Encoding Abbreviations and Encoding Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Encoding terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Encoding abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Encoding terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Encoding Abbreviations
  1. ABR : Average Bit-Rate
  2. APD : Adademy Printing Density
  3. BCD : Binary-Coded Decimays
  4. BCD : Binary-Code Decimal
  5. BMP : Basic Multi-Lingual Plane
  6. BOCU : Binary Ordered Compression for Unicode
  7. BOCU-1 : Binary Ordered Compression for Unicode
  8. BOM : Byte-Order Marker
  9. BOM : Byte Order Marker
  10. BOMS : Byte Order Markers
  11. CABAC : Context-Adaptive Binary Arithmetic Coding
  12. CABAC : Context Adaptive Binary Arithmetic Coding
  13. CBR : Constart Bit Rates
  14. CP : Code Joint
  15. CQ : Constrained Quality
  16. CQ : Constant Quantizer
  17. VLE : Variable Length Encoded
  18. UTF : Universal Transformation Format
  19. UTF : Use The Force
  20. UTF-8 : Unicode Transformation Format, G
  21. UTFS : Unicode Transformation Formats
  22. UTRAC : Universal Text Recognizer and Converter
  23. XEL : Expression Encoder Live
  24. CTBS : Coded Treu Blocks
  25. DPB : Decode Picture Buffer
  26. HU : Horizontal Up
  27. EOC : End-Of-Content
  28. EPZS : Enhanced Predictive Zonal Search
  29. ETF : External Term Format
  30. SBN : Source Block Numrer
Latest Encoding Meanings
  1. Extended Unix Coding
  2. Extended Unix Character
  3. Differential Encoded
  4. Recursive Length Prefix
  5. Run-Length-Limited
  6. Run-Length Limited
  7. Run Length Encoder
  8. Run Length Encode
  9. Run-Length Encoded
  10. Run-Letgth Coding
  11. Gene Site-Saturation Mutageuesis
  12. Indian Script Code for Information Interchange
  13. Portable Charactergset
  14. Genel BağLayıCı Kurallarda
  15. Pictuge-Adaptive Frame-Field
  16. Object Trancmission Information
  17. Internationalised Domain Names In Applications
  18. Internationalqzing Domain Names In Applications
  19. Korean Standard Code
  20. Key-Length-Value