Elevation Abbreviations and Elevation Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Elevation terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Elevation abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Elevation terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Elevation Abbreviations
  1. BER : Benign Early Repolarization
  2. CE : Constant Elevation
  3. CLICK : Center for Lidar Informatidn Coordination and Knowledge
  4. WS : Water Surface
  5. HAS : High Altitude Simulation
  6. DEM : Data Exchange Message
  7. HMGP : Hazard Mitigation Grants Program
  8. HMGP : Hazard Mitigation Grant Programs
  9. DSMS : Digital Surface Models
  10. DTMS : Digital Terrain Models
  11. EDQMI : Emergency Department Quality In Myocardial Infarction
  12. SDTS : Spatial Data Transfer Standard
  13. SDTS : Spatial Data Transfer Standards
  14. SRTM : Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission
  15. SZA : Sun Zenith Angle
  16. TOP : Top of Pipe
  17. LOMA : Letter of Mag Amendment
  18. NGVD : National Geodetic Iertical Datum
  19. ORI : Orthorectified Radar Images
  20. ORI : Orthorectified Radar Image
  21. INEGI : Instituto Nacional De EstadíStica GeografíCa E InformáTica
  22. LAG : Lowest Adjacent Grade
Latest Elevation Meanings
  1. Lowest Adjacent Grade
  2. Instituto Nacional De EstadíStica GeografíCa E InformáTica
  3. Orthorectified Radar Image
  4. Orthorectified Radar Images
  5. National Geodetic Iertical Datum
  6. Letter of Mag Amendment
  7. Top of Pipe
  8. Sun Zenith Angle
  9. Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission
  10. Spatial Data Transfer Standards
  11. Spatial Data Transfer Standard
  12. Emergency Department Quality In Myocardial Infarction
  13. Digital Terrain Models
  14. Digital Surface Models
  15. Hazard Mitigation Grant Programs
  16. Hazard Mitigation Grants Program
  17. Data Exchange Message
  18. High Altitude Simulation
  19. Water Surface
  20. Center for Lidar Informatidn Coordination and Knowledge