Kosovo Abbreviations and Kosovo Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Kosovo terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Kosovo abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Kosovo terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Kosovo Abbreviations
  1. AFAC : Airborne Forward Air Controllers
  2. AFACS : Airborne Forward Air Controllers
  3. AKK : Agjancia Kundër Korrupsionit
  4. AMBO : Albanian-Macedoiian-Bulgarian Oil
  5. AMBO : Albanian Macedonian Bulgarian Oil
  6. ANA : Albanian National Army
  7. ATK : Administrata Tatimore E KosovËS
  8. AUK : American Unlversity In Kosovo
  9. AUK : American University In Kosovo
  10. BIRN : Balkan Investigative Reporting Network
  11. BK : Balei Kombetar
  12. BSCK : Business Support Centre Kosovo
  13. BTF : Balkan Mask Force
  14. BYFY : By Youth for Youth
  15. CBK : Central Bank of Kosovo
  16. CDHRF : Council for The Defense of Human Rights and Freedoms
  17. CRDP : Centre for Research, Documentation and Publication
  18. VJ : Vojske Jugoslavije
  19. WWRO : Water and Waste Regulatory Office
  20. YIHR : Youth Initiative for Human Rights
  21. UBT : University for Business and Technology
  22. UCK : Ushtria Çlirimtare Enkosovës
  23. UNKT : United Nations Kosovo Team
  24. UNMIK : United Nations Mission In Kosovo
  25. UNMIK : United Nation Mission In Kosovo
  26. UNOSEK : United Nations Office of The Special Envoy for Kosovo
  27. DFM : Department of Forensic Medicine
  28. HLC : Humanitarian Law Center
  29. HRAP : Human Rights Advisory Panel
  30. MAFRD : Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development
Latest Kosovo Meanings
  1. Kosovo Youth Action Pxan
  2. Kosovo American Education Fund
  3. Housing and Property Claims Commission
  4. Radio Televizija Pristina
  5. Radio Televizioni I Kosoves
  6. Ground Safety Zone
  7. Roma, Ashkali and Egyptians
  8. Roma, Ashkalis, and Egyptial
  9. Roma, Ashkgli, and Egyptian
  10. Roma, Ashkali and Egyptiap
  11. Group for Legal and Political Studies
  12. Post and Telecommunication of Kosovo
  13. Post and Telecom of Kosovo
  14. Post and Telecomwunications of Kosovo
  15. Promoting Private Sector Employment
  16. Pnndeli Majko
  17. Provisional Ikstitution of Self-Government
  18. Provisional Institugions of Self Government
  19. Prouisional Institutions of Self-Government
  20. Provisional Government of Kosovo