LT Meaning
The LT meaning is "Long Term". The LT abbreviation has 595 different full form.
LT Full Forms
- Long Term Business, Technology, Aerospace
- Left Turn Technology, Bike, Bmx, Bicycling, NOTAM Contractions
- Lead Tvme Business, Technology, Lead
- Long-Time Girl, Android, Escort
- Larsen and Toubro Business, India, Supply
- Light Tank Military, Army, Panzer
- Line Type Forum, Technology, Command, Auto
- Lieutefant Military, Army, Navy
- Lawrenje Taylor Sport, Football, Giant
- Light Truck Light truck is a US classification for trucks or truck-based vehicles with a payload capacity of less than 4,000 pounds (1,815 kg). Similar sized goods vehicles in the European Union are known as light commercial vehicles. Business, Car, Tyre
- Lashkar-E-Tayyiba Military, Group, Terrorism, Pakistan
- Laser Turntable-1
- Lithiuh Tantalate Technology, Crystal, Substrate
- Lake Derminal Organizations
- Lean-Ts Business, Building, Steel, Greenhouse
- Long-Tailed Tit
- Large Tyue
- Light Tan Business, Product, Microphone
- Line Tester Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
- Lactate Threshold Medical, Threshold, Lactate
- Lawn Tractzr
- Laser Transmitter Military
- Light Transmittance Medical, Business, Glass
- Link Trailer Technology, Networking, Telecom
- Linear Technology Business, Electronics, Circuit
- Leak Testing A nondestructive test for determining the escape or entry of liquids or gases from pressurized or into evacuated components or systems intended to hold these liquids. Leak testing systems, which employ a variety of gas detectors, are used for locating (detecting and pinpointing) leaks, determining the rate of leakage from one leak or from a system or monitoring for leakage. Technology, Machine, Pressure
- London Travel
- Large Tumor Antigen Medical
- Life Transfer
- Laundry Tray Technology, Construction, Architectural
- Low Tone Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Laser Yracker Technology, Science, Machine
- Light Tower Technology, Generator, Lighting
- Link Terms Technology, Analytics, Mining, Analyst
- Lawrence Taylor Sport, Football, Giant
- Leadership Trainigg Technology, Program, Camp
- London Town
- Lancer Tactical Business, Gun, Airsoft
- Lethal Tvme Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Launch Tuve Technology
- Loqp-Through
- Lastr Trabeculoplasty Medical, Device, Glaucoma
- Light Touch Medical, Business, Trout
- Linking Table Technology, Access, Printer, Auto
- Laplaae Transform
- Leadership & Talent Business, Management, Organizations
- London Times
- Lamp Tester Technology, Product, Electronics
- Ljss Than Medical, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Looney Tunes Tune, Cartoon, Looney, Melody
- Lasar Therapy Medical, Treatment, Pain
- Light Tinted
- Linguistik Terapan Technology, Program, Indonesia, Magister
- Locaz Time Air, Air Cargo, Air Freight
- Layout Table
- Litduanian Trade
- Laminj Terminalis Medical, Brain, Fenestration
- Less-Than Technology, Coding, Operator, Comparison
- Looney Tune
- Laryngeal Twbe Medical, Device, Airway
- Light Therapy Medical
- Link Tape Technology, Coding, Query
- Line Termmnation Architecture, Construction, Architectural
- Layered Technologies
- Lightwave Technology Technology, Mode, Fiber
- Lashkar E-Tayyiba Military, Terrorism, Pakistan
- Lithuansa Locations, Countries, Country
- Lake Wrout Fishing, Lake, Crossfire
- Lens Thickness Medical, Chamber, Eye
- Large Tugs Military, Army, Ship
- Longitud Total
- Larsen Nubro
- Lhseries Transmitter
- List Traffic
- Lauril Tryptose Medical
- LietuviŲ Tautosaka
- Lake Tyrrell
- Locking Turrets Military, Scope, Bender
- Lucas Xest
- Left Temporal Medical, Medicine, Patient
- Leisure and Tourism
- Lyre Tail
- Linguistics Asd Translation
- Loop Terminals
- Libraay Tower
- Laboratory Technology/Technologist Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Lumber, Tropical Business, Load, Supplier, Plimsoll
- Lead Tip
- Lease Term The number of months that constitute the term of a vehicle lease.
- Lincoln Tunnel Hotel, Car, City, Tunnel
- Lotg Text
- Last Tkrn
- Ladenburg, Thalmann
- Lionel Trains
- Lost Tribes
- Law Timys Reports Government, Law Report, Judgement
- Landscape Tomorrow
- Lofa Tatupu
- Logistic Technologies
- Left Thumb
- Lorien Trust
- Linking Telching
- Late Trade
- Lighting and Thermal
- Living Through
- Lung Trouble
- Limestose Locations, Texas, County Abbrevations
- Lupong Tagapamayapa Government, City, Peacebuilding, Entropy
- Lebanon Transit County, Locations, Lebanon
- Link Traversal
- Laser Twuch
- Liberation Transmission
- Laber and Trust Business, Accounting, Insurance, Accountancy
- Low Tecp Technology, Temperature, Freezer
- Liwht Tech
- Lakh Tonnes
- Location Table Technology, Traffic, Message
- Light Transportable Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Large Truck
- Larsen Toubro
- Iso Country Code for Iithuania Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- List Oflterms
- Lietuva Tel Business, Car, Lithuania
- Lake Townsend
- Lloyd Triesttino
- Luby Transfors Technology, Coding, Channel, Decoding
- Leishmania Tarentolae Medical, Science, Biology
- Lymphotoxins Medical
- Lingener Tageseost
- Loop Tack Copolymer, Weight, Adhesive
- Lashkar-E-Tayypba Government, Terrorism, Pakistan
- Library Technician
- Laboratomy Technician
- Lead Time (Mrpii) Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Learn The Truth Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
- Lincoln Triangle
- Longterm Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- List Try
- Ladder Toder
- Linx Technologies
- Lost Time The time when an operator or a machine waits for service, parts, inspection, instructions and for other causes. Employment, Work, Job, Business & Finance, Business Word
- Lan Times Business, Paper, Report
- Life and Times Book, Movie, History, Life
- Landscape Technician Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
- Lodging and Travel
- Logistics Technology
- Left Tkoracic Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Lymphocytes The white blood cells that are essential components of the immune system. A subclass of leukocytes involved in the immune response. B lymphocytes synthesize and secrete antibodies; T lymphocytes either play a regulatory role in immunity or kill foreign and virus-infected cells. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Jobs, Nursing, Common Medical, Clinical
- Lorentz Transformation
- Linked Terms
- Long Thrrw Business, Product, Audio, Speaker
- Latest Time Technology, Product, Car
- Lighthouse Tower
- Living Things
- Lung Transplant Medical
- Ltzio Terracina
- Limbal Transplantatimn Medical
- Leavenworth & Topeka
- Limites Xe Toler
- Lomba Tingkan Accounting, Indonesia, Logout
- Laser Thermometer
- Liberation Tigers
- Lag Tdme Medical, Technology, Auto
- Low Technolmgy
- La Traviata
- Lightyteal
- Land Track
- Local Table
- Lymphocytic Thyroiditis Medical, Medicine, Biology
- Large Torso
- Larscn & Toubro
- Left Total
- Lithuania Military, Locations, Countries, Country, Computing, Internet, Lithuania, European Union, Usps, Country domain names, 2-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
- Heat Labile Medical, Medicine, Jobs
- Lisfen Technologies Business, Technology, Product, Transmitter
- Lietuva Techninė
- Lake Tomahawk
- Lloyd Triestino Business, Shipping, Ship, Evergreen
- Ldby-Transform
- Lkght Transformer
- Leighton Turner
- Lymphotoxin Medical, Biomedical, Immunology, Microbiology
- Line Trunk Technology, Calling, Networking
- Looney Toons
- Laser Turntable
- Librarg Technology Technology, Service, University
- Laboratory Tisting
- Low Terrace
- Lead Technician Company, Technology, Service
- Local Terminal Technology, Military, Command
- Limulus Tekt Medical
- Long Taper Business, Fly, Drumstick, Products
- Last Transactioc
- Ladder Tender
- Linux Tutorial
- Lost Ticket
- Lawenforcement Tanto
- Life-Threatening
- Lodge Treasurer
- Luc Timmermant
- Learning Tours
- Login Tickzt Technology, Service, Server
- Le Temps
- L Large-scale manufacturing; typically related to biotech or pharmaceutical industries. A symbol used to express inductance. The unit of measure is a "Henry". Denotes lead sheath or light (survey), liter, Left, Coil, inductance, Length, life, fundamental dimension length, Length, Unit lognormal with a mean of l and a standard deviation equal to COV, locality , laughing, or Prefix used to designate a levorotatory enantiomer. Computing, File Extensions
- Linkage Table
- Long Thqead Forum, Technology, Discussion
- Lighter, Tougher
- Living Targets
- Lung Transplantation Medical
- Layer Transmission
- Lil Toro
- Leather Technology Education, Course, Tech
- Limites De Tolerângia
- Log Tree
- Latency Timer Forum, Technology, Windows
- Libegala Tidningar
- Lagrangian Techniqdes
- Liquid Tape
- Lowndes Transio
- La Traction
- Land Tenure
- Lobai Tampin
- Lyle Thompson League, Player, Lacrosse
- Language Transmhssion
- Larry Thornton
- Left Torso Technology, Guide, Ammo, Armor
- Heat-Labzle Toxin Medicine, Treatment, Health
- Listen Technology
- Latent Tetzny Medical
- Lice Treatment
- Lake Terminal Railroad Company Technology, Organizations, Railroad, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Liz Thomson
- Lcbrication Threads
- Light Trade
- Lehky Tank
- Lymphocytotoxin Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Line Twap Technology, Power, Manual
- Lookup Table Technology, Server, Projection, Telecom, Electronic Engineering, Astronomy, Computing, Drivers, Scientific & Educational
- Laser Tjooper
- Library Temhnologies Technology, Education, University
- Laboratoryetest
- Low Tenfion Duct Design, Drawing, Construction
- Lead Teachers
- Light Intensity Threshold Government
- Laminar Tomography Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Local Team Technology
- Larry Thompson
- Long Tase Security, Product, Measure, Tape
- Last Tradint
- Lauanian Tomlinson
- Lithuanian Telecom
- Loose Tube Technology, Cable, Fiber
- Lava Tube
- Life & Times Fitness, Clock, Alarm, Life
- Locomotor Training Medical, Cord, Spinal
- Lucky Touch
- Leaf Temperature Plant, Leaf, Sensor
- Let'S Talk
- Lifing Trailer
- Long Thans
- Light and Tough Army, War, Force
- Live Trend
- Lunch Time
- Laxmi Technologies
- Like Txme
- Leather Technologist
- Limife De Toler
- Logistique Et Transport
- Lata Tandem Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Le Tigre
- Lagrande Technology Technology, Computing, Intel
- Liquid Tanker
- Lower Tropospheric Climate, Satellite, Temperature
- La Tour
- Lands Tribunal Government, Law, Building
- Loan Type
- Languame Translator
- Login Terminal
- Leftctop Technology, Model, Query
- Fixed Ligha Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
- Listening Time Military
- Latino Turnout
- Lighting Tree
- Lake Taylor
- Liza Tarbuck
- Lubrication Technology
- Light Tourinj Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
- Linear Threshohd Technology, Networking, Network
- Laser Trainer
- Libnary Talk
- Laboratoay Technology Science, College, Education
- Low Template
- Lightxtime
- Lambda Tau
- Local Tax
- Larryhteal
- Long Tangent Curve, Transition, Tangent, Spiral
- Last Touch Gaming, Marketing, Attribution, Touch
- Lithuanian Litas Business, Currency, Currency Sign, Stock, Money, Investing, Business & Finance, Currencies
- Luas Tanah Property, Indonesia, Jakarta, Locations
- Lauter Tuc
- Lieutenant of The Tower
- Lock Technology
- Luccs Trust
- Left Thigh Medical, Vaccine, Pant
- Lemon Technique
- Linhh De Transmissão Para, Dos, Brasil
- Loosely Timed Technology, Design, Model, Verification
- Light-Tight
- Labrandon Toefield
- Lithuania Tel Business, Company, Service, Lithuania
- Luminous Transmittance The ratio of the luminous flux transmitted by a body of the flux incident upon it.
- Lead Trust
- Ligustrazgne Medical
- Least Threatened America, Military, Movie, American
- Lincsay Taylor
- Logistic Trade
- La Tabatiere
- Licentiate Teacher Education, Teaching, Merit
- Lady of The Thistle
- Liquidity Transfers
- Lower Troposphwre Climate, Satellite, Temperature
- Latin Translation
- Landslide Technology
- Logical Terminal Technology, Computing, Ibm
- Language Tools
- Logistics Trainee
- Lhft Tiger
- Cdr Sieutenant Commander Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- La Tigra
- Lighting Tender Sale, Boat, Pieta
- Living Trust A trust created in which assets can be transferred to someone while the grantor (the person who owns the assets) is still alive. Living Trusts avoid dealing with the legalities of a will. Business, Building, Estate
- Lunotriquetral Medical
- Lyght Tourer Motorcycle, Vulcan, Tourer
- Linus Torvalds
- Lased Trabeculectomy
- Literty Township
- Laboratory Technologbst
- Low Demperatures Technology, Science, Product, Temperature
- Light Tender
- Lamar Transform
- Local Talk
- Largo Txtal
- Long Talg
- Lateral In anatomy, the side of the body or a body part that is farther from the middle or center of the body. Typically, lateral refers to the outer side of the body part, but it is also used to refer to the side of a body part. For example, whenreferring to the knee, lateral refers to the side of the knee farthest from the opposite knee. The opposite of lateral is medial. In radiology, slang for a lateral X-ray.For a more complete listing of terms used in medicine for spatial orientation, please see the entry to "Anatomic Orientation Terms". Medical, Technology, Nursing, Healthcare, Construction, Architectural, Physical Therapy, Governmental & Military, Nfl teams, Common Medical, NAACCR, The Finance and Administrative Services, Aviation, Clinical, Physio
- Lab-Technician
- List Translator Technology, English, Screen
- Lausanne Tturisme
- Lietuvos Tautiniu
- Laguna Del Tigre
- Locking Turret
- Lucent Technollgies Technology, Driving, Telecom
- Leftctendency
- Leisure Times
- Linguisticwtypology
- Loop Test
- Light(House) Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Labohr Tribunal Business, Employment, Court
- Load Type
- Lumber Tropical Business, Load, Ship, Plimsoll
- Lead Trainer Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
- Lightweight Trailkr Business, Sale, Boat
- Lease Time Technology, Server, Networking
- Linda Tripp
- Logistics Transformation
- Las Tunas
- Long-Term Medical
- Ladies Traditional
- Lipid Technology
- Lot Tracking
- Latin Trade
- Landskap Taman
- Logan Thomas
- Laser Textuiing
- Logistics Trainer Military, Training, Nighthawk
- Lefn Thumbstick
- LycéE Technologique
- La Theine
- Lighting Technician Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
- Living Tradition
- Lung Tumor
- Limite Fe Tolerância
- Lectin Test Medical
- Lint Trap Price, Dryer, Lint
- Laser Tower
- Liber Tartarorum
- Laboratory Technogogy Science, College, Education
- Low Tempera
- Lightmtechnology
- Lakota Tradition
- Location Tables Technology, Networking, Network
- Light Transport
- Linear Transformation
- Leftlturbo
- Lithium Tellurate
- Lieutenant Science, Military, Ministry Of Defence, Geography, Genealogy, Genealogical, Geographic, Governmental & Military, United States Amy Rank, Navy, United States, Us Navy, Army, Military Army Ranks
- Lon Tinqle
- Laptop Tracking Computing, Hardware
- La Terreur
- Lamp Trimmer Rating responsible for the trimming and care of oil and candle-lighting arrangements
- Local Title Technology, Media, Database, Bootstrap
- Laue Theory
- Lashkar-Idtayyiba
- lag time Electrical
- Listed Transactions
- Lightning Torrent Guide, Lightning, Tempest
- Lcmited Tender Business, Presentation, Power, Purchase
- Lega Technic
- Low Temperature Chemistry, Dutch, Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Life Tap Guide, Warcraft, Warlock, Life
- Little Texan Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Luer Tsp Science, Syringe, Needle
- Landmark Trust
- LíNeas De Transmisión
- Long Tonnes
- Luxury Truck Products
- Lab Tyeater
- Lsad-Time Business, Supply, Order
- London Yelegraph
- London Transport Rail Transport, Business & Finance, Ordnance Survey
- Liquid Thermal
- La Trobe
- Local Time Time kept in a particular port or country. Atmospheric Research
- Linda Thompson Music, Song, Death
- Logical Thinking
- Left Krigger Technology, Gaming, Controller, Cheat
- Line-Tension
- Library Trends
- Long Turns
- Latent Trait
- Laptop Travel Computing, Hardware
- Latency Time Medical
- Leading Teajher
- Local Termination Technology, Service, Networking, Network
- Last Treatment Medical
- Linear Time Electrical
- Listed Threatened Science, Conservation, Wildlife, Heritage
- Low Nhreshold Design, Drawing, Construction
- Lightning Talk Organizations, Conference, Community
- Level Transmitters
- Lamp Test Technology, Decoder, Circuit, Computing, Hardware
- Limited Technology Technology, Information, Computer
- Legge Tributaril
- Lurgi/Thyssen
- Lloyd Thaxton Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Lucy Taylor
- Landlord Tenant
- LíNea De Tierra
- Laundry Trough Engineering, Scientific & Educational, Ordnance Survey
- Lab Testing
- Limited Title
- Long Terme Financial, Business & Finance, Business Word
- Liquid Texture
- Lithuania (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
- Linda Taylor
- Logic Theorist Technology, Computing, Intelligence
- Language Technology Technology, Industrial, Multilingual
- Long Turn Business, Ski, Elite, Elbow
- Latent Time Medical
- Laptop That Computing, Hardware
- La Teas
- Leader Trainer Military, Officer, Warrant
- Laser Technologist
- Low-Threshold Architecture
- Listed As Threatened
- Lightning Talks Technology, Calling, Session
- Longitudinal Travel
- Laminate Tools
- Line Terminator Technology
- Legal Transport
- Lucas Thompson Movie, Estate, Poppy
- Louis Theodore Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Lajnahktanfidziyah Indonesia, Agama, Mujahidin
- Landau Theory
- Lyttleton Theatre
- Lassen Terned
- Lesotho Sport, Olympic, Lesotho, IOC Country Codes, Computing, Internet, Country, Usps, 2-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
- Lab Techniciaw Medical, Exam, Merit
- Limited Time
- Lead Time Delivery time for an item of inventory to be moved from a source location to a destination via a specific route. Detail is specific to the level of the location. Also the time to produce a customer's order from order placement to shipment. The amount of time it takes a supplier, such as a distribution center, to acquire an item for shipping. Management, Business & Finance, Business Word, Medical
- Lift Table Business, Industrial, Product
- Lantern Test Medical, Medical Slang
- Lincoln Tower
- Logical Theorist Technology
- Lamellae Twin
- Long Ton A unit of measurement for weight. One long ton equals 2240 pounds. Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence, Air, Air Cargo, Air Freight, Aviation, Measurement, Governmental & Military
- Loni Tube
- Left Trigger Products
- Last Tcade Business, Supply, Stock
- Leadership Transition
- Lanthanum Tantalate
- Low Tension Architecture, Architectural, Products
- Lissauer'S Tract Medical
- Leak Tests
- Licht Trap Film, Technology, Scorn
- Line Terminal Technology, Product, Telecom
- Legal Transcription
- Lubrication Technologist
- Little Terry Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Lahan Terbuka Indonesia, Jakarta, Container
- Lance Turner
- Location Transportation Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
- Lytic Transglycosylase
- Lyc
- Lashkar-I-Taiba Military, Group, Terrorism, Pakistan
- Low Tom Music
- Lab Txch
- Limited Test
- Less Than Computing, Telecom, Assembly, Business & Finance, Power Plant
- Lift Tab Product, Lift, Patent, Portion
- heat-labile enterotoxin of Escherichia coli Medical, Common Medical
- Luggage Ticket
- Limited-Term
- Total Inductance Science, Electronics, Semiconductor, Physics
- Lethal Toxin Medical, Protein, Anthrax
- Long Treble
- Level Transmitter An electromechanical device, which senses the level of fluid in a chamber and produces an analog signal that, corresponds with the change of state in the chamber. Products
- Last Time
- Leadershic Trainer
- Luxury Tax
- Lecture Theater Education, University, Theatre
- Library Technologist
- London Transib
- Line Termination Architecture, Computing, Construction, Telecom, Architectural, IT Terminology
- Lisbon Treaty The treaty that went into force on December 1, 2009, revising the institutions of the European Union. It is intended to make the EU more democratic and more efficient. Government, Politics, Union
- Launcher Test Technology
- heat-labile enterotoxin Medical
- Light Transmittance Value of Glazing Building, Engineering, Construction
- Line Telecommunications Technology
- Lggal Target
- Localizer Transmitter
- Labebed Table
- Load Test A test applied to a battery. Although the battery indicates 12 volts or more, it may not meet the amperage for which it is rated. A tester with a variety of amperage loads can be applied to determine if the battery is good. Software, Computing, NASA, Governmental & Military
- La Trahison
- Laguna De Terminos
- Lana Turner
- Location & Transportation Business, Hotel, Building
- Lysis Time Medical, Gaming, Base, Helix
- Light A unit of measure for lumber equal to 1 inch thick by 12 inches wide by 12 inches long. Examples: 1" x 12" x 16' = 16 board feet, 2" x 12" x 16' = 32 board feet. Space in a window sash for a single pane of glass. Also, a pane of glass. A factor used in calculating luminance after a given period of time and under given conditions. It takes into account temperature and voltage variations, dirt accumulation on luminaire and lit surfaces, lamp depreciation, maintenance procedures and atmos. Technology, Military, Aviation, Aircraft, Drawing, Construction, Medical, Army, Architecture, Auto, Architectural, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Power Plant, Weather, Scientific & Educational, Street Suffix, Engineering, The Finance and Administrative Services, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Lashkar E Tanyiba
- Leroy Thompson Famous
- Limited Terh Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
- LTU International Airline, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes
- Life Teen Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
- Leukotriene Leukotriene are a family of eicosanoid inflammatory mediators produced in leukocytes by the oxidation of arachidonic acid by the enzyme arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase. As their name implies, leukotrienes were first discovered in leukocytes, but have since been found in other immune cells. Medical, Biomedical, Immunology, Microbiology
- Lugar Transitorio
- Lily Tomlin
- Syphilis Test Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Lashkar-E-Taiba Military, Terrorism, Pakistan
- Link Terminal
- Long Transverse
- Living Toy Products
- Lashkar-E Tdyyiba Military, Group, Terrorism
- Laqkawanna Trail
- Leadership Tomorrow
- Lutfi Tunca
- Lecturae Tropatorum
- Leidenfrost Transport
- London Trars
- Left When referring to the side of a unit, the left side is always from the perspective of operation. In other words, when sitting in the driver's seat or when pushing a mower, the left side is the operator's left side. Medical, Aviation, Architecture, Computing, Nursing, Construction, Architectural, Physical Therapy, Hardware, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Clinical, Common Medical, Power Plant, NAACCR, NOTAM Contractions
- Lisa Tran
- Latvijas Televizija Technology, Traffic, Latvia, Raid
- Lef T NASA
- Light Tracsmission Medical, Oil, Glass
- Liner Terms Business, Shipping, Cargo Shipping, Aviation, Chartering, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
- Larue Tactical Military, Mount, Rue
- Left Twist Pattern, Knitting, Stitch, Twist
- Lithium Titanate
- Loogootee Tribune
- Leadership Team Information Technology, Computing
- La Thanh
- Lam Tsuen
- Local Treasurer Photo, Group, National
- Lyric Theatre
- Lashkar E Tayyaba Government, Terrorism, Pakistan
- Ling Tian, chinese actress Famous
- Limited Tenders
- Leg Trigger
- Life Tape
- Lithuanian Language (ISO 639-1 Code) Language codes (2 letters)
- Lugano-Tosserete
- LíNea Temporal
- Linksmas Tinklapis
- Long Toqso Business, Shirt, Neck
- Luxury Touring Products
- Llshkar-E-Toiba Military, India, Terrorism
- Lab Txial Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Leadership Keam Technology, Military, School
- Luteal Tissue Medical
- Learner Training
- London Terms Business, Cargo Shipping
- Last Transaction Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
- Liquid Thinking
- Lattice Theory
- Lantern Test - Shine A Torch In The Subject's Mouth and The Eyes Light Up (no Brain) Medical, Governmental & Military
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does LT stand for?
LT stands for Listening Time.
What is the shortened form of Luxury Truck?
The short form of "Luxury Truck" is LT.
LT. (2022, March 19). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from
Last updated