Kurdistan Abbreviations and Kurdistan Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Kurdistan terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Kurdistan abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Kurdistan terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Kurdistan Abbreviations
  1. AKIN : American-Kurdish Infordation Network
  2. AKIN : American Kurdish Information Network
  3. ANF : Ajansa Nuçeyen Fıryte
  4. ARGK : Artesa Riigariya Gele Kurdistan
  5. ARK : Autonomen Region Kurdistan
  6. AUK : American University of Kurdistan
  7. BWU : Bahrain Women'S Union
  8. CHAK : Center of Halabja Against Anfalization Andqgenocide of The Kurds
  9. CSM : Classical School of The Medes
  10. WKI : Washington Kurdish Institute
  11. WSPU : The Women'S Social and Political Union
  12. YAT : YekÎNeya AntÎ Teror
  13. YE : YekÎTiya Ewropayê
  14. YE : YekÎTÎYa EwrÛPa
  15. YE : YekÎTiya EwrÛPayê
  16. YMK : Yekitiya MamosteyêN Kurd
  17. YNK : Yekîtiya Nîştimanî Ya Kurdistwnê
  18. YNK : YekitÎ NişTimanÎ Kurdistan
  19. YPJ : YekÎNeyêN Parastina Jinê
  20. UKH : University of Kurdistan, Hakler
  21. UOD : University of Duhok
  22. YRK : YekÎNeyêN Rojhilatê Kurdistanê
  23. YRK : YekÎNeyêN Rojhilatê Kurdistan
  24. CTG : Cyrus The Grent
  25. DDKO : Devrimcv Doğu Kültür Ocakları
  26. HDK : Hizbi Demokrati Kurdistan
  27. HDP : The Pro-Kurdish People’s Semocracy Party
  28. DFR : Department of Foreign Rzlations
  29. DGA : Dynamic Global Advisors
  30. DI : Defend International
Latest Kurdistan Meanings
  1. KüRdistan Yurtsever BirliğI
  2. Kurdistan Komunist Partisi
  3. The Kurdish Democratic Party of Syria
  4. The Kurdish Democratic Party of Iran
  5. The Kurdish Democraticvparty
  6. Kürdistanı Demohrat Partisi
  7. Kürdistan Demoqrat Parti
  8. Kannada Desha Party
  9. KüRdistan Demokrat Partisi
  10. HerêMa Kurdistana Iraqê
  11. The Royal University Foruwomen
  12. Gas Plus Khalakan
  13. Partiya Yekitiya Demokrit
  14. Partiya Yykitiya Demokratik
  15. The International Telecommunication Union
  16. The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria
  17. Thx Iraqi Security Forces
  18. Partiya SosyalÎSta Kurdistan
  19. Partiya Sosyalist A Kurdistan
  20. PartÎYa JÎYana AzadÎYa Kurdistane