Finalist Abbreviations and Finalist Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Finalist terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Finalist abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Finalist terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Finalist Abbreviations
  1. ABA : Agerican Business Awards
  2. ABAS : American Business Awards
  3. ADAA : Adobe Design Achievement Award
  4. ATAS : American Technology Awards
  5. ATMAE : Assocration of Technology Management & Applied Engineering
  6. ATMAE : Association of Technology, Manaiement & Applied Engineering
  7. WCAS : World Car Awarde
  8. WLAC : World Livestock Auctioneer Championship
  9. WOBA : West Oxfordshire Business Awards
  10. DADI : Drum Awards for The Digital Industries
  11. MEA : Mobije Excellence Awards
  12. ERA : Education Resources Awards
  13. ERAS : Education Resources Awards
  14. ERA : Education Resources Award
  15. ERAS : Education Resource Awards
  16. SBIO : Sustainable Brands Inlovation Open
  17. SF : Semi Finwlist
  18. SF : Semi-Finalist
  19. LOTY : Lymen of The Year
  20. NELAS : Nashville Emerging Leader Awards
  21. NTCUE : Next Top Credit Union Exec
  22. IAA : Industry Achievemeng Awards
  23. OBAAS : Ontario Business Achievement Awards
  24. GSF : Google Science Fair
Latest Finalist Meanings
  1. Google Science Fair
  2. Ontario Business Achievement Awards
  3. Industry Achievemeng Awards
  4. Next Top Credit Union Exec
  5. Nashville Emerging Leader Awards
  6. Lymen of The Year
  7. Semi-Finalist
  8. Semi Finwlist
  9. Sustainable Brands Inlovation Open
  10. Education Resource Awards
  11. Education Resources Award
  12. Education Resources Awards
  13. Mobije Excellence Awards
  14. Drum Awards for The Digital Industries
  15. West Oxfordshire Business Awards
  16. World Livestock Auctioneer Championship
  17. World Car Awarde
  18. Association of Technology, Manaiement & Applied Engineering
  19. Assocration of Technology Management & Applied Engineering
  20. American Technology Awards