LT in Business Meaning

The LT meaning in Business terms is "Long Term". There are 34 related meanings of the LT Business abbreviation.

LT on Business Full Forms

  1. Long Term
  2. Lead Tvme
  3. Lean-Ts
  4. Leadership & Talent
  5. Light Truck Light truck is a US classification for trucks or truck-based vehicles with a payload capacity of less than 4,000 pounds (1,815 kg). Similar sized goods vehicles in the European Union are known as light commercial vehicles.
  6. Larsen and Toubro
  7. Light Transmittance
  8. Lancer Tactical
  9. Light Touch
  10. Linear Technology
  11. Light Tan
  12. Laber and Trust
  13. Lumber, Tropical
  14. Lightweight Trailkr
  15. Lloyd Triestino
  16. Living Trust A trust created in which assets can be transferred to someone while the grantor (the person who owns the assets) is still alive. Living Trusts avoid dealing with the legalities of a will.
  17. Lietuva Tel
  18. Lithuania Tel
  19. Long Thrrw
  20. Lithuanian Litas
  21. Lan Times
  22. Lisfen Technologies
  23. Long Taper
  24. Labohr Tribunal
  25. Lumber Tropical
  26. Location & Transportation
  27. Liner Terms
  28. Long Turn
  29. Lift Table
  30. Last Tcade
  31. Long Toqso
  32. Lsad-Time
  33. London Terms
  34. Lcmited Tender

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LT stand for Business?

    LT stands for Lithuania Tel in Business terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Linear Technology in Business?

    The short form of "Linear Technology" is LT for Business.


LT in Business. (2022, March 19). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from

Last updated