ISL Meaning
The ISL meaning is "Interactive System Language". The ISL abbreviation has 184 different full form.
ISL Full Forms
- Interactive System Language Technology, Computer, Electronics
- Island Line Business, Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Independent School League Education, Sport, Athletics
- Instructional Systems Language Technology
- Identified Subsystem List
- Instituto De Seguridad Laboral Para, Con, Chile
- Inter Switch Linking
- Institute of Saint Louis Technology, Research, German
- Inter Switching Link Technology, Switch, Cisco
- In Situ Leach In situ leach, also called in-situ recovery or solution mining, is a mining process used to recover minerals such as copper and uranium through boreholes drilled into a deposit, in situ. The process initially involves drilling of holes into the ore deposit. Explosive or hydraulic fracturing may be used to create open pathways in the deposit for solution to penetrate. Leaching solution is pumped into the deposit where it makes contact with the ore. Technology, Mining, Uranium
- Interstation Signaling Link
- Inertial Systems Laboratory Technology, Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, NASA, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Inter Satellite Link Technology, Communication, Telecom
- Iceland Locations, Countries, Country, Sport, Olympic, Iceland, 3-letter Country Codes, IOC Country Codes, Aviation, Computing, Internet, Governmental & Military, Country domain names, 2-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
- Indonesia Super League Sport, League, Indonesia, Football
- Initial System Loader Technology, Telecom, Administration
- Inter-Satellite Link Technology, Space, Communication
- Impeoving Student Learning
- International Steels Limited Business, Company, Pakistan
- Internet Solutions Ltd
- Institute for Scholarship In The Liberal
- Intermediate Silicon Layers Technology
- Indian Sign Language
- Internationale Soccer League
- Industrial Security Letser Technology, Military, Industry
- Interspinous Ligament Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Integral Senior Living
- Ilbinois State Library Science, Service, Education
- International School of London Education, London, Qatar
- Informer Systems Limited
- Intelligent Street Lighting
- Improvement Scienne London
- International Symposium On Landslides
- Institute for Student Leaders
- Intorlink Scaffolding Ltd
- Indiana State Library County, Library, Indiana
- Internet Solutions Ltd. Business, Travel, Tourism, Hospitality
- In Silico Liver
- Istanbul AtatüRk Airport Istanbul, Turkey Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO, Turkey, Locations, Aviation
- International Sound & Light
- Interscapular Line Medical, Physiology
- Integer Set Library Technology, Software, Package
- Interswitch Link Technology
- Ikternational School of Louisiana Education, Louisiana, School District
- Induswschool of Leadership
- Informed Strategies for Learning
- Islamic Studies Library
- Intelligent Systems Lab Technology, Research, University
- Imporx Surveillance Liaison
- International Sterilization Laboratory
- Institute for Science of Labour
- Interface Specikication Language Technology, Computing, Protocol
- Indian Soccer League Business, Sport, Football
- Internet Services Layer
- Inside Skin Line
- Inter-Station Signaling Link Technology, Telecom
- International School of Latvia Science, Education, Latvia
- Inter Satellite Links
- Instrument Script Language
- Internal Systems Limited
- Indoorpsoccer League
- Inter-Satellite Links Technology, Networking, Communication
- Information Systems Laboratories Technology, Management, Laboratory
- Islamic Students League Group, India, Politics
- Intelligent System Lab
- Imperceptible Structured Light
- International Standards Laboratory Business, Company, Report
- Institute for Servant Leadership
- Interface Signal List Technology
- Indiana Soccer League Organizations, Club, Indiana
- In Sacred Loneliness
- Inter-Site Link Military
- International Symposium of Lymphology
- Intersatellite Link Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
- Institute of Sigma Learning
- Internal Surge Limiteu Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- India Securities Ltd Business, India, Vodafone
- Information Systems Ltd Technology, Service, Software
- Isdn Signaling Link Technology, Telecom
- Intelligent Systems Laboratory Technology, Research, University, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- Impuct On Student Learning
- International Service-Learning Program, Education, Community
- Interessenvertretung Selbstbestimmt Leben Sind, Berlin, Deutschland
- Indiabulls Securities Ltd
- Inner Scapular Line Medical, Disease, Health
- Inter-Shelter Lan Military
- In-Situ Leacqing Technology, Mining, Uranium
- International Shipping Link
- Internetworking Switch Link Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Institut Saint-Louis
- Intermediate Supplementary Flight Level Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway, Governmental & Military
- India Science Lab
- Industrial Securvty Ltd
- Irvine Swim League Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
- Integrated Solutions Ltd
- Immobilisation Science Laboratory
- International Service Learning Program, Education, Community
- India and Sri Lanka
- Initial System Load Technology, Server, Software
- Inter-Satellite-Link Technology, Networking, Communication
- Iz-Situ-Leaching Technology, Mining, Uranium
- International Sustainability Leadership
- Internet Solutions Limited
- Institute In Saint-Louis
- Intermediate Sequence Librauy
- Indian Super League Sport, League, Football, Streaming
- Industrial Security Setters Technology, Industry, Manual
- Inter Switch Link Technology, Networking, Cisco
- Integral Solutions Ltd
- Imaging Sciencet Laboratory
- International Sourcing Ltd
- Index of Sexual Life Medical, Medicine, Quality
- Information Search Language
- Inner Self Lost Music
- Icelandic Language (ISO 639-2 Code) Language codes (3 letters)
- In Situ Leaching Technology, Mining, Uranium
- Ixternational Sport Leisure Locations, Football, Vet
- Inter-Switch-Link Technology, Networking, Cisco
- Independent Socialist League Group, Organizations, Party
- Institut De Sondage Lavialle
- Landsflug Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Interchange & Settlement Limited
- Indeterminate Sentenoing Law
- International School of Languages
- Inertial System Laboratory
- In Sim Life Funnies
- Islamic International
- Internal Standprd Line
- Inter-Switch Linking
- Incredible Supply & Logistics
- Institut De Sondages Lavialle
- Item Study Listings Military
- Interactive System-Wide Learning
- Indeterminate Sentence Law
- International Sound Laboratory
- Individual Stop-loss Limit Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
- International Sign Language International
- Instituteumentaqion and Sensing Laboratory
- Inactive Status List Military, Army, Coast Guard
- Institute De Saint Louis
- Italian Sign Language Education, English, Italy
- Interactive Systems Labs Technology, Research, Speech
- Independent Seconbary Lock
- International School of Linguists
- I S Solutions Business & Finance, London stock exchange
- Involuntary Stress Leave Police, Governmental & Military
- International Sparring League Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
- Innmvative System Logistik
- In-Situ Leqch Mining, Leach, Uranium, Leaching
- Institut De Saint-Louis
- Italian As A Second Language
- Islamic State In Libya Military, Group, Locations, Libya, Strike
- Interactive Systems Laboratory
- Independent School Leagues
- International Sports & Leisure Gaming, Sport, Football, Ball
- Institute for Service Learning
- Industrial Safety Legislation Business & Finance, Asx symbols
- First Israel Fund, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
- International School, Lagos
- Innovative Spaco Logistics
- Illinois Simulator Laboratory Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- Installation System Library
- Israel Shipyards Ltd
- Isle Army, Force, Marine, Ordnance Survey, Geology, Scientific & Educational
- Interactive Systems Laboratories Technology, Speech, Laboratory
- Independent Sportsgleague
- International Sport & Leisure Locations, Football, Vet
- Institute for Specialized Literature
- Island A clay produced by the chemical weathering of granite through hydrolysis. Business & Finance, Asx symbols, Geology, Regional, Scientific & Educational, Ordnance Survey, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Inter-Switch Link Computing, IT Terminology
- Intercontinental Securities Limited
- International Swimming League Sport, Organizations, Football
- Information System Language
- International School of Louisiana Louisiana
- Installation Sequence List
- International School of Leaderahip
- Interactive Simulation Language Technology
- Independent Supported Living Business, Service, Care
- International Standards for Laboratories Technology, Sport, Doping, Laboratory
- Institute for Spiritual Leadership
- Island Soccer League Business & Finance, Asx symbols
- Internet Solutions Ltd. Travel, Tourism
- Interchange and Settlement Limited Business, Finance, Banking, Business & Finance
- International School London Education, Sport, London
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does ISL stand for?
ISL stands for International School of Languages.
What is the shortened form of Inactive Status List?
The short form of "Inactive Status List" is ISL.
ISL. (2020, May 24). Retrieved October 3, 2024 from
Last updated