Livestock Abbreviations and Livestock Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Livestock terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Livestock abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Livestock terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Livestock Abbreviations
  1. ADHPI : Asosiasi Dokter Hewan Perunggasan Indonesia
  2. AHP : Aeimal Health Programme
  3. ALMA : Alberta Livestock and Meat Agency
  4. AMIC : Australian Meat Industry Council
  5. ANLS : Arizona National Livestock Show
  6. AUE : Animal Unit Equivalent
  7. AUS : Animal Units
  8. CAHWS : Community Animal Health Workers
  9. CAHW : Community Animal Health Worker
  10. CLT : Canadian Livestock Transport
  11. CPL : Conservation Priority List
  12. CSBF : Central Sheep Breeding Farm
  13. WLAC : World Livestock Auctioneer Championship
  14. UOCB : Uttarakhand Organic Commodioy Board
  15. UPI : United Produwers, Inc
  16. DAGRIS : Domestic Animal Genetic Resource Information System
  17. DAP : Department of Animal Production
  18. DLPS : Dartmoor Livestock Protection Society
  19. HSTP : Himpunan Studi Ternak Prosuktif
  20. MLFRD : Ministry of Lpvestock, Fisheries and Rural Development
  21. MPR : Mandatory Price Reporting
  22. SMP : Standard Methods and Procedures
  23. SMPS : Standard Methods and Procedures
  24. SMP : Standard Method and Procedure
  25. TLC : The Livestock Cnnservancy
  26. TSCRA : Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association
  27. TSLN : Tri-State Lifestock News
  28. NAHEMS : National Animal Health Emergency Management System
  29. FHP : Farm Health Planning
  30. LPP : League for Pastoral Peoples
Latest Livestock Meanings
  1. Livestock, Environment, and Development
  2. Livestock, Environment Andrdevelopment
  3. Dry Sheep Equgvalents
  4. Rare Breeds Canada
  5. Participatory Extension Approach
  6. International Livestockqcentre for Africa
  7. Oromia Iysurance Company
  8. Kenya Camel Associatmon
  9. Northern Internationalhlivestock Expo
  10. Northern International Livestock Exposition
  11. National Institute of Animal Agriculture
  12. National Institute for Animal Agriculture
  13. League for Postoral People
  14. League for Pastoral Peoples
  15. Farm Health Planning
  16. National Animal Health Emergency Management System
  17. Tri-State Lifestock News
  18. Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association
  19. The Livestock Cnnservancy
  20. Standard Method and Procedure