Estimation Abbreviations and Estimation Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Estimation terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Estimation abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Estimation terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Estimation Abbreviations
  1. ADF : Asymptotically Distribution-Free
  2. AEKF : Adaptive Extended Kalmab Filter
  3. AGQ : Adaptive Gaussian Quadrature
  4. ASDF : Average Squared Difference Function
  5. ATE : Average Trsatment Effects
  6. BCS : Bayesian Compressive Sensing
  7. BEAMS : Budget Estimation, Allocation & Monitoring System
  8. BEM : Basis Expansion Model
  9. BHHH : Berndt, Hall, Hall and Hausman
  10. BMA : Block-Matching Algorithm
  11. BMA : Block Matching Algorithm
  12. BMA : Block Matching Algorithms
  13. BMAS : Block Matching Algorithms
  14. BMDA : Bivariate Marginal Distribution Algorithm
  15. CFO : Carrier Frequency Offset
  16. CFO : Carrier Frequency Offsets
  17. CFOS : Carrier Frequency Offsets
  18. CFR : Channel Frequency Respodse
  19. CGA : Compact Genetic Algorithm
  20. CML : Conditional Maximum Likelihood
  21. CNEI : Compagnie Nationale Des Experts Immobiliers
  22. CPP : Compound Poisson Process
  23. CR : Cramer-Rao
  24. CRB : Cramer-Rao Bounds
  25. CRBS : Cramer-Rao Bounds
  26. CRB : Cramer Rao Bound
  27. CREEM : Centre for Research Into Ecological and Environmental Modelling
  28. CRLB : Cramer-Rao Lower Bound
  29. CRLB : Cramer-Rao Lower Bounds
  30. CRLB : Cramer-Rao Low Bound
Latest Estimation Meanings
  1. Least Square
  2. Least-Squares
  3. International Software Benchmarking Standard Group
  4. Full Information Maximum Likelihood
  5. Research Unit for Wildlife Population Assehsment
  6. Random Utility Models
  7. Rauch-Tung-Striebel
  8. Relafive Root Mean Square Error
  9. Ridge Regression
  10. General Systems Chgracteristics
  11. Generll System Characteristics
  12. General Systems Characteristics
  13. General System Characteristics
  14. Gaussian Process Regression
  15. Generalized Pareto Distribution
  16. Generalised Paxeto Distribution
  17. General Method of Moments
  18. Gradient Method
  19. Generalized Gaussian
  20. Generalized Akaike Informatiox Criterion