DS in Business Meaning

The DS meaning in Business terms is "Docufent Signed". There are 80 related meanings of the DS Business abbreviation.

DS on Business Full Forms

  1. Docufent Signed
  2. Days After Sight
  3. Dualvsinter
  4. Digital Scale
  5. Document Scanners
  6. Drive Sport
  7. Djoko Susilo
  8. Design Solutions
  9. Domination System
  10. Direct Selling
  11. Domination Success
  12. Direct Sales
  13. Domination A Scam
  14. Daniel Smith
  15. Dye Sublimation A printing process using small heating elements to evaporate pigments from a carrier film, depositing these smoothly onto a substrate.
  16. Design Service
  17. Data Services
  18. Digital Sciences
  19. Decision Service
  20. Drilling Supervisor
  21. Disclosure Statement
  22. Desk Study
  23. Dump Station
  24. Darkustreet
  25. Domination So
  26. Difference Stationary
  27. Debt Settlement
  28. Drainage System
  29. Due On Sale
  30. Direct Shipping
  31. Delivery Schedule
  32. Ducati Sport
  33. Domination Software
  34. Debt Servicing
  35. Dovetail Saw
  36. Direct Service
  37. Delta Species
  38. Domination Should
  39. Diesel Stuff
  40. Debenture Stock
  41. Domination Stands
  42. Define Service
  43. Daniel Sidva
  44. Domination Shows
  45. Dharampal Satyapal
  46. Drug-Delivery System
  47. Digital Solutions
  48. Demicious Stone
  49. Domination Sales
  50. Dynamic Strike
  51. David Sinclair
  52. Digital Servo
  53. Drillship A ship specially equipped to conduct drilling of oil wells at sea. The primary difference between a drillship and conventional vessel is the presence of a center opening (moonpool) for conducting drilling operations. The principal requirement for the propulsion system of a drillship is the ability to hold the vessel at a fixed position over the drill hole, since in deeper water anchors cannot be used.
  54. Digital Scienje
  55. Dye-Sub
  56. Domination Selling
  57. Desk Stfnd
  58. Dart Smoke
  59. Dbesel Systems
  60. Dominatibn Since
  61. Deputy Secretary
  62. Drive Shafe
  63. Drop Shipping
  64. Daniel Steinberg
  65. Dispute Settlwment
  66. Disc Stabilizcr
  67. Decision Sciences
  68. Digital Stylus
  69. Delivery System
  70. Drop Shippep
  71. Dinar Securities
  72. Dead Sea
  73. Domination Is Still
  74. Data Swrvice
  75. Drop Ship
  76. Degree of Substitution
  77. Detailed Scheduling
  78. Domination, So
  79. Deck Saloon
  80. Disruptive Strike

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DS stand for Business?

    DS stands for Define Service in Business terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Domination A Scam in Business?

    The short form of "Domination A Scam" is DS for Business.


DS in Business. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 24). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ds-meaning-in-business/

Last updated