LS in Healthcare Meaning

The LS meaning in Healthcare terms is "Light Scanning". There are 13 related meanings of the LS Healthcare abbreviation.

LS on Healthcare Full Forms

  1. Light Scanning
  2. Lumbar Spine Lowest section of the spinal column or vertebral column immediately above the sacrum (q.v.).  Located in the small of the back and consisting of five large lumbar vertebrae (q.v.), it is a highly stressed area in work situations and in supporting the body structure.
  3. Leriche Syndrome
  4. Lung Surfactant
  5. Low-Sodium
  6. Lateral Suspensor
  7. Longksleep
  8. Light Sleep
  9. Light-Sensitive, Light Sensitivity
  10. Least
  11. Lower Strength
  12. Linear Scleroderma
  13. Lipid Synthesis

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LS stand for Healthcare?

    LS stands for Lumbar Spine in Healthcare terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Lipid Synthesis in Healthcare?

    The short form of "Lipid Synthesis" is LS for Healthcare.


LS in Healthcare. (2022, March 23). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from

Last updated