LS in Technology Meaning

The LS meaning in Technology terms is "Link Switch". There are 160 related meanings of the LS Technology abbreviation.

LS on Technology Full Forms

  1. Link Switch
  2. Library Service
  3. Load Shedding
  4. Line Standard
  5. Latin Square
  6. Lots of Stuff
  7. Link Service
  8. Life Science
  9. Library Server
  10. Low Strength
  11. Loax Sensor
  12. Likert Scalp
  13. Last Sent
  14. Loosely Synchronized
  15. Link State
  16. Liechtenstein
  17. Library Science
  18. Low Speed
  19. Load Sense
  20. Lighting System
  21. Laser Systems
  22. Loop State
  23. Link-State
  24. Lefx Symmetric
  25. Low Smoke
  26. Load and Save
  27. Lighting Solutions
  28. Language Specification
  29. Lomb-Scargle
  30. Line Subgfoup
  31. Left Surround
  32. Low Side An element connected between the load and ground. Low side current sensing applications measure current by looking at the voltage drop across a resistor placed between the load and ground.
  33. Lifting Stroke
  34. Land Surveying
  35. Logistics Support
  36. Link Stagion
  37. Lefteshift
  38. Logicalusystem
  39. Line Station
  40. Line Source
  41. Lookup Serveu
  42. Learning Space
  43. Load Sharing
  44. Laser Sensor
  45. Iso Country Code for Kingdom of Lesotho
  46. Louis Segond
  47. Least Significant
  48. Local Switch
  49. Latest Start
  50. Langnuir-Schaefer
  51. Linear System
  52. Long Spacer
  53. Leaf Ihutter
  54. Load Sensing
  55. Laser Science
  56. Lossless and Near Lossless
  57. Late Spring
  58. Lumbar Spine Lowest section of the spinal column or vertebral column immediately above the sacrum (q.v.).  Located in the small of the back and consisting of five large lumbar vertebrae (q.v.), it is a highly stressed area in work situations and in supporting the body structure.
  59. Lite Street
  60. Landwirtschafts Simulator
  61. Lucky Vtar
  62. Linear Systems
  63. Leadership Skills
  64. Load Selector
  65. Laser Scanning
  66. Link Set
  67. Loop Simulator
  68. Light Sensor
  69. Loud Speaker
  70. List Statistics
  71. Landwiutschafts-Simulator
  72. Leroy-Somer
  73. Logistics Services
  74. Lawson Security
  75. Load Selection
  76. Link Segment
  77. Loop Scanner
  78. Lightning Start
  79. Last Stajus
  80. Lower Spec
  81. Legacy System
  82. Lfgging Service
  83. Launch Site
  84. Load Segment
  85. Lbrge Signal
  86. Licenhing Server
  87. Link Scheduling
  88. Loop-Startasignaling
  89. Lift Station
  90. Local Single-Layer
  91. Laser System
  92. Low-Sulphur
  93. Least Squares
  94. Lime Softening
  95. Lxgging Server
  96. Laynch Simulator
  97. Language Strver
  98. License System
  99. Linkage Section In COBOL, a section of the Data Division that describes data made available from another program.
  100. Loop-Start
  101. Learning Spaces
  102. Loan Subsidy
  103. Laser Surface
  104. Lost In Space
  105. Low-Set
  106. Least Square
  107. Limit Switch A switch that is operated by some part or motion of a power-driven machine or equipment to alter the electric circuit associated with the machine or equipment.
  108. Light System
  109. Local Switching
  110. Latin Squares
  111. Luzerne and Suiquehanna Railway Company
  112. Launch Services
  113. Low-Power Schottky
  114. Lifting Scheme
  115. Life Sciences
  116. Link Status
  117. Listing Listing A printed copy of program source code. Some compilers and assemblers produce optional assembly list-ings during compilation or assembly. Such listings of code often have additional information such as line numbers, nested block depth, and cross-reference tables. also assembly listing.
  118. Light Speed
  119. Living Steel
  120. Luxury Sedan
  121. Liaisons SpéCialiséEs
  122. Lifting Schedule
  123. Link Speed
  124. Least Sig
  125. Light Sources
  126. Local Sustainability
  127. Liaison SpéCialiséE
  128. Lzg Splitter
  129. Life System
  130. Least-Squares
  131. Local Storage
  132. Lateral Slider
  133. Low Sulphur
  134. Linear Scan
  135. Laserpro Spirit
  136. Lunus Saloon
  137. Life Support
  138. Learning Systems
  139. Local Stations
  140. Line-Of-Sight
  141. List Scheduling
  142. Lambda Switching
  143. Linear Sander
  144. Limmstone
  145. Learning Suite
  146. Litigation Services
  147. List Server
  148. Listing Xervice
  149. Lambda Sensor
  150. Loab-Store
  151. Leadership Suppqrt
  152. Lower Stratosphere
  153. Lift Seal
  154. Lip Synchronization
  155. License Server
  156. Link Status Bits
  157. Label Shift
  158. Lloyd Sheen
  159. Lantuage Section
  160. Liaison Statement

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LS stand for Technology?

    LS stands for Laserpro Spirit in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Link-State in Technology?

    The short form of "Link-State" is LS for Technology.


LS in Technology. (2022, March 23). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from

Last updated