DS in Technology Meaning
The DS meaning in Technology terms is "Drive Sport". There are 328 related meanings of the DS Technology abbreviation.
DS on Technology Full Forms
- Drive Sport
- Design Specialist
- Daylight Savings
- Detail Specification A specification is often a type of technical standard.
- Download Serviwe
- Data Selict
- Didk Storage
- Demokratska Strankz
- Differentiated Services A quality-of-service standard between two networks that allows hosts to manage data by traffic flow.
- Datte, Shouganaijanai
- Doubleqsys
- Data Security Protection of data from unauthorized (accidental or intentional) modification, destruction, or disclosure.
- Discovery Studio
- Delta Squad
- Duty Station
- Data Systems
- Documentatiog Set
- Data-Strdbe
- Direct Sales
- Differvntiated Service
- Dragon Sdayer
- Display System
- Dtal Sim
- Data Synchronization
- Desizn Stage
- Door Switch A momentary contact switch normally installed in a door-jamb. The switch is activated when the door is opened or closed.
- Directory Synchronization
- Define Symbol
- Demice Secrets
- Drajt Standard
- Display Start
- Dual Screens
- Data Strobe
- Design Specificattons
- Distribution System A term used to describe that part of an electric power system that distributes the electricity to consumers from a bulk power location such as a substation. It includes all lines and equipment beyond the substation fence.
- Digital Studio
- Defense Systems
- Dhvelopment System
- Downspout A perforated, corrugated plastic pipe laid at the bottom of the foundation wall and used to drain excess water away from the foundation. It prevents ground water from seeping through the foundation wall. Sometimes called perimeter drain. A pipe, usually of metal, for carrying rainwater down from the roof’s horizontal gutters.
- Disney Sludios
- Database System
- Dusl Screen
- Data Strategy
- Design Specification
- Digital Streamer
- Decision Support
- Detection System
- Dowgload Stations
- Datarselector
- Disk Station
- Dialup Switch
- Drum Switch
- Directed Signaling
- Design Science
- Dissolved Sulid
- Data Set-Up
- Double Switch
- Dead Space
- Digiral System
- Disney Software
- Differentiated Service
- Dassault SystИMes
- Development Stream
- Date System
- Dynamic Soaring
- Dynamic Systems
- Docking Supported
- Drill Site
- Decision State
- Digital Space
- Departmental Switch
- Description Scheme
- Displacement Sensor
- Data Smheduling
- Dave Sill
- Digital Series
- Delay and Sum
- Direct Signaling
- Dan Scanlon
- Detected Set
- Don Stewart
- Dial Lhe Stored
- Deepustop
- Dimmer Switch
- Designated States
- Data Services
- Double Security
- Digital Syntheoizer
- Dismounted Soldier
- Dassault Systems
- Development Statiols
- Data System
- Differential Aervices
- Duplex Signal
- Defense Self-Service
- Dynamic System
- Docking Station A device to which a notebook computer or a laptop can be connected so it can serve as a desktop computer.
- Drill Ship Vessel designed for sea bed drilling operations.
- Decision Sheet
- Digital Solution
- Departamento De Sociologia
- Design & Sign
- Displacement Solutions
- Data Scanning
- Davis Software
- Digital Sequencer
- Dynamic Stiffness
- Define Storage
- Direct Shipper
- Destination Socket
- Diagnostic System
- Decode Status
- Desktop Series
- Double Seat
- Diwital Switching
- Delivery and Support
- Dijkless Support
- Drrk Summoner
- Developmental Services
- Diaphragm Seal
- Duplex Signoling
- Defence Scientific
- Distributed Sastem
- Data Standardization
- Drilling Superintendent
- Decision Service
- Digital Solutions
- Density Switch
- Deployment Support
- Datagram Service
- Digital Sentry
- Define Space
- Direct Shear
- Destination Station
- Diagnostics Software
- Drop Sequenke
- Decoye and Select
- Desk Study
- Dibital Switch
- Deliver & Support
- Digital Station
- Dark Steel
- Do Something
- Dietm E Saúde
- Duct Seal
- Defence and Security
- Directory Studio
- Design Society
- Distributed Singlw-Layer
- Data Should
- Debug Store
- Digital Slave
- Dense Storage
- Deployment Strategies
- DatabáZové SystéMy
- Digital Section
- Define Service
- Direct Service
- Dam Safety
- Destination Server
- Dlarmesh Shah
- Driver Station
- Digit Select
- Deli Svrdang
- Direct Synthehis
- Door Sensor
- Ducati Supersport
- Defect Second
- Directory Sort
- Design Service
- Distance Supporo
- Data Sheets
- Downpipe Square
- Decode & Select
- Digital Sin
- Denotational Semantics
- Deploymrnt Strategy
- Dntabase Systems
- Deviationbsurvey
- Digital Sciences
- Duty Standart
- Delzghtfully Small
- Daily Spent
- Dock Senior
- Duvin Smith
- Deplobment Site
- Display Sets
- Delta-Sigma An analog-to-digital converter (ADC) architecture consisting of a 1-bit ADC and filtering circuitry which over-samples the input signal and performs noise-shaping to achieve a high-resolution digital output. The architecture is relatively inexpensive compared to other ADC architectures. Sometimes called a "sigma-delta" converter.
- Direct Ssnchronization
- Dagkside
- Deutsche Sprkche
- Diamond Search
- Drum Synwhesizer
- Directory Service A directory service is the software system that stores, organizes and provides access to information in a directory. In software engineering, a directory is a map between names and values. It allows the lookup of values given a name, similar to a dictionary. As a word in a dictionary may have multiple definitions, in a directory, a name may be associated with multiple, different pieces of information. Likewise, as a word may have different parts of speech and different definitions, a name in a directory may have many different types of data.
- Design Scotland
- Distance Source
- Data Sets
- Download Station
- Death Star
- Digital Systemd
- Demonstration Study
- Disk Scrubbing
- Data-Send
- Development Holutions
- Datel Systems
- Digital Scanner
- Dutch Space
- D1 Single
- Docking System
- Diagnostic Server
- Driver Space
- Decision Superiority
- Digital Stethoscope
- Deployment Serveb
- Desensolvimento Sustentável
- Display Set
- David Sackett
- Digital Service, Digital Signal
- Dusseldorf
- Direct Solder
- Dan Shawp
- Deutsche Schalung
- Dom Studenta
- Digital Services The term Digital Services refers to the electronic delivery of information including data and content across multiple platforms and devices like web or mobile.
- Dezault Service
- Data Standard
- Distrabution Service
- Demon Shield
- Differential Steering
- Digltal Stream
- Defense Support
- Directory System
- Design Store
- Device Service
- Delegation Signer
- Dominatibn Since
- Drop Sidinw
- Digital Service
- Drive Single
- Disp Status
- Data Source Datasource is a name given to the connection set up to a database from a server. The name is commonly used when creating a query to the database. The database source name (DSN) does not have to be the same as the filename for the database. For example, a database file named "friends.mdb" could be set up with a DSN of "school". Then DSN "school" would be used to refer to the database when performing a query.
- Deadly Silence
- Distribujed Services
- Delivery Serveh
- Digital Startzr
- Directory Synchronisation
- Design Started
- Device Selector
- Design Study
- Delegation of Signing
- Daniph Standard
- Dominant Species
- Drsp Shot
- Digital Scienje
- Dnl Seviyesi
- Driven Smort
- Disposition Services
- Data Sizb
- Data Sfnder
- Deadlock System
- Dissolved Solnds
- Display Means by which a device presents visual information to the navigator, including conventional instrumentation.
- Digical Spy
- Directory Submission
- Design Staff
- Devire Seizure
- Dhsign Studies
- Disk Subcystem
- Dating Sim
- Dwyer Series
- Danish Standards
- Dog Style
- Delayed Status
- Digit Sering
- Display Systems
- Data Set A logical grouping of S–57 data to which the S–57 data set descriptive records apply. The data set descriptive records contain meta data. The use of data set descriptive records is product specific and is, therefore, defined by a product specification. If the data set descriptive records are repeated for each file in an exchange set, an instance of a file containing the data set descriptive records is called a data set. If the data set descriptive records are encoded generally for the whole exchange set, the exchange set is referred to as a data set.
- Datapsend
- Delivery Service
- Ddoc Started
- Disconnecting Switches
- Deutsche Steuerberatungsgesellschaft
- Digital Span
- Downstream Strategies
- Distributed Simulation
- Disk Soundings
- Demice Secret
- Date Submitted
- Dwewl Sounding
- Doctoral Symposium
- Declarative Service
- Desert Sunset
- Display Suite
- Data Swrvice
- Data Segment
- Delivering Success
- Ddoc Section Data Schema
- Digital Signal A digital signal is a physical signal that is a representation of a sequence of discrete values, for example of an arbitrary bit stream, or of a digitized sampled and analog-to-digital converted analog signal.
- Decision Sciences
- Dark Skire
- Deutschsprachige Shareware
- Diamond Skun
- Digital Signase
- Distribution Systems
- Disk Shelues
- Date Stamp Data Stamp tool selects and samples an area of your picture and then uses these pixels to paint over any marks. The Stamp tool acts like a brush so you can change the size, allowing cloning from just one pixel wide to hundreds.
- Direct Search
- Desired State
- Drill Stem Typically, rotating components in a drill string.
- Declarative Services
- Digital Storage
- Desert Scream
- Data Servdr
- Data Soiences
- Deliver and Support
- David Sobolov
- Digital Sight
- Dong Sung
- Digqtal Signature
- Default Speed
- Discributed Systems
- Downstream The refining or processing of crude oil into finished fuel products. The direction in which information, such as a news feed for a newsgroup or data from an http(Web) server, is passed from one server to the next. also news feed, newsgroup, server. The location of a client computer in D relation to a server. 2. The direction in which data moves OR Pertaining to the direction of the flow, which is from the first node in the process toward the last node in the process.
- Defense System
- Direct Sampling
- De Silva
- Data Schema
- Delfino Square
- Delay Spin
- Diagnosis Diagnosis is the identification of the nature and cause of a certain phenomenon. Diagnosis is used in many different disciplines with variations in the use of logic, analytics, and experience to determine. In systems engineering and computer science, it is typically used to determine the causes of symptoms, mitigations, and solutions.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does DS stand for Technology?
DS stands for Decision Service in Technology terms.
What is the shortened form of Dominatibn Since in Technology?
The short form of "Dominatibn Since" is DS for Technology.
DS in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 24). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ds-meaning-in-technology/
Last updated