LS in Computing Meaning

The LS meaning in Computing terms is "Liga Socialista". There are 34 related meanings of the LS Computing abbreviation.

LS on Computing Full Forms

  1. Liga Socialista
  2. Liechtenstein
  3. Local Single-Layer
  4. Listed Space
  5. List Statistics
  6. Linux Standalone
  7. Least Significant
  8. L Large-scale manufacturing; typically related to biotech or pharmaceutical industries. A symbol used to express inductance. The unit of measure is a "Henry". Denotes lead sheath or light (survey), liter, Left, Coil, inductance, Length, life, fundamental dimension length, Length, Unit lognormal with a mean of l and a standard deviation equal to COV, locality , laughing, or Prefix used to designate a levorotatory enantiomer.
  9. Laser Serial
  10. Language Strver
  11. Listening Skills
  12. Listener Supported
  13. List files
  14. Life Senior Members
  15. Listing Service
  16. Listing Listing A printed copy of program source code. Some compilers and assemblers produce optional assembly list-ings during compilation or assembly. Such listings of code often have additional information such as line numbers, nested block depth, and cross-reference tables. also assembly listing.
  17. Loop-Start Signaling
  18. Language Specialist
  19. List Show
  20. Lightwave Lscript File
  21. Laser Servo (120)
  22. Lista de Serviços
  23. List Shorv
  24. Laurea Specialistica
  25. Left Solenoid
  26. List-Serv
  27. List for Similar
  28. Listening and Speaking
  29. Lever Switch
  30. List Star
  32. Lesotho
  33. Language Sensitive
  34. Loop Start

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LS stand for Computing?

    LS stands for Laser Servo (120) in Computing terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Listening and Speaking in Computing?

    The short form of "Listening and Speaking" is LS for Computing.


LS in Computing. (2022, March 23). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from

Last updated