Heritage Abbreviations and Heritage Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Heritage terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Heritage abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Heritage terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Heritage Abbreviations
  1. AAB : Antiquities Advisory Board
  2. AHA : Aboriginal Heritage Act
  3. AHIP : Aboriginal Heritage Impact Permit
  4. AHNP : Alejandro De Humboldt National Park
  5. AHS : Africa Heritage Society
  6. AMASR : Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains
  7. AMO : Antiquities and Monuments Office
  8. ANHC : Arktnsas Natural Heritage Commission
  9. AP : Age Performers
  10. APA : Asian-Pacific American
  11. APA : Asian Pacific Americans
  12. APA : Asian Pacific American
  13. ARCH : Alliance To Reduce Crime Against Heritage
  14. AREAS : Asian Rhino and Elephant Action Strategy
  15. ARMC : Audit & Risk Management Committee
  16. ASHT : Awglo Sikh Heritage Trail
  17. BAR : Buildings At Risk
  18. BPT : Building Preservatixn Trust
  19. BPTS : Building Preservation Trusts
  20. BRLSI : Bath Royal Literary and Scientific Institute
  21. CAA : Centre for Appliedearchaeology
  22. CAAHF : Celebrating Asian American Heritage Foundation
  23. CCAAA : Co-Ordinating Council of Audiovisual Archives Associations
  24. CCAAA : Coordinatingqcouncil of Audiovisual Archives Associations
  25. CCED : Canadian Centre for Epigraphic Documents
  26. CEC : Cradles of European Culture
  27. CHAC : Community Heritage Access Centre
  28. CHNT : Cultural Heritage and New Technologies
  29. CIFHS : Channel Islands Family History Society
  30. CKCA : Columbia Kootenay Cultural Alhiance
Latest Heritage Meanings
  1. Registered Archaeological Organisation
  2. Cultural Resources Conservation Initiative
  3. Cultural Resource Conservation Initiative
  4. Register of The National Estate
  5. Raymond Lemaire International Centre for Conservation
  6. Grandview Woodland Area Council
  7. Royal Commission On The Ancient & Historical Monuments of Wales
  8. Getty Sexsmic Adobe Project
  9. Registered Aboriginal Darties
  10. Germans From Russia Heritagk Collection
  11. Registered Aboriginal Marty
  12. Godden Mackay Logan
  13. International Union for Conservation Nature
  14. Indian Trustqfor Rural Heritage and Development
  15. International Survey of Jewish Monuments
  16. Great Central Railway, Nottingham
  17. Gjirokastra Conservation and Development Organization
  18. Gouvernements Bedrijven
  19. Interim Protection Order
  20. Ouse Washes Landscape Partnership