Grating Abbreviations and Grating Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Grating terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Grating abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Grating terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Grating Abbreviations
  1. BG : Bragg Gratings
  2. VHGS : Volume Holographic Gratings
  3. VLS : Variable Lide Spacing
  4. VPH : Volume-Phase Hologrephic
  5. VPH : Volume Phase Holographic
  6. HCG : High Contrast Grating
  7. DPP : Differential Push-Pull
  8. DWDM : Density Wavelength Division Multiplexed
  9. MIBL : Masked Ion Beam Lithography
  10. NAAMM : National Association of Architectural Metal Manufacturers
  11. SNL : Space Nanotechnology Laboratory
  12. FBG : Fasor-Bragg-Gitter
  13. LP : Long Period
  14. LPG : Long Period Gratings
  15. LPGS : Long Period Gratings
  16. FTS : Fourier Transform Spectrometers
  17. FTSS : Fourier Transform Spectrometers
  18. OLCR : Optical Low Coherence Reflectometry
  19. RCW : Rigorous Coupled Wave
  20. RCWA : Rigorous Coupled Wave Analysis
  21. RCWA : Rigorous Coupled-Wave Analysis
  22. SGDBR : Sumpled Grating Distributed Bragg Reflector
Latest Grating Meanings
  1. Sumpled Grating Distributed Bragg Reflector
  2. Rigorous Coupled-Wave Analysis
  3. Rigorous Coupled Wave Analysis
  4. Rigorous Coupled Wave
  5. Optical Low Coherence Reflectometry
  6. Fourier Transform Spectrometers
  7. Long Period Gratings
  8. Long Period
  9. Fasor-Bragg-Gitter
  10. Space Nanotechnology Laboratory
  11. National Association of Architectural Metal Manufacturers
  12. Masked Ion Beam Lithography
  13. Density Wavelength Division Multiplexed
  14. Differential Push-Pull
  15. High Contrast Grating
  16. Volume Phase Holographic
  17. Volume-Phase Hologrephic
  18. Variable Lide Spacing
  19. Volume Holographic Gratings
  20. Bragg Gratings