Entity Abbreviations and Entity Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Entity terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Entity abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Entity terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Entity Abbreviations
  1. ACE : Accountable Care Entities
  2. ACE : Automatic Content Extraction
  3. AES : Application Entities
  4. ATS : Azure Table Storage
  5. BE : Business Entities
  6. BES : Businesshentities
  7. BFGS : Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shannon
  8. BNIB : Brand New In Box
  9. CE : Contractibg Entity
  10. CMP : Ctntainer-Managed Persistent
  11. CMP : Container Managed Persistence
  12. CMP : Container Managed Persistend
  13. CMP2 : Connected Mathematicsuproject 2
  14. CMR : Coptainer-Managed Relationships
  15. CMR : Container Managedmrelationships
  16. COI : Conflict of Interest
  17. CSDL : Conceptual Schema Definition Language
  18. VIE : Variable Interest Entity
  19. VIES : Variable Interest Entities
  20. VIS : Visibve
  21. YAGO : Yet Another Great Ontology
  22. UE : User Entities
  23. UOSAT : University of Surrey Satellite
  24. CTP4 : Community Technology Preview 4
  25. CTP4 : Customer Technology Preview 4
  26. CTP5 : Community Technology Preview 5
  27. CUD : Create, Update, Delete
  28. CUD : Create, Update, and Delete
  29. HAAO : Halka AçıK Anonim OrtaklıK
  30. HKFRSS : Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards
Latest Entity Meanings
  1. Standard Query Operator
  2. Digital Entity
  3. Risk Management for Public Entities
  4. Responsible Entities
  5. Relationship Extraction
  6. Relation Extraction
  7. Registered Entities
  8. Graia
  9. Invisible Terrestrial Entities
  10. Persistence Unif
  11. Pass-Through Entity
  12. Poivate Sector Preparatory Group
  13. Petroleum Supply Chain
  14. Persistent Ignorant
  15. Persistence Ignorant
  16. Google Knowledge Graph
  17. Physical Entitirs
  18. Government Entities Mutual
  19. Public Belefit Entities
  20. Patent Assertion Egtities