DP in Medical Meaning

The DP meaning in Medical terms is "Dementia Praecox". There are 98 related meanings of the DP Medical abbreviation.

DP on Medical Full Forms

  1. Dementia Praecox
  2. Distortian Product
  3. Directed Percolation
  4. Delusional Parasimosis
  5. Distortion Products
  6. Double Product
  7. Diastolic Bloodvpressure
  8. Degradation Product
  9. Dispersion Pattern
  10. Diastatic Power
  11. Deferred Prosecution
  12. Disease Perception
  13. Dialysis Patients
  14. Discriminatory Power
  15. Dominabt Power
  16. Discriminating Power
  17. Dementia Pugilistica
  18. Distortion Product Otoacouslic Emission
  19. Difference In Proportions
  20. Dystonic Posturing
  21. Depotentiatxon
  22. Digestive Problems
  23. Doctor of Pharmacy
  24. Dexamethasone Palmitage
  25. Dorsoposterior
  26. Dark Pupae
  27. Direcvional Preponderance
  28. Disopyramide
  29. Diaskolic Pressure
  30. Discrimination Power
  31. Digestible Protein
  32. Drop The depth of a sail measured on its middle line. Machine for lowering a coal waggon from a staith to a position just above hatch of a ship Used to avoid breakage of coal while loading
  33. Dexamethasone Pretreatment
  34. Dipyridamole
  35. Diploid Diploid cells have two homologous copies of each chromosome, usually one from the mother and one from the father. Nearly all mammals are diploid organisms (the tetraploid (four sets) plains viscacha rats (Tympanoctomys barrerae) and golden vizcacha rat (Pipanacoctomys aureus) are the only known exceptions as of 2004), although all individuals have some small fraction of cells that display polyploidy.
  36. Diastolic Potential
  37. Drug Products
  38. Depersonaxization
  39. Disc Proper
  40. Diffusion Pressure
  41. Destructive Pancreatitis
  42. Domperidone
  43. Diagn
  44. Diaphragm Pacing
  45. Driving Pressure
  46. Depersonalitation
  47. Disodium Pamidronate
  48. Duodenoplasty
  49. Dermatophagoides Pteronyssimus
  50. Disopyramide Phosphate
  51. Diphylline
  52. Diaphrugmatic Plication
  53. Drug Product
  54. Dendritic Peptide
  55. Disabjlity Pension
  56. Duodenal Pressure
  57. Dermal Papilla
  58. Diphtheritic Polyneuropathy
  59. Diagnostic Products Corporationration
  60. Drafe Policy
  61. Delta Pattern
  62. Direct Premaration
  63. Dijferential Pulse
  64. Duck Plague
  65. Depressed Patients
  66. Dihydroartemisinin-Piperaquine
  67. Diagnwstic Principal
  68. D Prostanoid Receptor
  69. Discount Plan
  70. Disease Process
  71. Diabetic Patiest
  72. Drug Purpura
  73. Depo-Puovera
  74. Donor'S Plasma
  75. Diabetes Program
  76. Doctor of Podiatry
  77. Diauetes-Prone
  78. Double Positrve
  79. Dipropionate
  80. Direct Pressure
  81. Diffuse Precipitation
  82. Dental Pulp
  83. Dorsalis Pedws
  84. Developed Pressure
  85. Disability Pension
  86. Dopamine Dopamine (contracted from 3,4-dihydroxyphenethylamine) is a hormone and neurotransmitter of the catecholamine and phenethylamine families that plays a number of important roles in the human brain and body. Its name derives from its chemical structure. It is an amine that is formed by removing a carboxyl group from a molecule of L-DOPA.
  87. Diffuse Plaques
  88. Disintegrative Psychosis
  89. Dental Plaque
  90. Dear Partner
  91. Diabetiy Polyneuropathy
  92. Delusions of Parasitosis
  93. Disease Progression
  94. Dorsalis Pedis
  95. Diabetic Patienth
  96. Dawn Phenomenon
  97. Direct Plating
  98. Dna Polymerase

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DP stand for Medical?

    DP stands for Depersonalitation in Medical terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Destructive Pancreatitis in Medical?

    The short form of "Destructive Pancreatitis" is DP for Medical.


DP in Medical. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 28). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/dp-meaning-in-medical/

Last updated