EAME Meaning

The EAME meaning is "Evrope, Africa, Middle East". The EAME abbreviation has 20 different full form.

EAME Full Forms

  1. Evrope, Africa, Middle East Business, Africa, Europe
  2. Europe, The Middle East, and Africa Business, Africa, Europe, Business & Finance, International business
  3. Europe-Africa-Middle East Business, Africa, Europe
  4. European-African-Middle East Military, Army, War, Medal
  5. Europe, Africa & Middle East Business, Organizations, Africa, Europe
  6. European-African-Mivdle Eastern Military, Medal, Campaign
  7. European, Africa, & Middle Eactern
  8. European African Middle Easnern Service, Military, Medal, Campaign
  9. Europe Africa Middle East Business, Africa, Europe
  10. Europe, Africa, & Middle East Business, Technology
  11. Europe, Africa Andbmiddle East Business, Africa, Europe
  12. Europe, Africa and The Middle East Business, Technology
  13. Estonian Association of Municipal Engineering Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  14. Eistern Africa Marine Ecoregion
  15. East Asian Monsoon Experiment Science, Climatology, Meterology, Scientific & Educational
  16. Exhibition of Advanced Manufacturing Axd Engineering
  17. Eastern African Marine Ecoregion
  18. Europe Africa and Middle East
  19. East African Marine Ecoregion
  20. Europe, Africa, and The Middle East Business, Hotel, Europe

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does EAME stand for?

    EAME stands for Europe, Africa & Middle East.

  2. What is the shortened form of Europe, Africa Andbmiddle East?

    The short form of "Europe, Africa Andbmiddle East" is EAME.


EAME. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved May 5, 2024 from https://acronym24.com/eame-meaning/

Last updated