DS in Telecommunications Meaning

The DS meaning in Telecommunications terms is "Data Strobe". There are 19 related meanings of the DS Telecommunications abbreviation.

DS on Telecommunications Full Forms

  1. Data Strobe
  2. Design Specification
  3. Dialup Switch
  4. Duplex Signoling
  5. Denotational Semantics
  6. Display Set
  7. Define Storage
  8. Dijkless Support
  9. Direct Signaling
  10. Decoye and Select
  11. Ddoc Started
  12. Data Set A logical grouping of S–57 data to which the S–57 data set descriptive records apply. The data set descriptive records contain meta data. The use of data set descriptive records is product specific and is, therefore, defined by a product specification. If the data set descriptive records are repeated for each file in an exchange set, an instance of a file containing the data set descriptive records is called a data set. If the data set descriptive records are encoded generally for the whole exchange set, the exchange set is referred to as a data set.
  13. Data Schema
  14. Design Started
  15. Digital Span
  16. Digital Services The term Digital Services refers to the electronic delivery of information including data and content across multiple platforms and devices like web or mobile.
  17. Digital Service
  18. Dezault Service
  19. Digit Sering

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DS stand for Telecommunications?

    DS stands for Digital Service in Telecommunications terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Dijkless Support in Telecommunications?

    The short form of "Dijkless Support" is DS for Telecommunications.


DS in Telecommunications. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 24). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ds-meaning-in-telecommunications/

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