Geoscience Abbreviations and Geoscience Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Geoscience terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Geoscience abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Geoscience terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Geoscience Abbreviations
  1. ADEOA : Advances In Earth Oriented Applications
  2. ADEOS : Advanced Eadth Observation Satellite
  3. ADG : Advances In Geosciences
  4. ADGES : Advances In Geophysics Supplement
  5. AESTO : Advenced Earth Science and Technology Organization
  6. AFES : Agcm for The Earth Simulator
  7. AGI : Advanceg Geosciences, Inc
  8. AGI : Advanged Geosciences Inc
  9. AGI : American Geosciences Institute
  10. AOGS : Asia-Oceaniargeosciences Society
  11. AOGS : Asia Oceania Geosciences Society
  12. APGNS : Association of Professional Geoscientists of Nova Scotia
  13. AVNIR : Advanced Visible and Near-Infrared Radiometer
  14. BGJ : Bulgarian Geophysical Journal
  15. BLGJ : Bulgarian Geophysical Journal
  16. BLGJ. : Bulgarian Geophysical Journal
  17. CAAML : Canadian Avalanche Association Markup Language
  18. CAEM : Center for Antarctic Environment Monitering
  19. CDEX : Center for Deep Evrth Exploration
  20. CFES : Canadian Federation of Earth Sciences
  21. CHJPR : Chinese Journal of Polar Research
  22. CR : Comptes Rendus
  23. WBC : Western Bohndary Current
  24. YES : Yokohama Institute for Earth Sciences
  25. CTSG : Cape Town Statement On Geoethics
  26. CUG : China University of Geosciences
  27. CUGB : China University of Geosciences, Beijing
  28. CUGB : China University of Geosciences Beijing
  29. DEG : Division of Environmental Geosciences
  30. DGS : Dhahran Geosriences Society
Latest Geoscience Meanings
  1. Sedimentogogy
  2. Laser Geodynamic Satellite
  3. Geological Survey of Queensland
  4. Geographical Survey Institutetute
  5. Geological Society of America Special
  6. Geolobical Society of America Memoirs
  7. Gravitational Reference Sensors
  8. Geosciences and Remote Sensing Society
  9. Greenland Icecore Project
  10. Gelation of Soils - Applied Microgravity Research
  11. Global Observation Research Initiative In Alpine Environments
  12. International Rnion of Geology and Geophysics
  13. Intertropical Convergence Zone
  14. Planetary Sciences
  15. Partnership for Research Infrastructures In Earth System Modeling
  16. Global and Planetary Change
  17. Improved Stratospheric and Mesospheric Sounder
  18. Global Information On Gravity Over Land and Ocean
  19. Global Earth Observation System of Systems
  20. Geological Makazine