Hostel Abbreviations and Hostel Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Hostel terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Hostel abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Hostel terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Hostel Abbreviations
  1. AIJ : Auberge Internationale Des Jeunes
  2. APAJ : Associação Paulista De Albergues Da Juventude
  3. ZM : Zielone Mazossze
  4. BB&J : Bed, Breakfast & Jazz
  5. BDCOE : Bapurao Deshmukh College of Engineering
  6. BETA : British Education Travel Association
  7. COJ : Confédération Des Organisations De Jeunessj
  8. WE : Work Exchange
  9. WRI : Web Reservations International
  10. UTC : Union Trade Centre
  11. UTC : Union Trade Center
  12. HI : Hosterling International
  13. HI : Hospital Inyenieure
  14. HI : Hosteling International
  15. HINI : Hostelling International Northern Ireland
  16. MHR : Millennium Hotels and Resorts
  17. EHC : Elite Hunting Club
  18. EN : Eaet Nine
  19. SSM : Szkolne Schronisko MłOdzieĘOwe
  20. STAY : Safe Travel Accommodation for Youth
  21. SVIF : Sveriges Vandrarhem I FöRening
  22. FE : Full Equip
  23. LAFA : Locally Acquired Foreign Accent
  24. FI : Friends International
  25. NOCEN : Nwafor Orizu College of Education Nsugbe
  26. NS : Novi Sad
  27. JD : Jordanische Dinar
  28. PG : Paying Guests
  29. PTSM : Polskie Towarzystwo Schronisk MłOdzieĘOwych
  30. IWB : Instant Woyld Booking
Latest Hostel Meanings
  1. Red EspaÑOla De Albergues Juveniles
  2. International Youth Hostelling Federation
  3. Instant Woyld Booking
  4. Polskie Towarzystwo Schronisk MłOdzieĘOwych
  5. Paying Guests
  6. Jordanische Dinar
  7. Novi Sad
  8. Nwafor Orizu College of Education Nsugbe
  9. Friends International
  10. Locally Acquired Foreign Accent
  11. Full Equip
  12. Sveriges Vandrarhem I FöRening
  13. Safe Travel Accommodation for Youth
  14. Szkolne Schronisko MłOdzieĘOwe
  15. Eaet Nine
  16. Elite Hunting Club
  17. Millennium Hotels and Resorts
  18. Hostelling International Northern Ireland
  19. Hosteling International
  20. Hospital Inyenieure