DP in Governmental & Military Meaning

The DP meaning in Governmental & Military terms is "Departure Procedure". There are 31 related meanings of the DP Governmental & Military abbreviation.

DP on Governmental & Military Full Forms

  1. Departure Procedure
  2. Democratic Party
  3. Departure Procedures
  4. Dancer Politics
  5. Diverse Protection
  6. Deceased Person
  7. Delaware Police
  8. Destination Point
  9. Display Processor
  10. Development Proposal
  11. Dayton Police
  12. Distal Pulses
  13. Dorsalis Pedis
  14. Dual-Purpose
  15. Diastolic Pressure The pressure in an artery during the ventricular relaxation phase of the heart cycle.
  16. Direct Playback
  17. Data Privacy
  18. Demonstration Purpose
  19. Deep Pulse
  20. Digital Processing
  21. Delhi Police
  22. Duplicate Positive
  23. Deletion Policy
  24. Displaced Person
  25. Deployment Period
  26. Detained Person
  27. Dewpoint Temperatue
  28. Dublin Police
  29. Deranged Prisoner
  30. professional development
  31. Direct Pressure

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DP stand for Governmental & Military?

    DP stands for Deceased Person in Governmental & Military terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Demonstration Purpose in Governmental & Military?

    The short form of "Demonstration Purpose" is DP for Governmental & Military.


DP in Governmental & Military. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 28). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/dp-meaning-in-governmental-military/

Last updated