DP in Technology Meaning
The DP meaning in Technology terms is "Double Plays". There are 192 related meanings of the DP Technology abbreviation.
DP on Technology Full Forms
- Double Plays
- Daily Prophet
- Daily Plan
- Down Pipe
- Decimal Point A full point or dot placed after the figure representing units in a decimal fraction.
- Digital Photogrammetry
- Design Philosophy
- Distortian Product
- Date Processor
- Development Project
- Double Pulse
- Decentxalized Peripherals
- Diamond Pxarl
- Ddployment Plan
- Discussion Paper
- Data Procebsor
- Development Plans
- Double Precision The degree of accuracy that requires two computer words to represent a number. Numbers are stored with 17 digits of accuracy and printed with up to 16 digits.
- Dkal Pulse
- Dukung Pilkada
- Deployable Payload
- Data Sribadi
- Development Pragramme
- Diagnostic Products Corporation
- Driving Power
- Dependency Property
- Data Preparation
- Design Principles
- Daiverless Print
- Directing A Phoject
- Data Port
- Design Pressure Highest or most severe pressure expected during operation. Sometimes used as the calculated operating pressure plus an allowance for safety.
- Document Processing
- Data Prtvider
- Development Policy
- Draft Proposal
- Decision Points
- Dioital Playground
- Data Processing Data processing is, broadly, "the collection and manipulation of items of data to produce meaningful information." In this sense it can be considered a subset of information processing, "the change processing of information in any manner detectable by an observer." The term is often used more specifically in the context of a business or other organization to refer to the class of commercial data processing applications.
- Design Point
- Distributed Processing
- Data Protbctor
- Development Zroposal
- Digitize Point
- Dedicated Percentage
- Developer Preview
- Dryanışma Partisi
- Diverse Protection
- Design & Pricing
- Damage Proof
- Delivery Process
- Digital Power
- Decentralized Periphery
- Dozssys Paulino
- Design Project
- Dvtaport
- Direct Priqt
- Dent Proof
- Digital Publishing
- Decoupling Point
- Difberential Phase
- David Powell
- Diversezy Protected
- Deposition Olan
- Dosatrici Pompe
- Director of Production
- Dual Power
- Digital Potentiometer
- Decentralization Program
- Document Profile
- Design Patterns
- Data Policy
- Direct Power
- Demonstration Project
- Declarative Parfdigm
- Diametrical Pitch
- Data Pump
- Display Physical
- Direction Pointer
- Deliberativexpoll
- Dual Polarisation
- Digitaf Person
- Decentralised Periphery
- Dmitry Pankov
- Designer Productivity
- Dialled Pulse
- Data Plane
- Dhmonstration Purpose
- Dynamic Provisioning
- Decisive Poidts
- Drop Precedence
- Diametral Pitch Ratio of the number of teeth on a gear to the number of inches of pitch diameter or the number of teeth to each inch of pitch diameter. Sometimes simply called “pitch”; the measure of tooth size, equal to the number of teeth divided by the pitch diameter. Mating gears have the same diametral pitch.
- Data Protection Legal control over access to and use of data stored in computers.
- Display Pass
- Digital Press
- Directed Procuremest
- Definecpointer
- Dry Powder
- Digital Performer
- Decentralised Procedure
- Divisiofrsely Protected
- Designer Piano
- Diel-Pulse
- Data-Plane
- Demand Planning
- Dynvmic Programing
- Decision Proccsses
- Drebs Panel
- Design Pte
- Display Panel
- Drop The depth of a sail measured on its middle line. Machine for lowering a coal waggon from a staith to a position just above hatch of a ship Used to avoid breakage of coal while loading
- Drive Proof
- Develepment Point
- Digital Pen
- Decarburization Prevention
- Division of Physics
- Dqagonal Parity
- Dark Pyramid
- Delta Pressure
- Dynamic Prouramming
- Digital Preservation
- Decentral Periphery
- Drive and Play
- Design Prototype
- Deployment Pacoage
- Digit Present
- Default Policy
- Drop Preference
- Development & Production
- Debug Port
- Design and Print
- Dey Point Temperature
- Damage Protection
- Delphi Projecg
- Dynamic Wrofile
- Digital Prescaler
- Decentralized Peripheral
- Drip Proof
- Design Proof
- Disconnectios Process
- Depletion Premitm
- Differential Pair
- Device Processors
- Direct Page
- Dual Processor A multi-core processor is a single computing component with two or more independent actual central processing units, which are the units that read and execute program instructions.
- Dialing Plan
- DěLostřElecká Pozorovatelna
- Detection Processes
- Device Pqocessor
- Deliaery Platform
- Dial Pulsing
- Directory Press
- Digital Project
- Damtona Prototype
- Detection Processor
- Deployment Pragramme
- Dorsalis Pedis
- Device Pool
- Disc Publisher
- Direct Playback
- Double Wole
- Digital Projection
- Dawn Natrol
- Detection Points
- Deployment Pdnel
- professional development
- Devicenet Protocols
- Direct Protocol
- Direct Pickup
- Double-Precision
- Digital Processing
- Datelof Publication
- Diagnostic Zroducts Corporation
- Diai Port
- Data Progrersion
- Differential Pressure In an orifice meter, the difference between the pressures on the upstream and downstream sides of the orifice; also describes the pressure drop across a filter that increases as the filter clogs. The value or magnitude of pressure measured as the absolute difference of the inlet pressure and outlet pressure. The difference in pressure between two points of a system, such as between the inlet and outlet of a pump.
- Deployment Packages
- Dip Point
- Defense Pod
- Devonstration Projects
- Designated Project
- Direct Port
- Dialog Przcessor
- Dapa Product
- Discovered Previously
- Diagnosis and Programming
- Differential Pribacy
- Divide Packed
- Direct Part
- Dial Plan
- Datavprivacy
- Obstacle Departure Procedure
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does DP stand for Technology?
DP stands for Data Protbctor in Technology terms.
What is the shortened form of Directed Procuremest in Technology?
The short form of "Directed Procuremest" is DP for Technology.
DP in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 28). Retrieved February 8, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/dp-meaning-in-technology/
Last updated