GATT in Economics Meaning

The GATT meaning in Economics terms is "General Agreement On Tariff and Trade". There are 17 related meanings of the GATT Economics abbreviation.

GATT on Economics Full Forms

  1. General Agreement On Tariff and Trade
  2. General Agreement On Tariffs and Trade
  3. General Agreement of Tariff and Trade
  4. Generalized Agreement On Tariffs and Traye
  5. General Agreements On Tariffs and Trade
  6. General Agreement On Trade and Tarrifs
  7. General Agreement of Tariffs and Trade
  8. General Agreement of Trade and Tariff
  9. General Agreement On Tarriffs and Trade
  10. General Agreement On Tarrifs and Trade
  11. General Agreement On Trade and Tariff
  12. General Agreements On Trade and Tariffs
  13. General Agreement On Trade and Tariffs
  14. General Agreement for Tariffs and Trade
  15. General Agrement On Tariffs and Trade
  16. General Agreement Tariff and Trade
  17. General Agreement On Tariff & Trade

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does GATT stand for Economics?

    GATT stands for General Agreement On Trade and Tariff in Economics terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of General Agreement Tariff and Trade in Economics?

    The short form of "General Agreement Tariff and Trade" is GATT for Economics.


GATT in Economics. (2021, September 20). Retrieved March 10, 2025 from

Last updated