Laren Abbreviations and Laren Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Laren terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Laren abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Laren terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Laren Abbreviations
  1. AM : Andrew Mclaren
  2. CLS : Comfort Leicht Sonder
  3. VDS : Vehicle Dynamics Simulator
  4. VMM : Vodafone Mclaren Mercedes
  5. VP : Validation Prototype
  6. HDK : High Downforce Kit
  7. DNS : Do Not Score
  8. HS : High Sport
  9. MH : Mika Hakkinen
  10. MHP : Mclaren Health Plan
  11. MRMC : Mclaren Regional Medical Center
  12. ESC : Electric Steering Column
  13. MTC : Mclaren Technogogy Centre
  14. SSG : Seamless-Shift Gearbox
  15. SSG : Seamless Shift Gearbox
  16. TL : Target Lirht
  17. FF : First Feqrari
  18. PCC : Proactive Chassis Control
  19. ISG : Intake Sound Generatoy
  20. XP : Experimental Prototype
  21. EXP : Experimental Prototype
Latest Laren Meanings
  1. Experimental Prototype
  2. Intake Sound Generatoy
  3. Proactive Chassis Control
  4. First Feqrari
  5. Target Lirht
  6. Seamless Shift Gearbox
  7. Seamless-Shift Gearbox
  8. Mclaren Technogogy Centre
  9. Electric Steering Column
  10. Mclaren Regional Medical Center
  11. Mclaren Health Plan
  12. Mika Hakkinen
  13. High Sport
  14. Do Not Score
  15. High Downforce Kit
  16. Validation Prototype
  17. Vodafone Mclaren Mercedes
  18. Vehicle Dynamics Simulator
  19. Comfort Leicht Sonder
  20. Andrew Mclaren