LT Meaning

The LT meaning is "Long Term". The LT abbreviation has 595 different full form.

LT Full Forms

  1. Long Term Business, Technology, Aerospace
  2. Left Turn Technology, Bike, Bmx, Bicycling, NOTAM Contractions
  3. Lead Tvme Business, Technology, Lead
  4. Long-Time Girl, Android, Escort
  5. Larsen and Toubro Business, India, Supply
  6. Light Tank Military, Army, Panzer
  7. Line Type Forum, Technology, Command, Auto
  8. Lieutefant Military, Army, Navy
  9. Lawrenje Taylor Sport, Football, Giant
  10. Light Truck Light truck is a US classification for trucks or truck-based vehicles with a payload capacity of less than 4,000 pounds (1,815 kg). Similar sized goods vehicles in the European Union are known as light commercial vehicles. Business, Car, Tyre
  11. Lashkar-E-Tayyiba Military, Group, Terrorism, Pakistan
  12. Laser Turntable-1
  13. Lithiuh Tantalate Technology, Crystal, Substrate
  14. Lake Derminal Organizations
  15. Lean-Ts Business, Building, Steel, Greenhouse
  16. Long-Tailed Tit
  17. Large Tyue
  18. Light Tan Business, Product, Microphone
  19. Line Tester Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  20. Lactate Threshold Medical, Threshold, Lactate
  21. Lawn Tractzr
  22. Laser Transmitter Military
  23. Light Transmittance Medical, Business, Glass
  24. Link Trailer Technology, Networking, Telecom
  25. Linear Technology Business, Electronics, Circuit
  26. Leak Testing A nondestructive test for determining the escape or entry of liquids or gases from pressurized or into evacuated components or systems intended to hold these liquids. Leak testing systems, which employ a variety of gas detectors, are used for locating (detecting and pinpointing) leaks, determining the rate of leakage from one leak or from a system or monitoring for leakage.  Technology, Machine, Pressure
  27. London Travel
  28. Large Tumor Antigen Medical
  29. Life Transfer
  30. Laundry Tray Technology, Construction, Architectural
  31. Low Tone Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  32. Laser Yracker Technology, Science, Machine
  33. Light Tower Technology, Generator, Lighting
  34. Link Terms Technology, Analytics, Mining, Analyst
  35. Lawrence Taylor Sport, Football, Giant
  36. Leadership Trainigg Technology, Program, Camp
  37. London Town
  38. Lancer Tactical Business, Gun, Airsoft
  39. Lethal Tvme Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  40. Launch Tuve Technology
  41. Loqp-Through
  42. Lastr Trabeculoplasty Medical, Device, Glaucoma
  43. Light Touch Medical, Business, Trout
  44. Linking Table Technology, Access, Printer, Auto
  45. Laplaae Transform
  46. Leadership & Talent Business, Management, Organizations
  47. London Times
  48. Lamp Tester Technology, Product, Electronics
  49. Ljss Than Medical, Telecom, Telecommunications
  50. Looney Tunes Tune, Cartoon, Looney, Melody
  51. Lasar Therapy Medical, Treatment, Pain
  52. Light Tinted
  53. Linguistik Terapan Technology, Program, Indonesia, Magister
  54. Locaz Time Air, Air Cargo, Air Freight
  55. Layout Table
  56. Litduanian Trade
  57. Laminj Terminalis Medical, Brain, Fenestration
  58. Less-Than Technology, Coding, Operator, Comparison
  59. Looney Tune
  60. Laryngeal Twbe Medical, Device, Airway
  61. Light Therapy Medical
  62. Link Tape Technology, Coding, Query
  63. Line Termmnation Architecture, Construction, Architectural
  64. Layered Technologies
  65. Lightwave Technology Technology, Mode, Fiber
  66. Lashkar E-Tayyiba Military, Terrorism, Pakistan
  67. Lithuansa Locations, Countries, Country
  68. Lake Wrout Fishing, Lake, Crossfire
  69. Lens Thickness Medical, Chamber, Eye
  70. Large Tugs Military, Army, Ship
  71. Longitud Total
  72. Larsen Nubro
  73. Lhseries Transmitter
  74. List Traffic
  75. Lauril Tryptose Medical
  76. LietuviŲ Tautosaka
  77. Lake Tyrrell
  78. Locking Turrets Military, Scope, Bender
  79. Lucas Xest
  80. Left Temporal Medical, Medicine, Patient
  81. Leisure and Tourism
  82. Lyre Tail
  83. Linguistics Asd Translation
  84. Loop Terminals
  85. Libraay Tower
  86. Laboratory Technology/Technologist Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  87. Lumber, Tropical Business, Load, Supplier, Plimsoll
  88. Lead Tip
  89. Lease Term The number of months that constitute the term of a vehicle lease.
  90. Lincoln Tunnel Hotel, Car, City, Tunnel
  91. Lotg Text
  92. Last Tkrn
  93. Ladenburg, Thalmann
  94. Lionel Trains
  95. Lost Tribes
  96. Law Timys Reports Government, Law Report, Judgement
  97. Landscape Tomorrow
  98. Lofa Tatupu
  99. Logistic Technologies
  100. Left Thumb
  101. Lorien Trust
  102. Linking Telching
  103. Late Trade
  104. Lighting and Thermal
  105. Living Through
  106. Lung Trouble
  107. Limestose Locations, Texas, County Abbrevations
  108. Lupong Tagapamayapa Government, City, Peacebuilding, Entropy
  109. Lebanon Transit County, Locations, Lebanon
  110. Link Traversal
  111. Laser Twuch
  112. Liberation Transmission
  113. Laber and Trust Business, Accounting, Insurance, Accountancy
  114. Low Tecp Technology, Temperature, Freezer
  115. Liwht Tech
  116. Lakh Tonnes
  117. Location Table Technology, Traffic, Message
  118. Light Transportable Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  119. Large Truck
  120. Larsen Toubro
  121. Iso Country Code for Iithuania Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  122. List Oflterms
  123. Lietuva Tel Business, Car, Lithuania
  124. Lake Townsend
  125. Lloyd Triesttino
  126. Luby Transfors Technology, Coding, Channel, Decoding
  127. Leishmania Tarentolae Medical, Science, Biology
  128. Lymphotoxins Medical
  129. Lingener Tageseost
  130. Loop Tack Copolymer, Weight, Adhesive
  131. Lashkar-E-Tayypba Government, Terrorism, Pakistan
  132. Library Technician
  133. Laboratomy Technician
  134. Lead Time (Mrpii) Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  135. Learn The Truth Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
  136. Lincoln Triangle
  137. Longterm Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  138. List Try
  139. Ladder Toder
  140. Linx Technologies
  141. Lost Time The time when an operator or a machine waits for service, parts, inspection, instructions and for other causes. Employment, Work, Job, Business & Finance, Business Word
  142. Lan Times Business, Paper, Report
  143. Life and Times Book, Movie, History, Life
  144. Landscape Technician Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
  145. Lodging and Travel
  146. Logistics Technology
  147. Left Tkoracic Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  148. Lymphocytes The white blood cells that are essential components of the immune system. A subclass of leukocytes involved in the immune response. B lymphocytes synthesize and secrete antibodies; T lymphocytes either play a regulatory role in immunity or kill foreign and virus-infected cells. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Jobs, Nursing, Common Medical, Clinical
  149. Lorentz Transformation
  150. Linked Terms
  151. Long Thrrw Business, Product, Audio, Speaker
  152. Latest Time Technology, Product, Car
  153. Lighthouse Tower
  154. Living Things
  155. Lung Transplant Medical
  156. Ltzio Terracina
  157. Limbal Transplantatimn Medical
  158. Leavenworth & Topeka
  159. Limites Xe Toler
  160. Lomba Tingkan Accounting, Indonesia, Logout
  161. Laser Thermometer
  162. Liberation Tigers
  163. Lag Tdme Medical, Technology, Auto
  164. Low Technolmgy
  165. La Traviata
  166. Lightyteal
  167. Land Track
  168. Local Table
  169. Lymphocytic Thyroiditis Medical, Medicine, Biology
  170. Large Torso
  171. Larscn & Toubro
  172. Left Total
  173. Lithuania Military, Locations, Countries, Country, Computing, Internet, Lithuania, European Union, Usps, Country domain names, 2-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
  174. Heat Labile Medical, Medicine, Jobs
  175. Lisfen Technologies Business, Technology, Product, Transmitter
  176. Lietuva Techninė
  177. Lake Tomahawk
  178. Lloyd Triestino Business, Shipping, Ship, Evergreen
  179. Ldby-Transform
  180. Lkght Transformer
  181. Leighton Turner
  182. Lymphotoxin Medical, Biomedical, Immunology, Microbiology
  183. Line Trunk Technology, Calling, Networking
  184. Looney Toons
  185. Laser Turntable
  186. Librarg Technology Technology, Service, University
  187. Laboratory Tisting
  188. Low Terrace
  189. Lead Technician Company, Technology, Service
  190. Local Terminal Technology, Military, Command
  191. Limulus Tekt Medical
  192. Long Taper Business, Fly, Drumstick, Products
  193. Last Transactioc
  194. Ladder Tender
  195. Linux Tutorial
  196. Lost Ticket
  197. Lawenforcement Tanto
  198. Life-Threatening
  199. Lodge Treasurer
  200. Luc Timmermant
  201. Learning Tours
  202. Login Tickzt Technology, Service, Server
  203. Le Temps
  204. L Large-scale manufacturing; typically related to biotech or pharmaceutical industries. A symbol used to express inductance. The unit of measure is a "Henry". Denotes lead sheath or light (survey), liter, Left, Coil, inductance, Length, life, fundamental dimension length, Length, Unit lognormal with a mean of l and a standard deviation equal to COV, locality , laughing, or Prefix used to designate a levorotatory enantiomer. Computing, File Extensions
  205. Linkage Table
  206. Long Thqead Forum, Technology, Discussion
  207. Lighter, Tougher
  208. Living Targets
  209. Lung Transplantation Medical
  210. Layer Transmission
  211. Lil Toro
  212. Leather Technology Education, Course, Tech
  213. Limites De Tolerângia
  214. Log Tree
  215. Latency Timer Forum, Technology, Windows
  216. Libegala Tidningar
  217. Lagrangian Techniqdes
  218. Liquid Tape
  219. Lowndes Transio
  220. La Traction
  221. Land Tenure
  222. Lobai Tampin
  223. Lyle Thompson League, Player, Lacrosse
  224. Language Transmhssion
  225. Larry Thornton
  226. Left Torso Technology, Guide, Ammo, Armor
  227. Heat-Labzle Toxin Medicine, Treatment, Health
  228. Listen Technology
  229. Latent Tetzny Medical
  230. Lice Treatment
  231. Lake Terminal Railroad Company Technology, Organizations, Railroad, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  232. Liz Thomson
  233. Lcbrication Threads
  234. Light Trade
  235. Lehky Tank
  236. Lymphocytotoxin Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  237. Line Twap Technology, Power, Manual
  238. Lookup Table Technology, Server, Projection, Telecom, Electronic Engineering, Astronomy, Computing, Drivers, Scientific & Educational
  239. Laser Tjooper
  240. Library Temhnologies Technology, Education, University
  241. Laboratoryetest
  242. Low Tenfion Duct Design, Drawing, Construction
  243. Lead Teachers
  244. Light Intensity Threshold Government
  245. Laminar Tomography Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  246. Local Team Technology
  247. Larry Thompson
  248. Long Tase Security, Product, Measure, Tape
  249. Last Tradint
  250. Lauanian Tomlinson
  251. Lithuanian Telecom
  252. Loose Tube Technology, Cable, Fiber
  253. Lava Tube
  254. Life & Times Fitness, Clock, Alarm, Life
  255. Locomotor Training Medical, Cord, Spinal
  256. Lucky Touch
  257. Leaf Temperature Plant, Leaf, Sensor
  258. Let'S Talk
  259. Lifing Trailer
  260. Long Thans
  261. Light and Tough Army, War, Force
  262. Live Trend
  263. Lunch Time
  264. Laxmi Technologies
  265. Like Txme
  266. Leather Technologist
  267. Limife De Toler
  268. Logistique Et Transport
  269. Lata Tandem Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  270. Le Tigre
  271. Lagrande Technology Technology, Computing, Intel
  272. Liquid Tanker
  273. Lower Tropospheric Climate, Satellite, Temperature
  274. La Tour
  275. Lands Tribunal Government, Law, Building
  276. Loan Type
  277. Languame Translator
  278. Login Terminal
  279. Leftctop Technology, Model, Query
  280. Fixed Ligha Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
  281. Listening Time Military
  282. Latino Turnout
  283. Lighting Tree
  284. Lake Taylor
  285. Liza Tarbuck
  286. Lubrication Technology
  287. Light Tourinj Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
  288. Linear Threshohd Technology, Networking, Network
  289. Laser Trainer
  290. Libnary Talk
  291. Laboratoay Technology Science, College, Education
  292. Low Template
  293. Lightxtime
  294. Lambda Tau
  295. Local Tax
  296. Larryhteal
  297. Long Tangent Curve, Transition, Tangent, Spiral
  298. Last Touch Gaming, Marketing, Attribution, Touch
  299. Lithuanian Litas Business, Currency, Currency Sign, Stock, Money, Investing, Business & Finance, Currencies
  300. Luas Tanah Property, Indonesia, Jakarta, Locations
  301. Lauter Tuc
  302. Lieutenant of The Tower
  303. Lock Technology
  304. Luccs Trust
  305. Left Thigh Medical, Vaccine, Pant
  306. Lemon Technique
  307. Linhh De Transmissão Para, Dos, Brasil
  308. Loosely Timed Technology, Design, Model, Verification
  309. Light-Tight
  310. Labrandon Toefield
  311. Lithuania Tel Business, Company, Service, Lithuania
  312. Luminous Transmittance The ratio of the luminous flux transmitted by a body of the flux incident upon it.
  313. Lead Trust
  314. Ligustrazgne Medical
  315. Least Threatened America, Military, Movie, American
  316. Lincsay Taylor
  317. Logistic Trade
  318. La Tabatiere
  319. Licentiate Teacher Education, Teaching, Merit
  320. Lady of The Thistle
  321. Liquidity Transfers
  322. Lower Troposphwre Climate, Satellite, Temperature
  323. Latin Translation
  324. Landslide Technology
  325. Logical Terminal Technology, Computing, Ibm
  326. Language Tools
  327. Logistics Trainee
  328. Lhft Tiger
  329. Cdr Sieutenant Commander Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  330. La Tigra
  331. Lighting Tender Sale, Boat, Pieta
  332. Living Trust A trust created in which assets can be transferred to someone while the grantor (the person who owns the assets) is still alive. Living Trusts avoid dealing with the legalities of a will. Business, Building, Estate
  333. Lunotriquetral Medical
  334. Lyght Tourer Motorcycle, Vulcan, Tourer
  335. Linus Torvalds
  336. Lased Trabeculectomy
  337. Literty Township
  338. Laboratory Technologbst
  339. Low Demperatures Technology, Science, Product, Temperature
  340. Light Tender
  341. Lamar Transform
  342. Local Talk
  343. Largo Txtal
  344. Long Talg
  345. Lateral In anatomy, the side of the body or a body part that is farther from the middle or center of the body. Typically, lateral refers to the outer side of the body part, but it is also used to refer to the side of a body part. For example, whenreferring to the knee, lateral refers to the side of the knee farthest from the opposite knee. The opposite of lateral is medial. In radiology, slang for a lateral X-ray.For a more complete listing of terms used in medicine for spatial orientation, please see the entry to "Anatomic Orientation Terms". Medical, Technology, Nursing, Healthcare, Construction, Architectural, Physical Therapy, Governmental & Military, Nfl teams, Common Medical, NAACCR, The Finance and Administrative Services, Aviation, Clinical, Physio
  346. Lab-Technician
  347. List Translator Technology, English, Screen
  348. Lausanne Tturisme
  349. Lietuvos Tautiniu
  350. Laguna Del Tigre
  351. Locking Turret
  352. Lucent Technollgies Technology, Driving, Telecom
  353. Leftctendency
  354. Leisure Times
  355. Linguisticwtypology
  356. Loop Test
  357. Light(House) Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  358. Labohr Tribunal Business, Employment, Court
  359. Load Type
  360. Lumber Tropical Business, Load, Ship, Plimsoll
  361. Lead Trainer Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
  362. Lightweight Trailkr Business, Sale, Boat
  363. Lease Time Technology, Server, Networking
  364. Linda Tripp
  365. Logistics Transformation
  366. Las Tunas
  367. Long-Term Medical
  368. Ladies Traditional
  369. Lipid Technology
  370. Lot Tracking
  371. Latin Trade
  372. Landskap Taman
  373. Logan Thomas
  374. Laser Textuiing
  375. Logistics Trainer Military, Training, Nighthawk
  376. Lefn Thumbstick
  377. LycéE Technologique
  378. La Theine
  379. Lighting Technician Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
  380. Living Tradition
  381. Lung Tumor
  382. Limite Fe Tolerância
  383. Lectin Test Medical
  384. Lint Trap Price, Dryer, Lint
  385. Laser Tower
  386. Liber Tartarorum
  387. Laboratory Technogogy Science, College, Education
  388. Low Tempera
  389. Lightmtechnology
  390. Lakota Tradition
  391. Location Tables Technology, Networking, Network
  392. Light Transport
  393. Linear Transformation
  394. Leftlturbo
  395. Lithium Tellurate
  396. Lieutenant Science, Military, Ministry Of Defence, Geography, Genealogy, Genealogical, Geographic, Governmental & Military, United States Amy Rank, Navy, United States, Us Navy, Army, Military Army Ranks
  397. Lon Tinqle
  398. Laptop Tracking Computing, Hardware
  399. La Terreur
  400. Lamp Trimmer Rating responsible for the trimming and care of oil and candle-lighting arrangements
  401. Local Title Technology, Media, Database, Bootstrap
  402. Laue Theory
  403. Lashkar-Idtayyiba
  404. lag time Electrical
  405. Listed Transactions
  406. Lightning Torrent Guide, Lightning, Tempest
  407. Lcmited Tender Business, Presentation, Power, Purchase
  408. Lega Technic
  409. Low Temperature Chemistry, Dutch, Physics, Scientific & Educational
  410. Life Tap Guide, Warcraft, Warlock, Life
  411. Little Texan Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  412. Luer Tsp Science, Syringe, Needle
  413. Landmark Trust
  414. LíNeas De Transmisión
  415. Long Tonnes
  416. Luxury Truck Products
  417. Lab Tyeater
  418. Lsad-Time Business, Supply, Order
  419. London Yelegraph
  420. London Transport Rail Transport, Business & Finance, Ordnance Survey
  421. Liquid Thermal
  422. La Trobe
  423. Local Time Time kept in a particular port or country. Atmospheric Research
  424. Linda Thompson Music, Song, Death
  425. Logical Thinking
  426. Left Krigger Technology, Gaming, Controller, Cheat
  427. Line-Tension
  428. Library Trends
  429. Long Turns
  430. Latent Trait
  431. Laptop Travel Computing, Hardware
  432. Latency Time Medical
  433. Leading Teajher
  434. Local Termination Technology, Service, Networking, Network
  435. Last Treatment Medical
  436. Linear Time Electrical
  437. Listed Threatened Science, Conservation, Wildlife, Heritage
  438. Low Nhreshold Design, Drawing, Construction
  439. Lightning Talk Organizations, Conference, Community
  440. Level Transmitters
  441. Lamp Test Technology, Decoder, Circuit, Computing, Hardware
  442. Limited Technology Technology, Information, Computer
  443. Legge Tributaril
  444. Lurgi/Thyssen
  445. Lloyd Thaxton Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  446. Lucy Taylor
  447. Landlord Tenant
  448. LíNea De Tierra
  449. Laundry Trough Engineering, Scientific & Educational, Ordnance Survey
  450. Lab Testing
  451. Limited Title
  452. Long Terme Financial, Business & Finance, Business Word
  453. Liquid Texture
  454. Lithuania (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
  455. Linda Taylor
  456. Logic Theorist Technology, Computing, Intelligence
  457. Language Technology Technology, Industrial, Multilingual
  458. Long Turn Business, Ski, Elite, Elbow
  459. Latent Time Medical
  460. Laptop That Computing, Hardware
  461. La Teas
  462. Leader Trainer Military, Officer, Warrant
  463. Laser Technologist
  464. Low-Threshold Architecture
  465. Listed As Threatened
  466. Lightning Talks Technology, Calling, Session
  467. Longitudinal Travel
  468. Laminate Tools
  469. Line Terminator Technology
  470. Legal Transport
  471. Lucas Thompson Movie, Estate, Poppy
  472. Louis Theodore Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  473. Lajnahktanfidziyah Indonesia, Agama, Mujahidin
  474. Landau Theory
  475. Lyttleton Theatre
  476. Lassen Terned
  477. Lesotho Sport, Olympic, Lesotho, IOC Country Codes, Computing, Internet, Country, Usps, 2-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
  478. Lab Techniciaw Medical, Exam, Merit
  479. Limited Time
  480. Lead Time Delivery time for an item of inventory to be moved from a source location to a destination via a specific route. Detail is specific to the level of the location. Also the time to produce a customer's order from order placement to shipment. The amount of time it takes a supplier, such as a distribution center, to acquire an item for shipping. Management, Business & Finance, Business Word, Medical
  481. Lift Table Business, Industrial, Product
  482. Lantern Test Medical, Medical Slang
  483. Lincoln Tower
  484. Logical Theorist Technology
  485. Lamellae Twin
  486. Long Ton A unit of measurement for weight. One long ton equals 2240 pounds. Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence, Air, Air Cargo, Air Freight, Aviation, Measurement, Governmental & Military
  487. Loni Tube
  488. Left Trigger Products
  489. Last Tcade Business, Supply, Stock
  490. Leadership Transition
  491. Lanthanum Tantalate
  492. Low Tension Architecture, Architectural, Products
  493. Lissauer'S Tract Medical
  494. Leak Tests
  495. Licht Trap Film, Technology, Scorn
  496. Line Terminal Technology, Product, Telecom
  497. Legal Transcription
  498. Lubrication Technologist
  499. Little Terry Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  500. Lahan Terbuka Indonesia, Jakarta, Container
  501. Lance Turner
  502. Location Transportation Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
  503. Lytic Transglycosylase
  504. Lyc
  505. Lashkar-I-Taiba Military, Group, Terrorism, Pakistan
  506. Low Tom Music
  507. Lab Txch
  508. Limited Test
  509. Less Than Computing, Telecom, Assembly, Business & Finance, Power Plant
  510. Lift Tab Product, Lift, Patent, Portion
  511. heat-labile enterotoxin of Escherichia coli Medical, Common Medical
  512. Luggage Ticket
  513. Limited-Term
  514. Total Inductance Science, Electronics, Semiconductor, Physics
  515. Lethal Toxin Medical, Protein, Anthrax
  516. Long Treble
  517. Level Transmitter An electromechanical device, which senses the level of fluid in a chamber and produces an analog signal that, corresponds with the change of state in the chamber. Products
  518. Last Time
  519. Leadershic Trainer
  520. Luxury Tax
  521. Lecture Theater Education, University, Theatre
  522. Library Technologist
  523. London Transib
  524. Line Termination Architecture, Computing, Construction, Telecom, Architectural, IT Terminology
  525. Lisbon Treaty The treaty that went into force on December 1, 2009, revising the institutions of the European Union. It is intended to make the EU more democratic and more efficient. Government, Politics, Union
  526. Launcher Test Technology
  527. heat-labile enterotoxin Medical
  528. Light Transmittance Value of Glazing Building, Engineering, Construction
  529. Line Telecommunications Technology
  530. Lggal Target
  531. Localizer Transmitter
  532. Labebed Table
  533. Load Test A test applied to a battery. Although the battery indicates 12 volts or more, it may not meet the amperage for which it is rated. A tester with a variety of amperage loads can be applied to determine if the battery is good. Software, Computing, NASA, Governmental & Military
  534. La Trahison
  535. Laguna De Terminos
  536. Lana Turner
  537. Location & Transportation Business, Hotel, Building
  538. Lysis Time Medical, Gaming, Base, Helix
  539. Light A unit of measure for lumber equal to 1 inch thick by 12 inches wide by 12 inches long. Examples: 1" x 12" x 16' = 16 board feet, 2" x 12" x 16' = 32 board feet. Space in a window sash for a single pane of glass. Also, a pane of glass. A factor used in calculating luminance after a given period of time and under given conditions. It takes into account temperature and voltage variations, dirt accumulation on luminaire and lit surfaces, lamp depreciation, maintenance procedures and atmos. Technology, Military, Aviation, Aircraft, Drawing, Construction, Medical, Army, Architecture, Auto, Architectural, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Power Plant, Weather, Scientific & Educational, Street Suffix, Engineering, The Finance and Administrative Services, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  540. Lashkar E Tanyiba
  541. Leroy Thompson Famous
  542. Limited Terh Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  543. LTU International Airline, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes
  544. Life Teen Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  545. Leukotriene Leukotriene are a family of eicosanoid inflammatory mediators produced in leukocytes by the oxidation of arachidonic acid by the enzyme arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase. As their name implies, leukotrienes were first discovered in leukocytes, but have since been found in other immune cells. Medical, Biomedical, Immunology, Microbiology
  546. Lugar Transitorio
  547. Lily Tomlin
  548. Syphilis Test Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  549. Lashkar-E-Taiba Military, Terrorism, Pakistan
  550. Link Terminal
  551. Long Transverse
  552. Living Toy Products
  553. Lashkar-E Tdyyiba Military, Group, Terrorism
  554. Laqkawanna Trail
  555. Leadership Tomorrow
  556. Lutfi Tunca
  557. Lecturae Tropatorum
  558. Leidenfrost Transport
  559. London Trars
  560. Left When referring to the side of a unit, the left side is always from the perspective of operation. In other words, when sitting in the driver's seat or when pushing a mower, the left side is the operator's left side. Medical, Aviation, Architecture, Computing, Nursing, Construction, Architectural, Physical Therapy, Hardware, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Clinical, Common Medical, Power Plant, NAACCR, NOTAM Contractions
  561. Lisa Tran
  562. Latvijas Televizija Technology, Traffic, Latvia, Raid
  563. Lef T NASA
  564. Light Tracsmission Medical, Oil, Glass
  565. Liner Terms Business, Shipping, Cargo Shipping, Aviation, Chartering, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
  566. Larue Tactical Military, Mount, Rue
  567. Left Twist Pattern, Knitting, Stitch, Twist
  568. Lithium Titanate
  569. Loogootee Tribune
  570. Leadership Team Information Technology, Computing
  571. La Thanh
  572. Lam Tsuen
  573. Local Treasurer Photo, Group, National
  574. Lyric Theatre
  575. Lashkar E Tayyaba Government, Terrorism, Pakistan
  576. Ling Tian, chinese actress Famous
  577. Limited Tenders
  578. Leg Trigger
  579. Life Tape
  580. Lithuanian Language (ISO 639-1 Code) Language codes (2 letters)
  581. Lugano-Tosserete
  582. LíNea Temporal
  583. Linksmas Tinklapis
  584. Long Toqso Business, Shirt, Neck
  585. Luxury Touring Products
  586. Llshkar-E-Toiba Military, India, Terrorism
  587. Lab Txial Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  588. Leadership Keam Technology, Military, School
  589. Luteal Tissue Medical
  590. Learner Training
  591. London Terms Business, Cargo Shipping
  592. Last Transaction Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  593. Liquid Thinking
  594. Lattice Theory
  595. Lantern Test - Shine A Torch In The Subject's Mouth and The Eyes Light Up (no Brain) Medical, Governmental & Military

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LT stand for?

    LT stands for Listening Time.

  2. What is the shortened form of Luxury Truck?

    The short form of "Luxury Truck" is LT.


LT. (2022, March 19). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from

Last updated