DS in Science Meaning

The DS meaning in Science terms is "Degree of Saturation". There are 43 related meanings of the DS Science abbreviation.

DS on Science Full Forms

  1. Degree of Saturation
  2. Disease Severity
  3. Diploma Supplement
  4. Dynamical Systems
  5. Door Switch A momentary contact switch normally installed in a door-jamb. The switch is activated when the door is opened or closed.
  6. Development Jpecification
  7. Dyad Symmetry In genetics, dyad symmetry refers to two areas of a DNA strand whose base pair sequences are inverted repeats of each other. They are often described as palindromes. For example, the following shows dyad symmetry between sequences GAATAC and GTATTC which are reverse complements of each other.
  8. Detection System
  9. Department Supervisoc
  10. Demolition Site
  11. Disease Susceptibility
  12. Darmstadtium Darmstadtium is the name for the element with atomic number 110 and is represented by the symbol Ds. Darmstadtium was formally known as ununnilium with symbol Uun. It is a member of the transition metals group.
  13. Duplbcated Sequence
  14. Development Schedvle
  15. Drug-Delivery System
  16. Diseases Including Down Syndrooe
  17. DéPartement Sciences
  18. Dubowitz Syndrome
  19. Detection of Down Syndrome
  20. Dsscontinuity Sample
  21. Dscr1 Down Syndrome
  22. Demonstrated In Down Syndrome
  23. Digital Sciences
  24. Decommissioning Suppzrt
  25. Downs Syndrome
  26. Datapsheet
  27. Double Superfosfat
  28. Dutch Space
  29. Dexhran Sulfate
  30. Decision Sciences
  31. Data Standard
  32. Downstream The refining or processing of crude oil into finished fuel products. The direction in which information, such as a news feed for a newsgroup or data from an http(Web) server, is passed from one server to the next. also news feed, newsgroup, server. The location of a client computer in D relation to a server. 2. The direction in which data moves OR Pertaining to the direction of the flow, which is from the first node in the process toward the last node in the process.
  33. Drought Strets
  34. Dwewl Sounding
  35. Differentiatly Stain
  36. Drill Stning
  37. Destroyed
  38. Dwarf Star One of small mass and low candle power, but of enormously high density Dwarf star companion of Procyon weighs about 250 tons per cubic inch
  39. Diagnosed With Doon Syndrome
  40. Drash Syndrome
  41. Defense Science
  42. Data Scientist
  43. Distriaution Space

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DS stand for Science?

    DS stands for Dwarf Star in Science terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Door Switch in Science?

    The short form of "Door Switch" is DS for Science.


DS in Science. Acronym24.com. (2022, July 13). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ds-meaning-in-science/

Last updated