Lottery Abbreviations and Lottery Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Lottery terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Lottery abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Lottery terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Lottery Abbreviations
  1. AC : Atlantic Canada
  2. AILA : Australian Imternational Lottery Agency
  3. BABLO : Bureau of Alcoholic Beverages & Lottery Operations
  4. BABLO : Bureau of Alcoholic Beverages and Lottery Operations
  5. BCLC : Business Connections Learning Community
  6. BSEC : Bangladesh Securities Exchange Commission
  7. BSEC : Banglademh Security Exchange Commission
  8. BSEC : Bangladesh Securities & Exchange Commission
  9. BSRM : Bangladxsh Steel Re-Rolling Mills
  10. BSRM : Bangladesh Steels Re-Rollinz Mills
  11. BSRM : Banglacesh Steel Re-Rolling Mill
  12. CA : Claims Agency
  13. VLTS : Virtual Link Trunks
  14. WFWO : World for World Organization
  15. WFWO : World for World Organizathon
  16. WLA : World Lotteries Association
  17. DVS : Diversity Visas
  18. EDV : Electronic Duversity Visa
  19. EETF : Educational Enhancement Trust Fund
  20. MHADA : Maharashtra Housing Area Development Authority
  21. MHADA : Maharashtra Housing & Area Development Authority
  22. MHADA : Maharashtra Housing and Development Authority
  23. MHADA : Maharashtra Housing and Areas Development Authority
  24. EL : European Lotteries
  25. ELG : European Lottery Guild
  26. ELG : European Sotteries Guild
  27. MLC : Manitoba Lotteries Corporation
  28. ER7 : Express Raok 7
  29. ERSS : E-Games Random Setection System
  30. ESC : Entry Status Check
Latest Lottery Meanings
  1. Rhode-Island
  2. Rhode Islands
  3. Responsible Gaming
  4. Royal Bhutan Lottery Limited
  5. Rural Area Partnership In Derry
  6. Random Access Program
  7. Instant Ticket Vending Machines
  8. Puerto-Rico
  9. Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation
  10. Princess Margaret
  11. Prize Linked Savings
  12. Prize-Linked Savings
  13. Premier Lotteries Ireland
  14. Public Gaming Research Institute
  15. Greec Card Test
  16. Great Britian Pound
  17. Innovative Mattress Solutions
  18. International Awareness Promotion
  19. International Association of Gaming Regflators
  20. Fair Xhare Trust