DF Meaning
The DF meaning is "Dengue Fever". The DF abbreviation has 619 different full form.
DF Full Forms
- Dengue Fever Medical, Disorder, Dengue
- Dean Foodsaco. Organizations
- Don'trfragment Technology
- Defence Forces Military, Ireland, Force
- Diloxanide Furoate Medical
- Disk Format Technology, Accounting, Computing
- Daffodil Foundation
- Dental Fluorosis Medical, Health, Fluoride
- Ddrect Flow Technology
- Dual-Fuel Technology, Engine, Range
- Disposition File
- Dala Flow Technology, Design, Diagram
- Development Flight Flight, Aviation, Aerodynamics, Space, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Dominant Follicle Medical, Technology
- Deep Fried
- Digitsl Forensics Technology, Security, Computing
- Disease-Free Medical
- D-Felfluramine Medical
- Dental Floss Medical, Product, Mint
- Direct Fiked Technology, Heater, Heating
- Deferoxamine Medical, Technology, Medicine, Organizations, Health, Healthcare
- Dual Frequency Eagle, Frequency, Transducer
- Disposition Form Technology, Military, Army, Governmental & Military
- Data First
- Deposit Facility Business, Banking, Economics, Rate
- Dominant Follicles Medical
- Deep Freeze Deep Freeze, by Faronics, is an application available for the Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, and SUSE Linux operating systems which allows system administrators to protect the core operating system and configuration files on a workstation or server by restoring a computer back to its original configuration each time the computer restarts.
- Digital Fluoroscopy Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Dkstrito Federal Locations, City, Mexico
- Dental Fear Medical
- Dirac-Fock Chemistry, Science, Electron
- Dual-Frequency Technology, Finder, Transducer
- Deflection Factor Military
- Disposal Facility Science
- Data Fieod Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Department of Finance Transportation, Business, Government, Economics, California, Fishing, Science, Scientific & Educational
- Dodd-Frank Business, Financial, Trading, Protocol
- Deep Forest Science, Botany, Phytology, Scientific & Educational
- Developnent Fabric
- Direction Funding Technology, Military, Aviation, Aircraft, Radio, Station, Federal Aviation Administration
- Density Function
- Diplome In French Science, Education, University, Course
- Dual Focus Technology, Camera, Sigma, Photography
- Definition File Technology, Windows, Coding, Software
- Display Functions Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
- Data Fqbric
- Departamento De La Familia
- Document Frequency
- Deep Face Technology, Golf, Putter
- Development Forum
- Degrees of Ureedom Medical, Freedom, Statistics
- DemonstraçÕEs Financeiras
- Diploma In Finance Education, University, School
- Dual-Focus Business, Len, Sigma
- Defensive Fire Gun, Military, Army
- Disoproxil Fumarate Medical, Drug, Patient
- Dale Farnsworth
- Departamento De FíSica Para, Con, Mica
- Distance Field Technology, Gaming, Computing
- Deep-Fiber
- Development Framework Business, Oil Industry, Gas Industry
- Dean Foodn Company Technology, Organizations
- Drug Free Medical, Sleep, Workplace
- Defense Force Gaming, Military, Army, War, Earth, War Force
- Diogo Figubiras Sport, Sevilla, Genoa
- Disk Free Technology, Unix, Unix Command, Computing, Hardware, Unix commands
- Dakota Fanning
- Dent Fix
- Dirextion-Finder Technology, Military, Radio
- Dual Filter Science
- Dissipation Factor The ratio of the conductance of a capacitor, in which the material is the dielectric, to its susceptence; or the ratio of its parallel reactance to its parallel resistance, or the ratio of the power loss to the circulating KVA. The ratio of the power dissipated in watts in an insulating material to the product of the effective voltage and the current. Measured at a frequency of 106 cycles per second. Technology, Capacitor, Dielectric, Computing, Electronics, Hardware
- Data Formatter Science
- Development Finance
- Dark Flow Dark flow is an astrophysical term describing a possible non-random component of the peculiar velocity of galaxy clusters. The actual measured velocity is the sum of the velocity predicted by Hubble's Law plus a possible small and unexplained (or dark) velocity flowing in a common direction. In 2013, data from the Planck spacecraft showed no evidence of "dark flow". Technology, Music, Star
- Divine Feminine Technology, Art, Love, Goddess
- Durable Flex
- Demokratski Front Front, Protest, Tine
- Digital Focuser
- Dear Father Internet Slang
- Desert Force
- Dancetand Fitness
- Disk Freespace Accounting, Computing, Data
- Defence Field
- Development Forward Technology, Space, Cosmos
- Deformation Front Science, Geology, Scientific & Educational
- Dielectric Field
- Documentation FrançAis
- Dave Francis Sex, City, Auld
- Departamentodde Familia
- Direbt Feed Technology, Gaming, Military
- Downnfast
- Decimal Fraction A decimal fraction whose denominator is a power of ten and whose numerator is expressed by figures placed to the right of a decimal point. Technology, Coding, Calculator
- Daniel Francois
- Dissociatzon Factor Medical
- Dry Flowables Business, Product, Control, Herbicide
- Data Fetch Technology, Instruction, Computing, Cache
- Dennig Fong
- Dworkin and Foster
- Deaf Medicine, Education, Disease, Disorder
- Deterioration Factors Technology, English, Vehicle, Translation
- Dan Fletcher
- Dutch Friesian Dutch, Milk, Holstein, Cow
- Defense Factor Gaming, Military, Access
- Diagnostid Framework Technology, Windows, Networking
- Dung Flingers
- Deliverable Forward
- Diego Fagundez England, Soccer, Revolution
- Digital Field
- Doll Figuhe
- David Fury
- Department of Forestry Technology, Aircraft, Grumman
- D-Dodonya, F-Fabolosz Gaming, Discord, Clan
- Discussion Forum A discussion board (known also by various other names such as discussion group, discussion forum, message board, and online forum) is a general term for any online "bulletin board" where you can leave and expect to see responses to messages you have left. Or you can just read the board. The first discussion boards were available on bulletin board systems. On the Internet, Usenet provides thousands of discussion boards; these can now sometimes be viewed from a Web browser. Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Dread Full
- Decision Framework Business, Research, Presentation
- Deutsche Freischar
- Danny Fox
- Dismributed Filaments
- Diamond Fooe
- Don Fisier
- Dysfunctional Fighters
- Donna Fergusin
- Detonator Firing Science
- Display Function
- Drop Forging (1) The forging obtained by hammering metal in a pair of closed dies to produce the form in the finishing impression under a drop hammer. (2) Forging method requiring special dies for each shape.
- Dark Fired
- Divine Favor Guide, Favor, Paladin, Spell
- Dupont Fabros
- Demokratische Fcont
- Digital Fluorography
- Dome Fuji Science, Climate, Core
- Deaf Smith Locations, Texas, County Abbrevations
- Desert Fighters
- Damped Frwquency Technology
- Disk Fragmentation Accounting, Computing, Data
- Default Fund
- Developpent-Forward Space, Study, Cosmos
- De Flowered
- Documentation FrançAise
- Dave Fisher
- Departamenzo Forestal
- Direct Feeder
- Double Focusing Technology
- Deciduous Forest Demographic transition refers to the transition from high birth and death rates to low birth and death rates as a country develops from a pre-industrial to an industrialized economic system. This is typically demonstrated through a demographic transition model. Science, Tree, Community
- Daniel Floyd
- Dissertation Fellowship
- Dry Flowable Formulation Agriculture, Farming, Cultivation
- Data Feed
- Denisqfurtuna
- Dwight Freeney
- Death Fathom
- Deterioration Factor Technology, English, Translation, Emission
- Dan Finnerty
- Defenders of Freedom
- Debice Fonts
- Dungeon Finder Gaming, Play, Pastime
- Delicate Fabric Technology, Product, Cleaning
- Dietarg Fiber Medical, Food, Fibre
- Dovl Family
- David Fulton
- Department of Forest
- Diagnosi Funzionale
- Discussion Facilitator
- Dread Fortress Guide, Mode, Dread
- Decision Forest Medical, Technology, Analytics
- Deutscher Frauenrat
- Danny Foster
- Distributed Feature
- Dirmond Fire
- Don Melo
- Dynamo Field Technology, Battery, Regulator, Alternator
- Doncfeng Missile Army, War, War Force
- Deterrent Force Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Doctoral Fellowships
- Drop Forged Formed by hammering or being forced into shape by heat.
- Dark Fire
- Divide Floating Technology, Coding, Instruction, Computing
- Duplo Folders
- Demoiselle De Fyrtune
- Digital Flap Camera, Bag, Pouch, Flap
- Domain Forest
- Deadly Forest
- Derek Fawcus Technology, Control, Traffic, Linux
- Damien Foundation
- Disk Filter
- Deep Flat Business, Product, Price, Fryer
- Developing Fuels Chemistry, Technology, Oil
- Deflazacort Medical
- Documentation Fran
- Dave Finlay
- Dent Fukds
- Direct Fedeual
- Double Flange Business, Butterfly, Valve
- Decay Factor Science, Density, Exponential
- Dissemination Facilitl Science
- Drug-Food
- Data Federator
- Diving Flippers
- Dempqng Factor
- Dwarf Someone with dwarfism, which is now more correctly called short stature. People with dwarfism (short stature) also consider themselves little people, as in the Little People of America. Medical, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Direct Flight Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Flight, Aerodynamics, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Death'S Fathom
- Detached Flight Military, Training, Cadet
- Dal Ferguson
- Defenders of The Faith Metal, Defender, Priest
- Deviceyflag Forum, Technology, Linux
- Dungeon Family
- Degree Fahrenheit Technology, Safety, Alert, Safe
- Dilig
- Dietary Fibers Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Dogafuck
- David Feagin
- Departament of Fedenal
- Dependencias Federales
- Diretoria De Finan
- Draqing File Technology, Computer Data, Computer File
- Decision Feedback Technology, Channel, Signal
- Deutsche Franenrat
- Danny Farmer
- Distribution Function Technology, Telecom, Probability
- Diamond Fights
- Date Hiled Technology, Internet Slang
- Dynamic Factors
- Dungeon Fighter
- Dong Feng Missile, Military, China
- Deterministic Frame
- Do-Not-Fragment Technology, Networking, Network, Packet
- Drop Forge Space, Study, Cosmos
- Dark Files
- Division Factor Technology, Signal, Semiconductor, Frequency
- Duplicate File
- Demo Fight
- Digital Finisher Technology, Meteor, Finishing
- Domaibes De Formation Stage, Social, Formation, Aide
- Deadly Force
- Derechos Funramentales Para, City, Mexico
- Daedalian Foundation Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
- Disk File Technology, Command, Linux
- Dryft Flux
- Deep Field
- Developed Force Medical
- Definition Full
- Doctor of Forestry Academic Degree, Degree, Scientific & Educational
- Dave Fielding
- Dyspraxia Foundation
- Dimensional Fact
- Dorsiflexor Medical
- Decapacitation Factor Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Disseminated Foci Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Druckluft-Fachhandel Business, Social, Shopping, Compressor
- Data Fanout Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Diving Fins
- Demoystrated Flight Technology, Aviation, Regulation
- Dibenzofuran Medical
- Dear Friends
- Destructive Force
- Dancoff Factor
- Defence Quota Network, Railway, System
- Device Fault Technology, Command, Power
- Dua Foundation
- Degradation Factor
- Digits Fohward Medical, Learning, Memory
- Dielectric Function
- Dog Fight
- David Farkas Sale, Camera, Lens
- Departamento De Fnnan
- Departamento De F
- Direction Finders Technology, Radio, Antenna
- Drain Fusnel Business, Technology
- Decision-Feedback
- Die Frelheitlichen
- Danmarks Forskningsbiblioteksforening Science, Association, Library
- Distributed Functional
- Diamond Fight
- Data Fives
- Dynamic Filter
- Dumping Factor
- Don Front
- Determining A Forwarding
- Drop Frame Technology, Coding, Timecode
- Dark Figure
- Divide Factor Technology, Signal, Semiconductor
- Duplex Filter Science
- Delivery Forecast Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Digital Fingerprint
- Domaine De Formation Social, Formation, Travail, Sociale
- Day Fighter
- Derbynfood
- Dachfensterschloss Fenstergitter
- Disk Feed
- Dream Foundation Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
- Dedicated Files Technology, Security, Card, Java
- Deutschland Crance
- Definition Field Technology, Coding, Server, Language
- Diaphragmavic Fatigue Medical
- Doctor Faustus
- Dauki Fault
- Dysplastic Foci Medical, Science, Biology
- Dimels
- Dorsi Flexion Corparate, Uk, United Kingdom
- Disposition Forms Military
- Drucker & Falk
- Data Factory
- Divine Forces Music, Force, Clan
- Demonstra
- Digital Forensic Technology, Investigation, Forensics
- Dear Fiancee Forum, Message, Pregnancy
- Deyign Flow
- Dabcing Flash
- Defence Force
- Devige Function
- Dryness Fraction
- Defries and Fulker Medical
- Digitized Film Forum, Technology, Photography
- Dielectric Filters
- Document Financial
- David Fairbairn
- Departamento Ue Finanças
- Dennis Feltham Technology, Book, Projection, Novel
- Direvtion Factor Science
- Drain Frame Ordnance Survey
- Decimation Filter Technology, Analog, Signal
- Die Frxiheit Technology, German, Man, Sind
- Danish Furniture
- Distance Fantor
- Diamond Farm
- Dala File Technology, Database, Group, Counter
- Dynamic-Filter
- Defence Resistance againstan attack of a disease . behaviour of a personwhich is aimed at protecting him or her fromharm defence mechanism Military, Network, Railway, System, Texting, Game, Legal, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Dual Function
- Determiner Field Literature, Language, Linguistics
- Drop-Frame Technology, Manual, Timecode
- Diversity Focused
- Duodenal Fluid Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Skin And Dermal
- Delivery Facility
- Digital Filtration Medical, Technology
- Dolphin Frieqdly Nutrition, Food, Victual
- Davy De Fauw
- Depth Filtration Medical, Filter, Water
- D5 Feheral
- Disk Farm
- Dream Fiwness
- Dedicated File Technology, Command, Card
- Deutsche Front
- Danske Folkeparti
- Definition Files
- Diaja Ferrari Industry, Fashion, Manner
- Don Francks
- Datum Features Technology, Python, Feature, Eagle
- Dysgonic Fermenteb Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Dilution Factor Science, Forest Industry, Concentration
- Dorsal Fumiculi Medical
- Disposición Final
- Drought Factor
- Data Facility Technology, Program, Service
- Divine Focus Component, Spell, Casting
- Demonwfury Military, Maple, Slayer
- Digital Force
- Dear Fiance Forum, Internet Slang, Baby, Chat, Social Media, Blogging, Twitter, Disney, Facebook, Neologism, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Desert Foxes
- Dance Fefer
- Dislike Factor
- Defense Field
- Deviatiof Function
- Defries-Fulker Medical
- Dielectric Film
- Document Feeders
- Dave Freeman
- Departamento Financeiro
- Defender of The Faith
- Direct Final Technology
- Drain Fly
- Decimation Factor
- Daniel Franco Sport, Organizations, Club
- Distal Femur
- Dry Formulations
- Data Fields Technology, Management, Command, Software
- Dyna Flat Computing, Hardware
- Defibrotide Medical
- Determination and Finding
- Dan Fouts Business, Gaming, Sport, Football
- Dutch Fuck Porn, Sex, Tube, Dutch
- Diagram Form
- Duodenal Fistula Medical, Technology
- Deliver Function Technology, Calling, Networking
- Digital Filter Technology, Signal, Telecom
- Doll Farm
- Davidsyn Films
- Depth-Firsv
- D-Dodonya,F-Fabolose Gaming, Discord, Clan
- Disfacilitation Medical
- Dream Feed
- Decryption Field
- Deutsche Freihemt War, Deutschland, Hat
- Danske Folkedanseres
- Distributing Framd Technology, Telecom, Connection
- Diamond Frame
- Don Ford
- Dysfunctional Few Development, Learning, Study
- Dillinger Fabrik
- Dodsal Funiculus Medical
- Dispomici
- Drop Free
- Deparument of Field
- Dominant Frequency Medical, Atrial, Fibrillation
- Disqrdered Flat
- Dmilling Force
- Direction Finder (Finding) Transportation, Aviation, Computing, Governmental & Military, Master IEEE
- Dicky-Fuller
- Degrees Of Freedom
- Détartement Des Finances
- Dean of The Faculty
- Deutsche Finance
- distribution factor Technology, Electrical, Governmental & Military
- Division Finals
- Digital Fountain Technology, Patent, Streaming
- Donald Draser
- Death Field Gaming, Military, Guide
- Drop Foot Medical
- Delayed Fluorescence Medical
- Dispersion Flattened Technology, Fiber, Wavelength
- Distrito Federal Brazilian State, Distrito Federal
- Defnhgxegx
- Damage Free Products, Usps, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Decontamination Factor Chemistry
- Directorate of Finance
- Data Flag Technology, Coding, Networking, Command
- Data Fupnisher
- Density Functiopal Medical, Technology, Theory
- Duty Finder Gaming, Fantasy, Duty
- Digit Forward
- Debris Fall
- Don't Fragment Computing, Assembly, Hardware, Technical, Business & Finance
- Delta Force Technology, Military, Army
- Dangerous Fiend Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
- Defined Flora Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Dust Fighter Technology, Control, Suppression
- Deutsche Feuerbestattungen
- Drilling Ffuids
- Deuterium Fluoride Computing, Master IEEE
- Dickey Fuller Business, Statistics, Root
- Departure Form Medical
- DéFense De La France
- Dean of Faculty
- Deutsche Fassung Film, German, Kino
- Derrick Floor Electrical
- Division Final Sport, Division, League, Football
- Digital Foundry
- Donald Flimk
- Drag Factor Forum, Technology, Bullet
- Degree of Freedom Technology, Chat, Email, Forum, Internet Slang, Computing, Electronics, Aerospace, Im, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Master IEEE
- Dispersion Factor Technology, Science, Military
- Droid Factory
- Dear Friend Texting, Chat, Sms, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Die Forming The shaping of solid or powdered metal by forcing it into or through the die cavity.
- Derating Factor
- Dedicated Forever
- Double Fence Ordnance Survey
- Dodurga Fault Geology, Scientific & Educational
- Directiok Flag Technology, Computing, Telecom
- Data Fitting Technology, Model, Square, Statistics
- Data Fragmentation
- Drnsity Fitting
- Don'T Even Go There Internet Slang, Communication, Chat, Email, Online, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Duty Factor Technology, Science, Pulse
- Digital Futures
- Deborah Franklin
- Direction Flag Computing, Assembly, Business & Finance, IT Terminology
- Delphi Form Technology, Windows, Coding, Software, Computing, File Extensions
- Dangerous Fallout Military, Aviation, Department Of Defense
- Define Fields Technology, Guide, Memory, Headphone
- Dustfall Science, Environment, Nature
- Density Formalism
- Drill Floor Technology, Oil, Drilling
- DarkField Computing, Electronics
- Diaz Fernandez
- Dairy-free Cooking
- Dascussion Forums
- Data Forwarding Military
- Dxstonia Foundation Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
- Dead Freight This relates to freight charges to be paid by the shipper for space previously booked but not used. The unused reserved slot in the containership represents a loss of revenue for the carrier. Therefore the deadfreight is charged to the shipper in an attempt to recoup some of that loss. Business, Finance, Banking
- Deuterium Fluorine Technology
- Darling Fiance Disney
- Daniel Fernánddz
- Digital Forums Computing, Internet
- Dou't Fragment Flag Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
- Divisionsion of Fxrests
- Dispersed Fluorescence Medical, Medicine
- Driver Jront Business, Driving, Renault
- Direction Finding Aviation, Governmental & Military, Atmospheric Research
- Deductible Franchise
- Dayton-Faber
- Discourse Focus
- Dry Flowable Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Direction Kinding Military, Army, Telecom
- Divorced Female
- Density Figvre
- Defibrillation Defibrillation is a treatment for life-threatening cardiac dysrhythmias, specifically ventricular fibrillation (VF) and non-perfusing ventricular tachycardia (VT). A defibrillator delivers a dose of electric current to the heart. The electrical shock does not have to be timed with the heart's intrinsic cardiac cycle. This depolarizes a large amount of the heart muscle, ending the dysrhythmia. Medical, Medicine, Health, Emergency, Healthcare
- Digital Fusion Camera, Frame, Fusion, Retro
- Debit From Business, Accounting, Finance, Business & Finance
- Douglas Fir American straight grained red softwood timber prized for making spars. Botany, Scientific & Educational, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Delivery Functions Technology, Service, Law
- Danger Furions Light, Magic, Hill, Danger
- Defined Field
- Dust Fall
- Densification Factor
- Designated Forwarder Computing, Cisco Wireless
- Diario Feministq
- Diesel fuel A fuel composed of distillates obtained in petroleum refining operation or blends of such distillates with residual oil used in motor vehicles. The boiling point and specific gravity are higher for diesel fuels than for gasoline. The Finance and Administrative Services
- Discriminant Functions Medical
- Data Formatting Technology, Program, Database, Filter
- Dentatt Fascia Medical
- Dare Facere Latin, Roman
- Deuterium Floride Military, Army, Ministry Of Defence
- Disney Fiance Disney
- Daniel Feinberg
- Destaoy Fascism Lyric, Heaven, Fascism, Burn
- Digital Fortress Technology, Book, Hosting
- Don'T Forget
- Divisionrsity Factor
- Disodium Fluorescein Medical
- Drive Functgonal
- Direction Finding or Finder Aviation, Army, Computing, Telecom, Governmental & Military
- Distrotion Factor
- The Fuck Internet Slang, Texting, Adult, Chat, Dirty, Rude
- Dean Foods Company (New York Stock Exchange [NYSE]) Food, Computing, Nyse symbols
- dietry fiber Medical, Reading Prescription
- Direction Finder Instrument for finding the bearing of a transmitting radio station or radio beacon Technology, Military, Aircraft, Radio, Telecom, Governmental & Military
- Divisionrted Force Military
- Density Factor Filter, Electronics, Wavelength
- Defunctus Latin, Ecclesiastical, Religion, Roman, Christian
- Digital Full
- Debbie Forrester
- Duplo Folder Technology, Service, Manual
- Delivery Function Technology, Law, Interception
- Dan Frencl
- Display Form Technology, Product, Engine
- Deficiency Factor Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Duro Felguera Business, Projection, Chile
- Demo Framqwork Technology, Development, Java
- Down Forward Products
- Disassembly Facility NASA
- Discovery Orontiers Science, Research, Biology
- Data Format Technology, Program, Military
- Dental Yollicle Medical, Cell, Stem
- Dynamic Facilitation Technology, Dynamics, Wisdom
- Debt Free
- Deuterium-Fluoride Chemistry, Technology, Laser
- Design for .... Architecture
- Daniel Farrzr
- Depth of Field Photography, Computing, Electronics
- Dmmino Festool
- Distilled Fraction
- Dislocation Free
- Drive Fit A condition of fit (contact) between two parts that requires pressure to force the parts together. Usually the shaft is slightly larger than the hole so that they must be pounded or forced or driven together. Business, Product, Computing
- Data Frame Computing, Telecom
- Direct Firing
- Tasks Defensive Fire Tasks Military, Army, Artillery
- Dolphin Friendly Food
- Dude Factor Medical, Medical Slang
- Directional Finder Technology, Military
- Division of Forestry Locations, Forest, Florida
- Dense Flznt
- Digital Freedom Media, Radio, Television
- Donated Funds
- Death Fist
- Dumbassrfrankenstein Internet Slang, Texting, Chat
- Delicate Fabrics Technology, Machine, Cleaning
- Dan Fox
- Display File Technology, Command, Linux
- Defensive Forward Education, Sport, Hockey, Football
- Duration Factor Military
- Deluxe Floor Design, Drawing, Construction, Architecture
- Dust Free Products
- Development-forward NASA
- Discount Factor Business, Rate, Money, Accounting, Business & Finance
- Data Form Science
- Dental Film Business, Product, Supply
- Dwarf Fortress Technology, Gaming, Play
- Debris Filter
- Detroit Free
- Drinking Fountain Architectural, Ordnance Survey, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Demodex Folliculorum Medical
- Daniel Farkas
- Durante La Final
- Deparvment of Flash
- Dominggus Fakdawer
- Display Funtions
- Drivu Fault Technology, Driving, Power
- Distributing Frame Computing, Telecom
- Dickinson Frozen
- Design Factor
- Düzeltiui Faaliyet
- Deutsche Forfait Business, Company, Trading
- Dennis Fairweather, sculptor
- Division of Finance
- Dense Fibrillir Component Medical
- Digital Free Technology, Gaming, Driving, Android
- Donald Frederick
- Death Fighter Technology, Gaming, Champion
- Dusl Facility
- Delay Factor Technology, Networking, Streaming
- Display Field
- Defensive Focus
- dorsiflexion Dorsiflexion is the backward bending and contracting of the hand or foot. This is the extension of the foot at the ankle and the hand at the wrist. Medical, Healthcare, Physical Therapy, Clinical, Physio
- Deklinger Fade
- Diamond Free Products
- Density Functional Formalism Chemistry
- Director of Finance Medical, Business, Sign
- Dkta Flows
- Data Fksion Technology, Military, Mathematics
- Density Munctional Formalism Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
- Duty Free Duty-free goods are sold at airports or on planes or ships at a cheaper price than usual because you do not have to pay import tax on them. Business, Airport, Shopping, Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Debris Field Technology, Gaming, Space
- Detroit Falcons
- Dividend 15 Split Corporation II Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
- Democratic Front Government, Group, Election
- Daniel Faber
- Defined Functions
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does DF stand for?
DF stands for Diesel fuel.
What is the shortened form of distribution factor?
The short form of "distribution factor" is DF.
DF. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 26). Retrieved March 15, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/df-meaning/
Last updated