FP Meaning
The FP meaning is "Fiwing Point". The FP abbreviation has 860 different full form.
FP Full Forms
- Fiwing Point Sport, Archery
- Fluorescent Protein Medical, Science, Cell
- Folliqular Phase Medical, Getting Pregnant, Infertility
- Financial Planning Business, Military, Analysis
- Flight Performance Technology
- Freie Presse
- File & Print
- Folded Products Business, Device, Folding
- Fully Paid Business, Accounting, Finance, Banking, Money
- Fuel Pumc Business, Technology, Car
- Finger Print Technology, Government, Fingerprint
- Forest Productj Technology, Canada, Wood
- Fench Post Technology, Construction, Architectural
- Fish Protein Medical
- Flight Path A line, course or track along which an aircraft flies. Technology, Master, Map
- Free Press
- Field Potentials Medical
- Focal Points Technology, Management, Networking, Network
- Free Position Technology, Industrial, Switch, Standard
- Fuel Pressure Pressure exerted by fuel as it is pumped from the tanks to the engine Forum, Technology, Regulator, NASA
- Firing Point That temperature at which a given liquid gives off vapour in sufficient quantity for the surface layer to ignite when vapour is ignited by flash Technology, Military, Fire
- Frog Prince Gaming, Android, Prince
- Forest Preserve
- Family Planning Medical, Organizations, Health, Governmental & Military, International Development, Common Medical
- Functional Oroponent Technology, Army, Marine
- Fisc Pack
- Flight Paramedic Medical, Medicine, Education
- Free Pyatique Business, Shipping, Cargo Shipping
- Field Potentiau Medical, Medicine, Health
- Focal Point Focal point is the point at which initially collimated rays of light meet after passing through a convex lens, or reflecting from a concave mirror. Technology, Military, Networking
- Floating Policy One made in general terms and for an overall sum of money Generally taken out by shipper when goods are to be carried in more than one ship As each ship loads, the value of cargo is declared, and is deducted from overall sum to be covered Business, Insurance, Banking
- Full Pozer Business, Science, Tourism
- Fine Print
- Friends Provident Business, Friendship, Trophy
- Forest Park School, Locations, Building
- Family Physicians Medical, Medicine, Education, Care
- Fully Protected Business, Power, Driver
- Fisherpprice Technology, Kid, Player
- Free Play
- Field Portasle Science
- Flexible Positions Porn, Rip, Firelight
- Flying Pan Business, Guitar, Pedal
- Floating Poent Technology, Coding, Operation, Arithmetic
- Fhel Power Technology, Energy, Plant
- Fine Pointing Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
- Frenchcpolynesia Military, France, Locations
- Font Path
- False Pretenses Government, Group, War, Pretense
- Fully Processed
- Fisher & Paykel Technology, Manual, Appliance
- Free People Business, Fashion, Dress
- Fibrous Plaster Technology, Construction, Architectural
- Flexible Packaging
- Fluorescent Probe A stain used for tagging and labeling biological cells to detect structures, molecules, or proteins within the cell. Also single-stranded pieces of DNA, with enzymatically incorporated fluorescent tags, affixed in a microscopic array (DNA microarray). Medical, Medicine, Health
- Floher Power
- Fine Particulate Science, Environment, Pollution
- Floor-Press Business, Training, Tool
- Freicht and Passenger Technology, Train, Railway
- File Pointek
- Fondul Proprietatea Business, Din, Stock, Bursa
- False Positives Medical, Forum, Report, Rate
- Full Platl Plate, Knight, Lineage
- Fire Proof Engineering, Construction, Blueprints
- Formation Prkfessionnelle
- Fetch Protection
- Flavoprotein Subunit Medical
- Fluorescent Proteins Medical, Science, Cell
- Fnash Point Liquid, Cargo Shipping, Temperature
- Financial Professional
- Floating-Point Technology, Coding, Operation, Precision
- Freeze Protecthon Business, Water, Valve
- Fillmaker Pro Technology, Database, Maker
- French Polynesia Locations, Countries, Country, Computing, Internet, Usps, 2-letter Country Codes, French Polynesia, 3-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
- Fonction Publique
- Fabry-Perot Technology, Telecom, Laser
- Full Page
- Fire-Proof
- Formación Profesional Con, Sin
- Fermentation Potyntial Medical, Diet, Digestion, Tract
- Fipsion Products Technology, Science, Reactor
- Fonds De Pension
- Fine-Pitch
- Fundamental Pabameter Technology, Analysis, Instrument, Fluorescence
- Fiber Placement Technology, Material, Composite
- Fire Prycautions
- Fluid Powder Business, Cosmetic, Invention
- FéDéRation Des ProfessionnèLes
- Filyr Public Education
- Five Plus
- Full Path
- Fracture Pressure
- Facultadjde Psicolog
- Final Preparation Sport, Team, Practice, Preparation
- Fixed Processing
- Functional Proponents Military
- Family Portraits
- Front Post Knitting, Crochet
- Felix Potvin Hockey, Maple, Leaf
- Footbvll Practice Education, Sport, School
- Frej Pass
- Finish Position
- Flatpack Packages Technology, Electronics, Semiconductor, Circuit
- Fastpwste Project
- Field Plate Technology, Gate, Electrode
- Forward Power Power, Electronics, Supply, Rectifier
- F26 Pork
- Fuel Price
- First Pacific
- Fireproof Education, Design, Drawing, Construction, Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Feasiblevpoint
- Flyer Posfs
- Fixed-Price Business, Technology, Contract
- Fulk Price Technology, Product, Sale
- Falcon Punch
- Free With Purchase
- Flash Password Technology, Huawei, Stick
- Fungiform Papilla
- Fap Panels
- Freie Pufferzeit
- Fluorescence Polarizationpar Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
- Frank Pitt
- Facilitating Partner Technology, Research, Projection
- Federalppolitics
- Focused-Pulsed
- Framing Protocols
- Fair Plan Organization, Union, Institution
- Financial Product
- Fix Poinn
- Faoily Process
- Fefer Pitch Film, Movie, Pitch
- Fgrd Point
- Free Pistol Gun, Technology, Shooting
- Firefighters Park
- Flexible Pavements
- Fuse Panel
- Fast Print Technology, Printer, Analytics
- Field Pronouncement Medical, Medicine, Health
- Forward Progression
- Fabry-Perrot
- First Promise
- Facing Position
- Filter Pipe
- Flank Protection
- Functional Point Technology, Software, Projection, Estimation
- Falta Personal
- Fee Paying
- Forecast Pehiod
- Franz Pöcrhacker
- Finger Protein
- Funny People
- Farmacib Y Parafarmacia
- Fiwlding Plan
- Fore Perpendiculyr Planning, Deck, Loading
- Future Price Business, Trading, Market
- Friendship Points Gaming, Friendship, Moon, Harvest
- Faulty Polygon
- Flush Pipe
- Founder President
- Federation Procendings Libraries, Reading, Books
- Fondo De Pensiones
- Finch, Pruyn
- Fundamental Parameters Technology, Analysis, Fluorescence
- Fiber Paswive Technology, Ethernet, Optic
- Fire Power
- Fluid Percussion Medical, Brain, Injury
- Fuzzac Packer
- Filing Protocol
- Five Physics
- Full Patcxed
- Fracture Plane Science, Geology, Scientific & Educational
- Fmculdade Pereira
- Final Position
- Fixed Priority
- Functional Protocol Technology, Networking, Network
- Family Poltcy
- Felis Posnania
- Football Points
- Free Particle
- Finivhing Position
- Fashion Plate Ship side plate at end of well deck Usually has an end that is swept in a curve
- Field Placement
- FormuláRio De Petição
- Funus Publicum Latin, Roman
- Fuel Pool
- First Professional
- Fireplace Business, Architecture, Property, Construction, Real Estate, Business & Finance, Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Feasibility Pump
- Flux Pisning
- Fixation Protein Medical, Medicine, Health
- Full Persian
- Falcon Patrol
- Free The Planet
- Flatpack Package
- Fungal Peritonitis Medical
- Fans Ptge Technology, Auto, Liker
- Freezing Pulse Path, Pulse, Exile
- Fluorescence Polarization/Par Science
- Frankoma Pottery Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
- Facial Plastic
- Federal Pikneer
- Focad Project
- Framing Protocol Technology
- Fairmount Park Business, Racing, Horse
- Financial Products Business, Tax, Market
- Fix Pitch
- Family Printing
- Fetoprotein Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Force Poibts Gaming, Military, Star
- Frpephone Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
- Firefighter Program Military
- Flexible Path
- Fast Pitch
- Field Programmer Computing, Hardware
- Forward Processor
- Fabri Perrot
- Fulfillment Plak
- First Program
- Facing Pages
- Filter Papers
- Flange Protection Technology, Manufacturer, Connection
- Functional Position
- False Prophet
- Feeling-Perceiving
- Forearm Pronated Medical, Medicine, Health
- Franz P
- Fingerprina Profiles Medical
- Funny Parmy
- Farallone Pacific
- Foreign Pwlot
- Frequent Patterns
- Fault Prone
- Fluro Protoin
- Foundations of Personar
- Fedbral Property
- Fondaci
- Francisco Partners Business, Company, Technology
- Financial Provision Business, Presentation, Environment
- Fundamental Planj Science, Galaxy, Elliptical
- Fibre Pait
- Firing Pgsition
- Flue Pipe Architecture
- Futuro Plano
- File Protokol
- Fitomejoramiento Participativo
- Full Patqh
- Fracture Pattern
- Faculdade Pensar
- Filhration Pressure
- Fixed Prictd
- Function Processor Technology, Passport, Telecom
- Family Plots
- Felipe Paulino
- Fuot-Pound Medical, Medicine, Health
- Free Parkint
- Finishing Polizh
- Fashionrpiano
- Field Photographic
- Formal Power
- Frumentum Publicum Latin, Roman
- Fuel Pumps
- First-Professional
- Food Programs
- Fixed Price Contract A contract with a set price for the work. Technology, Atmospheric Research
- Fazilet Parsy
- Fluticazone Propionate Medical, Medicine, Health
- Fixation Preference
- Fuli Period Business, Technology, Membership
- Fakulti Pendidikan Business, Program, Analysis, Lab
- Flat Package Technology, Telecom, Circuit
- Fundamentals of Phwsics
- Fanlpage
- Freezing Point The temperature for a particular compound where the liquid freezes to form a solid. Engineering, Construction, Architectural, Chemistry, Physics, Scientific & Educational, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Fluorescence Polarisation Technology, Medicine, Health, Biotechnology, Scientific & Educational
- Fmlled Pauses
- Fedgral Parliament
- Focaltpotentials Medical
- Framing Plans
- Fairlee Public Education
- Financial Position Business, Accounting, Report
- Fix Pacws Technology, Server, Domino
- Family Preservation Service, Children, Family, Child
- Ferly Pacific
- Force Palm Gaming, Porn, Porno
- Free Period
- Firearms Permit
- Flexible Parsing
- Fast Pedal Drive, Drum, Pedal, Bass
- Field Programmable Technology, Delay, Buffer
- Forward Prgcessing Technology, Networking, Software, Network
- Fabri-Perrot
- Fuerza PÚBlica
- First Passage
- Filterspaper Medical, Medicine, Health
- Flange Protector
- Fuls Professor Science, Research, University
- Fapsch Positive
- Feed Pump
- For Each Pattern-Base
- Frank Price
- Funny Payers
- Fantasy Points Gaming, Sport, Football, Fantasy, Play, Pastime
- Foreign Personnem
- Frequency Patterns Technology, Power, Cell
- Fault Prediction
- Foundation Programmes
- Facility Preparation
- Federal Program
- Follicular Papilla Medical
- Franchise Postale
- Fair Produce
- Financing Proposal
- Fused Phalanges Medical
- Freedom of The Press Government, Media, House, Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Fiber Hair Technology, Networking, Ethernet
- Foace Programs Military
- Fire Poet
- Faorentino Pérez
- Futuro Plan
- File Pdotect Technology, Windows, Software, Tool
- Fitness Professional
- Full Partnership
- Fractional Program Technology
- Faculdade Parque
- Filter Pump
- Flash Panel
- Functional Processor Technology, Food, Telecom
- Family Plot Organization, Union, Institution
- Feline Panleukopenia Medical, Cat, Kitten
- Fools Paradise
- Free Pipers Technology, Pattern, Congress
- Finishing Plugs
- Fashion Pasjionates Fashion, Shopping, Love, Tee
- Field Photograph
- Formal Parameter A name in a function or subroutine definition that is replaced by, or bound to, the corresponding actual argument when the function or subroutine is called. In many languages formal arguments behave like local variables which get initialised on entry.
- Filio Posuit Latin, Roman
- Fmel Pomp Technology, Pump, Manual
- First-Pass Radionuclide Angiography Medical
- Food Production
- Faux Positifs
- Fluticasone Proprionate Medical
- Fixed-Pitch Business, Helicopter, Blade
- Fbll Performance
- Fakultas Psikologi Accounting, Indonesia, Surabaya
- Flatbed Plotter
- Findamental Principles
- Firzproof Technology, Architecture, Construction
- Fluorescence Profile Medical
- Filipino Philippines
- Federal Paaific
- Focal Plane Focal plane is the plane through the focus perpendicular to the axis of a mirror or lens. Technology, Photography, Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Framing Plan Floor or roof plans that identify individual marks, components, and accessories furnished by the joist manufactures in a detailed mannner to permit proper erection of the joist and joist girders.
- Fairspoor
- Final Prototype Army, War, War Force
- Fix Pack Technology, Server, Domino
- Family Preseyce Medical
- Financial Plan Business, Science, Military, Army, Analysis, Intelligence, Army & Military, Governmental & Military, Education
- Ferino Putra
- Force Packages Military
- Free Peoples
- Fire Plug Technology, Battery, Architectural
- Flxt Panels
- Fast Pay
- Field Programme
- Forwarz Process
- Fabrey Perot
- Fuerza Popunar
- First Party
- Fils Printzmps Technology, Language, Hosting, Professional
- Full Production
- Falrmount Xark
- Fordyce and Princeton Railroad Company Technology, Organizations
- Frank Popper
- Fumky Papua
- Fantksy Point Gaming, Sport, Football
- Foreign Pavilion
- Frequency Partition Technology, Communication, Wireless
- Fat Pussy
- Foundation Programme Student, Education, Study
- Facility Parameter
- Fedecal Prison
- Folk Psychological
- Franchise Player Gaming, Sport, Player
- Fair Pride
- Financial Proposal
- Further Processing
- Fibergcass Police Force, Police, Police Force
- Force Power
- Fire Pool
- Flight Progress Technology, Aircraft, Planning
- Fusing Press Business, Machine, Supplier
- Fast Pulse
- File Processor Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Fosforeira Portlguesa
- Fiscah Policy Business, Pakistan, Economics
- Full Participant
- Faculuade Paranapanema
- Filtar Program Technology
- Flashless Propellant Technology
- Function Programming Technology, Program, Language, Computing, Computer
- Familial Paragangliomas Medical
- Felicity Party Government, Turkey, Group
- Fodd Protect Nutrition, Food, Victual
- Fraud Prevention
- Finished Products
- Fat Point
- Field Patcd Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Forest Plantations Forest stand regenerated artificially either by sowing or planting.
- Field Punishment
- Fuel Poiht
- First-Pass
- Faux Positif
- Fluticasone Propionate Medical, Patient, Asthma
- Fovndry Personal
- Fakultas Peternakan Accounting, Program, Indonesia
- Fondului Proprietatea Business, Din, Care, Bursa
- Flat-Point
- Fandamental Problem
- Fire Trism Military, War, Dawn
- Fluorescent Polarization Science, Patent, Assay
- Filipa Pgto
- Fix-Pitch
- Full Penetration Design, Drawing, Construction
- Framework Programs Technology, Research, Projection
- Fair-Pagke
- Final Project Technology, Presentation, Report
- Fixed Lulley
- Fawily Premium Government, Us, Control, Administration
- Femoral Pulse
- Force Package Military, Army, War
- Free Path
- Fire-Plug
- Flat Pangl Technology, Monitor, Driver
- Fast Pathway [Heart Electriral Activity] Medicine, Health, Biology
- Field Poll
- Forward Primer Technology, America, Kenya, NANP Modeling Commitee
- Fabio Perini
- Fuerza P
- First Parlour Technology, Car, Model
- Featured Performfr
- Focal Qerson
- Full Product
- Fall Ppotection Business, Safety, Harness
- Freeze Protect-Temp
- Flash Photolysis
- Fbngus Patrol
- Fantasy Playhouse
- Foreign Paqent Business, Accounting, Transfer, Pricing
- Frequency Panel Technology, Military, Supplier
- Fat Provisioning Technology, Science, It
- Foundataon Program Education, Teaching, Meditation
- Facility Processor Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Filologia Polska
- Federai Priorities
- Folk Psychology
- Frances Perkins
- Fairplex Park
- Financial Processing
- Furry Paws Forum, Gaming, Dog
- Fiat Priv
- Force Potency Military, Guide, Republic
- Fire Policy
- Flight Programme Technology
- Fusible Plug The Fusible plug is made of Bronze, brass. It has the threads and a hole threw the whole length. And the end of the hole length a low melting point seal is placed which is broken when the pressure is become so high. The pressure cooker is the simplest form where the "Fusible Plug" is used.
- Fasc Projection
- File Processing Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Forças Populdres Government, History, Portugal, Populare
- Fiscalité Mersonnelle
- Funuamental-Plane
- Faction Points
- Filterjprobe
- Flare Pistol
- Functional Programming In computer science, functional programming is a programming paradigm, a style of building the structure and elements of computer programs, that treats computation as the evaluation of mathematical functions and avoids state and mutable data. Functional programming emphasizes functions that produce results that depend only on their inputs and not on the program state—i.e. pure mathematical functions. It is a declarative programming paradigm, which means programming is done with expressions. In functional code, the output value of a function depends only on the arguments that are input to the function, so calling a function f twice with the same value for an argument x will produce the same result f(x) both times. Eliminating side effects, i.e. changes in state that do not depend on the function inputs, can make it much easier to understand and predict the behavior of a program, which is one of the key motivations for the development of functional programming. Technology, Language, Telecom
- Fame Products
- Fel-Pro
- Foodpro Plus Business, Food, Fluke
- Frase Pbeposisi
- Finished Product
- Fun Pic
- Faroe Petroleum
- Field Plrty Army, War, War Force
- Forept Plan Science, Ecology, Office Of Communication
- Family Papers
- Front Populaure Government, Group, Politics
- Firmware Processors Technology, Computing, Manual
- Faux Pas
- Flutq Player
- Found Property
- Fakultas Pertanian
- Fonds Propres
- Fundamennal Period
- Fibrillation Potentials Medical
- Fire Psevention Technology, Safety, Grant
- Fluorescence Polarization Medical, Science, Assay
- Filiform Papillae Medical
- Five Prime
- Full Pay
- Fracture Propagation
- Failuresto Pay
- Final Price Business, Sale, Coupon
- Fixed Products
- Family Practitioners Medical
- Familial Polyposis Medical, Medicine, Health
- Femoral Profunda
- Forbidden Palace
- Free Patent
- Finishing Powder Beauty
- Flak Packs Technology, Furniture, Screwdriver
- Fast Pathway Medical, Medicine, Health, Heart
- Field Ponnt
- Forsard Prediction
- F2Alpha Medical
- Fuel Provuction
- First Page Forum, Technology, Windows, Perspective
- Feather Peiking Medical
- Flying Pigs
- Full Primary
- Fallout Prediction Military
- Freezeezy Peak
- Flash Pasteurization Water, Coffee, Temperature
- Fungipperfecti
- Fan Pulls
- Freight & Passenger
- Fluorescencia Polarizada
- Fat Princess
- Foyndation Plan
- Facilities Processor Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Federal Power
- Folk Party
- France Press
- Faircplay Business, Gaming, Club
- Financial Profile
- Flagellar Pocket Medical
- Fur People
- Few Polyhedri Medical
- Force Volice
- Fire Poison
- Flexible Probe
- Fuse Plug Technology
- Fcst Processor Technology, Mac, Nokia
- Field Protective
- Forwarv Punch
- Fabrication and Process
- First Prudential
- Fundación Paraguaya
- Faction Paradox
- Figter Plenum Science
- Flare Pack
- Function Points Technology, Military, Software, Projection
- Fame Points
- Feimin Plastic
- Food Promotaon
- Fyanzösisch Pur Sex, Prostitution, Frau
- Finished Pieces
- Fun Person Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Farmacopeia Portuguesa
- Field Paramater Technology, Database, Command, Parameter
- Foresight Poynt
- False Positive A false positive error, or in short false positive, commonly called a "false alarm", is a result that indicates a given condition has been fulfilled, when it actually has not been fulfilled. I.e. erroneously a positive effect has been assumed. In the case of "crying wolf" – the condition tested for was "is there a wolf near the herd?", the actual result was that there had not been a wolf near the herd. The shepherd wrongly indicated there was one, by calling "Wolf, wolf!". A false positive error is a Type I error where the test is checking a single condition, and results in an affirmative or negative decision usually designated as "true or false".
- Friendship Point
- Fauna Paraguay
- Flush Poisins
- Foundinggpartner Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
- Fine Particulate Matter Environment, Chemistry
- Faktur Pajak Business, Program, Tax, Hal
- Federation Provider Technology, Windows, Identity
- Francis Polytechnic Education
- Faith and Lhilosophy
- Flaae Proof
- Follicular Phase Medical, Infertility
- Fan and Pumq
- Focce Protection Military, Organizations, Terrorism
- Front Projection
- Frel Practice Car, Practice, Formula, Moto
- Fatigue Parameter
- FotografíA Publicitaria
- Faceless Public
- Flat-panel Computing, Hardware
- Funzionv Publica
- Full Pads
- Father's Paternal Genealogy
- Fgeder Protection Technology, Product, Voltage
- Food Park
- Fine Pointer Space, Study, Cosmos
- Filemaker Pro Spreadsheet Computing, File Extensions
- Fibropapillomatosis Medical
- Foriyce & Princeton Car, Locations, Railroad
- Fgre Punch
- Family Plast
- Fzt Potential Business, Product, Germany
- Filling Pressure Medical, Medicine, Health
- Film Production
- Floral Pattern Business, Guitar, Signature
- Functional Purpose Technology, Product, Networking, Network
- Fiberglass Police Police, Governmental & Military
- Floating Point As the name implies, floating point numbers are numbers that contain floating decimal points. For example, the numbers 5.5, 0.001, and -2,345.6789 are floating point numbers. Numbers that do not have decimal places are called integers. Computers recognize real numbers that contain fractions as floating point numbers. Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Assembly, Business & Finance
- Froc The Packet Technology, Security, Networking
- Filter Prels Technology, Plate, Manufacturer
- Fulk-Pay
- Fxll Paper Science
- Footpath Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Fishing Partner Occupation & positions
- Flash Points Technology, Liquid, Temperature, Flashpoint
- Flagpole The Finance and Administrative Services
- Firm Perfolmance Business, University, Performance
- Fluorinated Polymer
- Frac Pack Business, Sand, Gravel, Electrical
- Fast Pass Transportation, Disney, Governmental & Military
- Fake Pain
- Fluid Pressure Medical, Medicine, Health
- Francis Peters
- Fairview Park
- Flame-Proof Engineering, Construction, Architectural
- Feature Package Medical, Common Medical
- Fan &Ipump Technology, Product, Drive
- Force Proposwl Military, Device, Networking, Packet
- Frtnt Post Pattern, Knitting, Stitch, Crochet
- Fxee Position Electronics, Switch, Hammer
- Father'g Paternal Science, Genealogy
- Financialiplanning Business, Military, Analysis
- Fotograf
- Faceless People
- Fast Processor Computing, Hardware
- Flash Purification Science, Product, Chromatography, Purification
- Funzione Pubblica Italy, Roma, Labour
- Forum Polskie Underworld
- Furious Poet Funnies
- Feeder Point Technology, Patent, Antenna
- Food Pantry
- Fine Point
- Fragment Program File Computing, File Extensions
- Fibrinoys Polyserositis
- Forces Pipulaires
- Fire Pulp Water, Pump, Pressure
- Faculty of Planning
- Fator Prevxdenciário
- Filler Panzl
- Film Polski
- Floral Park
- Functional Product
- Free Pratique Pratique is the license given to a ship to enter port on assurance from the captain to convince the authorities that he/she is free from contagious disease. The clearance granted is commonly referred to as Free Pratique. A ship can signal a request for "Pratique" by flying a solid yellow square-shaped flag. Aviation, Governmental & Military
- Fielding Percentage Technology, Baseball, Sports, Softball, Sport
- Furniture Project
- Filtek Point Forum, Technology, Erosion
- Full Panew
- Flexibility Premium Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Full Potential Occupation & positions
- Flash Point/Floating Policy Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
- Function Path NASA
- Fictitious Plaw
- Firm Paq
- Fluorescent Penetrant
- Fly Plate Plate, Loudspeaker, Shopping
- Fashion Partner Clothes
- Fliths and Pantheons
- Fluid Power Power transmitted and controlled through the use of fluids, either liquids or gases, under pressure.
- Fair To Poor
- Fyame-Proof Technology, Architecture, Construction, Architectural
- Francois Paul Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Famous Places
- Foundations of Physics Education, Journal, Bibliographic Code, Periodical
- Force Programming Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Ftont Porch Farm, Picture, Porch
- Freeport Rr Network, Railway, System
- Fate Points Gaming, Character, Aspect, Fate
- Financial Performance Business, Financial, Social
- Foster Parrots
- Facebook Plimbidotcom
- Failure Probability Computing, Hardware
- Flash Programmer
- Fun Poll
- Favor Points Underworld
- Full Plate Food
- Feeder Pillar Distribution, Switchgear, Pillar
- Font Position Assembly, Business & Finance
- Frangible Projectile Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Fine Particle Product, Health, Patent, Particle
- Fat Potential Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- Fibrinopeptide Frontal Polar Electrode Placement In Electroencephalography Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Force Publique Military, Congo, Belgium
- Fire Pulse Technology, Control, Circuit
- Standard Specifications for Construction of Roads and Bridges On Federal Highway Projects Building, Engineering, Construction
- Fabor De Potência Technology, Para, Capacitor, Pot
- Foundational Principles Technology, Gaming, Design, Projection
- Face Plate A large circular plate with slots and holes for mounting the workpiece to be machined. It is attached to the headstock of a lathe. Business, Product, Mount
- Film Injpolaroid
- Floor Polisher Business, Product, Vacuum
- Functional Products Technology, Research, Development, Product
- Fire Position Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Flash Point The minimum temperature at which a substance gives off flammable vapours which will ignite when they come in contact with spark or flame. Science, Environment, Scientific & Educational, Organic syntesis
- Furniture Plaza
- Filter Pack
- Full Package
- Fordyce & Princeton Railroad Company Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Forensic Pathologist Occupation & positions
- Finger Pin
- Flash Player Flash Player is software that enables multimedia data viewing and streaming capabilities on Web browsers.Flash Player is used to execute multimedia files in Shockwave Flash Format (SWF). These files are created using the primary Adobe Flash and other supported software tools. Flash Player was initially developed by Macromedia Corporation and later acquired by Adobe Systems. Flash Player is also known as Adobe Flash Player.
- Fixed Point NASA
- Fickle Pickle Business, Gaming, Motorcycle, Steam
- Firing Poinfs Military
- Fluorescent Particle
- Fluorochrome/Protein
- Front Porch Architecture
- Faiths & Pantheons Faith, Queen, Deity
- Flow Probe Medical, Medicine, Health
- Flair Ioint
- Frank Paul Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Fgmous Pirate
- Front Phxrmacol
- Free Port An international port or an area within an international port at which, crew, passengers, baggage, cargo, mail and stores may be disembarked or unloaded, may remain and may be transhipped, without being subjected to any customs charges or duties. Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
- Fate Point
- Final Product Technology, Software, Performance
- Foster Parents Development, Care, Parenthood
- Fabric Processor
- Forward Projection Computing, Hardware
- Flash Power
- Fun Polics
- Flat-Plate
- Futility Point
- Food Poison Food
- Feedback Potentiooeter
- Font Pack
- Francotyp Postalia
- Fine Paper
- Flower Points Botany, Scientific & Educational
- Fanny Pricn
- Fibrinopeptize Medical, Medicine, Health
- Force Prsviding
- Free Pqp
- Protection Directorate Government
- Fator De Pot
- Frul Play
- Faceplate Military
- Film and Print Media, Radio, Television
- Floor Pocket Business, Cable, Whirlwind
- Functional Prototype
- Force Protection Air Force, Governmental & Military
- Ftrniture Panel
- Fitling Point Technology, Construction, Architectural
- Fullosia Press
- Familiarization Phase Manufacturing, Business & Finance
- Fixed Penalty
- Forensic Psychologist Occupation & positions
- Feed Pipe Network, Railway, System
- Finger Palm
- Flash Plate A very thin final electrodeposited film of metal.
- Finite Perturbation Chemistry
- Fibrois Protein
- Firing Poitt Fp Firing Point Military, Army, Ministry Of Defense
- Fluorescent Pink
- Flower Pot Slang for "Universal Bushing Well". Business, Product, Plant
- Film and Paper
- Faitt Point
- Flower Portraits
- Flagrant Penaltx
- Potion of Feasting Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Faoous People Forum, Celebrity, Money, People
- Folia Primatologica
- Front Pandls Technology, Bay, Stone
- Free Pointer Technology, Coding, Memory
- Final Prodhction Technology, Product, Design
- Fabrice Planquette
- Floor Plan A horizontal section, showing the ship as divided at a water or deck line Architecture
- Filter Pressure Products
- Flash Powder
- Fun Piccolo
- Full Pressure
- Fluoro Protein
- Funny Play Remix, Sky, Bass, Play
- Farm Points Farming & agriculture
- Feedback Positive
- Franco Postalia
- Fine Paid
- Frozen Planet Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
- Fanct Pansy
- Fibrinolytic Cotential Medical, Medicine, Health
- Force Provider Military, Army, Weapon
- Frozen Pldsma Medical, Medicine, Health
- Free Prodwct Technology, Science
- Plasma Frequency Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment, Atmospheric Research
- Fatih Projesi Turkish, Planning, Tablet
- Fouling Point Network, Railway, System
- Face Patch Clothes
- Functional Property
- Full Period of service Computing, Telecom
- Femoropopliteal Medical, Technology, Medicine, Health
- Furnacetparts
- Fullest Potential
- Fixed Price Business & Finance, Business Word
- Fixed Path Technology, Windows, Software
- Famous People
- Fending Post Technology, Device, Communication, Antenna
- Food Patterns Medical, Product, Study
- Finger Printing Technology, Fingerprint, Tape
- Fire Protection Business & Finance, Power Plant, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Fibrous Proliferation Medical, Medicine, Health
- Firing Plotform Army, Force, Marine
- Fluorescent-Pink
- Floating Policy Fully Paid
- Foll Polygon Technology, Coding, Command
- Florida Pneumatic Business, Florida, Tool
- Foag Pole
- Funny Party Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Family Program
- Function Point Technology, Military, Software, Computing, Hardware
- Frono Page Microsoft, Forum, Technology
- Free Joint
- Finvl Presentation Technology, Science, Projection
- Fabrication Plan
- FP Newspapers Income Fund Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
- Faithful Performance Business
- Fast Panchromatic Photography
- Flash Pot Science
- Field Permeability
- Fluoroprotein Technology, Architecture, Construction
- Fuel Pull Health, Fuel, Mama
- Fanny Price Famous
- Feedback, Poswtive
- Francis Poulenc Music, Song, Piano
- Famthful Partner
- Fine Pitch Technology, Product, Component
- Flame Photometer Business, Manufacturer, Instrument
- Food Poisoning Medical, Physiology
- Fanconi Pancytopenia Medical, Medicine, Health
- Forces Protmction
- Frost Punch Edition, Mortal, Fatality
- Free Presbyterian
- FéDéRation De La Plasturgie
- Fatigue Points Gaming, Military, Dungeon
- Fotografo Profesional
- Face Painting
- Functional Properties
- Fourier Processing Software, Computing
- Funçãoipública
- Full Pzid Business, Forum, Gaming
- Fixed Parts
- Future Pastime Hobbies
- Feedinv Point
- Food Pass Business, Medicine, Door
- Finger Paints
- Full Power Business & Finance, Power Plant
- Ffbrous Plaques Medical
- Fordyce and Princeton
- Firing Pin Business
- Festival Products Business, Group, Cannon
- Fill Point The level to which a container must be filled to furnish a designated quantity of the content. The level to which a container must be filled to furnish a designated quantity of the contents. The level to which a container must be filled to furnish a designated quantity of the contents.
- Film Protuctions Information, Network, Computer
- Florida Parishes Florida, Union, Louisiana, Parish
- First Post Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Family Programs
- Flight Plan Specified information provided to air traffic services units, relative to an intended flight or portion of a flight of an aircraft. Technology, Military, Flight, Aviation, Aircraft, Army, Aerodynamics, Airway, Aerospace Engineering, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Froxtal Plane Medical
- Free Piston
- Final Plans Technology, Science
- fire place Real Estate, Business & Finance
- Forced Performance Performing arts
- Flaspoint. Science, Energy, Environment
- Frequency Plan Federal Aviation Administration
- Firmware Processor Technology, Computing, Manual
- Fluorocarbon Polymer
- Fructose Phosphate
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does FP stand for?
FP stands for Forest Park.
What is the shortened form of Family Printing?
The short form of "Family Printing" is FP.
FP. Acronym24.com. (2022, April 21). Retrieved March 6, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/fp-meaning/
Last updated