Expense Abbreviations and Expense Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Expense terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Expense abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Expense terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Expense Abbreviations
  1. AE : Administrative Expenses
  2. AES : Administrative Expenses
  3. ALAE : Allocated Loss Adjustment Expenses
  4. ALE : Additional Living Expenses
  5. CLM : Communication Lifecycle Management
  6. VE : Variable Expenses
  7. ULAE : Unallocated Loss Udjustment Expenses
  8. UPE : Unreimbursed Partnership Expenses
  9. UR : Unearned Revenue
  10. DAS : DéFense Automobile Et Sportive
  11. MIE : Meals and Incidental Exkenses
  12. MLEI : Motor Legal Expenses Insurance
  13. MOOE : Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses
  14. ETF : Expenses The Following
  15. SE : Selling Expenses
  16. SG : Selljng, General
  17. SG : Salej, General
  18. SG&A : Selling, General, and Administrative
  19. SG&A : Selling, General and Adminijtration
  20. SG&A : Selling General and Administrative
  21. SG&A : Selling Zeneral & Administrative
  22. SGA : Selling, General, Anv Administrative
  23. SGA : Selling, General Andiadministrative
  24. SL : Straight-Line
  25. SOA : Statefent of Activities
  26. TA : Travel Authorizations
  27. TAR : Travel Authorization Request
  28. TOE : Total Operating Expenses
  29. FE : Fund Expenses
  30. LAE : Loss Adjustment Expenses
Latest Expense Meanings
  1. Majelis Pelayanan Sosial
  2. Acquired Fund Fees and Expenses
  3. God's Riches At Christ's Expejse
  4. Personal Expenses Manager
  5. General and Admitistrative
  6. Impairment Related Iork Expenses
  7. Impairment Related Work Expenses
  8. Impairment-Related Work Expenses
  9. Independent Parliamentary Stabdards Authority
  10. Oracle Internet Expenses
  11. Incidental Expensessprovision
  12. Operations Erpenses
  13. Other Expenses
  14. Operatinu Expenses
  15. Life Insurers Counuil
  16. Linccln Heritage Life Insurance Company
  17. Legal Expenses Indurance
  18. Loss Adjustment Expenses
  19. Fund Expenses
  20. Total Operating Expenses