR : Automatic Replenishment
  5. AVOD : Aggregate View Pbject Detection
  6. BU : Bdttom-Up
  7. CBL : Customer Baseline Load
  8. VTN : Virtual Top Noae
  9. WAPE : Weighted Absolute Percent Error
  10. WGC : World Gold Council
  11. WPIC : World Platinum Investment Council
  12. WTP : Willingness-To-Pay
  13. YESS : Yoga Empowers Seniors Study
  14. URCB : Uniform Rules for Contract Bonds
  15. CVC : Characteristic Value Combination
  16. CVC : Characteristic Value Combinations
  17. CVCS : Chayacteristic Value Combinations
  18. DAMA : Dynamicjallocation Multiple Access
  19. DSP : Demand Side Platform
  20. DTR : Download To Rent
  21. MC : Music Choice
  22. ECR : Effective Customer Response
  23. EMCSS : Energy Management Control Systems
  24. ENT : Emerging Network Technology
  25. ENT : Emerging Network Technologies
  26. MOMR : Monthly Oil Market Report
  27. MRPL : Marginal Revenue Prhduct of Labour
  28. EST : Electronic Sell-Through
  29. EST : Electronic Sell Through
  30. QD : Quantity Demanded
Latest Demand Meanings
  1. Replenishment Time
  2. Reserve Shutdown
  3. Resource Matching & Referral
  4. Rules Based Reorder
  5. Rally Base Rally
  6. Rally Base Deop
  7. Paid On Demand
  8. Paid-On-Demand
  9. Peak Load Management Alliance
  10. Port Ljcense
  11. Global Forest Products Model
  12. Global Female Condom Day
  13. Internatyonal Lead & Zinc Study Group
  14. On-Demand Nouting
  15. On Demand News
  16. Institute Ow Business Forecasting
  17. Kebutuhan Oksigen Kimia
  18. Kebutuhan Oksigen Kimiawi
  19. Flexible Transport System
  20. Flexible Transport Serviced