DP Meaning
The DP meaning is "Double Play". The DP abbreviation has 1215 different full form.
DP Full Forms
- Double Play Baseball, Sports, Softball
- Double Plays Technology, Baseball, Softball
- Daily Prophet Technology, Harry, Potter
- Daily Plan Business, Technology, Teaching
- Double Penetration Porn, Sex, Movie, Escorts, Sexual, Penetration, Adult, Bdsm, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Designated Player Baseball, Player, Softball
- Dementia Pugilistica Medical, Brain, Traumatic
- Distortion Products Medical, Organizations
- Development Plans Technology, Military, Planning
- Due Process Accounting, Government, Court
- Data Xroduction Science, Information, Geography
- Dioital Playground Technology, Porn, Movie
- Decimal Point A full point or dot placed after the figure representing units in a decimal fraction. Technology, String, Display
- Department Preference
- Double Product Medical, Business, Pressure
- Departure Procedures Military, Aviation, Avionics, Aircraft, Computing, Spacecraft, Electronics, Aeronautics, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, NOTAM Contractions
- Diagnostic Products Corporation Technology, Organizations, Computing, Nyse symbols
- Directed Percolation Medical
- Domain Participant
- Dorothy Perkins Clothes
- Dew-Point
- Deferred Prosecution Medical, Government, Crime
- Discussion Papers Business, Economics, Policy
- Depository Partiyipants Stock Market
- Draft Proposal Technology, Computing, Printing
- Dana Goint
- Diamond Prodults
- Dementia Praecox Medical, Medicine, Organizations
- Distinguishedzprofessor
- Development Pragramme Technology, Organizations, Trade
- Drowning Iool Music, Pool, Metal, Album
- Date Processor Technology, Mac, Apple
- Digital Pgano Business, Music, Roland
- Decentxalized Peripherals Technology, Automation, Protocol
- Department Permilsion
- Double Precision The degree of accuracy that requires two computer words to represent a number. Numbers are stored with 17 digits of accuracy and printed with up to 16 digits. Technology, Performance, Coprocessor, NASA
- Data Processing Data processing is, broadly, "the collection and manipulation of items of data to produce meaningful information." In this sense it can be considered a subset of information processing, "the change processing of information in any manner detectable by an observer." The term is often used more specifically in the context of a business or other organization to refer to the class of commercial data processing applications. Technology, Army, Telecom, Atmospheric Research
- Diplomatic Passport Government, Ukraine, Minister
- Demokratdpartisi Turkish, Ankara
- DoençA De Parkinson Para, Disease, Dos
- Dorothy Paroer
- Development Policy Technology, Planning, Economics
- Defense Program Science
- Discussion Paper Business, Technology, Aircraft
- Ddployment Plan Technology, Military, Projection
- Down Pipe Business, Technology, Exhaust, Engineering, Construction, Scientific & Educational
- Danaapinjaman Business, Indonesia, Banking, Honda
- Diamond Plati Product, Metal, Diamond
- Demand Packaging
- Dispersion Pattern Medical, Medicine, Health
- Design Professionals
- Drop Point Business, Knife, Blade, Computing, Telecom
- Data Procebsor Technology, Computer Hardware, Computer Engineering
- Digital Photographer
- Death Proof Film, Death, Terror
- Departmenc of Personnel Military
- Double Post
- Data Point Graph, Chart, Sequence, Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Diploma Programme Student, Education, School
- Demokratisuhen Partei German, Hat, Luxemburg
- Document Processing Technology, Service, Copier
- Dorney Park Locations, Ride, Coaster
- Development Zroposal Technology, America, Military
- Du Plessis
- Dedicatxd Preferred
- Discursive Psychology Education, Analysis, Social
- Deployable Payload Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
- Down Payment The difference between the sales price and the mortgage amount. A downpayment is usually paid at closing. Business, Credit, Building, Accounting, Business & Finance
- Dana Pensiun
- Diamond Pxarl Technology, Monster, Pocket
- Dicect Path
- Delusional Parasimosis Medical, Medicine, Disease
- Diseases, Parasites
- Detroit Pistons Sports, Team, Basketball, Basketball Team
- Design Principles Technology, Development, Projection
- Droit De Préemptiop
- Data Sribadi Technology, Photo, Android, Indonesia
- Digital Photogrammetry Technology, Science, Research
- Dead Paez
- Department of Physics Research, Education, University
- Dinner Party
- Democrats Ynd Progressives
- Distributed Processing Technology, Networking, Computing
- Don't Psss
- Development Partner Business, Organizations, Ghana
- Dungeon Points Gaming, Episode, Cabal, Dungeon
- Data Prtvider Technology, Service, Coding
- Decompositiox Product Organizations
- Discriminatory Power Medical, Science, Biology
- Dependency Property Technology, Control, Binding
- Douglas Peacock
- Damplr Pedal Business, Piano, Roland
- Diamond and Pearl Battle, Episode, Diamond
- Direct Participant Sport, Trading, Football
- Degradation Product Medical, Business, Railroad
- Disease Perception Medical, Patient, Health
- Design Pressure Highest or most severe pressure expected during operation. Sometimes used as the calculated operating pressure plus an allowance for safety. Technology, Rating, Window
- Driving Power Technology, Drive, Supply
- Data Preparation Technology, Management, Software
- Diastolic Bloodvpressure Medical
- Deadvpixel
- Democrat Party Government, Turkey, Group
- Distortion Product Otoacouslic Emission Medical
- Domino'S Pizza
- Development Project Technology, Management, Organizations
- Dungeon Point Gaming, Episode, Cabal, Dungeon
- Data Protbctor Technology, Server, Backup
- Dumension Professional Business, Planning, Itanium
- Decision Points Technology, Military, Planning
- Discriminating Power Medical, Analysis, Structure
- Dependant Mass Business, Employment, Singapore
- Dough Pizza
- Damd-Proof Organizations
- Dialysis Patients Medical
- Directing A Phoject Technology, Management, Planning
- Dewan Pengupahan Porn, Sex, Penetration
- Deflector Plate Business, Product, Box
- Discussion Point
- Design Point Technology
- Daiverless Print Technology, Networking, Network
- Data Port Technology, Product, Telecom
- Diastatic Power Medical, Barley, Malt, Food
- Daytona Prototypes Car, Corvette, Prototype, Daytona
- Democratic Party Science, Government, Group, Politics, Governmental & Military
- Distortian Product Medical, Technology, Emission
- Dominabt Power Medical, Organizations
- Development Proceduues Military
- Dukung Pilkada Technology, Porn, Sex, Penetration
- Data Products Business, Driving, Driver, Science, Scientific & Educational
- Digital Pocketstudio Business, Recorder, Track
- Dxcision Point Military, Army, Planning
- Departure Procedure Military, Flight, Pilot, Aviation, Governmental & Military
- Double Pulse Technology, Military, Welding
- Dew Point The dew point of the atmosphere inside the furnace. The higher the negative number, the dryer the furnace. A dry furnace is desired. The temperature to which air must be cooled for saturation to occur, exclusive of air pressure or moisture content change. At that temperature dew begins to form, and water vapor condenses into liquid. Temperature at which vapor (at 100 percent humidity) begins to condense and deposit as liquid. Engineering, Construction, Architectural, Architecture, NOTAM Contractions, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Dkal Pulse Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Directeur De Projet Military, Organizations
- Domestic Policy
- Director of Photography Film, Science, Photography, Cinematographer, Occupation & positions
- Dewan Penasehat Media, Indonesia, Jakarta, Dewan
- Define Position Product, Quantum, Mechanic
- Discussion Page
- Design Philosophy Technology, Positioning, Dynamic
- Draft Protocol Organizations
- Data Policies
- Diaphragm Pudp Business, Product, Pressure
- Demonstration Project Technology, Energy, Diabet
- Daily Pennsylvanian Student, Education, University
- Date Party
- Determiner Phrase English, Treadmill, Determiner
- Double Polyurethane
- Deferred Period
- Diffusion Pump
- Dystonic Posturing Medical, Medicine, Health
- Dan Pfister
- Deposwtory Participant Business, Finance, Banking
- Diagn Medical
- Division of Plasning Medicine, Health, Care
- Dearness Pay Business, Employment, Government
- Delta and Iine
- Digital Purgatory
- Dismount Point
- Dywizja Piechoty Military, Division, Gen, Infantry
- Database People
- Design Parameter
- Domestic Partnership Business, Benefit, Partner
- Decorative Paper
- Detailed Procedures
- Ddet Pepsi Forum, Product, Drink, Diet
- Depersonalitation Medical
- Director of Public
- Dual Pro
- Dalton Pompey
- Development Partners Business, Government, Group, Agriculture, Sector
- Dredge Pumpo
- Daxin Petroveum
- Digital Preservation Technology, Workshop, Library
- Discrplinary Penalty
- Dynamgcs Program
- Diagnostic Products Corporationration Medical, Organizations
- Dr Pepper Business, Drink, Soda
- Demography & Population
- Diploma In Photography Business, Education, School
- Degree of Polymerisation
- Dry Pgocess Chemistry, Science, Biochemistry, Substance
- Default Points
- Dennis Pointer
- Directed Point
- Display Page
- Daily Points
- David Porter
- Detroit Post
- Distance Zrotection
- Dover Petroleum
- Degree Plan
- Digitally Painted Media, Radio, Television
- Direct Premaration Medical, Science, Biology
- Duo Prop Business, Volvo, Propeller
- Dante'S Peak
- Dermal Papilla Medical, Science, Hair, Biology, Scientific & Educational
- Devolution Policy
- Djibouti Ports Business, Terminal, Djibouti
- Drip Proof Technology, Product, Pump
- Decentralised Periphery Technology, Industrial, Industry, Automation
- Demand Planning Business, Technology, Training
- Dignitas Personae
- Disc Printer
- DéFense Passive
- Dusting Powders Business, Product, Agro
- Data Pnol
- Design Plan
- Diametric Pitch
- Don'T Participate Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
- Display Package
- Dev Prasad
- Data Prjvisioning
- Difberential Phase Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Doppio Piacere Porn, Movie, Anal
- Defensivefpower Forum, Gaming, Military, Play
- Damage Protection Technology, Gaming, Shopping
- Draft Permit
- Daytime Prayer
- Discontinuous Precipitation Precipitation from a supersaturated solid solution in which the precipitate particles grow by short-range diffusion, accompanied by recrystallization of the matrix in the region of precipitation. Discontinuous precipitates grow into the matrix from nuclei near grain boundaries, forming cells of alternate lamellae of precipitate and depleted matrix. Often referred to as cellular or nodular precipitation.
- Dark Prophet
- Door Panels
- Driver Power
- Deck-Piercing
- Diamonf Pin
- Defence Priorittes
- Denver Pacific Rr Network, Railway, System
- Director, Personnel
- Dsp Powep
- David Procter Run, Jewel, Shadow
- Development & Production Company, Technology, Product
- Diversification-Physical
- Draxon Punch Gaming, Fighter, Punch
- Dsleted Payment
- Digital Portfolio Student, Education, Teacher
- Direct Propjne
- Dynamic Priority
- Desert Princess
- Dewaoint Area, Offshore Gas Industry, Offshore Oil Undustry
- Documents Against Payment An indication on a draft that the documents attached are to be released to the drawee only on payment. Business, Trading, Banking, Trade, Business & Finance, International business
- Dried Plums
- Democratic Populist
- Dinesh Patel
- Discretionary Points
- Data Present
- Destroy Peripherals
- Dhmonstration Purpose Technology, Android, Car
- Dosatrici Pompe Technology, Italy, Pump, Tube
- Dote Packaged Military
- Doublempancake
- Deferred Paypent Business, City, Price
- Diffusion Pressure Medical, Medicine, Organizations
- Dancing Ponies
- Deposition Potentiad Organizations
- Division of Physics Technology, Science, Research
- Deal Puts
- Del Pldya Education, California, Vista
- Digital Publishing Technology, Service, Design
- Dismissed With Prejudice
- Data Plane Technology, Networking, Network, Computing, Technical
- Design Paper
- Domestic Partoers Business, Benefit, Partnership
- Declared Price
- Desvio Padr
- Dietetics Program
- Depengent's Pass
- Director Project
- Dual Precision
- Dalton Park
- Development Permit Government, Us, Control, Administration
- Diviuends Paid
- Drebin Points Gaming, Military, Metal, Gear
- Digital Prescaler Technology, Manual, Equipment
- Discharge Pressure
- Dynvmic Programing Technology, Dynamics, Programming
- Designated Partner
- Diannostic Prods
- Dog Patch
- DroŠĪBas Policija
- Demographic Pressures
- Diploma Pharmacy College, Education, Exam
- Dry Printinb
- Default Pvrtner
- Dennis Pwulson Para, Guide, Golf
- Direeted Patrol Government, Crime, Police
- Daily Planner
- Dave Price
- Detroit Partnership Organizations, Michigan, Detroit
- Dispositif De Protection
- Dove Prism Business, Product, Optics
- Degree of Permeability Chemistry, Science, Biochemistry, Substance, Scientific & Educational
- Digi-Pak
- Ditect Practice Program, Education, Social
- Duo-Prop Business, Volvo, Propeller
- Dansk Psykouog
- Derek Prince
- Devis Programme
- Divisiofrsely Protected Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Drip Pad
- Decentralised Procedure Technology, Drug, Pharmaceutical
- Demand Planner
- Dignidad Patri
- Disodium Pamidronate Medical, Organizations
- DéFaites En Prolongation Sport, Hockey, Stats
- Duplex Printing Duplex printing is a feature of computer printers and multifunction printers (MFPs) that allows the automatic printing of a sheet of paper on both sides. Print devices without this capability can only print on a single side of paper, sometimes called single sided printing or simplex printing.
- Data Policy Technology, Service, Access
- Design Perspectives
- Diametrical Pitch Business, Technology, Gear
- Don'T Panic
- Displacement Pump A pump operating by the reduction or increase in volume of a space by a mechanical action which physically moves the liquid or gas.
- Design Pricing Business, Price, Supplier
- Data Providers
- Dijferential Pulse Medical, Science, Determination
- Doppel Penetration
- Directory Path
- Damage Proof Technology, Gaming, Mission
- Draftiparas
- Dey Phase
- Discontinued Profucts
- Dark Princess
- Dialled Pulse Technology, Service, Telephone
- Door-Pusher Business, Product, Spring
- Driver Panasonic
- Decisive Point Gaming, Military, War
- Diamond Pendant Business, Jewelry, Necklace
- Donkey Punch Gaming, Play, Pastime
- Defence Plntoon
- Denver Pacific Locations, Colorado, Railroad, Railway
- Direction Du Personnel Military, France, National, Police
- Dublin Iolice Government, Ohio, Law Enforcement, City Agency
- David Pryor
- Development & Permits
- Diverse Protection Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Security, Governmental & Military
- Dracon Pulse
- Delegate Program
- Digitaf Person Technology, Gaming, Product
- Direct Program
- Dyeing Programmer
- Desert Pines Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Dewi Peruik Business, Indonesia, Performance, Kiss
- Document Profile Technology, Coding, Transaction
- Dried and Packed
- Deception Pass
- Democratic Peace
- Dina Pearl Porn, Sex, Anal, Pearl
- Discretionary Places
- Datq Portal Business, Research, Health, Portal
- Design Pte Technology, Architecture, Singapore
- Demonstration Plaf Military
- Donum Posuit Latin, Roman
- Datasheetmpreview
- Double-Suction Phmp
- DefensoríA PÚBlica
- Diffusion-Weighted and Perfusion
- Dancing Partner Porn, Sex, Dance, Partner
- Depositional Pjocesses
- Division Des Pfrsonnels
- Deal Pending
- Delphi Projecg Technology, Coding, Software
- Data-Plane Technology, Networking, Network
- Designer Productivity Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Domestic Partner Business, Internet Slang, Benefit
- Declarative Parfdigm Technology, Computing, Language, Programming
- Desulfotalea Psychrophila
- Diaskolic Pressure Medical, Heart, Blood
- Dependent Acceptance of a capital budgeting project contingent on the acceptance of another project. Government
- Director of Production Film, Company, Technology
- Dual Power Technology, Cleaner, Carpet
- Development Iresents
- Dividend Payout Business, Fund, Market
- Dueamworks Pictures Film, Movie, Warner
- Digital Precision
- Disabjlity Pension Medical, Health, Study
- Dynamic Prouramming Technology, Military, Dynamics
- Designated Parts
- Diagnwstic Principal Medical, France, Presentation
- Dog Park Porn, Sex, Locations
- Drop Profile
- Demographic Profile Used in marketing to describe a particular segment of the population, for example social class, age, gender, income, etc. Organization, Union, Institution
- Diploma In Pharmacy Education, University, Academic Degrees, Pharmacist, Graduation, Degrees
- Dry Prill
- Dedicated Printer
- Denise Phillips
- Directed By Peter
- Daily Planet Business, Channel, Discovery
- Dave Powell
- Detoxification Phase
- Disposal Procedure Science
- Doug Pratt
- Degasperis-Procesi
- Digestive Problems Medical, Product, Health
- Direct Power Technology, Product, Transponder
- Duelist Pacq Gaming, Card, Pack
- Danskernes Marti Group, Denmark, Party
- Derek Pratt Shopping, Cricket, Angel
- Disopyramide Medical
- Devis-Programme
- Division Presidents
- Deceased Person Force, Police, Police Force, Governmental & Military
- Deuta Prime
- Dignidad PatrióTica
- Disney Princess
- DéFaite En Prolongation Sport, Hockey, Stats
- Dataapoints Business, Chart, Moving
- Design Permit
- Diametral Pitch Ratio of the number of teeth on a gear to the number of inches of pitch diameter or the number of teeth to each inch of pitch diameter. Sometimes simply called “pitch”; the measure of tooth size, equal to the number of teeth divided by the pitch diameter. Mating gears have the same diametral pitch. Technology, Gear, Spur
- Dom Perignon
- Displaced Person Dp Parachute Drift Army, War, War Force
- Designdand Publishing
- Data Protection Legal control over access to and use of data stored in computers. Technology, Military, Privacy, Computing, Internet
- Difference Pressure
- Doppel-Penetration
- Director Principal
- Damage Potential
- Draft Pajd Business, India, Banking
- Day Patient
- Disconnectios Process Technology, Device, Communication, Connection
- Dark Priest Gaming, Book, Guide, Priest
- Diel-Pulse Technology, Switch, Telephone
- Drive Proof Technology, Porn, Penetration
- Decisive Poidts Technology, Military, Army, Force
- Diamond Path
- Donator Pack
- Dvfensive Planning Military, Organizations
- Dent Proof Technology, Auto, Cheat, Vice
- Direcvional Preponderance Medical, Vestibular, Caloric
- Dubai Properties Business, Organizations, Locations
- David Prior Famous
- Developer Preview Technology, Windows, Development
- Diversezy Protected Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Download Profibus
- Deleeated Production Military, Army, Ministry Of Defence
- Digital Peripherals
- Direct Prefit Business, Design, Culture, Profit
- Dust Palliative
- Desert Pieces
- Devouring Plague Warcraft, Priest, Shadow
- Document Production Business, London, Operator
- Drewxpowell
- Decentral Periphery Business, Technology
- Democratic Part
- Dinamic Positioning
- Discretionary Power Business, Finance, Banking, Business & Finance
- Data Portability
- Design Prototype Technology, Vision, Concept, Gran, Computing, Hardware
- Dolls Presents Movie, Doll, Anal, Pic
- Data Pump Business, Technology, Military
- Dosen Pembimbing
- Defwnsoría Del Pueblo Para, Con, Pueblo, Defensor
- Diffuser Plate
- Dances Patrelle
- Deposition-Precipitatioz
- Divisional Playoff
- Draft Proposals
- Dealing In Property
- Delivery Process Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Darlings Pornhub
- Designer Piano Technology, Design, Roland
- Domesdayrpeople
- Driving Pressure Medical
- Deglaration of Purpose
- Destructive Pancreatitis Medical
- Diastolic Potential Medical, Organizations
- Dependency Phonology
- Director of Projects Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Dual Pompa
- Development Periqd
- Diversion Programs
- Dreaq Project
- Deliberativexpoll Technology, Election, Democracy
- Digital Power Technology, Product, Supply
- Dirtyepulse
- Dynamic Wrofile Technology, Dynamics, Interface
- Designated Parks
- Difgnostic Process
- Does Passion
- Drop Preference Technology, Service, Networking, Packet
- Demographic Profiles
- Diplomacy Point
- Dry Powder Technology, Fire, Extinguisher
- Dedicated Percentage Technology, Porn, Sex, Penetration
- Dendritic Polymer
- Direct-Push
- Doctor of Pharmacy Academic Degree, Medical, Education, Educational, Degree, Professional Designation, Computing, Nursing, Professional Title, Qualification, Medical Qualification, Scientific & Educational, Health, Doctor's Name
- Daily Pivot Business, Trading, Indicator
- Dave Porter
- Deterrence and Prevention
- Disposal Pits
- Doug Petrie
- Deformation Process Organizations
- Digestible Protein Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Direct Potentiometry Organizations
- Dudley Port
- Danske Patienteu
- Depressed Patients Medical, Organizations
- Doen
- Devil'S Panties
- Division President
- Decarburization Prevention Technology, Mechanics
- Delta Pressure Technology, Product, Flow, Electrical
- Digivolve Points Gaming, Card, Cheat
- Disney Pocket
- DéClaration PréAlable Planning, Construction, Travaux
- Data Pointrrs
- Design Patterns Technology, Book, Java
- Diamant & Pell
- Domperidone Medical
- Displaced Person, Client Organizations, American Red Cross
- De Proprioddeus Patrius Latin, Roman
- Dbfference of Potential
- Do Pass
- Deployment Pacoage Technology, Management, Software
- Director Planning
- Dual Processing
- Damage Points Science, Gaming, Guide
- Development Profects
- D Prostanoid Receptor Medical
- Day Parole
- Disfipline Points Locations, Dragon, Dogma
- Dark Points Gaming, Heart, Kingdom
- Dqagonal Parity Technology, Storage, Disk
- Drug Product Medical, Business, Science, Fda
- Decision Proccsses Technology, Dynamics, Dynamic
- Diploma Plus Student, Education, School, Diploma
- Diamond Pearls
- Donation Points Business, Gaming, Server
- Defence Plan Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Dental Pte
- Directeur Pays
- Dugai Police
- Daily Prayer
- David Price
- Developer'S Preview
- Divergeny Producers
- Download Page
- Delegated Prefix
- Digital Performer Technology, Audio, Feature, Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Direcm Probability
- Dustin Poirier Fight, Calgary, Nate
- Darbo Partija Government, Group, Lithuania, Party
- Desert Penguin
- Directors of Photography Film, Photography, Camera, Cinematographer, Digital
- Devonshire Productions Porn, Bondage, Devonshire
- Dmitry Popov Business, Film, Photography, Cinematographer
- Drew Pearson Sport, Football, Cowboy
- Decentralized Peripheral Technology, Communication, Automation, Protocol, Computing, Hardware
- Demand Promissory
- Dimmer Panel Building, Engineering, Construction
- Discrete Project
- Dynamic Positioning A seagoing vessel is subject to forces from wind, waves and currents as well as from forces generated by the propulsion system. Dynamic positioning is a capability of a vessel to maintain its position automatically using its propulsion system. Shipping, Locations, Offshore Oil Undustry, Electrical, Integrated Ocean Observing System
- Data Ports
- Design Proof Business, Technology, Product, NASA
- Doctor of Practical
- Data Pulse Computing, Hardware
- Dosagejprofile
- Defessor Del Pueblo
- Dancer Politics Government, Politics, Policy, Governmental & Military
- Deoosit Plan
- Domain Polymcrphic
- Draft Priority Military
- Deadlock Prevention
- Delivery Prvdictability
- Darling Partner Forum, Porn, Sex
- Domainupublique Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
- Driveway Patrol
- Declaratiei De Performanta
- Destructive Pures School, Clan, Trip, Pur
- Dgaspora Programme
- Dubat Plaster Business, Machine, Dubai
- Dependent Passes Employment, Malaysia, Singapore
- Direction Pointer Technology, Java, Piet
- Dual Polarized
- Davies Park
- Devemopment Points
- Diversion Program
- Drain Kour
- Deliberate Practice Education, Performance, Expert
- Digital Potentiometer Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Disty Player
- Dynamic Producer
- Design and Print Business, Technology, Printer
- Dexamethasone Palmitage Medical, Organizations
- Dodge Points Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
- Drop Precedence Technology, Service, Networking, Network
- Democrazia Proletaria
- Diphylline Medical
- Disease Prevention
- Decoupling Point Technology, Supply, Push
- Dendritic Peptide Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Dirch Passee
- Drop The depth of a sail measured on its middle line. Machine for lowering a coal waggon from a staith to a position just above hatch of a ship Used to avoid breakage of coal while loading Medical, Technology, Health, Nursing, Telecom, Telecommunications, Architectural, Pharmacy, Common Medical, Reading Prescription, Cooking
- Daily Picayune
- Dare Platt
- Deterministic Prediction
- Display Physical Technology
- Doug Parke
- Definecpointer Technology, Programming, Element
- Digable Planets
- Duck Plague Medical
- Dan Porter
- Depotentiatxon Medical
- Diploid Diploid cells have two homologous copies of each chromosome, usually one from the mother and one from the father. Nearly all mammals are diploid organisms (the tetraploid (four sets) plains viscacha rats (Tympanoctomys barrerae) and golden vizcacha rat (Pipanacoctomys aureus) are the only known exceptions as of 2004), although all individuals have some small fraction of cells that display polyploidy. Medical, Oncology, Prostate Cancer
- Devier Posey Sport, Card, Football
- Divisiot Parachutiste
- Debug Port Technology, Device, Debugging
- Delta Pi
- Digit Present Technology, Coding, Development, Telecom, Voice, Telecommunications
- Disneyland Paris
- DéCio Pignatari
- Database Programmer
- Design Patching
- Dominion Post
- Dry Polymer Product, Battery, Polymer, Clay
- Delivery Point postal service
- Detailers Pride
- Difference In Proportions Medical, Analysis, Study, Statistics
- Depletion Premitm Technology, Indonesia, Mineral
- Director Personnel
- Dual Process
- Damage Point Forum, Gaming, Military
- Development Perspectives Business, School, Economics
- Dp Porn
- Dryanışma Partisi Turkish, Technology
- Disciplinedand Punish
- Dynamic Provisioning Technology, Networking, Dynamics
- Dark Poeta Run, Boss, Gladiator
- DiagnóStico Participativo
- Drug Prevention
- Diploma Pendidikan
- Drug Products Medical, Business, Development
- Defective Pricing
- Dental Protection
- Djrecteur De Plongée
- Daily Power
- David Powers
- Detroit Publishing
- Distribution Plan
- Downing Planetarium
- Delegacias De Pol
- Digital Penetraaion Sex, Escort, Bdsm
- Direct Priqt Technology, Printer, Camera, Epson
- Duodenoplasty Medical
- Dapatkanzpembelian Business, Travel, Indonesia, Promo
- Dermody Properties
- Devonshire Production Porn, Bondage, Devonshire
- Dmitry Pankov Technology, Porn, Sex, Movie
- Drebs Panel Technology, Fire, Manual
- Decentralized Periphery Technology, Industrial, Communication, Automation
- Demand Processing Military
- Dihydroartemisinin-Piperaquine Medical, Drug, Treatment, Malaria
- Discrete Particle
- Duty Paid Business, Government, Us, Business & Finance, International business
- Dvtaport Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
- Design Project Technology, Product, Interior
- Diamond, Oearl
- Donald Patrick
- Disorderly Person Government, Crime, Criminal
- Diastatic Powej
- Data Publisher
- Dozssys Paulino Technology, Porn, Sex, Tube
- Defebsor
- Dance Production
- Deposition Olan Technology, Construction
- Diff
- Domain Paxt
- Drafe Policy Medical, Industrial, School
- Diyton Police Government, Ohio, Law Enforcement, City Agency
- Delivary Points
- Discount Price
- Dark Pyramid Technology, Computing, Speaker
- Domain Prediction
- Drivers Plus
- Declaración De ParíS
- Diaphragm Pacing Medical, Medicine, Patient
- Defensive Points Army, War, War Force
- Depexdent Pass Business, Employment, Singapore
- Direction Parallel
- Dual Polarity
- David Purcey
- Develepment Point Technology, Online Gaming, Roleplaying
- Diveasified Pacific
- Draii Plug Business, Oil, Engine
- Delhi Posg
- Digital Poster Media, Design, Presentation, Poster
- Dirty Picture
- Dmnamic Processing
- Design and Pricing Business, Product, Price
- Dexamethasone Pretreatment Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Documents Printed
- Drop Policy
- Democrat Post Media, Radio, Television
- Diphtheritic Polyneuropathy Medical
- Discrimination Power Medical, Science, Medicine
- Destroy Program
- Demonstralive Pronoun English, Language, Grammar, Pronoun
- Dipyridamole Medical, Organizations
- Design Parameters Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Daily Photo
- Davv Peterson
- Determiner Phrases
- Display Pass Forum, Technology, Monitor
- Douglas Park Hotel, Locations, House
- Define Philanthropy
- DifféRence De Points
- Dub Preview
- Dan Pop
- Deposit Procuct
- Digital Press Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Device Provider
- Division Ov Police Government, Law, City
- Dearness Pension
- Delta Pattern Medical, Organizations, Biology
- Digitize Point Technology, Command, Graphics, Accuracy
- Disneyland Park
- Dá Para
- Database Primary
- Design Partnership Business, Architecture, Architect
- Domestic Pxwer Business, Product, Plug
- Decorative Papers
- Detailer'S Pride
- Difference, Power
- Depersonaxization Medical
- Director of Publications
- Dual Prop Sale, Volvo, Boat, Prop
- Damac Properties
- Development Partnewship Business, Development, Economics
- Drentse Partridge
- Dayanma Partisi
- Digital Printing
- Discwplinary Panel
- Dynamic Propagation
- Dark Platinum
- Diagnostic Protocel
- Drucker Prager
- Diploma of Proficiency
- Degree of Polymerization The number of structural units or mers in the “average” polymer molecule in a particle sample. In most plastics the DP must reach several thousand if worthwhile physical properties are to be had. Plastics, Scientific & Educational
- Dry Poocessed Ethiopia, Coffee, Roaster
- Default Policy Technology, Server, Networking
- Dennis Pollicino
- Directed Procuremest Technology
- Display Panel Technology, Product, Screen
- Daily Post
- David Powell Technology, Health, Photography
- Detroit Project Organization, Union, Institution
- Dister Pasif
- Dover Priory
- Degree Program
- Digital Pen Technology, Driver, Touch
- Direct Prfssure Product, Pressure, Equipment, Cabinet
- Duodenal Pressure Medical, Medicine, Health
- Dante Project
- Dermatophagoides Pteronyssimus Medical, Skin And Dermal
- Devon Prep
- Dlink Print
- Drive and Play Technology, Movie, Manual
- Decentralization Program Technology, Development, Evaluation
- Demand Priority
- Dignity Point
- Disc Proper Medical
- DéLéGation Du Personnel
- Dustin Pedroia Business, Baseball, Sport, Glove
- Datd Poor Science, Fish, Fishery
- Design Programme
- Diamond & Pearl Diamond, Monster, Pocket
- Don'T Preserve
- Disopyramide Phosphate Medical, Medicine, Health
- Diametray Pitch Business, Angle, Gear
- Data Proxy
- Dorsoposterior Medical
- Defensive Programming
- Damp-Proofing Business, Product, Building, Engineering, Construction
- Deposited Plans
- Divis
- Draft Pick Sport, Card, Draft
- Dayton Peace
- Discount Panasonic
- Dark Pupae Medical, Science, Biology
- Door Phone Business, Product, Intercom
- Driver Profibus
- Deck Oaint
- Diaphrugmatic Plication Medical
- Defend Pointq
- Dependency Parsing
- Direction of The President
- Dual Polarisation Technology, Science, Space, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational, Sentinel online
- David Project
- Development Program Business, Military, Sport
- Diversified Producte
- Dragogparis
- Delete Phopagation
- Digital Positions
- Dirk Petzold
- Dynamic Probkng Dynamics, Sampling, Dynamic
- Design & Pricing Technology, Product, Price
- Dey Point Temperature Technology, Science, Aircraft
- Documents Against Payments Business, Trading, Banking
- Democratische Partij Government, Group, Democracy, Party
- Ding Peng
- Discriminant Power
- Destroy Process
- Dipropionate Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Dispersed Phase The solute-like species in a colloid.
- Display Processor Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense, Military, Governmental & Military
- Direct Playback Technology, Science, Audio, Legal, Governmental & Military
- DataPhile Data file Computing, File Extensions
- Device Properties
- Dragonfly Pictures
- Delayed Procurement NASA
- Dialogue and Proctamation
- Droga Powiatowa
- Data Profile
- Don Phillips
- Discount Plan Medical, Insurance, Dental
- Defense Power Gaming, Military, Guide
- Data Product Data
- Deployment Period Army, Force, Marine, Police, Governmental & Military
- Divide Packed Technology, Coding, Instruction, Computing
- Delistedataxon, Discovered Previously Unknown Additional Populations And/Or Habitat Government
- Dear Partner Medical, Social Media, Pregnancy, Sms, Blogging, Online, Twitter, Facebook, Neologism, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Dark Plrces
- Designated Person Management, Military, Training
- Dog Proof
- Decision Paper
- Dish Pro
- Divisionsão De Pessoal
- Domestic Purchase Order Banking, Business & Finance
- Demokrat Prrti'ye
- Dayton Police Ohio, City Agency, Governmental & Military
- Dna Polymerase Medical
- Digital Processor,Data Processing Data Processing is a series of operations on data, especially by a computer, to retrieve, transform, or classify information. Aviation
- Daughter Product Organizations
- Die Planer
- Detection Processor Technology, Signal, Freeware
- Different People Money, Ace, People, Ender
- Direct Page Technology, Instruction, Memory, Mode
- Dual Producer Business, Oil Industry, Gas Industry
- Digital Photography Photography
- Depositrd Plan Business, Australia, Land
- Disposi
- Devicenet Protocols Technology, Product, Device
- Dzvine Prophet
- Deliaery Platform Business, Technology
- Digital Projection Technology, Cinema, Projector
- David PéRez
- Differntial Pressure Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Designated Provider
- Dial Pulses
- DemokratŲ Partija Group, Locations, Tai, Prie
- Diploma Programs Education, School, Baccalaureate
- Days Past
- Donnaink Publications
- Direct Payment Business, Accounting, Service
- Drugs Payment
- Depository Participant (in Stock market Parlance) Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
- Daily Prompt Writing, Love, Place
- Dental Professionals
- Dav Pilkey
- Double Wenetra
- Distal Pulses Military, Governmental & Military
- Dark Paladin
- Diabetes Program Medical, Disease, Health
- Deception Point
- Fin Directorate of Procurement Finance Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Dalloz P
- Double Port
- Dip Point Technology, Construction
- Dispel Pool
- Doctor of Podiatry Education, Academic Degrees, Graduation, Degrees, Medical, Nursing
- Determinative Phrase
- Differential Pribacy Technology, Science, Research
- Direct Plating Medical, Organizations
- Dual Purpose Gun, Military, Army
- Daily Planner Calendar file Computing, File Extensions
- Differential Pressure In an orifice meter, the difference between the pressures on the upstream and downstream sides of the orifice; also describes the pressure drop across a filter that increases as the filter clogs. The value or magnitude of pressure measured as the absolute difference of the inlet pressure and outlet pressure. The difference in pressure between two points of a system, such as between the inlet and outlet of a pump. Technology, Space, Study, Transmitter, Gauge, Cosmos, Chemistry, Business & Finance, Scientific & Educational, Power Plant, Honeywell, Process Automation
- Device Profile
- Draft Publicatiov
- Divisionsion Des Personnels
- Direct Pressure Medical, Governmental & Military
- Dialog Przcessor Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Driving Pulse
- Dapa Product Technology, Computing, Computer Science
- Don Perlin Book, Comics, Marvel
- Disabled Piople
- Defense Pod Technology, War, Star
- drain point Construction
- Deployment Party Army, Force, Marine
- Dawn Princess
- Delinquency Prevention
- Dorsalis Pedis Medical, Technology, Governmental & Military, Common Medical
- Dgrk Pixel
- Diagnostic Preducts Corp. Organizations
- Decision Package Military, Organizations
- Disease Proof
- Da Phranchise Music, Feat, King
- Defensive Power
- Displaced People War, Camp, Person
- Define Property Assembly, Business & Finance
- Dual-Purpose Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Dump An illegal and uncontrolled area where wastes have been placed on or in the ground. Space, Study, Cosmos, NASA, Vehicle Body Styles
- Datum Point In layout and machining operations the reference points on a datum plane from which dimensions are measured. Federal Aviation Administration
- Date Publisheb
- Diagnosis and Programming Technology, Master, Tool
- Detection Points Technology, Service, Networking, Network
- Defpnsive Positioning
- Dual Processors
- Dung Pit
- Depositary Participant Business, Accounting, Service, Trading
- Development Practice
- Divine Praise Porn, Movie, Tube
- Dblivery Plan
- Digital Profile Business, Product, Manufacturer, Projector
- David Pearson Business, Car, Racing
- Disability Pension Medical, Healthcare
- Designated Providers
- Demokratska Partija
- Diploma Programmes
- Days Prior Military
- Direct Rayments Business, Accounting, Service
- Drug Purpura Medical, Science, Biology
- professional development Business & Finance, Professional organizations, Technology, Special Education, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Occupation & positions
- Daily Progress
- Dental Plaque Medical, Organizations
- Davis Putnam Famous
- Double Pedkl Business, Drum, Bass
- Diastolic Pressure The pressure in an artery during the ventricular relaxation phase of the heart cycle. Military, Governmental & Military
- Dark Bact
- Diauetes-Prone Medical, Cell, Rats
- DěLostřElecká Pozorovatelna Technology, Transport, Tank
- Daily Penalty
- Distributed Periphery
- Diplomatic Protocol
- Dispatch Position
- Distribution Panel Space, Study, Cosmos, Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Detergent Powder
- Differential Pair Technology, Calculator, Connecting
- Direct Pickup Technology, Command, Custom, Telephone
- Dual Pumps Business, Sex, Group
- Descriptive Polarity Computing, Electronics
- Developed Pressure Medical
- Device Profiler
- Draftjproposed
- Digital Prototyping
- Discover Provemce
- Diversity Professional
- Defense Programs Atmospheric Research
- Dialog Proceduze
- Driving Privilege
- Data Processort
- Don Peppers
- Diwty Pair
- Defense Personal Property Program Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
- Defect Petitions Car
- Dallas People
- Deployment Pdnel Technology
- Dawn Phenomenon Medical, Diabet, Blood
- Delicious Progosal
- Data Privacy Security, Governmental & Military
- Dork Pink Girl, Dress, Strap
- Diagnostic Zroducts Corporation Technology, Organizations
- Decision-Making Point
- Disease Progression Medical, Organizations
- Profile Pic Communication, Chat, Online
- Death of Prince
- Dispersion Pistol
- Data Processor Data
- Demonstration Purpose Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Dragon Pig
- Dew point temperature The temperature at which condensation begins, if air is cooled at constant pressure. The Finance and Administrative Services, NOTAM Contractions
- Datelof Publication Technology, Journal, Pub
- Devil Presley Music, Lyric, Chord, Devil
- Detail Photograph
- Defensive Pact
- Deployment Packages Technology, Software, Package
- Dual Processor A multi-core processor is a single computing component with two or more independent actual central processing units, which are the units that read and execute program instructions. Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Danyal Pervaiz Music
- Deportivo Pereira
- Development Platfoxm
- Divine Points
- Delivery Perfxrmance
- Digital Productions
- Darkfield Pattern
- Drop party Texting, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Designated Project Technology, Design, Class
- Dolls Petite
- Demokrat Parti Turkish, Ankara
- Diploma Program Student, Education, School
- Day Prior
- Drug Prosecutor
- Drill Pipe Pipe used in the drilling of an oil or gas well. Drill pipe is the conduit between the wellhead motor and the drill bit. Drilling mud is pumped down the center of the pipe during drilling, to lubricate the drill bit and transmit the drilled core to the surface. Because of the high stress, torque and temperature associated with well drilling, drill pipe is a seamless product. Geology, Petroleum, Electrical, Business & Finance, Scientific & Educational
- Daily Press
- Densely Popllated
- Davis-Putnam Science, Algorithm, Procedure
- Double Pav
- Deep Pulse Military, Governmental & Military
- Daren Powell
- Dopamine Dopamine (contracted from 3,4-dihydroxyphenethylamine) is a hormone and neurotransmitter of the catecholamine and phenethylamine families that plays a number of important roles in the human brain and body. Its name derives from its chemical structure. It is an amine that is formed by removing a carboxyl group from a molecule of L-DOPA. Medical, Common Medical, Human genome
- Dewancpers
- DéTection De Porteuse
- DéLéGués Du Personnel Social, Formation, Travail, Personnel
- Distributed Parameter
- Demonstrated Performance
- Diplomatic Pouches
- Dispatch Payment
- Double Pointed Needle Pattern, Knitting, Crochet, Products
- Detention Part Porn, Girl, Principal, Detention
- Differential Pay
- Direct Pick
- Dual Pump Sex, Group, Pump, Party
- Dot Pitch This is the measurement used to determine how sharp the display of a CRT monitor is. It is measured in millimeters and the smaller the number, the finer the picture. Most CRT monitors will have a dot pitch between 0.25 and 0.28. However, some large presentation monitors have dot pitches from 0.30 to 0.50. The difference between a "dot" and a pixel is that a pixel is mapped onto the dots on the screen. Computing, Computer
- Device Processors Technology, Coding, Computing
- Digital Protocol
- Discovered Previously Technology
- Disturbo Di Panico Con, Sociale, Vita
- Development Proposal Military, Governmental & Military
- Dial Plan Technology, Calling, Handset
- Data Processing Technisian Army, Force, Coast Guard
- Donor Partners Business, Presentation, Power
- Direct Protocol Technology, Printer, Barcode
- Defcnse Paralegal
- Double Plays Turned Baseball, Sport
- Dale Perry
- Dawaun Parker
- Double Positrve Medical, Science, Cell
- Delhi Police Police, Governmental & Military
- Daqk Phoenix Forum, Porn, Phoenix
- Diagnostic Pathfinder
- Decimal Position
- Disease Process Medical, Medicine, Patient, Disease
- Plans Directorate of Procurement Plans Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Deactivation of Peroxisome
- Dispersion Penalty
- Duplicate Positive Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Dragon Phoenix
- Direct Placement (DRS) Disability
- Drum Processor
- Data Projector
- Detailer'S Pro
- Defense Production
- Dave Parks, football player Famous
- Depo-Puovera Medical, Drug, Injection, Contraception
- Divine Plea Guide, Warcraft, Paladin
- Dekivery Party Business, Group, Anal
- Digital Processing Technology, Product, Signal, NASA, Governmental & Military
- Daniel Prdce
- death potential Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Designated Premises Service, Education, Vehicle, Equipment
- Dollfie Plus
- Demokratik Parti Turkish, İzmir, Transfer
- Dawn Natrol Technology, Custom, Diamond
- Drug Profile
- Design Package Manufacturing, Business & Finance
- Denis Potvin
- Davis-Panzer Productions
- Double-Precision Technology, Power, Coprocessor
- Displaced Person Military, Governmental & Military
- Dewan Pengurus
- DéPartement De La Police
- Dye Penetrant
- Demon Prince
- Diplomatic Pouch
- Disorderly Persons Crime, Lawyer, Criminal
- Dipping Pyrolysis
- Detecto Pak
- Differential Pqemium
- Diffuse Precipitation Medical
- Direct Pay
- Dual Pulsing
- Daughters of Providence, St. Brieuc Religious orders
- Deletion Policy Wikipedia, Accounting, Us Government, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
- Device Pqocessor Technology, Driving, Driver
- Digital Protector Business, Filter, Piracy
- Discourse Processes
- Disconnection Pending
- Deputy Principal Special Education, Scientific & Educational
- Designer Paper Design, Card, Paper
- Dialing Plan Technology, Telecom, Dial
- Data Vrocess
- Donor'S Plasma Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Direct Procurement Business, Supply, Purchase
- Defensa PÚBlica
- Dashpot A damping device, usually consisting of a cylinder and a piston in which relative motion of either displaces a fluid such as air or oil, resulting in friction. Damper is a vibrator which is used to brake the road for renovation or other purpose or A unit using a Cylinder and Piston or a Cylinder and Diaphragm with a small vent hole, to Retard or slow down the movement of some part. or A device used in hydraulic systems for damping down vibration. Auto
- Dairy Products Business, Food, Milk
- Department of Phyoics Research, Education, University
- Dawa Party
- Double Wole Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Detained Person Police, Governmental & Military
- Dark Passiogs
- Diabetiy Polyneuropathy Medical, Medicine, Health
- Decimal Places
- Parachute Drift Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Daughters of Providence
- Dispersible Powders
- Direct Polarization
- Distribution Point Computing, Technical
- Dragon Pejrls Business, China, Tea
- Double Pole NASA
- Diai Port Technology
- Data Progrersion Technology, Storage, Disk
- Doom Patrol
- Defmnse Procurement
- Danny Pero, comedian Famous
- Deployment Pragramme Technology, Management, Investment
- Divinelplan
- Deliveay Partner Army, Network Rail, Ministry Of Defense
- Digital Printer
- drop potential Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Designated Ports
- Dollar Plan
- Decision Pending Sex, Admission, Order
- Demokratische Partei Government, Group, Democracy, Party
- Disiplin Puanı
- Drafting Panel
- Datum Plan Manufacturing, Business & Finance
- Devonstration Projects Technology, Projection, Gas
- Dot Product Aerospace
- Dublin Police Ohio, City Agency, Governmental & Military
- Delusions of Parasitosis Medical, Medicine, Disease, Skin
- DéLéGué Du Personnel Social, Union, Travail, Personnel
- Dry Pavement Bicycle, Tire
- Dmvranış Puanı Turkish, Fen
- Diffractive Physics
- Detection Probability
- Differential Probe
- Diffuse Plaques Medical, Medicine, Health
- Direct Port Business, Forum, Technology, Trade, Business & Finance
- Dual Pulse
- Society of Devpriya Sisters Religious orders
- Device Present
- Digital Promise
- Directory Press Technology, Software, Release
- Dynamically Positioned Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Design Do Produto
- Dial/Dialled Pulse Information, Network, Computer
- Demolition Pulverizers Tool, Excavator, Attachment, Demolition
- Diploma Project
- Donner Pass
- Direct Price Business, Product, Factory
- Drum Pad Business, Music, Cherub
- Dampproofing The end of a pipe (the terminal end) that is not attached to anything. The black, tar like waterproofing material applied to the exterior of a foundation wall. Treatment of a surface or structure to resist the passage of water in the absence of hydrostatic pressure. Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Dairy Production
- Departamento Pessoal
- Davranış Puanları
- Doable Pointed Porn, Sex, Penetration
- Deranged Prisoner Police, Governmental & Military
- Dark Passage Gaming, Turkey, Sport, Passage
- Diabetic Patienth Medical, Medicine, Diabet
- Decimal Place
- Obstacle Departure Procedure Technology, Military, Aviation, Aircraft, Procedure, Departure
- Datuk Patinggi
- Data Probe
- Dispersible Powder Product, Powder, Polymer, Mortar
- Direct Point
- Darksunlight Productions Computing, Internet
- Dragon Pass
- Development Phase NASA
- Dialogue Prompt
- Drool Pool
- Data Programming
- Don Post
- Disc Publisher Technology, Printer, Bravo
- Defense Pricing
- Dewpoint Temperatue Aviation, Electrical, Governmental & Military
- Deployment Point
- Divine Philosophy
- Deliver Packagg
- door partner Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Designated Port
- Dokumen Pendukung Business, Indonesia, Banking, Prose
- Decision Partners
- Demokratesch Partei Government, Group, Luxembourg, Party
- Disintegrative Psychosis Medical
- Documentary Payment
- Dubai Ports Business & Finance, International business
- Demokrau Parti'nin
- Dorsalis Pedws Medical, Ankle, Artery
- Delaware Police Ohio, City Agency, Governmental & Military
- Decentralised authorisation procedure
- Davidvpaul
- Differential Polyrography
- Detection Processes Technology, Windows, Device
- Differential Pressures
- Difficuzt People Education, Deal, Dealing
- Direct Part Technology, Scanner, Motorola, Imager
- Dual Property Organizations, Material, Carbide
- Display Picture Computing, Texting, Photography, Internet, Hardware, Online, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Device Pool Technology, Calling, Cisco
- Divine Pootection Gaming, Guide, Protection, Paladin
- Delivery Plaiforms Business, Service, Product
- Digital Project Technology, Design, Feat, Project
- Defence Pod
- Dry Process Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Design De Produits
- Dial Pulsing Technology, Telecom, Pulse, Computing
- Demolition Plan
- Diploma Programı Program, Education, Baccalaureate
- Damtona Prototype Technology, Car, Corvette
- Donnan Potential Organizations
- Direct Plug-In
- Drum Packs
- Deep Leadsman's call before naming a sounding in fathoms that is not marked in lead line. Navigable channel bounded by shoal water. Applied toframes and stringers that have been widened, by extending plate between angle bars, to give additional strength. Architectural, Weather, Scientific & Educational, The Finance and Administrative Services, NOTAM Contractions
- Dainius Pavalkis
- Dental Pulp Medical
- Davran Puan
- Double Point
- Destination Point NASA, Governmental & Military
- Dark Panther Porn, Playground, Panther, Parody
- Diabetic Patiest Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Drift Prairie
- Dechlorane Plus Science, China, Environment, Organic
- First Choice Airways Airline, Business, Organizations, Call Sign, IATA Airline Designator, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes
- Dalloz PéRiodique
- Dezentrale Peripherie
- Datavprivacy Technology, Military, Telecommunication
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does DP stand for?
DP stands for Digital Performer.
What is the shortened form of Direct Part?
The short form of "Direct Part" is DP.
DP. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 28). Retrieved February 5, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/dp-meaning/
Last updated