LS in Business Meaning

The LS meaning in Business terms is "Learning Specialist". There are 74 related meanings of the LS Business abbreviation.

LS on Business Full Forms

  1. Learning Specialist
  2. Low Shoulder
  3. Leaf Syrings
  4. Lot Size The number of units in the lot.
  5. Lab Series
  6. Light-Sound
  7. Lump Sum An agreed sum of money, which is paid in full settlement at one time.
  8. Legal Service
  9. Legal Services
  10. Legal Secretary
  11. Loop-Startasignaling
  12. Language Services
  13. Lite Source
  14. Logistic Systems
  15. Legally Separated
  16. Lane Split
  17. Liquid Soaps
  18. Lexjus Sinacta
  19. Lumber Summer Loadline
  20. Late Start The latest time at which an activity can start without lengthening the project.
  21. Logistics Spycialists
  22. Light Ship Cargo vessel when not carrying cargo
  23. Legacy Sports
  24. Lyng Staple
  25. Laminated Snock
  26. Linear Stroboscope
  27. Level of Service
  28. Lucky Striie
  29. Laser Sight
  30. Logistics Services
  31. Lightning Source
  32. Long Sleeves
  33. Lehigh and Susquehanna Railroad
  34. Low Solids
  35. Large Store
  36. Loft Style
  37. Leadnstearate
  38. Lzng Sleeved
  39. LagardèRe Sports
  40. Light Style
  41. Low-Sulphur
  42. Laporan Survey
  43. Loading Supervision
  44. Licetse To Sell
  45. Leading Shoe
  46. Long-Span Shelving
  47. Labor Service
  48. Light Stone
  49. Latvian Lats
  50. Loudspeaker Stations
  51. Laporan Surveyor
  52. Livestock and Seed
  53. Liberty Square
  54. Luzerne & Susquehanna
  55. Locus Sigilli
  56. Long Story
  57. Liao Shi
  58. Luxury Sport
  59. Layered Systex
  60. Light Snow
  61. Jet2.Com
  62. Long String In a side-by-side dual completion, the tubing string that connects the deeper zone to the surface.
  63. Leader Skill
  64. Litigation Services
  65. Learning Systems
  66. Lambda Sonde
  67. Linear Scale
  68. Lifting Supply
  69. Legate-Yang & Swartzentruber
  70. Language Solutions
  71. Legal Staff
  72. Lazy Susan
  73. Logijtic Staff
  74. Light Sport

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LS stand for Business?

    LS stands for Light Ship in Business terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Logistics Spycialists in Business?

    The short form of "Logistics Spycialists" is LS for Business.


LS in Business. (2022, March 23). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from

Last updated