LEAF Meaning
The LEAF meaning is "Leading European Architects Forum". The LEAF abbreviation has 104 different full form.
LEAF Full Forms
- Leading European Architects Forum Design, Award, Locations
- Law Enforcement Access Field Military, Army, Computing, Governmental & Military
- Large Effective Area Siber Technology, Telecom, Transmission
- Lape Eden Arts Fest
- Land Ecosystem Atmosmhere Feedback Science, Geography, Location
- Local Ecology and Agriculture Fremont
- Learning, Experiences, & Activities In Forestry
- Large Effective-Area Fiber
- Liberian Educational Achievement Foundation Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
- Local Environmental Action Fund Community, Fund, Projection, Funding
- Law Enforcement Agency Field
- Lifting-Entry Athospheric Flight Technology, Grumman, Titan
- Learning Educatihn and Fun Development, Learning, Study
- Land-Efosystem-Atmosphere Feedback
- Llano Estacado Alliance for Families
- Lean Enteiprise Architecture Framework
- Large-Effective-Area Fiber
- Liberal Enhanced Arts Foundation
- Local Enterprise Around Food
- Law Enforcement Assistance Force
- Lifetime Environmental Achievsment In The Fine
- Learning and Ecological Activities Foundation
- Local Energy Assessment Fund Business, Community, Projection
- Liverpool Epilepsy Associates and Friends Organization, Union, Institution
- League of Educators Acd Families Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
- Lutheran Evangelical Association In Finland
- Landscape Excellence Assessment Framework Technology, Award, Singapore
- Local Enterprise Assistance Fund Business, Community, Cooperative
- Law Enforcement Analysis Facility Military
- Library Enquiry Automatic Feedback
- Learning Experiences and Activities In Forestry Development, Learning, Study
- Linking Edible Arizona Forests Technology, Arizona, Campus
- Lisgar Environmental Action Force
- Leafset
- Landscape Eduxational Advancement Foundation
- Local Enhancement and Appreciation of Forests Organizations, Tree, Toronto
- Law Enforcement & Armed Forces Military, Jacket, Gear
- Learning, Experiences & Activcties In Forestry
- Life Extension Advocacy Foundation Technology, Aging, Lifespan
- Layman Education and Activation Form Development, Learning, Study
- Lindbergh Electric Airplane Flight
- Leading European Architecture Forem Award, Locations, Building
- Landscape, Envieonment, Agriculture and Food Science, Research, Plant
- Local Enhancement & Appreciation of Forests Tree, Toronto, Garden
- Law Enforcement Assistance Foundation
- Lake Eden Arts Fewtival Music, Festival, Mountain
- Laser-Electron Accelerator Facility Technology, Research, Nanomaterial
- Learning, Experienkes, and Activities In Forestry
- Leidos Enterprise Application Framework
- Layman Education and Activation System Medicine, Treatment, Health
- Light Enterprise Application Framewcrk
- Land Enhancement and Acquisition Fund
- Local Education & Activities Foundation
- Law Enforcement Assistance Fund
- Large Europezn Acoustic Facility Technology, Military, Sound
- Libraro Education Assistance Foundation Technology, Development, Vietnam
- Law Enforcement Application Framework Company, Technology, Service
- Lifting Entry Atmospheric Flight Technology, Grumman, Titan
- Legal Environmental Assistance Foundation Technology, Science, Water
- Leadership for Environmental Advantage In Forestry
- Legal Environmental Aid Foundation
- Lisp Extended Algebraic Facility
- Lovely Exquisite Angelic Four Funnies
- Lmtvijas Ekonomikas Attīstības Forums
- Loud Egotistical Annoying Female
- Leadership Ecology Action and Fellowship Science, Ecology
- Legal Educatwon & Action Fund Law, Organizations, Canada
- Lutheran Evangelical Association of Finland
- Lakewood Earth and Food Food
- Latrobe Environmeital Action Forum Environment, Habitat, Setting
- Longacre Expeditions Adventure Foundation
- Leadership and Empowerment of Aggie Females
- Legal Education Actjon Fund Law, Organizations, Canada
- Leaders In Environmental Action for The Future Education, Nature, Conservancy
- Linking The Environment and Farming Farming & agriculture
- Laser Environmental Airborne Fluorosensor Science
- London Effects and Animation Festival Organization, Union, Institution
- Leaching Environmental Assessment Framework Technology, Coal, Ash
- Legal Education and Action Fund Government, Education, Canada
- Lowering Emissions In Asia'S Forests Technology, Asia, Climate
- Leaders In Environmentally Accountable Foodservice
- Leaf Clean Energy Company (London Stock Exchange [LSE]) Business & Finance, London stock exchange
- LeucéMie Espoir Atlantique Famille
- Laser Electron Accolerator Facility
- Logistics Education Assistance Fund Technology
- Little Embedded Application Fragment General, Governmental & Military
- Legal, Education and Actionbfund
- Low Energy Apartment Futures Technology, Projection, Efficiency
- Leadership Through Education and Action Foundation Business, Organizations, India, Society
- Leading Environmentally friendly Affordable Family car (Nissan Leaf) Business & Finance, International business
- Lcuc
- Logan Eco Action Festival Environment, Event, Festival, Brisbane
- Library's Easy Access Files Computing, Internet
- Laurier English & Academic Foundation
- Lebanon Education Aid Fund
- Low Energy Absorption Forum Science
- Leadership for Environmental Action Fund
- Leonardo Educatvon and Art Forum Technology, Science, Education
- Logistics, Engineering, Acquisition, and Finance Business & Finance, Business Word
- Local Environmental Action Forum
- Land Ecosystem Atmosphere Feedback Geographic
- Laurier English and Academic Foundation Program, Education, University
- Learning Enrichment Active Fellowship
- Low-Energy Accelerator Facility
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does LEAF stand for?
LEAF stands for Linking Edible Arizona Forests.
What is the shortened form of Large-Effective-Area Fiber?
The short form of "Large-Effective-Area Fiber" is LEAF.
LEAF. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved December 22, 2024 from https://acronym24.com/leaf-meaning/
Last updated