DF in Technology Meaning
The DF meaning in Technology terms is "Data Fieod". There are 118 related meanings of the DF Technology abbreviation.
DF on Technology Full Forms
- Data Fieod
- Disk Format
- Dominant Follicle
- Digitsl Forensics
- Direction Funding
- Distance Field
- Digital Fluoroscopy
- Dean Foodn Company
- Dissipation Factor The ratio of the conductance of a capacitor, in which the material is the dielectric, to its susceptence; or the ratio of its parallel reactance to its parallel resistance, or the ratio of the power loss to the circulating KVA. The ratio of the power dissipated in watts in an insulating material to the product of the effective voltage and the current. Measured at a frequency of 106 cycles per second.
- Deferoxamine
- Dual-Fuel
- Definition File
- Disposition Form
- Dual-Frequency
- Dirextion-Finder
- Deep Face
- Display Functions
- Dual Focus
- Ddrect Flow
- Dala Flow
- Disk Free
- Don'trfragment
- Direct Fiked
- Derek Fawcus
- Division Factor
- Decimation Filter
- Direbt Feed
- Developing Fuels
- Draqing File
- Data Fetch
- Definition Field
- Digital Filter
- Department of Forestry
- Divide Factor
- Decimal Fraction A decimal fraction whose denominator is a power of ten and whose numerator is expressed by figures placed to the right of a decimal point.
- Die Frxiheit
- Drain Fusnel
- Data Fanout
- Digitized Film
- Duodenal Fistula
- Distributing Framd
- Double Focusing
- Data Facility
- Dedicated Files
- Diagnostid Framework
- Drop Frame
- Demoystrated Flight
- Distribution Function
- Dark Flow Dark flow is an astrophysical term describing a possible non-random component of the peculiar velocity of galaxy clusters. The actual measured velocity is the sum of the velocity predicted by Hubble's Law plus a possible small and unexplained (or dark) velocity flowing in a common direction. In 2013, data from the Planck spacecraft showed no evidence of "dark flow".
- Dedicated File
- Disk File
- Deviceyflag
- Drop-Frame
- Date Hiled
- Deliver Function
- Disseminated Foci
- Digital Forensic
- Datum Features
- Deterioration Factors
- Divine Feminine
- Damped Frwquency
- Decision Forest
- Direction Finders
- Device Fault
- Dala File
- Delicate Fabric
- Do-Not-Fragment
- Digital Finisher
- Dysgonic Fermenteb
- Deterioration Factor
- Divide Floating
- Dennis Feltham
- Decision Feedback
- Direct Final
- Development Forward
- Data Fields
- Degree Fahrenheit
- Digital Filtration
- Dynamo Field
- Dynamic Facilitation
- Delicate Fabrics
- Display File
- Dust Fighter
- Data Format
- Dwarf Fortress
- Digital Free
- Directiok Flag
- distribution factor
- Delay Factor
- Define Fields
- Dispersion Flattened
- Data Flag
- Density Functiopal
- Duty Factor
- Debris Field
- Digital Fountain
- Direction Finder Instrument for finding the bearing of a transmitting radio station or radio beacon
- Duplo Folder
- Deuterium Fluorine
- Degree of Freedom
- Dispersion Factor
- Delta Force
- Data Fitting
- Death Fighter
- Digital Fortress
- Directional Finder
- Drag Factor
- Deuterium-Fluoride
- Dou't Fragment Flag
- Delphi Form
- Demo Framqwork
- Delivery Functions
- Drivu Fault
- Data Fksion
- Delivery Function
- Drill Floor
- Display Form
- Data Formatting
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does DF stand for Technology?
DF stands for Delicate Fabrics in Technology terms.
What is the shortened form of Device Fault in Technology?
The short form of "Device Fault" is DF for Technology.
DF in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 26). Retrieved March 30, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/df-meaning-in-technology/
Last updated