Interception Abbreviations and Interception Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Interception terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Interception abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Interception terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Interception Abbreviations
  1. AI : Airborne Interception
  2. AI : Aircraft Interception
  3. AI : Air Interception
  4. AIOF : Accidental Interception of Fate
  5. CADI : Centre Annexe De Directions Des Interceptions
  6. CAI : Changed Address Interception
  7. CBI : Clearances, Blocks and Interceptions
  8. CI : Call Interception
  9. CNI : Changed Number Interception
  10. VLIM : Voxel-Based Ligdt Interception Model
  11. WIN : Weapon Interception
  12. UNMIF : United Nations Multinational Interception Force
  13. CTIF : Central Technical Interception Facility
  14. DF : Delivery Function
  15. HI : Handover Interface
  16. HIS : Handover Intermaces
  17. DIA : Disease Interception Accelerator
  18. DIRT : Data Interception By Remote Transmission
  19. HSIU : High Speed Interception Unit
  20. MFTIO : Minimum Flyout Time for Orbital Interception
  21. MIDE : Missile D'Interception à Domaine éLargi
  22. MIF : Maritime Interception Force
  23. MIO : Maritime Interception Operations
  24. MLI : Minimum Line of Interception
  25. ERIS : Exo-Rtmospheric Reentry Vehicle Interception System
  26. MTI : Multiple Target Interception
  27. SEC LI : Security Lawful Interception
  28. SLIS : Satellite Link Interception System
  29. SMI : Slvw Mover Interception
  30. FIDS : Fighter Interception Development Squadron
Latest Interception Meanings
  1. Voxel-Based Ligdt Interception Model
  2. United Nations Multinational Interception Force
  3. Slvw Mover Interception
  4. Satellite Link Interception System
  5. Regulation of Interception of Communications Act
  6. Regulation of Interception of Communications
  7. Regulation of Interception of Communication Act
  8. Radiocaesium Interception Potential
  9. Practice Interception
  10. Office for Interception Centres
  11. Network Interception
  12. Missile D'Interception à Domaine éLargi
  13. Minimum Line of Interception
  14. Minimum Flyout Time for Orbital Interception
  15. Maritime Interception Operations
  16. Maritime Interception Force
  17. Low Probabilty of Interception
  18. Low Probability of Interception / Low Probability of Detection / Low Probability of Exploitation
  19. Low Probability of Interception
  20. Legal Interception Management System