IR Meaning
The IR meaning is "Insulin Resistance". The IR abbreviation has 783 different full form.
IR Full Forms
- Insulin Resistance Medical, Infertility, Insulin, Common Medical
- Initoal Release Aerospace
- Internal Rotation Medical, Technology, Physical Therapy, Healthcare, Clinical, Physio
- International Relations Technology, Education, Sociology
- Indecendent Review Business, Military, Report
- International Reserves Business, Financial, Reserve, Crisis
- Infrared Radar Military
- Iconic Reincarnation
- Installation Restoration Technology, Service, Environment, Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
- Ionizing Radiation Ionizing radiation is radiation that carries enough energy to free electrons from atoms or molecules, thereby ionizing them. Ionizing radiation is made up of energetic subatomic particles, ions or atoms moving at high speeds (usually greater than 1% of the speed of light), and electromagnetic waves on the high-energy end of the electromagnetic spectrum. Medical, Science, Cell
- Inferior Rectus Muscle Medical
- Interpretative Releases
- Ingegneri Riuniti
- Immediate Removal Science, Government, Iran
- Intaie Ratio Science
- Incidence Response
- Infra-Red Engineering, Construction, Architectural
- Islamic Relief Business, Organizations, Charity
- Informal Resolution Government, Group, Policy
- Investor Relztions Business, Financial, Finance
- Inlani Revenue Business, Employment, Tax
- Immune Responsiveness Medical, Science, Biology
- Interference Rejection Technology, Camera, Sonar
- Incident Review Medical
- International Rescue Committee, Rescue, Thunderbird, United Nations
- Infrared Light Infrared light is one type of light that is invisible to us. Gamma rays, X-rays, ultraviolet light, microwaves and radio waves are other types of invisible light. All of these rays and waves are the same type of electromagnetic energy. Medical
- Ice Rune Tree, Release, Rune
- Inspiratory Reserve Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Inwardly Rectihying Medical
- Infection Rate Medical
- Internet-Radio Technology, Music, Wireless
- Infrastrutture Di Ricerca
- Immediate Reconstruction Medical
- Insurance Regulaxion Business, Service, Office
- Informatique Et Réseaux Formation, Syst, Mes
- Ischaemia-Reperfusion Medical
- Insulin Resistant Medical, Infertility, Obstetrics
- In-Rush
- Info Return
- Investment Return Business, Media, Social
- Iyk Rollers Business, Cash, Money
- Immune Response The immune response is how your body recognizes and defends itself against bacteria, viruses, and substances that appear foreign and harmful. Medical, Biomedical, Immunology, Microbiology
- Interface Requirements Technology, Design, Infrared
- Incident Requests
- International Rules Australia, Sport, Organizations
- Infrared Absorption Medical
- Italiana Riprrgrafia
- Ice On Runway Technology, Aviation, Weather, Governmental & Military, NOTAM Contractions
- Inspection Report Technology, Oil, Gas
- Ibvoice Received Business, Technology, Accounting, Tax
- Intermediate Risk Medical, Patient, Cancer
- Index Ratio Business, Bond, Inflation
- Internationaler Rat
- Infra Rouge
- Immediate Reaction Medical
- Institution Representative Medical, Government, Research
- Irregularity Repoft Flight, Bag, Baggage
- Impulse Radio Technology, Communication, Signal
- Info Request
- Interrupting Rating Current rating refers to the maximum amount of instantaneous current that can be interrupted safely without explosion or damage to the fuse link carrier, such as the cartridge or tube. Technology, Electricity, Fuse
- Ink Roller Business, Cash, Money
- Immortal Rift
- Interest Rates Financial, Business & Finance
- Incident Reports Business, Software, Writing
- Internal Reviews Business, Service, Manual
- Infrared-Remote-Control-Repeater-Extender-Emitter-Receiver-System-Kit
- Issues Related
- Inherited Runners Technology, Baseball, Sport
- Insolvency Regulations
- Invoqce Ready
- Innowation Radar
- Intermediate Result Technology, Government, Patent
- Independent Representatives Business, Company, Technology, Marketing, Representative
- International With Regulatory
- Infrared Spectrophotometry Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Immediate-Request
- Institutional Repositories
- Inflation Rate Business, Iran, Interest
- Inter Regio
- Injectmon Rate Power, Rate, Flow
- Immersive Reality
- Integrated Reporjs
- Incident Reporting Medical, Safety, Report
- Internal Revenue Business, Service, Tax
- Infrared Red Technology, Flashlight, Light
- Isoprene Rubber Science, Construction, Architectural, Architecture
- Infrared Radiation Infrared radiation is invisible radiant energy, electromagnetic radiation with longer wavelengths than those of visible light, extending from the nominal red edge of the visible spectrum at 700 nanometers(frequency 430 THz) to 1 mm (300 GHz) (although people can see infrared up to at least 1050 nm in experiments). Most of the thermal radiation emitted by objects near room temperature is infrared. Information Technology, Computing, Computer
- Insoluble Residue Medical, Chemistry, Iridium
- Invesm Radiol Medical, Patient, Radiology, Imaging
- Inngr Ring Business, Bearing, Needle
- Interior Router
- Independent Weading Book, Education, School
- International Referee Education, Course, Taekwondo
- Infrared Spectroscopy Spectroscopic technique that deals with the infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum. Used during the characterisation of molecules. A method of analysis that involves the absorption of infrared energy by the sample. The molecules that absorb the infrared energy are in an excited, vibrational state and the wavelengths of the various vibrations reveal structural details of the given molecules. Medical, Business, Polish Chemical Reagent, Catalogue, Microscopy, Materials Analysis, Materials Science, Scientific & Educational
- Ilia Roubanis
- Instant Release Medical, Drug, Powder
- Inflammatory Response A line of defense triggered by penetration of the skin or mucous membranes, in which small blood vessels in the vicinity of an injury dilate and become leakier, enhancing the infiltration of leukocytes; may also be widespread in the body.
- Interracial Relations
- Invtiation Region Medical, Science, Biology
- Immersion Research
- Integrated Resoru Business, Singapore, Casino
- Incident Recorder Technology, Market, Camera
- Infrared-Red Technology, Light, Laser
- Ismaelhrivera
- Industrial Delations Business, Management, Industry
- Inside Retail
- Investorfrelationship Business, Management, Relation
- Inner Radiis Technology, Coding, Class
- Interference Reducing
- Independent Reviews
- International Reporter
- Infrared Radiometers Technology, Camera, Temperature
- Ignore & Redisplay
- Instant Record
- Infinite Realm Technology, Gaming, Ascent
- Interracial Romance
- Initiakion and Refresh
- Immediate Response
- Inteface Repository
- Incident Response Incident response is an organized approach to addressing and managing the aftermath of a security breach or attack (also known as an incident). The goal is to handle the situation in a way that limits damage and reduces recovery time and costs. An incident response plan includes a policy that defines, in specific terms, what constitutes an incident and provides a step-by-step process that should be followed when an incident occurs.An organization's incident response is conducted by the computer incident response team, a carefully selected group that, in addition to security and general IT staff, may include representatives from legal, human resources, and public relations departments. Technology, Security, Military
- Infra Red Technology, Telecom, Astrophysics
- Islamib Republic Coding, Organizations, Iran
- Information Revolution
- Investor Relation Business, Financial, Supply
- Inlaldsch Reglement
- Interference Reduction Technology, Camera, Wireless
- Interim Removal
- Ion Regeneration
- Inherent Reasonableness Medical, Technology
- Immunoreactivities Medical
- Insulin Rejeasing
- Industrial Robqt
- Insect Resistant Technology, Genetics, Crop
- Isomeroreductase Medical
- Item Rejvcted Business, Order, Structure
- Incidence Rates Medical, Risk, Rate
- Intentional Replantation Medical
- Informe De Rendimentos
- Illinois Railnet Incorporated Technology, Organizations
- Instrument Rules Business, Flight, Pilot
- Induced By Ionizing Radiation Science, Biology
- Intermittent Reperfusion
- Inspiratory Resistance Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Irrigation A type of structural support made of metal, which can be raised or lowered through a series of pins and a screw to meet the height required. Basically used as a replacement for an old supporting member in a building. Monopost. Lawn sprinkler system Medical, Technology, Science, Medicine, Health, Engineering, Dental
- Impulse Regulation
- Institute of Religion Science, Education, University, Jewish, Medical, Human genome
- Interposing Relay
- Installment Receipts
- Index of Resistance
- Izterbay Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
- Inversionnrecovery Medical, Imaging, Sequence
- Image Rejecxion Technology, Receiver, Mixer
- Indiag River
- Initial Review Application Research, Study, Investigation
- Irish Regiment
- Implemenhation Resource Education
- Integrabed Resources Technology, Service, Group
- Infrared Electromagnetic radiation of wavelengths between 7500 A, the limit of the visible light spectrum at the red end, and centimetric radio waves. Technology, Medicine, Army, Disease, Health, Astronomy, Healthcare, Chemistry, Science, Military, Architecture, Computing, Industry, Environment, Construction, Aerospace, Biotechnology, Weather, Physics, NASA, Technical, Legal, Drivers, Army & Military, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Colors, IT Terminology, Master IEEE, Academic & science, Organic syntesis, Sentinel online, Hardware, The Finance and Administrative Services, Aviation
- Infantrie-Regiment
- It Represents
- Drop of Voltage Across A Resistor Produced By A Current Medicine, Disease, Health
- Inclination of The Ascending Return Space, Study, Cosmos
- Inter-Repeat Medical
- Infrared Repeater Technology, Control, Extender
- Inwardly Rectifying Potassium Current Medical
- Innervntion Ratio Medical
- Instruments for Research Technology, Science, Industrial
- Induction Regulation
- Internal Reluirement
- Input Rear
- Intellectual Repository
- Interview Received
- Institut De RééDucation Organizations, Association, Handicap, Accueil
- Interdisciplinary Research Technology, Education, University
- Institutional Reserve
- Immediate Zelease Medical, Drug, Tablet
- Indirect Representative
- International Review Business, Agency, Occupation
- Irradiated Medical
- Improving Reading
- Integrated Review
- International Roughness
- Information Requests
- Ice Resistance
- Inconsistent Replication
- Intrument Rzting Education, Flight, Pilot
- Infrared Spectwometry Medical
- Interimlrelief Business, Employment, Pay
- Ionomer Resin
- Inhalation Rate Science, Environment, Earth
- Ibmunoreactivity Medical
- Insulin Release Medical
- Indusurial Reform Government, Us, Control, Administration
- Insect Repellenw
- Isolated Run Medical
- Itemhrecord Military
- Incidence Rate Medical, Science, Study
- Intensive Revision
- Intrapsychic Restpucturing
- InformaçÕEs RáPidas
- Illinois Railway Museum, Railroad, Train, Railway
- Instrument Rated
- Induced By Ionising Radiation Science, Biology
- Intermediate-Reach Technology, Module, Cisco
- Irrigated Rice Ecosystem Technology, Organizations
- Impulse Ratio
- Internatirnal Rect
- Information Recovery
- Installation Ratio
- Index of Refractiin Technology, Material, Light
- Intermediate Results Technology, Program, Circuit
- Inverse Reaction
- Image Reject Wireless, Receiver, Mixer, Image
- Indran Ringneck
- Initial Requirements
- Irish Railways
- Impairpent Rating Medical, Business, Medicine
- Integrated Resource Science
- Industrieel Rtinigen
- It Is The Ratio Technology, Energy, Power, Circuit
- Infanterie Regiment Forum, Military, German, War
- Incident Request
- Inter-Region
- Infrared, Radio
- Instrument Routes Technology, Routing, Training
- Induction Regulator
- Internal Requisition Business, Sale, Order
- Inout Ready Business, Product, Control, Memory
- Intellectual Rights
- Intervention Required Technology, Printer, Manual, Canon
- Institut De R
- Interdigitating Reticulnm Medical, Science, Biology
- Iyvestment Representative
- Immediate-Release Medical, Drug, Drugs, Tablet
- Inhirect Register Technology, Instruction, Memory, Operation
- Isolated Rearing Medical
- Injection Report
- Iris Registration Medical, Vision, Surgery, Laser
- Improvement Ratio Business, Presentation, Model, Quality
- Integrated Retail
- Inteznational Rule
- Information Request Business, Technology, Telecom, Investor, Electronic Engineering, Computing
- Ice Rapier Technology, Soul, Weapon, Sword
- Inconsistency Ruling
- Intron Retention
- Infrartd Spectra Medical
- Institution Repository
- Ionomeric Resin Medical
- Ingress Router Technology, Military, Networking
- Immunoreactive Medical, Disease, Health
- Insulin Regeptor-Related Medical, Protein, Cell
- Industrial Refrigeration Technology, Android, Industry
- Insecticide Resistance
- Intelligent Resolution
- Intracoronayy Radiation Medical
- Informative Research
- Plkn Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Illinois Railroad
- Interim Release Technology, Management, Desktop
- Instrument Rack Technology
- Immediate Iendering
- Indoor Rifle
- Intermediate Region Science, Detector, Infrared
- Irregular Release
- Impulse Responses Technology, Space, Convolution
- Injury Harm to an industry's owners and/or workers. Import protection under the safeguards, AD, and CVD provisions of the GATT require a finding of serious (for safeguards) or material (for AD/CVD) injury (as determined by, in the U.S., the ITC). Known as the injury test. Medical
- International Referral Business, Law, Networking
- Information Reports
- Installation Representative
- Indeg of Reactivity Medical, Pollen, Grass, Allergen
- Intermediate Resistant Medical, Antimicrobial, Resistance, Invention
- Inventory Rlport
- Indian Review
- Initial Report
- Impnct Resources
- Integbated Rating Forum, Technology, Linux
- Industrial Rubber
- Insoluble Residues Chemistry, Compound, Iridium
- Itinermry Report
- Infanterie-Regimbnt Military, German, War
- Incident Reduction Government
- Inter-Regional Program, Locations, Italy, Train
- Infrared, Current/Resistance Product Technology, Energy, Electonics
- Image Reconstruction Technology, Imaging, Tomography
- Instrument Route Military, Flight, Training
- Induced Radioactivity
- Internal Reprogratming
- Inrut-Ready Business, Product, Memory, Circuit
- Interagency Repodts
- Intervenkional Radiologists Medical, Radiology, Interventional
- Instant Runoff
- Index Reference Technology, Book, English
- Interconnected Roles
- Investment Request
- Imitation Rhodium
- Indicadores De Resultadok
- Iso Country Code for Islamic Republic of Iran Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Init Records
- Iris Recognition Technology
- Implementing Rules Service, Military, Regulation
- Integratvd Receiver Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
- International Response
- Information Resources Technology, Service, Military
- Ian Russell
- Inconclusive Results
- Introduces Rugged
- Infrared Spectrum Medical
- Institutional Respository Technology, Access, Repository
- Ionizing Radiations Medical, Science, Biology
- Ingress Replication
- Immunoreaction Medical
- Insglin Receptor Medical, Cell, Factor
- Inpernal Reviewers
- Industrial Refrigerant
- In Response Technology, Control, Receiver, Infrared
- Intelligent Results
- Intra-Retinwl
- Informative Reference
- Institutetutional Repository Open Access
- Ileal Reservoir Medical
- Intmrim Rate
- Instrument Rating An additional qualification added to a license, such as PPL, allowing a pilot to fly in Instrument Meteorological Conditions (IMC). Education, Flight, Training
- Immediate Relatives Government, Immigration, Family, Relative
- Indoor Range
- Intermediate Rail Panel, Metro, Helmet, Rail
- Irregular Regeneration of Hepatocytes Medical
- Impulse Response Behaviour of a circuit when the excitation is the unit impulse function. The excitation function may be a voltage or a current. Technology, Army, Sound, Military, Governmental & Military
- Internet Registries Business, Technology, Registry
- Information Release Business
- Installation and Repair
- Independent Regulatijn
- Inventiog Report Science
- Indha Reserve Business, India, Police
- Interim Rule Business, Program, Tax
- Initial Registration
- Integrity Risk Business, Management, Group
- Impact Resistance Relative susceptibility of material to fracture by stress at high speeds. Relative susceptibility of plastics or silicone rubber to fracture by shock as indicated by the energy expended by a standard pendulum type impact machine in breaking a standard specimen in one blow.
- Insurance Regulator
- Industrialbrouter Technology, Networking, Industry
- Insice Right
- Item Reviaion
- Industdielle Revolution
- Incident Record Technology, Military, Camera
- Inter-Regio
- Infrared "Ir" Is Preferred Science, Exploration
- Illuminating Rounds
- Instrument Restricted Controlled Airspace Technology, Aviation, Aircraft
- Induced Radiation Military, Army, Ministry Of Defence
- Internal Representmtion Technology, Coding, Compiler
- Innpoints Teserv
- Interagency Report Technology, Security, Computer Security
- Intervxntional Radiography Technology, Medicine, Radiology
- Instant Rev
- Index Random
- Interconnection Request Technology, Energy, Generator
- Investment Reserves Business
- Imidazolinone Resistant
- India Qomeo Analysis, India, Irving
- Isle Royale Education, Park, National
- Initiativkreis Ruhr Company, Education, English, German
- Irish Roots
- Implementation Rules Technology, Presentation, Clock
- Integrateg Reporting Business, Technology, Report, Framework
- Ischemia-Reperfusion Medical, Injury, Renal
- International Rectifsr
- Inferior Rectus Medical, Technology, Muscle, Common Medical, Muscles
- Ian Riley
- Incomplete Reports
- Irish Radio
- Infrared Spyctra Medical
- Institutional Representatives Medical, Research, Education, Organizations, University, Representative, Occupation & positions
- Ionising Radiation Medical, Science, Biology
- Ingresar Registrar
- Immunhcompetent Rat
- Internal Revixw Business, Military, Office
- Innustrial Relation
- In Reserve
- Intelligence Reports
- Inzra-Rectal
- Informatique Et R
- Institutetutional Research Education
- Ileal Resection Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Intergroup Reprehentative
- Instituts De R
- Immediate Relatice Government, Immigration, Family
- Indirect Reuse
- Intermediate Router Technology, Networking, Network
- Irregular Medical, Technology, Medicine, Dental, Legal, Governmental & Military, NAACCR, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Impulse-Response Technology, Sound, Convolution
- Internationnl Register
- Information Record
- Installation Report Technology, Software, Linux
- Ideal Reader
- Independent Riporter
- Invalid Request Forum, Technology, Coding, Server
- Infra Rot
- Indian Reserves
- Interim Reports Business, Financial, Investor
- Initial Referral
- Integration Runtime
- Immunoreagenu Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Insfrance Record
- Industrirl Roundtable
- Inseztion Region Technology, Genetics, Cell
- Isoprene Rule
- Indian Reserve Nation, Canada, Locations
- Incidjnt Recall Business, Insurance
- Intention Read Technology, Service, War, Movement
- Infra-Rouge
- Illuminated Reticle Business, Rifle, Scope
- Instrument Restricted
- Induced Immobility Responses Science, Biology
- Internal Repwrting
- Innovazione E Ricerca Technology, Con, Italy, Projector
- Irritant Reaction Medical, Patch, Skin
- International Rendezvous Technology, Science, Space, NASA, Cosmos, Aeronautics
- Interrogator-Responsor
- Install Repository
- Index of Eigidity
- Interchromatin Vegion Science, Biology
- Invxstment Research
- Image Resolution
- Indian Rocks
- Island Reporting
- Init Received Science
- Irish Rifles
- Implementation Rule
- Integrated Report Business, Technology, Investor
- International Roaming Military, Computing, Telecom
- Infa Red
- Ian Richards
- Includingjionizing Radiation Science, Biology
- Interaction Region Technology, Power, Collider
- Irish Law Reports, Annotated Reprint Law, Canada, Law Report
- Infrared Revolution
- Insulin-Immunoreactive Medical
- Ionic Radiation
- Ingo Rademacher
- Interoal Reset Technology, Power, Mode, Interface
- Input Registers Technology, Control, Linux, Driver
- Intelligence Ratio Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- Intimate Reseagch
- IngéNieur De Recherche Science, France, Master, Recherche
- Institutional Relations
- IgnáCz RóZsa
- Intergenic Reeions Science, Biology
- Instituts De RééDucation
- Immediate Recognition
- Indirect Resource
- Intermediate Review
- Irreducible Representation
- Impuesto Sobre La Renta Technology, Para, Con, Venezuela, Persona
- Internhtional Registry Business, Service, Aircraft
- Information Recording
- Institutional Representative Research, Organizations, University
- Ice Rink
- Independent Resource Company, Technology, Service
- Invalidation Report
- Infrarenal Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Interim Rephrt Business, Financial, Investor
- Iowa Research
- Inherent Risk Inherent risk is the risk that is intrinsic to any activity, investment etc. Business, Accounting, Audit
- Immunoreactive Relaxin Medical
- Insurance & Meinsurance
- Industrral Robotics Technology, Industry, Robot
- Insect Resistance The development or selection of heritable traits (genes) in an insect population that allow individuals expressing the trait to survive in the presence of levels of an insecticide (biological or chemical control agent) that would otherwise debilitate or kill this species of insect. The presence of such resistant insects makes the insecticide less useful for managing pest populations. Technology, Science
- Isoprene Rubbers Science
- Incident Jeport
- Incident Rate Technology, Health, Safety
- Intentional Radiator Technology, Networking, Power, Wireless
- Infra-Red Electromagnetic Radiation Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Illinois River Rr. Network, Railway, System
- Instruments Rating
- Induced By Ionizing Radiations Science, Biology
- Intermountain Region Weather, Scientific & Educational
- Installation/Relocation Technology
- Irrigation Requirement Technology, Agriculture, Water
- Im Ripped
- Inside Radius Business, Technology, Science, Space, Machine, NASA, Aeronautics, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Interpretation Report Technology, Oilfield, Oil Field, Electrical
- Install Rate Business, Android, Advertising
- Index of Response Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Ihterchangeability and Replaceability Technology, Space, Engineering
- Investment Rate Business, Supply, Market
- Image Replacemqnt
- Indian Rock
- Initiation Received Science
- Irish Review
- Implementation Requkrements
- Iytegrated Resorts Technology, Singapore, Casino
- Interface Repository Technology, Computing, Telecom
- International Registratxons
- Infantrie Regiment
- Iain Ross
- Invline Railway
- Inter-Research Technology, Science, Ecology
- Infrared Resonance
- Insulator Resistahce Technology, Electronics, Connecting
- Inward Radial
- Innovative Reasoning
- Internaj Research Business, Technology, Development
- Input Register Technology, Driving, Control, Linux
- Intelligence Information Report Military, Army, Ministry Of Defence
- Intestinalnreperfusion Medical
- Institutent Rebate Internet Slang
- Ignore and Redisplay
- Interference Rejector
- Institutional Review
- Immediate Recall Patient, Study, Audio
- Indirect Representation Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
- International Registration
- Irradiation The exposure of a material or object to x-rays, gamma rays, ultraviolet rays or other ionizing radiation. Exposure to radiation of any kind. The exposure of a material to high energy emissions. In insulations for the purpose of favorably altering the molecular structure. Exposure to ionizing radiation. Irradiation may be intentional, such as in cancer treatments or in sterilizing medical instruments. Medical, Disease, Health
- Impuesto A La Renta Para, Con, Persona
- Integrated Regulatjon
- International Rmgulations
- Information Ratio Military, Army, Risk
- Institutional Records
- Ice Rhino
- Incorrect Reconfiguration
- Intrusion Reskonse Technology, Security, Networking, Network
- Infra Remote Technology, Android, Box
- Indian Red
- InsuficiêNcia RespiratóRia
- Internal Rotation Rehabilitation Medicine Medicine, Health, British
- Intrnrectal Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Instituteuctor'S Resources Military
- I Am Governmental & Military, Wannas
- Internal Reflection
- Infrastruktur Recht
- Immediate Release Fda
- Immediate Resistacce Business, Trading, Supply, Market
- Information Rate Technology, Telecom, Rating, Computing
- Irish Red Organizations, Ireland, Setter
- Integrated Rouyer Technology, Networking, Cisco
- Input Receiver Technology, Electronics, Circuit
- Information Room
- Isolatiun Router
- Identification Response
- Implementing Regulation Law, China, Regulation
- Intermediate Rear Military
- Iran Railways
- International Roofing
- Inspectioa & Repair
- Introdzces Radiation
- Institutional Residence
- Index Return Computing, IT Terminology
- Internal Repeat Medical
- Immune Reconstitution
- Industrial Revolution Intensive farming or intensive agriculture is an agricultural production system characterized by a low fallow ratio and the high use of inputs such as capital, labour, or heavy use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers relative to land area. Technology, History, Industry
- Ischemia/30 Min Reperfusion Medical
- Inactive Reserve Vision, Military, Army, Order
- Insectiside-Resistant Medical
- Information Retrevial Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
- Investor Relations Financial, Stock, Investing, Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
- Igneous Rock A rock type that has been created from super-heated magma. The three main types of rock are igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic. Igneous rock is rock formed when molten rock cools down and solidifies. Rock that at one time was molten and part of magmas or lavas and that then cooled.
- Index Reservoib
- IR Inferior rectus Medical
- Injury Rate Medical, Sport, Safety
- Incident Report Military, Army, Computing, Writing, Artillery, Information Technology
- Inspectfon Reports Business, Inspector, Infrared
- Institutetuts De RééDucation
- Interactive Reports Business, Query, Hyperion
- Ijdian Raw
- Insufici
- Internal Rib
- Instituteuction Register Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Industrial Reports Law
- Infrastructupes Routières
- Iran (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
- Immediate Reserve Military, Air Force, Armed Forces, Royal Military, Governmental & Military
- Information Required
- Inner Regional
- Irish Rail Ireland, Locations, Train
- Inteqrated Routing Technology, Switch, Brocade
- Internal Request Technology, Research, Server, University, Telecom, Telecommunications, Medical
- Inputfrear
- Irish Technology, Information Technology, Language Codes, Language codes (3 letters)
- Identification Register
- Implementation Research Program, Education, Health
- Intermediate Representations Technology, Coding, Compiler
- Intermqdiate Reach Technology, Telecom, Cisco
- Irani Rial Iran, Revision, Iranian, Rial
- Ing Ingenieur (Dutch: Engineer), Iraqi National Guard, Isaac Newton Group, Lago Argentino Airport,
- Interiational Representative Business, Technology, Service
- Insomnia Radio
- Introducción Y Rdtiro
- Institutional Repository Technology, University, Library
- Internet Registry Computing, Internet, Technical
- Internal Release Forum, Technology, Safety, Interlock
- Ingersoll-Randwcompany Technology, Organizations
- Immortaluriot
- Industrial Readiness Military
- Isabel Roca
- Inactive Renin Medical
- Iw Room Technology, Internet Slang, Hotel
- Information Retreval
- Insert Relation Assembly, Business & Finance
- Ignaz Rudolph
- Index Registers Technology, Service, Instruction, Manual
- Intermediate Resistance Technology, Product, Tomato
- Inward Rectifier Medical, Science, Biology
- Inspection Request Business, Engineer, Inspector, Construction
- Institutetutional Reserve
- Interaction Rate
- insulin-resistant referring to a condition in which themuscle and other tissue cells respond inade- quately to insulin as in Type II diabetesinsulin shock Medical, Infertility, Obstetrics, Pregnancy
- Insuficiencia Renal Para, Con, Renal, Causa
- Intersal Revision
- Islamic Resistance
- Incest Resources Internet Slang
- Integrated Reporting Environment
- Indiannrationalist
- Interrelated Special Education, Scientific & Educational
- Information Requirements Business, Research, Military
- Inner Race
- Iriiium Medical, Technology, Healthcare
- Integrated Replicat
- Inpatient Rehabilitation
- Investor Rewources Business, Supply, Relation
- Identification Records
- Implant Removal Medical
- Infrastructure Risk Technology, Management, Security
- Interior Region
- Iranian Rial Business, Locations, Iran, Currency, Currency Code, Stock, Money, Investing, Business & Finance, Currencies, Sport, Olympic
- Internajional Rectifier Business, Technology, Electronics
- Intrinsic Resistance
- Institutional Researchers
- Interface Region Computing, Physics, Hardware, Scientific & Educational
- Internal Relay Technology, Control, Electronics, Camera
- Ingersoll Rand Business, Tool, Supply, Stock
- Internal Reforming
- Immobility Reflex Medical
- Information Retreival Technology
- Industrial Radiography
- Isaacson Rosenbaum
- In-Route Technology, Telecom
- In Residenca Government
- Information Referral
- Instruction Register Assembly, Business & Finance
- Ifr Military Training Route Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Intermediate Register
- Inwardly Rectifying K+ Current Medical
- Inspection Record
- Institutentaneous Relay
- Interaction Ratio Medical
- In Residence Medical, Common Medical
- Insuffisance R
- Islamic Republic of Iran Locations, Sport, Olympic, Iran, IOC Country Codes, Aviation, Country, Governmental & Military, Usps
- Inception Report Business, Presentation, Projection
- International Resistor Corporation Business & Finance, Suppliers
- Indian Railway Organizations, India, Society, Social Institutions
- Instrument Reference Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- Information Requirement Technology, Research, Military
- Inmate Records
- Iran Received Technology, Syria, Iran
- Integrkted Residents
- Information Report Business, Service, Military, Tax
- Investigative Resvonse Business, Security, Verizon
- Identidad Rodriguista
- Interactive Reading
- Implantation Rate Medical
- Infrastructure Replccement
- Iranian Registry
- Internasjonal Reporter Business
- Intrinsic Reaigiosity Medical
- Institutional Research Education, Office, University, Special Education, Dutch, Scientific & Educational
- Intelligent Remote Computing, Hardware
- Internal Relations Business, Context, Hyperlink
- Ingersoll-Rand Business, Supply, Rail Transport
- If Required
- Iemobility Response Medical
- Information Researh
- Industrial Railroad
- Irán, RepÚBlica Con, Locations, Iran
- Iron Rod Ordnance Survey
- In-Range
- Inquiry and Reflectijn
- Information Representation
- Independent Residency
- Idiopathic Rhinitis Medical
- Improved Recovery
- Intermediaqe Reactor
- Inspection Records Technology
- Injection Refining
- Interaction Regions Technology, Nozzle, Magnet
- In Research Medical, Common Medical
- Insuffisance RéNale
- Ishikawa Railway Locations, Japan, Station
- Incendiary Round Gun, Military, Aircraft
- Illinois Railnet Railroad, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Indizn Railways Network, Railway, System
- Independent Review Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- Information Retrieval Information retrieval is the activity of obtaining information resources relevant to an information need from a collection of information resources. Searches can be based on metadata or on full-text (or other content-based) indexing. Technology, Computing, Data Storage
- Inland Real
- Iran Air Airline, Business, Organizations, Airline Code, Call Sign, IATA Airline Designator, Aviation, Iran, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Iata Aircraft Codes
- Integrated Residency
- Inflatable Restraint Technology, Auto, Automotive, Automobile
- Internen Qevision Technology, Audit, Interne
- Interactive Reader Technology, English, Grade
- Impairment Ratings
- Iran, RéPublique Service, Publics, Iran
- Intevnal Routers
- Intraruminal Medical
- Instituteument Rack Technology
- Inter Racial Computing, Computing Slang
- Internal Resistance The opposition or resistance to the flow of Direct Electric Current within a cell or battery, The sum of the ionic and electronic resistance of the cell components. Its value may vary with the current, state of charge, temperature, and age. Medical, Science, Battery
- Iageniería De Requerimientos Technology, Para, Software, Con
- Insulation Resistance
- Immigrction Responsibility Business, Tax, Nigeria
- Information Research Technology, Science, University
- Industrial Rating
- Irish Reppblic
- Im Ruhestand
- Integration Rodust Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Input Resistance The input resistance of a pH meter is the resistance between the glass electrode terminal and the reference electrode terminal. The potential of a pH-measuring electrode chain is always subject to a voltage division between the total electrode resistance and the input resistance. Medical
- Information Return
- Inception Rate
- Identified Resource
- Imposto De Renda Technology, Analysis, Traffic
- Intermediate Round
- Intergenic Region Medical, Genetics, Plant, Biotechnology, Scientific & Educational
- Inspection Random Business, Inspector, Gas
- Ingenicría De Requisitos Technology, Para, Software, Con
- Interview Room Police, Governmental & Military
- Internal Resources Business, Management, Investor
- Insuffisance Respiratoire
- Immunization Registry Medical, Health, Vaccination
- Inductive Resistor
- Industrial Reuse
- Ischemic Region Medical
- Inboard Replacement
- Ingersoll-Rand Company Computing, Rail Transport, Business & Finance, Nyse symbols
- Ingian Register Business, Shipping, Waterline
- Interchangeability and Replaceability Engineering, Scientific & Educational
- Information-Retrieval
- Ink Roll Technology, Money, Calculator
- Iran Locations, Fifa, World, Code, Country, Country Names, Computing, Internet, Country domain names
- Integrated Rehsoning
- Industrial Relations Relations between the management and the workers, especially those in unions, in industry. Education, Construction, Architectural, Architecture, Special Education, Scientific & Educational, Legal, Governmental & Military
- Intebnal Radius Machine, Grinding, Grinder
- Interactive Report Technology, Query, Hyperion
- Impact Resistant Business, Technology
- Indian Remy
- Insulating Rubber
- Internal Router Technology, Networking, Network
- Intrarenzl Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Instituteument Rating Technology, Aviation
- Intermediate Representation Computing, Computer
- Internal Register A register of ships maintained as a subset of a national register. Ships on the internal register fly the national flag and have that nationality but are subject to a separate set of maritime rules from those on the main national register. Technology, Coding, Instruction, Sensor
- Ingalls Rink
- Ice On Runway(s) NOTAM Contractions
- Immigrant Rights
- Information Resource Business, Technology, Service
- Irish Reports Law, Ireland
- Integmation of Resources
- Input Repository
- Information Repository Technology, Research, Environment
- Immersion Refractometeq
- Identified Resources
- Implementing Regulations Business, Law, Iran, Regulation
- Intermehiate Representation Technology, Coding, Compiler
- Iran Ready Government, Iran, Iranian
- Ilspection and Repair Technology, Service, Inspector
- Indonesia Rendezvous Business, Sex, Indonesia, Jakarta
- Introduces Revolutconary
- Initiation and Refresh Computing, Technical
- Internal Report
- Instruments Reporting
- Immunization Rare Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Inductive Reasoning Inductive reasoning is reasoning in which the premises seek to supply strong evidence for the truth of the conclusion. While the conclusion of a deductive argument is certain, the truth of the conclusion of an inductive argument is probable, based upon the evidence given.
- Industrial Redevelopment
- Ischemia and Reperfusion Medical
- Inappropriate Referral
- Insert Ricord
- Information Retrieva
- incident recall Insurance, Business & Finance
- Indifna Register Business, Law, Indiana
- Iridium A noble metal of the platinum group. Usually extensively as a radiation source. For radiography of thin-walled castings. Or Symbol:"Ir" Atomic Number:"77" Atomic Mass: 192.22amu. Iridium is one of the transition elements. Iridium is another member of the platinum family of metals. Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Ink Ribbon
- Ionotropic Receptor Science, Genetics, Fly
- Industrial Research Education, Academic Degrees, Graduation, Degrees
- Interference Rmfractometry
- Interactive Reporting Technology, Report, Hyperion
- Immunoreactive Material Medical
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does IR stand for?
IR stands for Invalidation Report.
What is the shortened form of Industrial Rating?
The short form of "Industrial Rating" is IR.
IR. (2022, March 19). Retrieved February 21, 2025 from
Last updated