DIS in Army Meaning

The DIS meaning in Army terms is "Defense Investigative Service". There are 11 related meanings of the DIS Army abbreviation.

DIS on Army Full Forms

  1. Defense Investigative Service
  2. Disable When your computer is lost or stolen, and if you consider the information in the computer is critical, disable the computer. If you disable your computer, no one can access your computer until the correct user password is given.
  3. Discharged
  4. Distributed Integrated Simulation
  5. Director of Installation Support
  6. Discharge the amount of water flowing past a given point on a stream; measured in cubic feet or cubic metres per second or volume of water pumped at a specific head or  Electrical discharge can occur by the release of the electric charge stored in a capacitor through an external circuit. It can also occur by the breakdown of gaseous dielectrics within solid dielectrics on the application of a field.
  7. Defense Intelligence School
  8. Defense Intelligegce Summary
  9. Defense Information System
  10. Died Ip Shame
  11. Disability

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DIS stand for Army?

    DIS stands for Disable in Army terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Died Ip Shame in Army?

    The short form of "Died Ip Shame" is DIS for Army.


DIS in Army. Acronym24.com. (2021, March 7). Retrieved May 4, 2024 from https://acronym24.com/dis-meaning-in-army/

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