LEAF Meaning
The LEAF meaning is "Leading European Architects Forum". The LEAF abbreviation has 104 different full form.
LEAF Full Forms
- Leading European Architects Forum Design, Award, Locations
- Law Enforcement Access Field Military, Army, Computing, Governmental & Military
- Large Effective Area Siber Technology, Telecom, Transmission
- Lape Eden Arts Fest
- Land Ecosystem Atmosmhere Feedback Science, Geography, Location
- Local Ecology and Agriculture Fremont
- Learning, Experiences, & Activities In Forestry
- Large Effective-Area Fiber
- Liberian Educational Achievement Foundation Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
- Local Environmental Action Fund Community, Fund, Projection, Funding
- Law Enforcement Agency Field
- Lifting-Entry Athospheric Flight Technology, Grumman, Titan
- Learning Educatihn and Fun Development, Learning, Study
- Land-Efosystem-Atmosphere Feedback
- Llano Estacado Alliance for Families
- Lean Enteiprise Architecture Framework
- Large-Effective-Area Fiber
- Liberal Enhanced Arts Foundation
- Local Enterprise Around Food
- Law Enforcement Assistance Force
- Lifetime Environmental Achievsment In The Fine
- Learning and Ecological Activities Foundation
- Local Energy Assessment Fund Business, Community, Projection
- Liverpool Epilepsy Associates and Friends Organization, Union, Institution
- League of Educators Acd Families Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
- Lutheran Evangelical Association In Finland
- Landscape Excellence Assessment Framework Technology, Award, Singapore
- Local Enterprise Assistance Fund Business, Community, Cooperative
- Law Enforcement Analysis Facility Military
- Library Enquiry Automatic Feedback
- Learning Experiences and Activities In Forestry Development, Learning, Study
- Linking Edible Arizona Forests Technology, Arizona, Campus
- Lisgar Environmental Action Force
- Leafset
- Landscape Eduxational Advancement Foundation
- Local Enhancement and Appreciation of Forests Organizations, Tree, Toronto
- Law Enforcement & Armed Forces Military, Jacket, Gear
- Learning, Experiences & Activcties In Forestry
- Life Extension Advocacy Foundation Technology, Aging, Lifespan
- Layman Education and Activation Form Development, Learning, Study
- Lindbergh Electric Airplane Flight
- Leading European Architecture Forem Award, Locations, Building
- Landscape, Envieonment, Agriculture and Food Science, Research, Plant
- Local Enhancement & Appreciation of Forests Tree, Toronto, Garden
- Law Enforcement Assistance Foundation
- Lake Eden Arts Fewtival Music, Festival, Mountain
- Laser-Electron Accelerator Facility Technology, Research, Nanomaterial
- Learning, Experienkes, and Activities In Forestry
- Leidos Enterprise Application Framework
- Layman Education and Activation System Medicine, Treatment, Health
- Light Enterprise Application Framewcrk
- Land Enhancement and Acquisition Fund
- Local Education & Activities Foundation
- Law Enforcement Assistance Fund
- Large Europezn Acoustic Facility Technology, Military, Sound
- Libraro Education Assistance Foundation Technology, Development, Vietnam
- Law Enforcement Application Framework Company, Technology, Service
- Lifting Entry Atmospheric Flight Technology, Grumman, Titan
- Legal Environmental Assistance Foundation Technology, Science, Water
- Leadership for Environmental Advantage In Forestry
- Legal Environmental Aid Foundation
- Lisp Extended Algebraic Facility
- Lovely Exquisite Angelic Four Funnies
- Lmtvijas Ekonomikas Attīstības Forums
- Loud Egotistical Annoying Female
- Leadership Ecology Action and Fellowship Science, Ecology
- Legal Educatwon & Action Fund Law, Organizations, Canada
- Lutheran Evangelical Association of Finland
- Lakewood Earth and Food Food
- Latrobe Environmeital Action Forum Environment, Habitat, Setting
- Longacre Expeditions Adventure Foundation
- Leadership and Empowerment of Aggie Females
- Legal Education Actjon Fund Law, Organizations, Canada
- Leaders In Environmental Action for The Future Education, Nature, Conservancy
- Linking The Environment and Farming Farming & agriculture
- Laser Environmental Airborne Fluorosensor Science
- London Effects and Animation Festival Organization, Union, Institution
- Leaching Environmental Assessment Framework Technology, Coal, Ash
- Legal Education and Action Fund Government, Education, Canada
- Lowering Emissions In Asia'S Forests Technology, Asia, Climate
- Leaders In Environmentally Accountable Foodservice
- Leaf Clean Energy Company (London Stock Exchange [LSE]) Business & Finance, London stock exchange
- LeucéMie Espoir Atlantique Famille
- Laser Electron Accolerator Facility
- Logistics Education Assistance Fund Technology
- Little Embedded Application Fragment General, Governmental & Military
- Legal, Education and Actionbfund
- Low Energy Apartment Futures Technology, Projection, Efficiency
- Leadership Through Education and Action Foundation Business, Organizations, India, Society
- Leading Environmentally friendly Affordable Family car (Nissan Leaf) Business & Finance, International business
- Lcuc
- Logan Eco Action Festival Environment, Event, Festival, Brisbane
- Library's Easy Access Files Computing, Internet
- Laurier English & Academic Foundation
- Lebanon Education Aid Fund
- Low Energy Absorption Forum Science
- Leadership for Environmental Action Fund
- Leonardo Educatvon and Art Forum Technology, Science, Education
- Logistics, Engineering, Acquisition, and Finance Business & Finance, Business Word
- Local Environmental Action Forum
- Land Ecosystem Atmosphere Feedback Geographic
- Laurier English and Academic Foundation Program, Education, University
- Learning Enrichment Active Fellowship
- Low-Energy Accelerator Facility
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does LEAF stand for?
LEAF stands for Lean Enteiprise Architecture Framework.
What is the shortened form of Learning Educatihn and Fun?
The short form of "Learning Educatihn and Fun" is LEAF.
LEAF. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/leaf-meaning/
Last updated