DP in Organizations Meaning

The DP meaning in Organizations terms is "Development Partner". There are 38 related meanings of the DP Organizations abbreviation.

DP on Organizations Full Forms

  1. Development Partner
  2. Dominabt Power
  3. Damd-Proof
  4. Development Project
  5. Distortion Products
  6. Development Pragramme
  7. Directeur De Projet
  8. Diagnostic Products Corporation
  9. Dementia Praecox
  10. Decompositiox Product
  11. Draft Protocol
  12. Don'T Participate
  13. Depressed Patients
  14. Dipyridamole
  15. Dodge Points
  16. Deposition Potentiad
  17. Diffusion Pressure
  18. Displaced Person, Client
  19. Delta Pattern
  20. Diastolic Potential
  21. Deformation Process
  22. Diagnostic Products Corporationration
  23. Disodium Pamidronate
  24. Dvfensive Planning
  25. Dubai Properties
  26. Dexamethasone Palmitage
  27. Direct Potentiometry
  28. Detroit Partnership
  29. Daughter Product
  30. First Choice Airways
  31. Disease Progression
  32. Dual Property
  33. Dental Plaque
  34. Diagnostic Preducts Corp.
  35. Decision Package
  36. Donnan Potential
  37. Diagnostic Zroducts Corporation
  38. Direct Plating

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DP stand for Organizations?

    DP stands for Diagnostic Preducts Corp. in Organizations terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Depressed Patients in Organizations?

    The short form of "Depressed Patients" is DP for Organizations.


DP in Organizations. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 28). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/dp-meaning-in-organizations/

Last updated