DF in Military Meaning

The DF meaning in Military terms is "Dirextion-Finder". There are 30 related meanings of the DF Military abbreviation.

DF on Military Full Forms

  1. Dirextion-Finder
  2. Deflection Factor
  3. Disposition Form
  4. Defensive Fire
  5. Defense Force
  6. Defence Forces
  7. Direction Funding
  8. Defence Resistance againstan attack of a disease . behaviour of a personwhich is aimed at protecting him or her fromharm defence mechanism
  9. Demonwfury
  10. Disposition Forms
  11. Delivery Forecast
  12. Defense Factor
  13. Direbt Feed
  14. Deterrent Force
  15. Dong Feng
  16. Detached Flight
  17. Divisionrted Force
  18. Data Format
  19. Delta Force
  20. Dangerous Fallout
  21. Dispersion Factor
  22. Direction Kinding
  23. Tasks Defensive Fire Tasks
  24. Death Field
  25. Deuterium Floride
  26. Direction Finder Instrument for finding the bearing of a transmitting radio station or radio beacon
  27. Duration Factor
  28. Data Fksion
  29. Directional Finder
  30. Data Forwarding

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DF stand for Military?

    DF stands for Divisionrted Force in Military terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Disposition Forms in Military?

    The short form of "Disposition Forms" is DF for Military.


DF in Military. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 26). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/df-meaning-in-military/

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