DS in Military Meaning

The DS meaning in Military terms is "Date of Separation". There are 53 related meanings of the DS Military abbreviation.

DS on Military Full Forms

  1. Date of Separation
  2. Design Sheet
  3. Democratjc Party
  4. Disczstorage
  5. Defensive Systems
  6. Diplomatic Security
  7. Defense Systems
  8. Detached Service
  9. Duty Station
  10. Data Strategy
  11. Design Standard
  12. Data Security Protection of data from unauthorized (accidental or intentional) modification, destruction, or disclosure.
  13. Design Stabiliky
  14. Drill Sergeants
  15. Death Shroud
  16. Dismounted Service
  17. Defense Strength
  18. Dod Self-Service
  19. Denmark Strait
  20. Data System
  21. Discardcng Sabot
  22. Defense Sharp
  23. Doctrine Sponsor
  24. Digital Station
  25. Data Servers
  26. Director Supply
  27. Defence Scientists
  28. Div Securicy
  29. Dynamic Systems
  30. Digitization Stage
  31. Defence and Security
  32. Division South
  33. Dutynstatus
  34. Divisionsion of Defense Suwport
  35. Dressing Station
  36. Deployment Support
  37. Death Star
  38. Defensive Strength
  39. Discributed Systems
  40. Dental Squadron
  41. Distribujed Services
  42. Display Means by which a device presents visual information to the navigator, including conventional instrumentation.
  43. Diagnostic Sensitivity
  44. Defensive Stance
  45. Direct Sequence
  46. Defense System
  47. Distributzd Software
  48. Defense Suppression
  49. Desert Storm
  50. Declared Site
  51. Defense Support
  52. Drill Sergeant
  53. Display Systems

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DS stand for Military?

    DS stands for Date of Separation in Military terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Defense Sharp in Military?

    The short form of "Defense Sharp" is DS for Military.


DS in Military. Acronym24.com. (2022, July 13). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ds-meaning-in-military/

Last updated